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What is the one idea that did the most damage in history?
Note, idea, not ideology: it needs to fit into a single sentence
"All these people are stupid; I bet I can convince them to make me their leader".
>What is the one idea that did the most damage in history?

The anti-histories. The entire OT has to be thrown out, for example.
Christianity, it outright destroyed native white spirituality to the point they can't even go back.
Christianity is a collection of ideas, not a single idea. There's the Trinity, the idea of a unique son of god, the idea of extending Judaism to the entire world, the idea of a Judgment Day, etc.
War is a good thing and should be leveraged and preferred over economic cooperation.

"Personal responsibility".
>"The natural state of Man is Good."
I'll never forgive that faggot Rousseau for purposefully fabulating that much in order to justify his nerdboners for Genoa
he fucking ruined Europe several times over
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Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura
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>What is the one idea that did the most damage in history?
That Christianity is or ever has been for anyone but white people.
All people are (created) equal
Pretty much anything that could come out of the axial age, but most significantly a shift from immanent concerns to transcendent ones.
>There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Christianity has always been proto-liberalism
"I need more"
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>for you (Galatians) are all one in Christ Jesus
Holy based
"All men are created equal"
How does this change the meaning?
In modern times the interpretation was changed to include people who it never was meant to apply to.
Christianity: "the conviction that Jesus is the son of god and the Bible is his word.". So, 1 sentence, any other criteria?
There were provisions less than a millennia after its foundation that included Christianizing literal beastmen like the Cynocephalus, outlining the prerequisites of a suitable follower being any group capable of espousing reason, and I quote
>"humans can be distinguished from beasts only by reason. From these things, a rational soul would seem to be in those of which we speak; they would seem to be regarded as humans rather than beasts" - Epistola de Cynocephalis
Thus, even before any schisms occurred, the intent was always to try and Christianize anything capable of a vaguely humanoid society, be it man, pygmy, or aborigine.
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Yes, that is why we feed them juice and crackers, so that they can come into the Church and serve us. But that was never a good idea and today they dropped all pretense of distinguishing a difference between people.
This. Semites have real history everyone else is faking and coming up with forgeries. Also Semites are the best citizens. (Semites are Jews not Arabs or Palestinians)
That good and evil are not social constructs.
"Let's bring African slaves to our colonies for free labor"
Woodrow Wilson and the concept of a right to "national self-determination", an ambiguous phrase that can be turned into anything and has wrought endless strife on the world.
It became severely corrupted
Human rights are a social construct
All laws are social constructs
That people are equal.
"Equality is good"
Fuck u bitch I wanted to say it first
>these inbred tribes of mentally ill desert savages are actually God's chosen people

Mainly these two
Entertaining the supernatural, bar none.
Universal suffrage.
hand bra jeans
Sure anon, all those atheistic communist countries were Heaven on Earth

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