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Why are Japanese hesitant to convert to Christianity?

What in their culture makes it hard to accept Christ

I wish to convert them because the thought of millions of Japanese burning in hell hurts my heart
Christianity and the abrahamic religions are false while shinto and other "pagan" beliefs are true
The japanese are too intelligent to start believing in false things
christians worship the devil, and the japanese are too smart for that
How are pagan beliefs true ? They’re schizophrenic and couldn’t be considered a religion
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The branch of their religion which became Shinto is split off from the same stream which gave rise to the indigenous European belief systems as well. All such systems sharing certain fundamental beliefs regarding the creation of their people occurring when the/a divine being(s) mated with the mortals to form their race. The Christ is the unification of all such people who are of divine lineage for their salvation, ascendance and dominion over all of God's creation.

Of course in these days the good news of the Lord is no longer taught because the denominations of the Christ's church have mostly all fallen to the Enemy.
Social stigma
In eastern cultures, pariahdom and martyrdom is NOT glorified.
To put you into context, when there were suicide charges against the Americans in WWII, most obv. Were joining in because they thought they'd get tortured to death either by the Americans (because of propaganda) or their own high command. But there was a portion that did it because their high command said it was the Will of the Divine Emperor, the literal god on Earth at the time for them. The difference, y'see, between the Japanese will to die for the Ten-ō and the martyrs dying for their faith in Christ wasn't that they sought to proclaim his divinity to his enemies, or glorify his will through death, but that they'd think they would be eternally punished in the afterlife BY HIM if they didn't. In contrast, the Early Church Fathers were clear that martyrdom was going above and beyond what was required of you and that — while yes, it's cool if it's for Jesus — the act in itself was a fucking travesty to have to even happen in the first place.
tl;dr eastern cultures are just really not into outcast, pariah or social fringe acceptance from the word go and that kind of slows it tremendously
why just the japanese, do you not feel the same sadness for the sentinelese?
I wonder if their work culture of having to spend 12+ hour days, 6 days a week, makes having to spend Sunday morning at a church, and feeling pressured to make donations when the cost of living is already so high makes Christianity undesirable.

Japanese shrines at least can fund themselves via tourism and it's a cultural thing to visit during New Years and other holidays, but it's extremely low demand compared to weekly Christian visits. Most Japanese are atheist/agnostic but still celebrate culturally relevant holidays like Obon.
They did not receive the circumcision performed by God upon His people for their salvation by the Christ.
now this is some premier larp.
I cannot imagine anything more schizophrenic than the belief that a brown, hook-nosed rabbi from the Levant who may or may not have existed 2000 years ago had magic powers and will save you after death.
>Believe in my savior
>Believe in my gender
>Please entertain my mental illness
No different than aggressive trannies
Jesus is 100% nordic Aryan, God is R1b Aryan
If you met a nip they are so dead and glossed over like some computer program or demon has taken over. They are the kind of people you cannot help and they get fixed and glued to a mindset they live for until they die and are not willing to be helped
There was a Japanese mentally ill girl expat shut-in in England who mummified herself
THIS is schizophrenia
>not japanese who have the worst incel freaks of nature
>the thought of millions of Japanese burning in hell hurts my heart
then why do you want them to become christians?
I watched a documentary about it but don't know much myself. Iirc there was a bad cult that makes Christianity have bad stigma now. Also Christianity was murdered almost completely out by the government not too long ago in history. Also the heads of clans live isolated in the countryside, while the less influential and propertyless family members in the extended family move to the cities, where the only focus of churches and evangelism is. Converting a social outcast in the family doesn't change the whole family, who are still under the clan leader who holds to old pagan traditions and ancestor worship. So the extended family members can't convert without being outcasts in their family. I think it's not financially or manpower-feasible to fund missionaries into the countryside the same way as in the Philippines or somewhere like that, where it's wide open for conversions

To be effective, you'd almost have to be led by God and do what Patrick did to win Ireland in one generation. Walking the countryside alone, as a more full disciple of Jesus as He originally taught, preaching to the clan heads directly as much as possible.

In the documentary they did say that individuals who played instruments and sang gospel music in tiny groups was an allure to other Japanese, and that many converted because they heard the music and were invited to the practice meetings, and that was the open door for the gospel.

I wonder sometimes about witnessing to Yakuza, though I know almost nothing about them
They are too closed and cold people
Its like why electron atoms will never be in a proton charged space. Because they were never charged like that in the first place and could never change
You can’t confuse westernize ones or educated ones with those who chose to stuck themselves in one place and one set of beliefs all the time
Why would believing in older religions that claim less silly bullshit be schizo. Just the fact that Abrahamic religions arent particularly old makes them suspected
>How are pagan beliefs true?
Well, we start by admiting that Christianity is a pagan belief too. we can work from that
>Converting a social outcast in the family doesn't change the whole family, who are still under the clan leader who holds to old pagan traditions and ancestor worship. So the extended family members can't convert without being outcasts in their family
I see. so the strategy of converting outcasts then out the government doesn't work in japan
I mean the empower literally admitted he wasn't God, I don't see how you could say it's a true religion when the leader of that religion himself says that it's false and that he lied.
>literally admitted he wasn't God
didn't Christ admit the same?
No, he didn't. Even if he did though, it would change nothing about what the emperor said, it would just make both religions false.
Stupid fucking retard.
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The same could be said about any religion or mystical tradition, and if you look at a collection of poems and myths and dismiss them as schizobabble without trying to figure out the underlying meaning of the prose, the metaphor, and the symbolism, you're just lazy and too used to reading the kind of western philosophy that gets spoonfed to you via simple, direct, unadorned English.
You tripfags are something else. Was mom too busy watching TV while high on prescription tablets to pay attention to you as a kid? Is that why you say such stupid shit?
They are too smart for Jewish lies, also Jews cannot mimicry as Japanese and subvert them from th inside. For Japanese Christianity preacher looks strictly alien.

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