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What were they?
Did Hitler ever criticize the model and practices of private equity firms?

What about Gadaffi or Putin?
His criticism was solely focused on International forces (the implicit Anglo-American Empire) being able to enter deep into a country like Germany and taking control of it‘s resources and being able to influence politics and institutions inside the country. That is what he means, when he criticizes Capitalism or „International Finance“. He regarded the political system, which he called the Weimar Republic, as incapable of freeing itself from this power relationship. He didn’t have a problem with big Capitalist families like Krupp, whose ancestors even 500 years ago already worked in the arms industry, being recognized as the owners of their property, which they have accumulated over the centuries. So in an American sense he was for property rights. I don’t like that term, because it implies the government generously grants the people a right or privilege, while in reality people owned things long before the existence of governments in the modern sense. So it’s more accurate to say that they recognize he rightful property of people. He definitely would not be against the concept of a private equity firm. In fact many high-leading National Socialists used their power to start businesses and organizations. The SS was an organization with government power, but they also started many businesses. Like a business to create their ceremonial daggers and many others. It wasn‘t an inefficient, centralized system, but one where men of great ambition and vision had the freedom to shape the world according to their will. In that sense they were the closest thing in modern times to the Roman Republic, which also had a similar thing going on, where many Patricians had their own private Empires going on. One guy had many loyal Legions to his name and free reign over a province he governed, The other one had dozens of private client-kings in Asia. Others owned lots of property and farms in and around Rome.
No, he criticized "capitalism" because it satisfies the needs and wants of individual people (consumers) - and not the "nation" . He only allowed "private business" as long as it followed the orders of the state and fulfilled plans of central authority.
It still beats a full retard communism actually as it uses business professionals to fulfill his wants instead of just getting rid of them (which shuts down an economic productivity completely); but only slightly if actual well-being of the citizens is concerned.

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