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>amerilards are hypocrites
yeah tell us something we don't know
white people can't build chips anymore.
americans are taking credit for what the chinks in Taiwan are doing as american vassals but at the end of the day they are chinks and not whites.
Nvidia are a bunch of chinks, so are Taiwan semiconductor companies
Does China have a military base on Taiwanese soil? Are Taiwanese fleeing to China on leaky inner-tubes for a chance at a better life?
Does the USA claim Cuba as US territory?
Does West Taiwan effectively embargo Formosa rendering it an impoverished backwards turdie shithole?
USA hasn't been interested in invading Cuba since 1962. China has been LARPing that Taiwan is there land since 1949 and counting.
I support both being independent.
Like 50 years ago.
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I support an independent Cuba, but I still think it's funny how America owns Guantanamo to this very day
are there soviet missles in cuba?
>Does the USA claim Cuba as US territory?
Once, it's how they got Guantanamo to begin with.
a hispanic mutt posted the OP.
Why don't humanities faggots stick with gender studies and try not to take on macroeconomics? They're barely smart enough to make change at their Starbucks for a frapuccino.
You need a Cuban next to the american
are there US missiles in taiwan?
Straw man thread
why would there be american missiles in taiwan?
retarded bunker tranny thread
>US still has lease in Guantanamo

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