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Why does the USA outsource so many jobs?

Every day, I traverse these empty streets, feeling the weight of a broken economy on my shoulders. It's not just the physical decay that's depressing; it's the constant reminder that we were abandoned by those who prioritized profit over people. This town is a testament to the devastating impact of outsourcing and the loss of American jobs. I hate it here because it represents a future that was stolen from us, leaving nothing but ruins and shattered lives.
how do you think US got those jobs in the first place? people who built the world are abandoning you
Just cause some 85 IQ nigger is born on this soil, he does not deserve to make 50k
or any money frankly speaking
because rich people make more money from that.
like it or not, the entire reason america is a nonwhite country is because rich people want cheaper labor so they imported people.
in 1870 they imported the chinks and you should remember how the chinks stole jobs from the Irish and got beaten for it. If one guy hires chinese labor he can sell cheaper metal than the guy who hires only whites forcing the guy who hires whites to hire chink labor.
>Why does the USA outsource so many jobs?
Do you even have to fucking ask? Bottom line.
The 1973 oil crisis was the end of the post war US economic boom, the rest of the world had rebuilt their production infrastructure and was hauling fucking ass, including a few nobody expected, like the japanese. The japs built shit to the nearly the same quality as the americans for half the fucking price and underbid everyone. Americans and Europeans went for japanese products instead of american. To compete, americans had to drop their prices and the only way they could do that was to move most if not all production to japan, china, taiwan and indionesia and just import their own shit instead.

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