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File: vikings.png (753 KB, 712x1165)
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What went so fucking wrong Viking bros?
Vkings largley adopted Christianity because it was better for them to trade like that what else do you think it was
>B-but le based raids for Valhalla
They didnt care lmao only a fag would choose a life of raiding over a comfy live as a trader and since being a Christian makes this easier they adopted it
Well at least the missus seems to approve
the missus IS the reason
Vikings still raided and killed each other after their conversion
One of the first missionaries to Iceland killed three men before fleeing Iceland
File: celsus.png (1.39 MB, 596x3147)
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The “missus” is a slave kidnapped from Britain.
Comic is inaccurate, pagan Norsemen were better groomed than Christian Anglo-Saxons.
How the FUCK did those vikings acquire full plate armor 600 years before It became a thing
>Best Old Norse textbook
Old Icelandic : an introductory course
Available for free here
>Good reader
Introduction to Old Norse by E. V. Gordon
This contains a number of texts with useful notes on the texts and a good glossary on the back which helps you identify meanings much more quickly
>Dictionary for Old Norse
>Old Norse texts
Study Old Norse!
Btw the Viking Society for Northern Research also has a lot of texts available often with good glossaries and notes
This is a good document for learning about Old Norse literature and what there actually is
>every piece of clothing and armor is from skyrim
this and the fact that christians always refer to the norse as "nords" has convinced me that the
>asatru only converted because they played too much skyrim
line I see here all the time is pure projection.
>no mix raced med bvll rape baby
>800 AD
>Norsemen inhabit a poor backwater
>1200 AD
>conquer or colonize Normandy, the British isles, Sicily, Iceland, and russia
why skyrim doe
This is disingenuous, since a large portion of their trade was slaves and spoils sold to muslims, a trade that died out as the vikings adopted Christianity (Can't take Christian slaves as a Christian). Raiding becoming less viable as European states centralized and developed actual military power to the point where they were a genuine threat to the viking homelands and were able to defend themselves against raids was probably a larger factor than "comfiness".
Also since a lot of vikings settled down in territories like the British Isles and France conversion was necessary to engage with local politics.
It's funny because women had significantly more rights under pagan rule than under Christian rule in Scandinavia. The adoption of Christianity pretty immediately set women's right back a lot. Not because norse pagans were feminists, they were just pretty staunch believers in the "man's domain"/"women's domain" paradigm and the importance of lineage.
While the first Jews to reject polytheism were extremely innovative, by the time of Christianity, most Christians were basically using the framework of the Neoplatonists, even as far as the Holy Trinity being derived from the Neoplatonist Triad.
The french converted them.
The man became an effeminate looking faggot and the wife became a tit showing whore
Christian kingdoms started appearing one after one in the continent after Rome fell and these stopped trading with non-christians, therefore raiding intensified and after some time Scandinavian kings adopted Christianity and enforced it to the population with laws just like every other kingdom had done.

There was pretty much no willingly organic conversion from Folk Religion to Christianity.
As already pointed out, viking trade was reliant on the religious difference. It was what gave them a virtual monopoly on the slave trade in the north of Europe.

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