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why do the Latinx do the Anglo one drop rule in reverse?
Zimbabwe is whiter than argentina
They've more competent at running a society
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Because everyone fucks Latinas
jeetas can pass as latinx sometimes but jeets can't, what's up with that?
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Anglos built a colonial empire in which they exploited the land and while push an apartheid political entityin which the non whites had no place.

Spanish via marriage alliances brought Catholic feudal system and a mixed society instead of an apartheid society. Very similar to what Latins did in the Levant with Oriental Christians during Crusades.

Tldr, anglo society was a protestant one based on liberalism and scientific racism, Spanish one was based of Catholicism and feudalism.
lmfao thirdies
and which one won?
The Jews* of which Napoleon was an agent
In south american DOTA 2, Peruvians have the worst reputation among all people there. I wonder if that's tied to their substantial native dna.
Retard. That's a pic of a Latina and her Hindu Dalit husband.

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