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>Tucker Carlson points out that Australian cities are better and whiter than ALL American cities. American cities are dystopian. Streets with junkie shooting up or a hooker giving a blowjob. White women with STDs/STIs that cannot be cured. Fentanyl. homeless people and homeless encampments. no family values. every man for himself.
>White Australia Policy shouldn't have been abolished. Australian ethnic demography looks like this because of the White Australia Policy


What did he mean by this?
If Australian cities don’t look like the hellholes that are urban canada and the US already, they will in the next few years
Okay so Russia is better, China is better, Japan is better, Australia is better according to this fag. Could it be that he's just an anti American shill recruiting low IQ retards into supporting American enemies? No of course not. Expecting he'll say Israeli cities are nicer than American ones next
He's not wrong, whites abandoned US cities in the 50's and 60's
>whites abandoned US cities in the 50's and 60's
What's with crazed thurdies and chuds from Europe saying this?
No, trannycrats destroyed American cities, and there are a plethora of other countries that demonstrate that we don't actually have to live like this, trannycrats intentionally keep them that way.
I'm Australian and I was always extremely confused talking to Americans on 4chan about their cities
Here it's mostly the distant suburbs which are shitholes full of meth addicts
In America, suburbs were built so families could get away from niggers.
I love it when American leftoids point to homogenous European countries that we should emulate like Finland while completely ignoring the implications.
Why the fixation on black and trans?
you're not white
Why would anyone want to emulate Finland? It's employment is heavily dominated by the public sector to a crippling point.
Leftists tried to replace Christianity with gay race communism by shoving it into absolutely everything, but it's not actually catching on with normal people.
Says the crazed Puerto Rican as he brings up whiteness out of nowhere.
Well I'm white so I'm pretty confident talking about how all the whites left the major cities generations ago
I don't get it why is he praising Australia all of a sudden? Wasn't he criticizing Australia during the covid-19 stuff? Why change of heart?
Because he's praising it for something completely unrelated to whatever you're talking about?
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isn't it weird how leaders with policies that favor only wealthy aristocrats over the general populace seem to focus their efforts on appealing to the most violent voter base?
I mean think about it, right-wing politicians asserted themselves as the faction that's pro-violence, pro-gun, pro-identity politics et al, which means there are little pro-gun individuals to oppose them. I just think that's an odd coincidence, don't you?
>so I'm pretty confident talking about how all the whites left the major cities generations ago
Yet I see a ton of them lmao
oh yeah? what's their surname? Kowolski? Berlusconi? Cohen?
gr8 b8 m8
you're right man it's probably just a coincidence. Don't think too hard
>they will in the next few years
The jeet invasion is already well under way there along with their negro counterparts who form the biological weapon of destruction for civilization wherever they infect.
We did. They became hellish for biological reasons.
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Get the fuck out of /his/ you retarded faggots.
My guess is that he is criticizing the Australian government and their elites about covid-19 policy, but that doesn't affect his view of the country at large.
Im australian and i've lived in an american city. It's whiter than melbourne unironically. The niggers in american, atleast where i lived, were mostly confined to their neighborhoods. we don't have any segregation like that its just chinks and poos everywhere you look.
Murdoch is trying to get the right wing into government

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