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what alt right lunatics claim is some sort of satanic conspiracy is in reality a natural process of decay that happens in metropolitan empires;
competition grows so fierce that the elite can no longer trust itself and invites outsiders to break the dealock. An excellent example is the anarchy at samarra at the abbasid caliphate.

The caliph harun al rashid used a mass of turkish slave-soldiers to defeat his brother Al-Amín, and after having him executed he distrusted the arab nobility and kept an itinerary capital around khorasan. When he died, his son al-Mu'tasim did not return to baghdad but moved to the new city of samarra, where more and more turks filled in every post in the military and no longer did he have to compromise with his arab family. Then he died and his son al-Wathiq was murdered by his turkish guard so they could put a more servile puppet on the throne

Jews are simply christian europe's equivalent of turks. "Outsiders" elite figures trusted personally that have now taken power for themselves and their families and clans
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I'm just going to have to defer to good old Ben Franklin for advice on this matter and I suggest everyone do the same instead of being fooled into thinking whatever garbage OP said is somehow acceptable or reasonable.
You just described a satanic conspiracy, saying "it's natural for jews to do this" does not make it not a satanic conspiracy.
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was Al-Fath ibn Khaqan a satanist?
was odoacer a satanist?
were the chinese eunuchs satanists?

It is not necessary to be such and such to exploit an elite's selfish idiocy. Humans like to protect their own race and kin. To invite their family members into positions of power and have them bring on more and more untill they completely replace their former masters. The solution to this is not to carry out blind pogroms. It is to not let the cycle begin at all.
no, the solution is to have a holocaust, except for real this time
ah you really just like having a boogeyman to scream at dont you?
you said that's exactly what they're doing, so they're not a boogeyman, and must be killed
>not let the cycle begin at all
he didn't read Spengler
>what alt right lunatics
You're never going to get over it, are you? Take your meds you schizo freak.
>heh so jews really have seized power but it's perfectly natural
>no need to purge us, just let us remain in power
kill yourself
> the alt right
Buddy you're about a decade too late ya retard

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