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File: alt europe map historic.png (343 KB, 2431x1710)
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What if this were Europe in the Middle Ages?
How did the HRE in this timeline lose the upper Nile and why hasn't it secured it? The geography of the region usually means a state either exerts complete control of the Nile river, both upper and lower, or it doesn't. The river itself an incredibly powerful logistics force. Protracted conflicts over the river itself between the Lower vs Upper is virtually unheard of since the time of the Egyptian kingdoms.

I find it incredibly unlikely a state could develop in the Upper Nile that would be able to resist the HRE, but somehow the HRE is able to hold its possessions in the delta/Lower Nile... but not be able to hold against whatever it is in the Fertile Crescent?
That clean border between Italian Al-Andalus and the Papal States is unlikely. The Papal states would likely ask around in northern Europe for knights to create various crusader marches to protect Rome from invasion.
Europe would be so far ahead if this were the case. Al-Andalus would be a neo-West Roman Empire and a united Germany that early on would become a superpower much much quicker.
File: 1664379817328.webm (1.5 MB, 1280x720)
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>Al-Andalus would be a neo-West Roman Empire a
Sn inbreed backward arab shithole
Did medieval europeans really have the ideological motivation to create genuine nation states back then? This would completely shift our timeline earlier by hundreds of years

What are they drinking? Camel piss?

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