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The rise of technology is typically seen as an almost universal good.

However, far into the future when people study our era I think it will be seen as more of a mixed bag. The war waged on the spiritual aspect of humanity is tantamount to a genocide. Not of people of course, but of their souls. When you look back into history at the peoples of the past, you'd be hard pressed to find a single group who didn't hold some sort of spiritual belief. But in our modern era even the poorest and most destitute have a wealth of options in terms of escapism to completely block out any need or want for spirituality. Regardless of your personal views on the topic of spirituality, you have to admit that it's probably not good for the species long term to be walking down such a path. I mean, this is uncharted territory. No one has ever lived through what we're living through right now. Typically, scenarios like this end very very badly.
Christcucks like you seem to understand the symptoms of the issue, but you're all too intellectually lazy to pin down the real issues.
Please, enlighten us. I welcome all points of view.
>The war waged on the spiritual aspect of humanity is tantamount to a genocide. Not of people of course, but of their souls
Why? Are our souls being genocided because we now understand why thunderstorms occur instead of attributing it to a god, or what are you referring to?
>Regardless of your personal views on the topic of spirituality, you have to admit that it's probably not good for the species long term to be walking down such a path
Is the term animacide taken yet?

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