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Why is there such a stark genetic and cultural contrast between southern France and Spain?
They may as well be 2 differents thing
2 different continents*
Hallstatt and germanics
I’ve been to both places and theres a clear overlap, all the way to north france and belgium.
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saaaaaaaar we southern french are nordics saaaaaaar
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Why do you keep posting this pic of school kids?
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average southwestern french:
That guy is an absolute beast of a player, the midfield general while his superstar Nordic teammates Haaland is a turbo fraud

You are making up bullshit without ever having visited those places and without knowing anything about those places.

You pretty much have the same people living on both sides of the Pyrenees. Basques on both the French and Spanish side (the Kingdom of Navarre used to be there), with both Castilians and Gascons being pretty much Basque mutts.
And Catalans (Perpignan in France was a part of Spain until the 1650s)
The Catalan region was born as a part of France, reconquered from Muslims by Charlemagne, and repopulated by people from Southern France who brought their language there.
There were times in history in which Aragon, the Catalan Region, Valencia and the Balearic Islands were part of the same State with much of Southern France (they spoke the same language, Occitan, the language of XII century trobadours).
It was only with the Albigensian crusade (in which the king of Aragon got killed, iirc, the battle of Muret) that France was able to prevent the loss of Southern France to the Aragonese (who were much closer culturally to the Southern French than people from Paris).

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Lol, Southern France is basically crypto-Spain
tons of guys that look like that in south france
there's quite a few northern french transplants in the south that look more nordic but the native southern french look a lot like spaniards, as this shows >>16835153
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>The Catalan region was born as a part of France, reconquered from Muslims by Charlemagne, and repopulated by people from Southern France who brought their language there.
That's complete bullshit.
That just shows that Catalans and Basques are similar to southern French, not the other way around
And they want independence
Them aside Spanish are moormutts completely different from us southern French

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