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White American Racial Hierarchy, from best to worst.
>Greater Virginian Ubermensch: Found from the Virginia Tidewater and southern Maryland, through the Central Appalachians, and into the Kentucky Bluegrass and Missouri Ozarks, the Virginia Ubermensch are responsible for everything good that has ever happened to America. They singlehandedly won the American Revolution and would have succeeded in creating a herrenvolk white democratic ethnostate if it weren't for the perfidious South Carolinians and New Englanders stopping them. They invented bluegrass, country, rock, ragtime, and led the charge to win the West which turned America into a superpower.
>Pennsylvania Praetorians: The only true-hearted allies of the VirginiaChads, they also helped to try and create a democratic white ethnostate. Coming from similar Irish Protestant roots as the Virginians, the Pennsylvanians were a mighty race that peopled the Midwest along with Virginians, until the invasion of the Slavs and Ellis Islanders.
>New Englanders: A conniving, trickster people, who zealously hated the Virginia-Pennsylvania alliance and used slavery as a wedge issue to destroy it. They are a financial people, and don't understand anything outside of money, the Jews of the New World, but very successful and innovative.
>Carolina Chuds: The least intelligent of the white American races, they have invented nothing of note and achieved nothing of significance. They mostly just copied Virginian culture and then tried to claim it as their own. They are obsessed with negros and worship them secretly.
>New York Nimrods: Similarly unaccomplished as the Carolinians, but worse due to their New England like obsession with finances and money, they are the originators of the proposition nation myth of America and spent most of their history trying to undermine American nationhood by importing millions of unwashed continental European trash.
>Ellis Islander: Not Americans.
Reminder all Papists are Satanists and need to be exterminated
Tl;dr, America is a nation of immigrants and anyone who derives a sense of superiority from the length of time their ancestors have been in America rather than their own accomplishments doesn't understand the first thing about America.
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but anon, my great x10 grandfather did a thing and thus i can be a complete fucking loser and tell people on the internet how great i am anyways without having to show anything for it. identity politics sure are based and high iq!
/his/ won't like to hear it because it ruins their LARP but It really is unexciting how utterly fucking gay it is to carry around an unhealthy pride from people 300 years ago in the past that you may be related to but have never even interacted with personally. Once you peel back the layers of it with any basic logical reasoning it becomes pretty meaningless emotional drivel compared to somebody's actual accomplishments in life and OP's post is obviously comparable to drunken Freudian psychoanalysis. But that's okay because this is the internet, we're on a Mongolian basket weaving forum and you shouldn't take things too seriously here.

Seething wopmicks who can't handle that the irish and italians both hate them and that real americans hate them too. Sorry you have no identity, but you will never be Americans.
ellis island supremacy
yup, we are here to suck you dry and then move back to the Old World while you negro-obsessed protestant masonic freakshows get swallowed up by the colored world.
the old world hates you more than it hates us, thoughever. they call you plastics and don't want you.
nothing could be further from the truth
cope more, pablo
I already have dual citizenship and your ilk exist only for me to get rich off of
nigga, i dated a girl from ireland for three years. you should see how they talk about their diaspora. same deal with the italians and germans from what i hear.

they don't want you.
stay mad pablo
im a ginger whose ancestors came here in 1607 but go ahead and call me pablo if that helps you feel better about being rootless.
whoopty doo
blacks have been in America since those times too

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