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Were there black people in medieval Europe besides travelling merchants?
yes and the bubonic plague was named the black death in their honor
Moors were often depicted as black
Why would black travelling merchants be in Europe?
They were Moorish quadroons
There were very few to none. Occasionally, a monarch would have one as a token oddity, like Henry VIII’ trumpeter, but that’s literally one in a million and much later on into the early modern period.
One English king had a black trumpeter. Black people seem to be somewhat common in Medieval fiction, like King Arthur had to knights of black descent, saint Maurice is usually depicted black etc. So it's not like black people were some mythical race to Medieval Europe, but there isn't much evidence of them living there.
Niggers werent travelling merchants.
They were subsistance farmers in places where there was no secondary production nor crafts.
There was nothing outside crops SSA could trade into europe.
And crops would not be what a merchant carries

Many of the "Moors" who lived in Spain during Islamic Rule were black
because Rome
This is not true, read Budge
Since scattered tribes of SSAs covered a large swath of Africa from west to east with varied and were trading with the Greeks (Ethiopians, Sudanese, the people of Punt were all wealthy with gold) even pre-Alexander time
thank da moors for bringing civilization back to europe
Its true because I hate niggers.
heres a secret, european mocharchies were started by blacks, mutts made distinct from the plebs they ruled over, swarthy skin, frizzy black hair, far removed to the game of thrones bullshit reserved for television
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but to illustrate things better, heres whites in their natural and purest cultural expression in absense of herding and domestication practices, giving rise to their feigned sense of civility, naturally fauna if choosing to abide by heritage
>thinks wigs are real hair
Kangs and Queens
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Those look more like Siberians rather than white people
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wigs put on the head of germanics not touched by the regal, as npcs always mimick source image

hence the swastika, a microcosm expression how whites desire to attach themselves to functions of human expression as they lack the capability
>the swastika
Was mongol nordkeks ambracing their turko-siberian heritage
you try too hard

they have no heritage, latching on to source fashioning themselves in its image, this practice self defining
Rome included virtually the entire north African coastline of the Mediterranean. There were probably lots of dark-skinned people living in African provinces, or adjacent to those provinces, but there's no real evidence there was a great deal of migration out of those provinces into the rest of the Roman Republic or Roman Empire.

Also "traveling merchants" didn't just wander around aimlessly, they tended to stick to a territory. Commerce is built on trust, especially back in an age before consumer protections kept people somewhat honest. Traveling to a place you didn't speak the local language or know the local laws or customs was a huge risk. Unless you had a massive potential profit to offset the risk, or some assurances you would be protected, it wasn't worth it. Even if you did speak the language there, and knew the customs well, traveling to a place where you have no contacts or social standing was also risky. This is why most merchants prefer to keep to a territory where they have a (favorable) reputation and personal contacts to vouch for them, who they could trust to deal with them fairly.

Lastly, the logistics of trade don't make sense for Africans to leave Africa and go to Europe. Merchants only travel to distant lands in order to acquire rare goods only found there, and bring them to lands where they fetch a much higher price than they were purchased for. Europe didn't have any goods of this nature that would lure African merchants to their forested, boggy continent. You might think "Well the Africans could bring their goods to Europe directly" but even this doesn't make sense for a lot of reasons. It would make a lot more sense for African merchants to simply trade with Roman settlements that were convenient for them to reach, because this reduces the expenses of transporting goods and minimizes the amount of time money is exposed to thieves and bandits on the road in transit back to your home city.
Fact: The spanish kicked out the muslims because christians where being forced to shower against their will
Find an example of one who isn't from a work of fiction and isn't the trumpeter.
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Of course, anytime in recorded European history is gonna have some people from the landmass of Europe-Asia-Africa.
Not in the slightest
Except for rich Muslims in Spain/the Balkans who’d rarely keep a few as eunuchs.
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>Were there black people in medieval Europe
Of course, Portugal was founded in 1143
Kills me that niggas like Tariq and his FBA cult actually think Black people were the founding stock of European royalty. These niggas are hopeless.
Why did Europeans make paintings like this? Was it some kind of self-orientalism? Trying to portray parts of the occident as something strange and exotic?
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because europe isnt your home, its your pigpen

thats where you were placed to breed, multiply and infest human settlements at the behest of saurons global ambitions

npcs avataring the kali yuga
St. Maruice was an Egyptian and Africans = Blacks.
Africa wasn't considered part of the "occident" at that time but the Orient.
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you love to see it
Moorish never meant black. It meant Muslim.


white peasants given temporary amnesia though well acklowedged in private circles

crackers are a form of cattle, the same lineage of the peasent, serf ancestors eating out of the same trough meant for pigs
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your feigned humanity is contingent on blacks, naturally you belong on fours, slowly acclimating to personhood as every word you speak is an act of divice reverence
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das rite
By occident, I was referring to Europe, I asked if it was self-orientalizing since they were presenting parts of Europe being occupied/ruled by Black/dark-skinned royalty and if that was their way of exotifying their own continent.

Fact: Muslims were dirty illiterate horse fuckers before, during and after the Reconquista.
Historic reality. Christians would often have their horses shit on the streets and never clean up, among other things, leading to multiple plagues. This is why Spaniards where surprised at how clean aztec cities were.

/pol/fag fantasy. The reality is that, taking all of human history into account, europeans have been dirty far longer than the muslim world has been poor.
Those images aren't "Black rulers of Europe" one is an Egyptian Saint called St. Maurice who was apparently important and popular during the era, and and the other is an Ethiopian king. I don't know the middle one, but the context is not trying to present them as "black rulers of Europe."
Aztec monkeys didn't even have horses, kek. failed race.
Too sensible of a post for a bait thread, wasted
>shows prester John and council of Florence as black Europeans
This is why journalists should never touch history
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>they have no heritage
Their Central Asian heritage is very apparent
Moors aren’t black nigger
You might have seen small groups of black/middle eastern/non-white travelling merchants in the major port cities (especially down around the Mediterranean), but even in those towns it would have been unusual to see or interact with any of them for the average citizen. From those small communities of travelling merchants it's likely that a small number of them might have decided to settle down in the European cities they traded in, but the idea that modern levels of ethnic diversity was the norm throughout European history is one of the most retarded lies pushed for obvious political gain that I've ever seen.

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