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>be palestinian
>flee from israel and to lebanon and Jordan who were kind enough to take you in
>proceed to do attacks on israel from lebanon
>attack lebanese christians while you are at it
>also attempted to overthrow jordan's monarchy
Why am I supposed to feel bad about Palestine again?
monarchy is haram
>do attacks on israel
>attempted to overthrow jordan's monarchy
both good things
why would christians be there anyways? it has been muslim for thousands of years
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Yea both jews and palestinians are autistic retards who chimp out 24/7
monarchy is ordained by God and republics are freemasonry and Jewish
I've been reading a little bit about Lebanon but it really seemed like the entrance of the Palestinians destablized the situation, but the war was really between the right and the left, and between the rich and poor. The Maronite Christians were a minority but were wealthier and had the political power.

Pretty fascinating and crazy place, you can spend a month just reading about all the different factions and the personalities involved. Anyone could be a friend today and an enemy the next day. There was one faction on the right/Christian side called the Marada Brigade, the personal militia of a businessman and mafioso named Suleiman Frangieh. His son Tony commanded the brigade and was gunned down by Phalangist militiamen (sounds like a clash over protection rackets). Suleiman died peacefully in 1992 and his other son, Suleiman Jr., took over Marada... and now they're in a coalition with Hezbollah. The Marada Movement has the green flag with the Pi symbol.
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One of the interesting and bizarre things about the Lebanese civil war is how it blows everyone's concepts of homogenous or coherent alliances. The Syrians, for example, initially got involved on the side of the Christians against the PLO. There's a Druze faction led by the Jumblatt family (pic) called the Progressive Socialist Party that fought arm-in-arm with the PLO against Israel but became one of the political forces opposed to Syrian occupation.
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Jordan colluded with Zios

Jordan had the strongest army that could've wiped out Zios or seriously damaged Zios to the point that Zios would've been punished more in the future
Yeah bro the issue wasn't European settlers aka Zios stealing Palestinian land and terrorizing Palestinians to flee into Lebanon and then paying off Lebanese Christians to be a Zio proxy

As someone who has actually read about Lebanon and have more than one brain cell, I give it 10 years until Zios do a shit ton of false flag attacks in Europe to get Europeans to kill Muslims (again)
Go back to /chip/, shitskin.
I remember staying in Jordan for a month with the family of a college friend of my brother. The father was a retired colonel and he showed us his old AK from when he was a lower officer. He told us the story of a firefight he was in during Black September and how he killed three Syrians with that same AK while sheltering behind an old car. He was a great host.
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From where I'm standing these wars look more like "bad guys vs. bad guys" to me.

I watched a documentary about the Arab-Israeli wars and it got to the Battle of Karameh (an Israeli raid targeting the PLO in Jordan that didn't go well for the Israelis, this was before Black September, the Jordanian army intervened and threw them back) and one retired Jordanian army officer being interviewed said it was a lot of fun rushing out to fight the Israelis. I was like, that guy seems cool.
1:42:45 here. Also Hussein talks about an assassination attempts a few minutes later. He just got pissed. "How dare they!"
Myth. Much of the middle east had a christian majority for a long time under Islam.
During the crusades the middle east was still a christisan majority.

Lebanon was still a christian majority by the time Israel was founded.
This. Early Muslim rulers weren't eager for mass Islamization since they wanted jizya tax. Rapid Islamization would only occur starting in the 16th-17th centuries under the Mamlukes
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Best case scenario is all Jews return to Israel and then the whole place is glassed to please God, the Lord of righteousness.

>oy vey we're not white



Wow you're such a heccin centrist

Can't wait for illegal immigrants to show up in your country, rape your children and declare statehood after culling over 70% of your population

You'll get a taste of your medicine soon
You're illegally living in the west
>it has been muslim for thousands of years
And? What happened to all the pagans that Christcucks came across?
Illegal immigrants, per capita, commit less crime than natives.
>declare statehood after culling over 70% of your population
Considering they're the same race as me I' gonna fine. You'll be raped and killed, and I don't have any problems with that.

There you've got it why White Christians side with White Jews

Get Jews out of White Christian lands

Jesus returns once anyone perceived to be a Jew is in Palestine and then killed

Call anyone an antisemite for not supporting this

Can't make this shit up
Cool where's your demographic data?
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Jews are 100% same race as arabs
>the middle east continues its inevitable desertification
>regional instability caused by said desertification (see the actual causes of the Syrian revolution) and falling fertility in Israel (which lowers its productivity and available servicemen) causes middle class and richfag jews to start leaving for Europe and the US
>Israel eventually falls (just like its neighbours will) not with bang but with a whimper to internal strife.
>Surviving muslim, jew and christian natives and everyone else who was unable to leave (or got rejected by an increasingly anti-immigration West) go back to (tensely but without the modern sectarian violence) living side to side like they did before the fall of the Ottomeme empire
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We may never know why Zionists claim to be the same race as Arabs while simultaneously accusing you of being brown/Arab/subhuman when they find out you're not a Zionist aka when you're supporting the extermination of Palestinians

Or why Zionists were slightly honest in the past when they admitted being White and settler colonialists
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100% levantine arab semitic
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The Levantine race
Don't think she does porn. She's some Polish or Ukrainian whore who does thirst trap propaganda for Jews
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I remember how after 9/11 Zios amplified White supremacy to the world

Kind of interesting, isn't it, how they claim to be a "middle eastern" race while neither being genetically, culturally and linguistically "middle eastern" and doing everything they can to exterminate the actual "middle easterners" to substitute it with western/white culture
Why are you trying so hard to make me like Jews?
More European ancestry in a former brown shithole?
Why are you trying so hard pretending to not be a Jew?
You'll never be White, Pajeet/Chang
Then why did God promised Abraham and Sarah that Kings will descend from them?
Absolutely based.
i love how israel is supposedly a white/jewish supremacist shithole yet ben-gvir is more brown than fucking ismail haniyeh
Bitch, you're eating Arab oil sheikh shit and getting fucked by dogs for money, quit the IDF LARP
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>Bitch, you're eating Arab oil sheikh shit and getting fucked by dogs for money, quit the IDF LARP
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