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>France's greatest ruler is an Italian man
I love the lengths the Frogs go to in order to deny this as well. Completely ethnically Italian, of Tuscan and Lombard origins, baptized under the name Napoleone di Buonaparte to parents Carlo Maria Buonaparte and Maria Letizia Ramolino, and their household language was Corsican Italian. Yes, very French sounding, all of it! Napoleon was so French!
Napoleon is still based though, his legacy can't be denied.
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>Russia's greatest despot was Georgian
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Whitest italian man I've ever seen.
which ones are the real italians? The mudslime rape babys or central euro looking ones?
Napoleon chose very early to be french. He chose France over Corsica and Italy. This is the most retarded argument ever. He was more french than italia, anybody saying otherwise is just looking for a quick gotcha.
You can cope all you want, he had the French sticker but he was genetically Italian i.e. he's Italian.
Yes he was genetically italian but more french than 100% of french people alive today. Genetics don't mean shit, we've all intermingled with each other. There is no "american blood" only mutts and that's the same thing for every country in the world. The greeks today have nothing in common with mycenaean greeks. Nationality has nothing nothing to do with genetics and it never did, only amerimutts care about this shit.
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None of these people will ever be German
Yes and Pogba chose France over Guinea. Still isn't French
Tell that to people living hundreds of years from now, if germany still exists. It's such a simple concept yet the american mentality that's all over this board seems to block out all logic
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>american mentality
Learn to read
Modern greeks are about 1/3 mycenean and resemble their iron age counterparts, current french are completely alien to those of 100 years ago
>Modern greeks are about 1/3 mycenean
Didn't know that but if somebody was one third french he probably wouldn't be recognized as one on this board. Current french people are completely different now and a vast majority of them would say they are french (and they'd be right). Just like the modern chinese learn the history of mainland china.
cope, dilate, and seethe satan
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>Nationality has nothing nothing to do with genetics and it never did, only amerimutts care about this shit.
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>another D&C thread
Honorable black mercenaries
yeah dude I'm sure it's the americans having pissing contests over whether meds are white or not.
I mean yes? American website american mentality. Are you not ESL? Otherwise you'd probably know that nobody gives a shit about it in Europe or non-english websites. I'm sure there are outliers but just take a look at boards with flags on and it's clear as day. I don't want this discussion to revolve around americans so I probably won't say anything else about it but it's pretty obvious. It's always been black vs white in the us.
>Napoleon chose very early to be french
So if I (Irish) move to China and decide to become Chinese, I magically do? That’s how it works? Please anon, that’s a load of bullshit and you know it. If a Portuguese man moves to Vietnam, he does not become Vietnamese, no matter how long he lived there for. If an Iranian moves to Mexico, guess what? He’s still always going to be Iranian and he will literally never be a Mexican.

Gaining citizenship is one thing. But one cannot become that which they are not. And yes, this applies to trannies too.
>Tell that to people living hundreds of years from now, if germany still exists.
If Germany remains predominantly ethnically white German, 500 years from now, 10% of them knowing they have distant Turkish ancestry or whatever probably isn’t going to have anyone caring.
>So if I (Irish) move to China and decide to become Chinese, I magically do? That’s how it works? Please anon, that’s a load of bullshit and you know it. If a Portuguese man moves to Vietnam, he does not become Vietnamese, no matter how long he lived there for. If an Iranian moves to Mexico, guess what? He’s still always going to be Iranian and he will literally never be a Mexican.
Yes you are parroting what every real right-wing politicans has said before you (not that I'm a leftist). While I'm actually a case of the reverse of that happening, and I know many others in similar situations. Also Napoleon was born on french territory. Like I said, nationality and genetics are two different things. An irish can absolutely choose to become chinese if he seriously wants to (not that chinese people won't look at him weirdly as it would be quite unusual). I've always hated that argument as there is always proof of the contrary yet people (most probably "pure blooded") just assoom and instantly spread it as facts.

>If Germany remains predominantly ethnically white German, 500 years from now, 10% of them knowing they have distant Turkish ancestry or whatever probably isn’t going to have anyone caring.
If Germany is not ethnically white 500 years from now then the people living in germany just aren't going to be white. It's that simple.
Mussolini is black Arabs…
Tōjo is northern Chinese…
Italy didn't exist, ameritards. These are the simple ways that we can spot you retards. You don't even have basic historic knowledge of the place you mutts originated from.
Correct. They would be Turkish had Germany won the war.
Nobody likes Wellington.
I don't know a more honorless nation
I’ve made the same argument as you before and real Italians blew me out of the water. While Italy didn’t formally exist, vague and loose concepts of Italianness in different forms did by that time. The corsicans at the very least identified with Tuscans and as related to other central and northern peoples of the Italian peninsula.
Garibaldi was born in France so we are even.
Southern Europeans are very swarthy they get mistaken for being half black all the time, many such cases.
Stalin was a confederate?
He was Corsican

Italy did not exist, and he completely renounced Corsica and completely threw himself into the fold of the French later on in life. He was not born in France, obviously. No one claims that he was.
No because Europeans are not ethnically similar to Asians and no European state was a tributary of an Asian state like how Corsica became a French Colony. Napoleon was European and nationalized himself into the French state despite not being born there, everyone is fully aware of this. You wouldn't be able to become a Chinese national because their government wouldn't allow it.

At least pick a better shitpost example next time.
3% of the Italian population spoke Italian when Italy was created, little schizo
Mexico is a settler colonial state, so anyone can be Mexican there

Europeans moving to Gook countries is not the same as Europeans moving to European countries

You're clearly an American by how fucking retarded you sound
>nationality and genetics are two different things
>An irish can absolutely choose to become chinese if he seriously wants to
You wish you were white so bad
I'm white and you're a projecting amerilard. Riddle me this: are the natives of american the only americans? Are white american european? If you answer no to any of these questions then you got BTFO'd and you should not bother responding.
>I’m actually a case of the reverse of that happening, and I know many others in similar situations.
You’re… an Irish Chinaman?
The point wasn’t about China in particular, retard, it was about the example being a different country. Swap China with S. Korea or Thailand or Somalia if you want.
>Europeans moving to Gook countries is not the same as Europeans moving to European countries
Oh, so a Portuguese man can become a Belarusian if he wants to? A Finn can become a Spaniard? A Greek can become a Norwegian? All of this within their own lifetimes, if only they use positive visualization of what they want hard enough? No. That’s simply not how it works.

Also, not American. And you are not right that anyone who would move to Mexico just automatically succeeds in becoming Mexican. Do you seriously believe they would view it that way, that some rando who shows up just becomes one of them at will? Of course not. Whatever someone is born and raised as will always be who they are their core.

Again, nationality and citizenship and all that stands aside from this conversation. An Iranian who lives in Iran, speaks Persian, and who at age 8 or so goes to a country like Mexico or Britain or Canada — what have you — or even to a country Iraq next door, it does not change who they are ethnically and it cannot and will not. To argue that it can/will change them ethnically is the epitome of deluded stupidity.

Again, you might as well believe that a surgically butchered man with a fake vagina made under the knife after a penectomy is a woman.
>You’re… an Irish Chinaman?
You (or the other anon) used the example of an irish moving into china to compare it to an italian becoming french (after being born and educated in france in that case). So he (or you) thought that it amounted to the same thing. So no, I'm not an irish chinaman and this had nothing to do with that particular example, stop looking for a quick gotcha and use your brain.
But if you think an irish cannot become chinese on the first generation (you're retarded), fine. But what about the next generations? Do you claim that asian americans and other minorities do not consider themselves american? And that no one sees them as american? Are white american just europeans? Are they not american?
>But if you think an irish cannot become chinese on the first generation (you're retarded), fine. But what about the next generations? Do you claim that asian americans and other minorities do not consider themselves american? And that no one sees them as american? Are white american just europeans? Are they not american?
I see we’re deliberately conflating ethnicity with nationality now.
>I see we’re deliberately conflating ethnicity with nationality now.
Do you not see my point? Are you purposefully being retarded? Do you not have any real argument?
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Light eyes are extremely relevant
Fine then. I’ll play ball. See below a thorough answering of each of your questions, stupid as they may be.
>if you think an irish cannot become chinese on the first generation (you're retarded), fine.
I’m retarded — really anon? An Irishman can magically become a Chinaman, and will be recognized and accepted as such by other Chinamen? Once again, we’re not talking about citizenship here, but ethnicity. Anyone can be given the papers saying they’re a citizen to another state depending on that state’s mandates and willingness to give citizenship to non-nationals. I’m the retard yet you are asserting that an racial white can become and can become accepted as an racial Asian within their lifetime as accepted by other Asians? You’re living on fucking Mars if you believe this.
>But what about the next generations?
It depends. Are the next generations a visible minority? Because there are tons of half Japanese people in Japan who are constantly made to feel like they are not Japanese and who thus eventually recognize that for the most part the ethnic community of Japan does not see them as a member of the group.
>Do you claim that asian americans and other minorities do not consider themselves american? And that no one sees them as american?
Way to go all pic rel >>16863663 on us. Who’s talking about America? The US is a hodgepodge of races and ethnic groups who only nowadays recognize this reality. This is also once again the difference between ethnicity and nationality. This was exactly what I criticized you for in my last reply. Do you think all Pajeets who move to Canada are just automatically accepted as Canadians by the white European-background Canadian majority? Of course they’re not, especially if they’re FOB.
>Are white american just europeans? Are they not american?
I mean, in an ethnic/racial sense, yes, white Americans are Europeans. Congratulations anon, you could figure it out!
And check out those glorious quads. That’s the Gods of 4chan agreeing with me.
All praise the God-Emperor
Napoleon was ethnically italian. I never said the contrary. What the fuck are you talking about jesus christ. I'll say it again: if an italian goes to france with the intent of becoming fully french then he is a frenchman. Did Napoleon not fight for france? (Was he not born on french territory?)Was he not the ruler of the french?

If an irish, like I said, goes to china with the intent of becoming chinese, he will be (in his eyes) a chinese. The chinese will look at him weirdly as it is not common over there to see a white dude say they're chinese (like I pointed it out).

Moreover, an italian would absolutely not look out of place in France, especially since Corsica was FRENCH.

Also I brought up americans as an example, not to dunk on them, you're just again being disingenuous and looking for a quick gotcha. America is the prime example of that, like you said it is a hodgepodge of ethnic groups who feel and are accepted as americans.

I want you to point out to me where I contradicted myself exactly. If you're not able to you should accept that you are an illiterate retard. What I argued was that Napoleon saw himself as a frenchman first and foremost and was therefore a frenchman. Ethnicities are not man-made, states are, it is not the same as somebody wanting to change sexes or ethnicity.
Anyway I'm going out, if this thread still exists I'll come back to argue again if you answered
>If an italian goes to france with the intent of becoming fully french then he is a frenchman.
Good Lord, anon. It simply does not work like that and you’re profoundly retarded for having the inability to recognize this. A born and bred ethnic German cannot move to Ireland and decide to become fully Irish and thus he becomes such at will. He cannot become a Spaniard this way either, nor a Jap, nor a Greek. Hell even if he moves to Australia and acquires Australian citizenship, he’s still a German when he wakes up in the morning and when he goes to bed at night. There are people in Canada who have lived there for decades and who still have their native accents — do you think they think of themselves as Canadians first and foremost? Do you think multi-gen Canadians think of them as Canadian? What about all the Pakis in Britain who barely speak English but who have been living there since the 90s? And what about all the old Jamaicans living in Britain who moved there in the 70s? Are they English? Of course they’re fucking not.
>Did Napoleon not fight for france?
By this logic tens of thousands of Spaniards, Italians, Rhinelanders, and Poles became Frenchmen the moment they started fighting for France.
>If an irish, like I said, goes to china with the intent of becoming chinese, he will be (in his eyes) a chinese
Holy fucking shit, you are so stupid if you actually believe this.
>Moreover, an italian would absolutely not look out of place in France, especially since Corsica was FRENCH.
Lots of Russians wouldn’t look out of place in Norway — living there doesn’t make them Norwegians though. They don’t ever stop being Russians just because they relocate. The vast majority of emigrants have diaspora communities they belong to. Do you think all the Portuguese citizens living in Luxembourg are thought of as Luxembourgers?
>you're just again being disingenuous
Anon if I was being disingenuous I wouldn’t be answering your questions in good faith.
>America is the prime example of that, like you said it is a hodgepodge of ethnic groups who feel and are accepted as americans.
Anon… Americans, Canadians, Australians, etc. — these are all former colony immigrant countries in which only the indigenous peoples can claim to be ethnic [name of country]. There is no Canadian or Australian ethnicity. There was never an American ethnicity either, as much as bible belt Yanks try to insist there is (since those ones are almost always of Scots-Irish and English origins). One’s ethnicity is immutable and it is central and integral to their being. So picking America as an example is a weak one. Why? Because anyone can become an American because there again is no prevailing ethnic group identity intrinsically related to the concept of citizenship and belonging. This is not true of Old World countries. Moving to Ireland doesn’t make you Irish. Moving to Germany doesn’t make you German. By that logic, all the Syrian refugees which arrived in Germany in 2015 became German the moment they arrived. How can you not realize how flawed and ridiculous your perspective here is?
>I want you to point out to me where I contradicted myself exactly
I mean only just a few replies ago you directly conflated nationality/citizenship with ethnicity, so…
>If you're not able to you should accept that you are an illiterate retard.
It fees pretty clear to me at this point that you have absolutely no authority to declare that anyone else is retarded.
>Napoleon saw himself as a frenchman first and foremost and was therefore a frenchman
Tell me — when Napoleon spoke with his mother and brothers… which language do you think they did so in? And how could you possibly know what he thought? Napoleon very obviously saw himself as a French citizen, that is obviously the case, but as an ethnic Frenchman? How can you be so certain?
>Napoleon saw himself as a frenchman first and foremost and was therefore a frenchman.
>Ellen Page saw herself as a man first and foremost and was therefore a man.
>Bruce Jenner saw himself as a woman first and foremost and was therefore a woman.
>Napoleon was ethnically italian.
so France's greatest ruler was indeed an Italian man
The guy who led his country to ruin and lost even the territories that France acquired before him ? No, thanks.

The greatest French rulers are: Philip II Augustus, Louis IX, Philip IV, Charles V, Charles VII, Louis XI, Henri IV, Louis XIV, Georges Clemenceau, Charles De Gaulle.
Deny what ? Him being the biggest loser in the French history, bar the government of 1940 ?
Forgot to add Richelieu and Mazarin.
>In a perceptive essay which offers a useful synopsis of his earlier work on the formation of Napoleon’s personality, Harold T. Parker identifies six main elements ‘interplaying in Bonaparte’s consciousness’: his desire to be master of all situations; the noble officer ethic of glory (‘a dazzling fame’) and honour; his youthful enthusiasm for historical characters who (for him) personified masterly qualities; his own brilliant victories and civil achievements which could be related to such characters; the opportunity to match such examples of past renown in the eyes of his own and of future audiences; and a compelling belief in his own destiny. ‘From this interplay’, Professor Parker concludes, ‘emerged the basic controlling self-image of an authoritative military-civilian ruler of contemporary and historical renown’, which recalls Napoleon’s own conviction that ‘I am of the race that founds empires’ [221: 456–7].
>Philip II Augustus, Louis IX, Philip IV, Charles V, Charles VII, Louis XI, Henri IV, Louis XIV, Georges Clemenceau, Charles De Gaulle.
All Celtic
Celtic ? The fuck you talking about ?
>Charles De Gaulle
>great French ruler
Nigga please
Well know fact by Historian Anne Frank
>Savoyard war of aggressive
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Louis XIV is the greatest and his father was swarthy half Italian man.
>You have spots/stripes therefore you’re not an Apple!!
>*meanwhile Banana trees replace both Apple trees at a record pace*
>Italy didn't exist
>Cato's Origines, the first work of history composed in Latin, described Italy as the entire peninsula south of the Alps.[35] According to Cato and several Roman authors, the Alps formed the "walls of Italy".[36]
>Under Emperor Diocletian the administrative Roman region of "Italia" was further enlarged with the addition in 292 AD of the three big islands of the western Mediterranean Sea: Sicily (with the Maltese archipelago), Sardinia and Corsica, coinciding with the whole Italian geographical region.[4]
>The Latin term Italicus was used to describe "a man of Italy" as opposed to a provincial. For example, Pliny the Elder notably wrote in a letter Italicus es an provincialis? meaning "are you an Italian or a provincial?".[43]
you are deluding yourself, pierre
>if an italian goes to france with the intent of becoming fully french then he is a frenchman.
>if an american goes to japan with the intent of becoming fully japanese then he is Japanese
Good grief, anon…they don’t become Japanese, they become cringe weebs.
The Celts, like Vercingetorix and Charlemagne
And 2nd greatest is German (Charlemagne)
Gauls were indeed Celts anon and most of the genetic makeup of the French is Celtic/from Gauls. So?
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That's fucking bullshit
>Look it up
Oh god this is really funny
Ensured that France would be an independent and sovereign nation after WW2 and got it recognized as one of the victors of WW2, France even got a seat at the Un Security Council and Right to Veto lol. De Gaulle established the 4th Republic, then he in 1958 he created the 5th Republic and all the institutions of Modern France. He acquired nuclear weapons for France and abandoned Algeria, which was turning into a Vietnam like conflict. He promoted military independence of France and invested on development of French arms. He turned the office of the President into being directly elected by the populace. He proposed new set of reforms which would allow France to become more decentralized in the referendum of 1969, but unfortunately lost the vote and resigned.
And Louis XIV himself was half Spanish. That's how royal houses were back in the day. You won't find any pure blood ones.
>So if I (Irish) move to China and decide to become Chinese, I magically do? That’s how it works? Please anon, that’s a load of bullshit and you know it. If a Portuguese man moves to Vietnam, he does not become Vietnamese, no matter how long he lived there for. If an Iranian moves to Mexico, guess what? He’s still always going to be Iranian and he will literally never be a Mexican.
It's more as if a Dutch moved to England, had English education, etc.
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french bros… looks like we lost
>But if you think an irish cannot become chinese on the first generation (you're retarded), fine.
Well, they objectively can't because that goes against the extremely strict nature of Chinese naturalization which is so strict that it may as well not exist. You basically need to be ethnically Chinese with Chinese parents (who may or may not potentially also have been Chinese nationals at once point). And even under those circumstances they would most likely get rejected. If you think any random person from another country could just apply for citizenship in China, and not only do that but just get accepted, then you are a certified moron.

What this has to do with Napoleon and becoming French after being a part of an island nation which was absorbed into the French state while he was growing up, is beyond me because they're far too disconnected to even be relatable.
You disgust me. Please leave my continent (if you actually are European)
You are yet another fool completely missing the point. Exchange China with any other nation of your choosing. The point was not China itself but anywhere other than and foreign to Ireland.
>Georges Clemenceau, Charles De Gaulle
What's wrong retard?
You keep calling people retarded for pointing out that they're talking about nationality, not ethnicity. Napoleon was nationalized, no matter how much you hate to hear it. And your example is still shit, even if you just swap it with a random country, because you don't understand the context of Napoleon's becoming a French citizen with France absorbing Corsica.
By definition royal families are complete mutt, so even before Napoleon France had never been ruled by an ethnic French same goes with all the royal dynasties in Europe

Georges V did not even speak english lmao
>Napoleon was nationalized, no matter how much you hate to hear it
I never once denied this, nor do I ‘hate to hear it’. I only ever maintained that one cannot change their ethnicity. Do not dismissively and conveniently forget that this argument all started when you ambiguously said that Napoleon was more French than Italian, despite the fact that, as I posited in response, Italian always remained his mother tongue as well as his familial ethnicity.
England hasn’t had a George V you fucking smooth brain.
>I only ever maintained that one cannot change their ethnicity.
Well this is irrelevant because not a single person was talking about ethnicity, you fucking retard. This entire debate was about Nationality. People said this yesterday yet you somehow missed this and kept screeching about ethnicity and China like a broken record. Learn how to read.
>Napoleon chose very early to be french
>He was more french than italia
>An irish can absolutely choose to become chinese if he seriously wants to
>if an italian goes to france with the intent of becoming fully french then he is a frenchman
>If an irish, like I said, goes to china with the intent of becoming chinese, he will be (in his eyes) a chinese
>This entire debate was about Nationality.
Yes, it very clearly was now wasn’t it? Sarcasm aside, it doesn’t matter now. We got those of you in denial to admit that Napoleon was truly at his core and in his heart of hearts an Italian and ergo not a Frenchman.
>chose to be french
Yes, nationally. Napoleon was naturalized into the French state. He completely divorced himself from Corsica in his adulthood which was an inverse of his heavily Corsican pride while growing up. This entire thread was about Nation, not ethnicity you ESL.

You are legitimately fucking retarded.
You keep showing that you know nothing about France or the French Revolution. The French at the time were incredibly liberal and would absolutely claim Napoleon was a Frenchman, even ignoring your clear idiocy in retards to race/ethnics. these people gave blacks and half-caste's French citizenship. They were, for all intents and purposes "Frenchmen" in the eyes of the state until the policy was heavily later reversed when Napoleon came into power. This was what the entire thread was referencing, you're the only person talking about race. Keep up, you dumbfuck. And go read a book.
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No one cares about the sticker stamp of approval some government gives you. The whole point here has been Napoleon was Italian in the way that matters.
No, Pogba is not French, neither is Anthony Joshua British.
See >>16871544
>You keep showing that you know nothing about France or the French Revolution.
>You keep showing that you know nothing about what we haven’t been talking about
Fucking hilarious take, retard. I know tons of about the history of France and the revolutionary era, but that simply was not the topic nor point at hand.
>The French at the time were incredibly liberal and would absolutely claim Napoleon was a Frenchman, even ignoring your clear idiocy in retards to race/ethnics. these people gave blacks and half-caste's French citizenship. They were, for all intents and purposes "Frenchmen" in the eyes of the state until the policy was heavily later reversed when Napoleon came into power.
Interesting to see how short-lived that stupid policy was, and especially interesting to see a beneficiary of it pull the ladder up behind him. But this still wasn’t the point I was making.
>No one cares about the sticker stamp of approval some government gives you. The whole point here has been Napoleon was Italian in the way that matters.
Exactly — thank you anon. Nice to see that some others can indeed see the point.
>No, Pogba is not French, neither is Anthony Joshua British.
>”Being born in a stable does not make one a horse.”
- The Duke of Wellington, allegedly.
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Pop history ass take
And btw Talleyrand >>>>
right, just like you chose to be a "woman"

him "chosing to be french" doesn't make him not Italian
You know his entire family tree is easily available online, right?

Father Carlo M. Buonaparte = Corsican (French)

Mother Letizia Ramolino = Corsican (French)

P. Grandma = Maria Saveria Paraicini =Corsican

P. Granfather = Joseph Bonaparte = Corsican

M grandmother = Angela Marie Pietra Santa = Corsican (French)

M. Grandmother = Jean Gerome Ramolino = Corsican (French)

P. P. Grandmother = Anna Maria Tusoli = Corsican French

P. P. Granfather = Sebastien Nicole Bonaparte = Corsican, French

M. P. Grandfather = Giovanni Agostino Ramolino = Corsican (French)

M. M. Grandmother = Angela Maria Peri = Corsican (French)

So no Italian born ancestor in 3 generations back, you have to go like 7 generations back to find one. By that point that is one ancestor out of like 512, that it, 0,3% of his DNA or less. That 0,something is his Ligurian or Tuscan ancestry.
Sweet, sweet child
This exactly. These retards seem to enjoy denying how Napoleon styled himself as King of Italy for… what, a coincidence?
And Napoleon’s parents… what was their first language again? And what was that of their children? Because it differed from their citizenship/subject status… unless, of course, you believe all of France’s Haitian slaves were Frenchmen too, of course.
That bastard destroyed Empires (Spanish), killed 10% of the Spanish population, sacked and robbed thousands of treasuries, bombed hundreds of historic buildings and did an extreme damage to native European populations.

So how can any retard praise him? Just imagine is just 1000 africans destroyed 1 french city. It would be massive international news. That bastard literally destroyed hundreds of cities and killed the 10% of the population of an European country.

Only leftists should support him because leftists hate European people.
Even his enemies and contemporaries acknowledged he was the greatest man since perhaps Julius Caesar
>January 13, 1815, Napoleon spent two hours with John Macnamara and was delighted to hear that France was ‘agitated’.90 He admitted that he had stayed in Moscow too long and said ‘I made a mistake about England in trying to conquer it.’ He was adamant that his role in international affairs was over. ‘History has a triumvirate of great men,’ Macnamara stated, ‘Alexander, Caesar, and Napoleon.’ At this, Napoleon looked steadfastly at him without speaking, and Macnamara said ‘he thought he saw the Emperor’s eyes moisten.’ It is what he had wanted people to say ever since he was a schoolboy.
>By the time he went to St Helena, Napoleon could be certain that it would be impossible to write a modern book entitled Lives of the Great Captains without including a chapter on him too. The ambition he had conceived as a schoolboy at Brienne, and from which he had never wavered, had been achieved. He had transformed the art of leadership, built an empire, handed down laws for the ages, and joined the ancients.
>Shortly before he died, he asked Bertrand to close his eyes afterwards, ‘Because they naturally stay open’, something he must have noticed, and been haunted by, from his experience of sixty battlefields. During the 4th, Napoleon suffered from prolonged hiccups, and in the evening he slipped into delirium, asking the name of his son. The next day, Saturday, May 5, 1821, after a very blustery and stormy morning, the fifty-one-year-old former Emperor gave three sighs at long intervals and died at 5:49 p.m., just after the firing of the island’s sunset gun. What Chateaubriand called ‘the mightiest breath of life that ever animated human clay’ had ceased.
>He showed us what one little human creature like ourselves could accomplish in a span so short.’
If you can't comprehend his Greatness, then you're a souless bugman.
>his enemies and contemporaries
No one praised him. He in fact was a loser since even using an Army he could not defeat civilians (guerrilla warfare). He was imprisoned and his wife cheated on him. He was a manlet, bald and killed women and children that were just defending their villages from an invader army.

No one except retards praise him.
>It is what he had wanted people to say ever since he was a schoolboy.
Sounds like a fucking narcissist honestly. And everything >>16871808 said is incontrovertibly true. Millions died because of Napoleon’s needless vanity project.
>If you can't comprehend his Greatness, then you're a souless bugman.
He’s only ‘great’ by any measure because he was a talented and successful battlefield commander — that’s literally it. Nothing else he did would have mattered were it not for that to bolster it and base it all off of. And you can quit acting like his legal reforms were globe-changing. Anglo-American common law still exists and has enormous influence too, doesn’t it?
> No one except retards praise him.
Gotta agree. And those who wish they were him/served him like pathetic simps. Once again, millions died for this man’s vanity project which by its end accomplished nothing in that it failed. Like omg, whoopdidoo, some countries got new ‘universal’ laws. Who gives a shit, really? Every conquering power imposes its laws upon its subjects. Should we also be amazed that Britain made all of its colonies use its systems? Somehow that’s beneath mentioning yet Napoleon’s are worth endlessly praising.
Ethnically he was Italian, but nationally he was French and he saw himself as such.
Corsicans did not consider themselves Italian, what a dogshit thread
Nobody is denying his nationality. The point is that that doesn’t make him not an Italian in being, which he very provably was.
Napoleon’s parents both spoke Italian, as did their children as their first and familial language and were descended from Tuscan and Lombard families respectively. Americans in the 1770s who rebelled didn’t identify as British, but they were still many of them Brits.
Napoleon was French, im just saying the shit post should be is a Corsican man,
France, Italy, and Corsica are 3 distinct areas, basically different countries in my reading of the era.
But id be cautious on the American brit example, as Brits are ethnic germans but the analogy doesn't fit, identical genetics, distinct nationalities
They consider themselves to be even less French.
exactly my point, the shit post should be Corisican man. France, Italy, Corsica, why is Italy even in this shitpost, it doesn't reek of a well read shitposter
See>>16871791 + they speak and Italian dialect i.e. they're (Northern) Italians
t. denies the fact that he was ruled by foreigners since 1066.
this isnt bringing anything to the table, none of his neighbors would have claimed to be Italian, there was a level of Corsican pride, a separate language called Corsu as well. History has and will continue to recognize that Corisicans rejected Genoese rule as well as french following. No matter what justification is presented, OP has an ignorant shitpost, that should read
>France's greatest ruler is a Corsican man
At the time every little Italian state had a local identity; "Italy" wouldn't unify until the 2nd half of the 19th century. Corsica was sold to France by Genoa. Don't let this accident of history trick you into thinking they are Northern Italians
>Don't let this accident of history trick you into thinking they are Northern Italians
AREN'T Northern Italians*
this is just a semantics game with ethnicity and nationality. By this logic there can only be Corisicans when Paoli wins until french rule, and that is just labelling not the true situation on ground. Still the same group that rebelled one rule then rejected the preceding. Napoleonic Era is lead by a Corisican who without diatribe, choose French identification. The shit is post is off base and needs to reflect the proper climate of Genoa --> France rule, with a rebellion that encapsulates that the people of Corisica never fully identified with either
then rejected the following*
>the shit post should be is a Corsican man
As it has been pointed out numerous times ITT thus far, Napoleon’s parents were not ethnic multi-generational Corsicans, and ergo neither was he.
>Brits are ethnic germans
Any validity in your reply has now been dismissed because of this retardation. The Americans circa 1776 were Brits points stands since the majority of Americans at that point were in fact of British ethnic heritage. Them rebelling against Britain to make a new independent nation and thus become a different citizenship/nationality did not make them not ethnic Britons. Obviously later Americans of mixed heritage ceased to be ethnic Britons like their forebears, but that is another discussion entirely.
Actually no, I fully recognize that the Normans were a different ethnic group than the Anglo-Saxons. Obviously with time they mixed over the centuries and became English all together for the most part, but the term ‘English’ was already being used before the Norman Conquest and the Normans thus gradually came to accept they were English, especially following the reign of Henry IV, who was the first King of England to speak the Germanic tongued English as his mother tongue since Harold Godwinson. Then of course there were the Tudors, Stewarts, and Hanovers, all of whom had other ethnic origins that were not English. And the ‘Windsors’ aren’t English either, although the current generation of royal children are the most English, through their mother being an actual Anglo and not an inbred German.
This. They’re still ethnic Italians, as evidenced by their language (dialect). It’s not like the Scottish Gaelic speakers immediately ceased to be ethnic Irishmen after they sailed north from Ireland. Hell, even in the 18th century they were still being called ‘Erse’ (Irish) by their Scots-speaking countrymen of Northumbrian origins.
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Corsica has always been considered Italian
> The Geographical Map Gallery was commissioned in 1580 by Pope Gregory XIII to decorate the Vatican. It took three years for the Dominican priest-cartographer-mathematician-astronomer Ignazio Danti (1580 to 1583) to complete the 40 panels of the gallery. The Gallery is 120 meters long and presents a comprehensive state of geographical knowledge in the 16th century in Italy, with no less than 40 maps of the regions of Italy, including Corsica, which in the 16th century belonged to the Republic of Genoa. The maps are oriented towards Rome, which is why it is upside down, oddly oriented with the North at the bottom of the map.
See also:
>Genome-wide analysis of Corsican population reveals a close affinity with Northern and Central Italy
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>La Vendetta is a short work relating the tragic fate of Ginevra Piombo, the daughter of proud Corsican immigrants, who has the misfortune of falling in love with another Corsican Luigi Porta.
>She had an Italian cast of countenance and bearing, large black eyes (...)
>A faint smile brightened the lips of the young Italian (...)
>The Italian pretended not to hear; perhaps she really did not hear.
>The beautiful Italian became the centre of all glances (...)
>The Italian then looked fixedly at Madame Servin (...)
>The effect was simple enough, but to the girl’s Italian imagination it was a happy omen.
>His voice was music itself to the Italian girl.
>(...) the emotions that crossed the features of the beautiful Italian (...)
Frenchbros? Why won't Balzac, our greatest novelist, fucking stop saying that Corsicans are Italian?
I thought they were 300% French like us.
It's baffling how you idiots are completely unable to grasp the concept of nationality vs ethnicity. You people shouldn't call anyone else retarded monkeys when you literally cannot understand this.
It seems that we have no issue making the distinction; all we have done is deny those who insist that Napoleon was ‘more French’ or wholly French, etc. Meanwhile you are here insisting that we are retarded. Who/what are you even arguing against, anon?
pol doesn't like Napoleon cause he let jews back in
Napoleon was a completely naturalized French citizen, Yes. the fact that you're still trying to argue against this is laughably stupid. Yet you try to call other people retards while obsessing over race or ethnicity which no one but yourself ever mentioned. try better next time, ESL.
So you can choose to be French? Then the africans and arabs on Paris are undoubtedly French, argument solved
>Yes. the fact that you're still trying to argue against this is laughably stupid.
I regret to inform you that it is in fact you who is laughably stupid, since you are still evidently unable to recognize let alone move on from the fact that I do acknowledge Napoleon was a French subject and later citizen (and later head of state). To deny that would be unspeakably asinine and, were you functionally literate, you would have noticed long ago that I never contested this once. I pity your stupidity, really.
>try better next time, ESL.
I literally told you I’m Irish. You do realize Ireland has been predominantly English speaking since about 1800 and that like only 1.5% of us speaks Irish on the daily, right? I’m a through and through mother-tongue English speaker — sorry to disappoint.
The vikings and their descendants left their mark, yes
>I do acknowledge Napoleon was a French subject and later citizen (and later head of state).
Fantastic, so he was a Frenchman, legally. He rescinded his other European motherland and completely pushed himself into the fold of the French to the point where he, and his associates, would get whiplash if people reminded him that he was actually of Corsican (which belonged to France, by the way) descent and was not a mainland French native. This is what the entire point of the discussion was, yet you kept screaming about ethnicity when it never fucking mattered and was never the point of argumentation. Everyone knows Napoleon was not born in France to native French parents, and this was pointed out repeatedly from the very beginning yet you ignored it to keep crying like a retard about something meaningless. Congratulations, you fucking dumbass.
>Fantastic, so he was a Frenchman, legally.
Once again anon, I never once denied or contested this. You would have realized this long ago were you not so myopically focused on whatever you thought I was positing.
>He rescinded his other European motherland
Well, being born on Corsica when he was, he was a French subject by birth.
So no, I don’t think he ever did rescind his ‘other motherland.’ Such an action wouldn’t make any sense.
>This is what the entire point of the discussion was, yet you kept screaming about ethnicity when it never fucking mattered and was never the point of argumentation.
Anon… are you for real? This reads with a comical lack of self-awareness. You basically just said “You’re a screaming retard because I failed to notice (let alone understand) early on that we were both respectively stating different things which weren’t actually clashing like I thought they were.” Don’t forget that you replied to me, idiot. I didn’t start this back and forth — you did.
Also, I wasn’t screaming; I wasn’t even remotely bothered at all when I sat down to write my replies. You do realize one can in fact write a simple internet comment without getting even remotely agitated, right?
>this was pointed out repeatedly from the very beginning yet you ignored it to keep crying like a retard about something meaningless.
Your inability to form a coherent argument and your failure to clarify your meaning early on led to all of this, anon. Were you more intelligent, you would have noticed by now that my position did not change in any of this, from my first comment to this one now. Take note of this for the next time that you decide to needlessly entangle yourself into an argument that you’re making up in your own imagination.
>Congratulations, you fucking dumbass.
This is what I ought to say to you for finally understanding after all this time that our respective statements on Napoleon are in fact not mutually exclusive.
>Your inability to form a coherent argument
>Once again anon, I never once denied or contested this.
I'm unsurprised that you can't properly read anyone else's posts, let alone your own.
> failure to clarify your meaning early on led to all of this
Lmao, people stated what was actually being discussed at the very start, don't blame anyone else for your inability to read a simple sentence. Which is ironic becuase you have inadvertantly admitted that you don't know how to read while trying to blame other people for this.
It's hilarious how desperate you are to defend this retardation. Again, you are the only person to ever have brought up ethnicity or race in this discussion and you're trying to, terribly, defend your complete lack of reading comprehension despite the fact that people openly stated that the entire argument was about nationality from the very beginning.

You'd honestly make yourself look better by just not replying anymore instead of digging this hole even deeper.
>I’m unsurprised that you can't properly read anyone else's posts, let alone your own.
Oh anon… the irony.
>replies to someone who was not talking to him
>is completely unable to recognize from further replies reiterating the statement that what the person he replied to said does not cancel out what he said
>calls the other person illiterate
My sides — honestly.
>Lmao, people stated what was actually being discussed at the very start
Anon, I was literally the first one to reply to this post with >>16861943. How can people have discussed anything at the start further beyond what I wrote as the very first reply? Lmfao.
>It's hilarious how desperate you are to defend this retardation.
So when I defend it, it’s retardation, but when you agree with it (which you have numerous times now), it’s perfectly fine? Ok anon, whatever you say!
>you are the only person to ever have brought up ethnicity or race in this discussion
You do realize there are several replies which share my stance which were not written by me, right…?
>from the very beginning.
Once again, the very beginning of this entire post (which I did not make btw, I am not OP but he clearly shares my views, so I think I know which replies ITT are his) starts with a reply which I made.
>You'd honestly make yourself look better by just not replying anymore instead of digging this hole even deeper.
Again: the irony. Again: my sides.

Please keep on going — your manic spazzing is very entertaining.
You scream about irony when the entire thread, for fuck sake, was about nationality. The OP, that you just fucking referenced and stated was not yourself, specified that Napoleon was the ruler of France but was not French. Everyone knows what Napoleon was also a nationalized Frenchman who decided to become French over Corsican. Then you, I assume, had an autistic meltdown when someone said "he decided to be French" which he objectively did and he admitted to this himself in his memoirs, just so that you could keep screaming about ethnicity for some reason, which not a single person ever tried to argue against because it isn't relevant, then brought up a terrible example of potato farmers and the chinks like it even worked as a good example (it didn't). Napoleon was French. You literally just admitted this by pointing out how he was born after Corsica was annexed by France which would make him a French National in every sense of the word. No one claimed his parents or ancestors were native frenchmen, this was you screaming at something that never existed.

And you try to call anyone else a schizo when your inability to read is this strong? Do you enjoy being stupid?
>arguing about france as if it was always some ethnostate when almost half the people who lived under its rule by the time period in question didn't even speak the fucking language
>the entire thread, for fuck sake, was about nationality
>OP post and first reply both about ethnicity
Like they say, ‘you can’t make this stuff up’, anon. This is a genuinely hilarious display of stupidity you’ve put on — I’m actually grinning and I almost chuckled out loud.
>you, I assume, had an autistic meltdown
>you could keep screaming
>this was you screaming
Aaaaand more completely baseless mischaracterization mentioned in a pathetic attempt to make the argument’s opponent look bad.
>you try to call anyone else a schizo
Never called anyone a schizo, so now along with the mischaracterization we have misquoting. Good track record you’ve got going here, anon. That said, with your willingness to sperg out and argue with yourself over things that aren’t being said to you… hmmm. I mean, if the shoe fits, right?
>when your inability to read is this strong? Do you enjoy being stupid?
And not a more ironic statement was uttered that day.

Are you quite down your meltdown yet? I mean, I can keep going, but you are becoming dreadfully repetitive.
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Are pic rel French
Do you know that Napoleon's father was friend with Pasquale Paoli that ruled an independent Corsican state for a while. The same guy said that Corsicans are Italians
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typical wog
>OP post and first reply both about ethnicity
The very first word in the OP is "France's" a nation, and "Ruler" A leader, both of which are completely separated from Ethnicity (particularly in regards to Napoleon) unless you're trying to talk about it in the sense of some kind of Ethnostate like mentioned in >>16876793 which France, objectively, was not. So the fact that you're trying to claim that it was only about ethnicity just makes you look like an ESL despite your claims of not being one.

It's incomprehensible as to how you're still arguing about this at this point when you, yourself, already admitted that you fucked up. You're just screeching at nothing at this point. And it's obvious that you're just shitposting at this point given your poor attempts at passive aggressiveness like how you think you need to tell people how you're 'chuckling' to yourself, or youre actual typing out of an emote, as if it does anything but make you look like an autistic loser who thinks too highly of himself.
>America's greatest leader was Dutch
>Britain's greatest leader was German
>Russias greatest leader was Georgian
>Arabs greatest ruler was Kurdish
>Chinas greatest leader was Mongol
>Spain's greatest ruler was Austrian
So what? What does this argument even mean? Napoleon was a product of French education and society and he owned that. European ethnicities are social constructs anyways. Occitanians, Bretons, and Franks all has different languages. Sicilians, Tuscans and Venetians had separate languages. Basques are separated into France and Spain. Germans are separated into Germany and Austria etc. We could easily lived in a world where Ligurians would now be considered French because the French took it over, or Occitanians be considered Italian because Italy took it in a war. Identity is flexible and not at all genetic.
>The very first word in the OP is "France's" a nation, and "Ruler" A leader, both of which are completely separated from Ethnicity (particularly in regards to Napoleon)
Anon, you are showing us yet another comical display of your idiocy now that you are desperately trying to show le heckin first word of the sentence as ‘proof’. That is perhaps the single stupidest thing you could do. Why? Because if you’re trying to use this as evidence (which you are) it means you don’t even understand what the object or subject are in a given sentence, which ultimately means you need to go back to primary school.
>the fact that you're trying to claim that it was only about ethnicity just makes you look like an ESL despite your claims of not being one.
This doesn’t even make any sense. How does holding a certain perspective for argumentation make one appear to be a non-native English speaker…?
>It's incomprehensible as to how you're still arguing about this
So are you, anon.
>at this point when you, yourself, already admitted that you fucked up
Uh, no? I don’t recall ever ‘admitting’ anything. Once again — for the umpteenth time, since you are clearly woefully and remarkably stupid (you must have been a very annoying child to rear) — my initial point in this has been maintained. You only now noticing yourself that what I have said does not actually clash with what you have said, which you failed to notice early on, is not me giving an admission of a personal fuckup.
>You're just screeching at nothing at this point
Literally you because you seemingly just can’t take an L and call it a night.
>And it's obvious that you're just shitposting at this point
Simply been maintaining my initial point in good faith. That’d be some kind of shitposting now wouldn’t it?
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civil servants in france are mad that they are not as popular as the army
[cont’d from >>16878708]
>poor attempts at passive aggressiveness like how you think you need to tell people how you're 'chuckling' to yourself
I mean, anon, I was literally just directly telling you my reaction to your inadvertent hilariousness. Were you not doing the same earlier when you were saying my words were “laughably stupid”?
>it does anything but make you look like an autistic loser who thinks too highly of himself.
>”reacting to things makes you autistic and pretentious”
Lmao, what does this even mean, anon? This is nonsensical drivel.

Oh, and answer >>16876848’s question. My bet is that was OP, because he’s been Dragon Ball Z instant transmission-ing in and out of this thread to support my side in this debate.
>Then the africans and arabs on Paris are undoubtedly French
They wouldn't disagree, they carry them in football after all.
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>thinks Italians are Middle Easterners or something, specially someone with North Italian ancestry
Amerimutt detected
That’s only selective agreeing though. I’m sure Napoleon didn’t recognize Thomas-Alexandre Dumas as properly ‘French’ either. As I recall it, Napoleon had some pretty damning words for black people.
Yanks tend to think all Italians look like Turks because all of their Italians (who moved there from the late 19th century until the 50s) came from Sicily and the southern peninsular mainland. They don’t even know that northern Italians have spiteful colourism they use towards southern Italians.
Yes, anon. France was an ethnostate which is why Napoleon, and who was self admittedly descended from the romans, was a French citizen (making him French). This is also why a notable number of French citizens at the time could not speak the language; which would mean that they did not come from France.

You've put such an emphasis on racial purity and ethnicity that it has clouded your judgement on the facts of the matter. You've attempted to attribute this personal belief on nationality onto the people of 18th Century, which is dumb particularly becuase this was not something they cared for. This is why people like Napoleon was even able to become a national. It's why various other, even non european, ethnicities were able to become French becuase the French did not care about your ethnic background in regards to being a member of the state. This is something you earlier acknowledged they did, but it seems like you just don't want to accept that it's true, becuase you keep focusing on ethnicity when it doesn't, and didn't even to the French, matter.

I'm not even going to bother answering the question that you asked me to answer because it's irrelevant, our views on the core issue probably won't differ, and It was retroactively answered days ago. This just shows that you either are not reading the posts that you reply to, or you're not paying attention to them at all.

The best part is that you haven't disproven anything that anyone has stated so far. You admitted that Napoleon was not a French native, which was never in contention. You also admitted that he was a french national, which was what the core of the argument was even about. It's clear to me that you don't even know what you want to get out of this anymore and are clearly shitposting. You forgot to emote, by the way.

>>16865045 >>16863613 were actually right no matter how much it pisses anyone off.
Kek, wow. I wrote this, went out for a shmoke, forgot to hit Post, and voila, there he is! Speak of the devil.
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>arguing with the guy who thinks europeans intermingling with each other is like some random fucker from the congo trying to move to germany or britain
France's greatest rulers are:
Their grand grand kids still rule France.
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The greatest Englishman of all time
looks like an old woman
>Yes, anon. France was an ethnostate
Yeah no I never said this. Still, however, that doesn’t mean that different ethnicities don’t exist. All it takes is looking at a Portuguese man and then a Finnish one to know there are acute differences. Even northern and southern Italians have marked differences in appearance on average.
>This is also why a notable number of French citizens at the time could not speak the language; which would mean that they did not come from France.
I mean if they were born within the borders of France, they’re French citizens/subjects, but indeed not ethno-linguistic Frenchmen. It’s like those in Northern Italy in the part which borders Austria who speak German natively. They’re Italians by citizenship but certainly not ‘Italians’.
>You've put such an emphasis on racial purity
Literally haven’t done this once. You make it sound like I’m drafting the Nuremberg laws over here.
>this was not something they cared for.
Completely and provably incorrect, anon. Just look at how the Irish were recognized and treated differently legally under British laws. It had nothing to do with their being born on Ireland, but that they were ethnic Irish. Else they would have treated the Anglo-Irish the same, no?
>the French did not care about your ethnic background in regards to being a member of the state.
Anon… they literally reinstated slavery and undid the changes made during the revolutionary era. So very clearly some were indeed recognized by their ethnic differences as being different tiered members of the society. I’m actually kind of shocked you didn’t even think of this yourself before writing what you did.
>you just don't want to accept that it's true
See above, and then go ahead and explain why you were right to say this.
>I'm not even going to bother answering the question that you asked me to answer because it's irrelevant
The ultimate concession of losing an argument, lmao.
>You admitted that Napoleon was not a French native, which was never in contention. You also admitted that he was a french national, which was what the core of the argument was even about.
Anon… once again, your foolishness and illiteracy hold you back from coming across as intelligent and capable. Need I direct you once again to the very first comment reply written in this thread, which I myself wrote? >>16861943 Here you are, once-a-fucking-gain, saying that I’m ‘admitting’ to things which I never contested, not in this very first reply, nor any time afterwards. Your obsession with trying to characterize me as conceding to things you later stated, as if I denied them in the first place, is very pathetic and tiresome. This is what I have meant when I have said you have been arguing with yourself like a deplorable retard.
>It’s clear to me that you don't even know what you want to get out of this anymore and are clearly shitposting.
Speak for yourself. It seems to me that I have locked myself into arguing with someone who is literally and provably (and woefully) unable to read. I would accuse you of being autistic, but you’re clearly just terribly, brutally slow. Hopefully soon enough, however, you’ll start to get it.
>You forgot to emote, by the way.
I tighten my lips and shake my head a bit from side to side with pity for you, anon.
Roosevelt was mostly WASP, he only ha d a distant Dutch ancestor
Britain greatest leader weren't some useless kings put into power by parliamentary democracy
Stalin wasn't Russia greatest leader lmao
For China you don't make any sense
For Spain, I refer you the famous quote of Charles V.
Meanwhile Napoleon was 100% Italians, clearly both cases are not comparable.
>by parliamentary democracy
by the parliament* idk why i typed parliamentary democracy
>was R1b-L21 briton
the problem with nationalism is that is another inorganic creation by atheists to replace monarchies with nations. nations existed before atheists took power, but nations as a basis for a political system is a leftist invention only to subvert the previous system. Like anything made up by leftists, it turned to shit quickly and leftists killed each other over this lol. Nationalism is so devoid of any substance that you have right wing atheists defending nationalism, just like you have left wing atheists defending it lol, and this since the first day of the revolutions. LOL.

Here is the cope of the nationalists: people who said nationalism existed said it was the language who unified people. The truth is that languages were so numerous that basically only a tiny group of people spoke the same language. The paucity of languages nowadays stem from the revolutionists who killed people who didnt want to speak the unified language. During monarchies, there was a humongous quantity of languages and the kings didnt give a shit about unifying people thru languages. and they were proud to speak differently form the peasants, whereas they lived in the same tiny area.
After being BTFO, they move on to saying nationalism existed due to folklore. folklore is by definition very local. folklore at the north of a ''nation'' is completely different than the one at the south, same with counties, boroughs whatever.
Then they seethe and their last cope is ethnicity which is a very vague idea. If there were mass migrations, then ethnicity is meaningless and if people didnt migrate a lot, then ethnicity just means ''my tiny shitty village'' which has nothing to do with nationalism.

Don't forget it's the french leftists who created nationalism. And, just like today, the only way they did it is by killing anybody who shitted on their dogmas, ie being pro pro democratic republics, ie pro mercantilism.
>a man can become French if he wants to and can become more French than anything else
>can become a woman if he wants to, and can become more of a woman than anything else

Anon, even if one would get French citizenship after living there for say 5, 10, or even 20 years or more, that still doesn’t make them French like French people who grew up there, born to French-speaking parents and raised in French-speaking schools and communities. The person is still always going to be the foreigner that they were and are in both mind and body — their internal monologue and upbringing, be it Italian, African, Vietnamese, or whatever else — will still always form the core identity of their character; unless they get amnesia or dementia they will still always know who and what they are: not French.

If I writing this as a multi-generational Masshole of mixed British Isles, Dutch, French-Canadian and Swedish ancestry (some of my earliest ancestors came to America in the 1630s) and I move to, say, Norway right now and live there for the next 60 years… I’m simply never, ever going to become more Norwegian than I was American. Being an English-speaking American is central to my character whether I like it or not. It is inseparable from who I am. Like I could learn Norwegian with impressive native fluency, but my internal monologue will still always be in New England/broader American English and my basis of knowledge for how I approach things in life will still be as the dirty colonial American I am.

Gaining citizenship somewhere is one thing. But declaring or deciding that you are going to be that one nationality over your own, let alone your ethnic understanding of yourself, is preposterous and absurd and wholly cringeworthy.
>Completely and provably incorrect, anon. Just look at how the Irish were recognized and treated differently legally under British laws.
This is all I needed to see to know that you are must actually be a brown ESL or you aren't paying attention to absolutely anything anyone has said ITT. I never mentioned the Irish and the British, I was, very clearly, talking about France. And in regards to France, this was completely true. I didn't even bother reading beyond this point because it's obvious that you don't know what you're talking about anymore.

You are a Grade-A troll. Enjoy the last (you).
>can't separate modern day tranny politics when talking about hundreds+ year old history
Yup, you are mind broken. No one is talking about trannies and your example isn't even a good one.
>they reinstated slavery
...in Saint-Domingue, and only partially. They Also didn't change their laws back home and didn't revoke the rights of individuals who were already given citizenship, like Alexander Dumas, his children, and the non-native French who were members of the Council of the Five Hundred or the Estates General.

t. I actually read.
Chudoleon buckbroke the Catholic church, he is the Godfather of secularism and gay ass modern laws
he is the f*rench (or Shitalian) equivalent to Goerge Washinghton, one of the biggest reasons for enabling this shitty new world order of Muh democracy and liberalism we live in
Cry harder basedjak. History is all about drawing comparisons for the sake of argument. I like you how you didn’t even try to contest his argument too; you just pitifully tried to dismiss it as incoherent and senseless (which it wasn’t). All this does is make you look pathetic and small-brained. You do know that, right?
>native european person migrating to european place is the same thing as a man lopping off his dick and calling himself a woman
You are deranged.
So this is the ultimate hero
>America's greatest leader was Dutch
>Britain's greatest leader was Dutch
>Russias greatest leader was a Dutchboo
>Spain's greatest ruler was Dutch
>Germany's greatest ruler was Dutch
>France's greatest ruler was Dutch
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>europeans are all the same bro
Italians are fucking white Im tired of you americans thinking southern europeans are blacks damn it, do you think the romans or the spanish conquistadors were black? Bruh
>Just imagine is just 1000 africans
I don’t think about them at all
Jews who rule the world right now are all Semite-Sicilian. Meds
Was a ginger
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What if they all marry and reproduce with German guys though?
In all honesty I don’t think anyone would care all that much in 10-20 years from now if a bunch of kids were out there with 1/4 Turkish ancestry. Like maybe several of them will be swarthier than your average ethnic German, but most people simply won’t care. There are enough whites in Germany now who aren’t ethnic Germans anyway, like Poles, Czechs, and Russians.
He didn’t say it’s the same thing. He was demonstrating the ridiculousness of the premise by giving a similar example.
How grim for Ancient Germany.

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