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I hate Christians so much. Is it so hard to understand that Jews are behind the conversion of Europeans to Christianity? That replacing proud European folk religions with Semetic garbage is not normal?
The "christianity" being promulgated today is not the same theology which was in style when Europeans embraced it for their salvation and ascension for dominion over the earth.

It did not take away from them their belief that they exist because they are descended from the divine, it united them of that belief against those who are not.
Why did you waste your time not approaching the core question?
>Jews are behind replacing proud European folk with garbage.
your answer was in the question the whole time
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> Is it so hard to understand that Jews are behind the conversion of Europeans to Christianity?
Jews hate Christianity.
Greeks and Romans saw that the God of Abraham (Jesus) was the Unknown God, and then later on the Germanic saw this “Roman God (Jesus)” was stronger then their native gods.

That was an idol that accepted blood sacrifices, where pagan gods would possessed it.
Funny how your ilk always says that there are no known records of pagan tradition though you vehemently insist on knowing they all do blood sacrifice.

Funny since your whole religion is based on a blood sacrifice.
Which is referred as “bloodless sacrifice”by name.
>your whole religion is based on a blood sacrifice
that's why it resonated so much with pagans across the Earth, even stone-age aztecs noticed it, how can you fail at it
Everything can be a conspiracy if you look hard enough. Maybe your jewish?
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>Jews hate Christianity.
>Greeks and Romans saw that the God of Abraham (Jesus) was the Unknown God, and then later on the Germanic saw this “Roman God (Jesus)” was stronger then their native gods.
>That was an idol that accepted blood sacrifices, where pagan gods would possessed it.

You lie as easily as you breathe.
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Jews hate Christ.
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>He doesn’t know about the Alter of the Unknown God in Athens.
>He thinks that Christianity is Judaizer Zionism.

>Christians: Destroy objects of worship to demons.
>Communists (Blacks and their Jewish masters): Destroy statues of real people, and revised history.
You lie as easily as you breathe… Jew.
Fake and gay, most of these are mistranslations
>>Greeks and Romans saw that the God of Abraham (Jesus) was the Unknown God
they didn't
and was a unknown god (as in noboby remembers to which god this alter was dedicated to), not a super special and mysterious "Unknown God"
It is what it is. Christianity is basically moribund today, there is no need to curse it. Let's hope time will bring something new, even better than what came before.
Fun fact: Breaking a statue's nose off was thought to be a method of exorcising it from demons by Jews in late antiquity.
Yeah bro I'm sure the Romans were worshipping demons using... Statues Germanicus, Augustus (Although deified) and a random Diptych.
You better not complain when someone sets one of those churches of yours on fire or beheads a priest, they are just exorcising demonic kufr and imperialistic racism, after all :)
The unknown God could technically be a stand-in for any god you want. It could have been generous Tlaloc or Golden Amaterasu. Who is to say?
Commenting on the "Unknown God" episode specifically, one must not forget that the greatest task of missionaries (especially christian ones) is to falsify what came before as a function of their religion. Masterfully, they must recontextualize, redefine, and scrap everything to conform with their teaching. Because of this, I advice you to never pay attention to missionaries (Esp christian) commenting upon the similarity of the traditions they are destroying with their religion; it's a knowing falsification.
With this method, Mexico's Tonantzin and Coatlicue became the virgin, gods became saints, the unknown gods became the Jewish god, and Quetzalcoatl along with Huiracocha were transfigured into the christ.
Hebrew is a language for simpletons. It's like Syriac without any of the nuance. Perhaps you could explain your problems?
why does it have to be a conspiracy? why can't it just be just another easter mystery cult that got popular in Rome and happened to reward its followers with the promise of heaven and some social care that happened to blow off?
>let me convert all of these people into a religion that rejects mine and makes my people out to be incorrect in their beliefs at best and evil at worst
>one must not forget that the greatest task of missionaries (especially christian ones) is to falsify what came before
this is a greek tradition as well, even philosophers took other people's work already stablished and used it re-defining and giving those a new meanings (the ones they wanted), probably, to justify themselves and not give a breaking point inside their own culture
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>why can't all the jewish parts just be coincidental
Because that's retarded
Yes. It's normal. My point is that you cannot trust Paul when talks about the unknown God because he will do as missionaries do and falsify it as Christian.
Buddhists also kind of do this, btw.
man I guess jews are the true supreme humans
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More like most people are untermensch and jews are unironically "peak midwit"
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If the average jew is peak midwit their top 95percentile must be supreme genius
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Jews are literally stupid though because they would kill themselves instead of being kings with their brothers, and would kill their brothers instead of allowing anyone to be king.
>oldest publication is from 1934
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>book from the 30s
thanks for proving my point
The first language of the NT was Latin. In which case he does not say the pejorative and highly offensive "goyeem" but rather "gentiles"- honored foreigners of an upper class.

My other source is Marcellinus for the word gentiles.
>your sources are attested throughout time

Way to BTFO of yourself you disingenuous Europhobic fuck.
>it refers to bringing gentiles under obedience to jewish god not "goyim". That word would be offensive
Ok lol
>Pagan Rome in which you were not discriminated against and you made up at least 10% or more
>Convert Rome to a Christian Empire that enshrines it into law that your entire religion be reduced to a caste of untouchables permanently in a servile state to Christian masters. Also most of your population decides to join the winning team and abandons Judaism for Christianity.
Yeah real great "master plan" for the Jews there. Those "proud European folk religions" were oh so dangerous.
>Jews hate Christianity
There is absolutely no evidence of this.
>muh goddess worship
we have written history of the ancient pagan religions.
that's good enough. it can die otherwise.
that said, it lives on in cathodoxy. I suppose you are so prideful you won't even accept an adulterated version.
Having a monopoly on banking must have really sucked.
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Just awful. And yes, they were spared exclusively while all the pagans were exterminated but they were forced to live apart from the unclean goyim, which their bible strictly forbids. Oh wait no, it says to do exactly that.
except for the Tzoah Rotachat and literally the behavior of every jew ever for the last 2000 years
>this goes hard
>basedmale beardman
>inability to appreciate beauty if it contradicts your exact worldview
christcucks cannot stop being this, their soul is judaized and negrified, a degraded form of life
If it's any consolation, they are probably going out the same way.
it do go hard doe
frfr no cap on god nigga
Hi The Hellenist, lloraste mucho cuando le rompimos el culito a tu amada Colombia en la final?
>It lives on in cathodoxy
Maybe hundreds of years ago. Catholic romanticists like Tolkien and Chesterton were coping, the pagan spirit left Catholicism a long time ago. Modern Catholics just spend all day whining about paganism and the occult while morphing closer and closer to Evangelical Protestants in the US.
Ve a orarle al gauchito gil.
Llore monombiano marrón
Judaism is the best religion in the world followed by Islam. Christianity is meh tier.
*Se le va la luz*
>the pagan spirit left Catholicism a long time ago.
I wouldn't say there's one single pagan spirit.
Paganism is the religion of the proles, the masses. Or, rather, the idiots.
Folk evangelicals are incorporating things from cathodoxy and folk catholics are incorporating things from evangelicalism. I'd say Paganism is defined by its ever morphing nature and shifting methods of worship. Go to a "christian bookstore" and it's basically a shifting blob of the "Popular Religion."
Modern Paganism has indeed been heavily influenced by the brief period of evangelical ascendancy in the last 500 years through the British and then American empires. I would expect the pendulum to shift though.
Oh well. I'd rather read the Bible.
Good luck. Practice your hyper-personalized version of christianity in peace, and without bothering anyone else.
>Didn't all just join the winning team and start worshiping King Jesus instead of King Zeus.
Christians are the last Jews.
>Why did Corinthians destroy a Roman statue
I wonder. Does it occur to you Nordcel faggots that not everyone appreciated your so called Aryan Romans?
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>all just join the winning team
That's not what happened though lol. Also when you give Jews a monopoly on banking, they can then use that money to subvert more goyim and gain even more money. Mindblowingly complex plan, really. Truly an insane conspiracy theory.
Where do you find a pdf copy? I need to see how the other 49 compare.
>It's the other minority I swear

lmfao you pukes never change
I don't approve of Christians, but not everyone salivates over Romans either.
Romans had destroyed Corinth once
He wasn't falsifying it, He was making his point through a common land, and it worked
>Christian sees beautifully crafted statue of a woman
>seethes, mutilates her face and carves an anus into it
>this images goes hard
What an incredibly faggy thing to say
>Pinckney the South Carolinian faggot feudal larper who made sure they didn't take his bucks away
Fake and gay
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They literally believe the earth is 6000 years old, they can't understand that small changes over time lead to big changes, they don't understand logic or reason.
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Globoabrahomo fit for globoromo. What's more cucked about Romans is that they went after foreign cults to worship, it's not like some other pagan in later centuries or for example Zoroastrians that were forced to convert with sword and fire.
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Catholicism isn't Christianity, schizo. Christians don't depict Christ as dead.

Besides, you can go into any Catholic cathedral and there's a bunch of pagan idols for you LARPagan nerds who are so extremely transparent to worship (not that you actually care about your LARPagan nonsense).

John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
>John 7:7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
>John 13:20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.
>John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Matthew 10:40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.
>they're leeches but not me, le based King
>second in import to the land owners
Keep going anon this is actually hilarious
It is a falsification. Just like how analogizing a pagan god to a christian figure is falsifying that God.
No one was thinking about a Judean Carpenter when praying to the unknown God. That's my point.
>defending jews
>he's still concern trolling over Corinth
>why did the jew break the statue?
The Christians I've met are prouder than any modern pagans I've seen. Why don't pagans have any public presence outside of Iceland and Lithuania? Why have I never seen a pagan preacher proselytizing? Why have I never heard a pagan prayer uttered in public?

Fact of the matter is that paganism got destroyed by superior religions and now 99% of its adherents are using them to we wuz for an idealized version of the distant past and and use it as a racist dogwhwoman.

If you wouldn't join an 100% black pagan congregation, you're worshipping your race and not wotan.
*dogwhistle, phoneposting.
You should ask the jews inside your head to pay rent.

By the time Europe converted to Christianity it had already little to do with semitic faith, but was heavily romanized instead.
>letting the jew boogieman live rent free
We are talking about gentiles who were christians, not jews.
Are you suggesting there was no relationship between classical Jews and Christians?

This is as bad as the argument about a Corinthian nationalist slicing the face and carving a cross onto it.

It's all anti western mind viruses.
>anti western
Why are you projecting current era back then?
Romans didn't even want to be associated with you faggots.
If the west didn't exist then why would they not want to be associated with the west? You've just contradicted yourself and shown your hand. You a mind virus infectee.
Its origins are what I'm concerned with.
Christianity was developed within the Roman cultural sphere entirely.
Pointless sophism. The Romans didn't want anything to do with any of the Germanic tribes
Germania literally comes from the Latin word germanus, "sibling".

>but I modded wikitionary to say that you should translate from ancient Celto-Iranic and medieval German instead

Get fucked lmao

Greek authors even pointed out that the Latins named them Germans to establish their racial sameness.
You can be siblings with someone and still want nothing do with him.
Hilarious thread, both sides
You just can't help fall for the obvious "false shepherds"
4fun, never change
Strabo says they used the word to describe them to imply they were, and I quote, "of the same race".
I repeat this means nothing on a civilizational level and it's also retarded (worse than Fallmerayer) to automatically believe anything ancients say when it comes to genetics because it makes you feel good.
You will never be Roman.
>proud European folk religions
So like africoon oogabooga but for euros?
Spare me of this shit.
Its trash, retarded faggot.
>it's also retarded (worse than Fallmerayer) to automatically believe anything ancients say

Yeah, you have fully discredited yourself with this line. If the Greeks and the Romans are saying it and you're in denial + full meltdown mode because you really wanted to believe that excel sheet with a sample size of 23 from a dubious source (or even worse, an academic trying to pump out papers to maintain relevance and/or their job) then the problem is not all of these ancient authors. The problem is you.
>africoon oogabooga

Don't make me post the actual depiction of Yhwh and his gay lover again lmao
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>waah my LARPagain religions are dead because le Christianity waaaaaah
Get a life, loser.
Wake me up when you find the nordic/germanic/pajeet kangs of Italy and Greece.
You will never be Roman.
Hilarious bait if you actually knew history
Have a pity you, dissimulating honorary sir
Why do you talk like a recently spawned monkey? How sad
Flags truly are not necessary on such fallen boards
>No u
So you do have genetic samples to support your opinion yes or no?
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>No Yhwh don't let him bugger you like that!!
>NO! Take that out NOW!!!
>I can't afford enough red heifers to fix this one...
Yes, saar
They are so basic and public it's hilarious, and I'm not currently neither scandi nor a nordicist
(Nor a pathetic autocoping uneducated 4chins clown)
>inb4 no saar
>inb4 spoonfeed me basic public info
Yeah, that's why the internet has crashed after the stunning revelation that ancient Romans were konungrs und scheisse.
Last (you). Remember, your life will pass you by in a blink and you will still never have been Roman.

Once again, these boards truly need no flags, you just know, hahaha
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Saint Ludy is in Valhalla dabbing right now.
The term Germanic was an appropriation of a Gaulish/Celtic term which means "Neighbor."
Unsurprisingly it was first used by Caesar.
>I'm not a Christian anymore because I believed the atheists/wrongdoers who claims to be Christians and when I saw that they weren't behaving as Christians, I could't believe in Christianity anymore
TOP KEK!!!!! Atheists/wrongdoers really can't reason.
This is the so called 'high iq' atheist.

All he had to do to be a Christian was to believe in Jesus and follow his teachings, putting them in practice in his daily life. But no... he thought that being a Christian should be imitating atheists/wrongdoers who claims to be Christians, like yourselves.
>Is it so hard to understand that Jews are behind the conversion of Europeans to Christianity?
Yes, considering how Jews were treated very badly in Christian lands but barely tolerated because the Apocalypse of St John says that some must survive so that Christ comes, and also to remind them of their crimes of
crucifying Christ.

Jews by and large rejected Christianity after Paul, btw. The Romans also replaced the "proud European folk religions" when they invaded Gaul and Britain.
A religion of backwards promiscuous paedophiles, no wonder it is popular amongst the consanguinity belt states.
>If you wouldn't join an 100% black pagan congregation, you're worshipping your race and not wotan.
What exactly is the difference here? Are these not "folk" religions that belong to a particular group of people, regardless of where they might be found? "Our gods, your gods".
Ermmm racist dogwhistle much chuddy???
Pride is a sin
You know you could just go into a Synagogue any Saturday and directly observe what jews believe, right? Do you think they keep the blood altar to Satan in the basement?
If you love Christianity so much then you should become a secular liberal.
As if Judaism doesn't have a variety of cults too. Also, as if metzitza pbeh isn't common.
Christianity is true. Proud European folk religions were not. End of discussion.
>Are these not "folk" religions that belong to a particular group of people, regardless of where they might be found?
Most definitely not considering actual historical pagans regularly appropriated or syncretized far off gods into their pantheons. Basement dweller ethnocentric exclusions of worshippers wasn’t a thing among real historical pagans.
>metzitza pbeh
And this is an evil ritual to Moloch? He's not the one who told Jews to circumcise....
I am not a christcuck, I am just saying that Jews are deranged parasitic bloodsuckers regardless of whatever god they worship, publicly or privately
Becoming/supporting Pagan because you’re mad at Christianity destroying all Pagan society they interacted with is not a good winng stragedy against Christianity you hate so much.
Pagans and Abrahamists worship evil Gods/God. That is why I hate and reject both.
Jews absolutely hate Christ and Christianity, much more than any other religion. So what you say is utter bullshit.
Paganism is a cringe clusterfuck of man made cope with some demonic infiltration, it's at best a form of proto psychology that answers nothing to the fundamental questions of humanity.
Pagans of higher intelligence and insight were the first to dismiss paganism and to contemplate the attributes of an "ultimate God".
Paganism revival of today is really weak people scraping the bottom of the barrel
for some extreme cope, usually lack of masculinity or a feminist/witchcraft umbrella term.
Christianity is just purely Tikkun Olam meant to spread Mosaic and Noahide laws among the goyim. Also I cannot emphasize enough that christians worship the Egyptian god of chaos and deserts.

Hail Ra!
>One passage which doesn't even necessarily refer to jesus
You'll notice ever since it became clear that yeshu'a b'ar panteh'rah ensured a banking monopoly for jews all over Europe bad remarks about him in the Talmud stopped.
There's literally a church on every street corner in America. Easter and Christmas are federal holidays. Officials still swear on on a Bible. Jews don't give a fuck about Christianity. What they hate are white people unified for a higher purpose, and this hasn't been Christianity for a century.
>Paganism revival of today is really weak people scraping the bottom of the barrel
for some extreme cope, usually lack of masculinity
This is rich coming from zoomers who converted to tradlarps because of women in videogames and only speak through Chad memes.
Instances in history where a based King btfo'd landowner vermin?
>Jews hate christianity
No matter how often you repeat this lie it remains untrue.
>answers nothing to the fundamental questions of humanity.
Which is what, that you feel bad after gooning to hentai? Even viewing pagan gods as jungian archetypes and platonic ideals is more insightful to meditate on and understand yourself than "Man damned by the fruit, now Jesus loves us anyway".
Can we just take a moment to reflect how ridiclous the idea that worshipping a schizophrenic rabbi would be the solution to existentialism is.
>Jews don't hate Christianity
Such as why we do exists, why everything exists, why humans have reason, what happens after death, etc.
Paganism along with Jung's bullshit is just situational cope with not much depth than "I want to fuck this girl let's go pray to Venus" or "my dick doesn't get up let's make an offer to Priapus".
>we exist because God made us. When we die, we go to good place or bad place.
Profound stuff. The fall of Christendom isn't precisely why these answers aren't satisfactory or anything...

Pic related, Jews absolutely SEETHING.
Sir, you worship a rabbi.
The thing is, Jews hate Christ and Christianity simply because A) they hate all of their failed messiahs (especially the ones who gain a following) and B) because Christianity represents the western world and white people as a whole. It doesn't change the fact you follow an offshoot of Judaism.
Note how literally the single time Jesus was offended to violence was when a synagogue was being blasphemed.
The opinion of random Europeans 1000 years removed from Christ
Christian antisemitism is retarded. Jews killing Jesus is literally the catalyst for your entire religion. His execution is what redeemed mankind from sin. It was all part of God's master plan.
>abloobloo bloo he loved us so much he died
Why are paganfags so butthurt about things that happened 2000 years before they were born?

Nobody is stopping you from reading the Poetic Edda, wearing a costume and prancing around in the woods nigga. You live in an era with more individual liberty since the agricultural revolution. You wanna be a pagan? Go be a fucking pagan, stop bitching about it to people on 4chan
>All this fuming
>The catholic church still never banned judaism and actually protected jews
>kike god sends his kike son (aka himself or another one of his schizo multiple personalities) to die for mankind's sins
>kikes kill him according to kike god plan
Lmaoing @ the entire Christranny religion.
Nice headcanon. Go tell the pope that.
And pagan symbols are listed as hate speech on the ADL website. The fact of the matter is somehow Jews still allow churches to be tax exempt despite them ruling America with an iron fist. Meanwhile figures like Paul Waggener and StJ are blacklisted for being suspiciously white in their heathenism. Seethe about it. Jews aren't angry over pic related.
How does this make any sense? Are you telling me the original intent of Jesus was just to around worldwide and preach "IT'S CALLED BEING A DECENT HUMAN BEING", which by Christianity's own theology is an impossible standard for men to ever achieve by virtue of the fall? The Golden Rule was already a thing for a millenia. Christ is nothing if not for the sacrifice.
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Yes, you are.
Kikes are responsible for their own actions, the fact that you tried to damn humanity for all eternity and it backfired makes you indefensibly evil.
>ethnicities and practices change over the course of thousands of years
Damn bro did you know Germans didn't exist until 1871?
Christians back then were the Antifa/BLM of their day.
>This image goes hard
Why do zoomtrannies talk like this?
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>the argument for Christianity is an appeal to Western civilization
Tradlarps, never change....
You're the faggot atheist who larps as worshiping a capeshit superhero, champ.
Your meme literally betrays your LARP
I'm not the anon who posted the picture lol

It's just hilarious that fedoras and /pol/tards have tried co-opting pagan bullshit they obviously don't even believe in while also simultaneously accusing the actual normal religion of being a "larp." You fags have no principles whatsoever and just want to lash out by whatever means are most expedient.
I'm not a pagan.

>the normal religion
Which is not the worship of "Christendom", it's belief in God. Once again, the meme literally exposes the ulterior motive of tradcels.
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Christianity is just 2000 year old capeshit. I wonder if there was a Cohen at early Marvel...
The meme wasn't trying to show the culture of Christian heritage as "the reason" for believing in Christianity though. It was showing that it has everything that /pol/tard pagan larpers profess to want.
Post physique. You don't even have that.
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It's absolutely wild to see these comics as an actual married man with a stay-at-home "trad" wife and child.

Pro tip: I can lift you over my head too.
What's "wild" about it?
Jewish religion is closer to real metaphysical truth and comprehension of God than yours is. Not a Christian btw
>Points at you
>lack of masculinity
lmao do you even lift?
That directionless boys think they have to strategize IMPROOOVING with all these esoteric standards of progress in order to achieve something as mundane as having a girlfriend. Literally, unironically, actually just touch grass, man.
>don't improve
great advice moshe
You're not seeing the forest for the trees if you think "improving" is reading the Bible and Starting Strength. You faggots have been spinning your tires for a fucking decade.
I'm getting better every day, and you are fat and jewish.
If its true that Christianity was an ideological tool employed by Jews to subvert the european peoples and that Jews ruled ethnic europeans since the times of the late roman empire from the shadows, then honestly white people FUCKING SUCK and Jews are the true master race. Pagans couldn't have been so poud and great if they were mentally conquered by a bunch of semitic desert dwellers, right? This narrative also entails that all the great achievements of western civ since rome where not really achieved by independent whites but by actually by goyish slaves controlled by jewish finance. Big L if true. It is really fascinating how all these oh so jew-hating anti-christians on this board subtlely potray jews as these insanely powerful masters of manipulation and europeans as hapless, useless nigger-victims who worship a jewish god for almost two millennia without noticing.
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Jews are losing Israel to arabs right now.
And they still control your country, so? Also, how does this relate to my original comment? If Jews ruled whites since the late roman empire, they are fucking awesome and whites really sad. I recognize strenght if I see it and pulling off a two millennia scam on an entire continent is pretty impressive. kudos
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Every side of the political spectrum now agrees that the kikes have gotta go.
>Europeans are pagan savages
>they become Christianized
>they become civilized
>Europeans start abandoning Christianity
>they start becoming uncivilized barbarians again
lol call me when this happens. Le hecking based Hamas lefties and your discord group of trad internet vikings are surely going to destroy jewish capital. Funny how the supposed "master race" has to fight against DA MASSA who duped and enslaved them for 2000 fucking years. Maybe we where the real Niggas all along?
Malding. Go talk to girls, lil bro.
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>this is.. le BAD
Could there be a more obvious psyop?
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It's happening right now.
has Black Rock gone bankrupt? No, last I checked they where still up and running as one of the biggest investment firms on the planet. Though I am glad about every stone in their path. Just fuck off you low reading comprehension mouth breather. Just to spell it out for a retard like you: NO I DONT THINK JEWS ARE AWESOME. MY POST INTENDED TO SHOW, THAT THE NARRATIVE OF LARPAGANS ONLINE PORTRAYS JEWS AS MORE COMPETENT AS THEY ARE.
Holy fuck you are stupid. This hardcore online anti-christian shilling is probably jewish in origin because all the media kikes got their circumcized dicks in a twist over le ebil christian nationalism. This shit wasn't here on this scale 2 years ago and it is propagated further by idiots like you whose idiot brains turn off after reading a few sentences of text. Absolute disgrace.
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There is nowhere safe for you to run because the entire planet is aware of your kike ways.
Jews hating christians and Jesus doesn't mean they still don't subvert them and use them and their followers as golems.
And regardless, both Islam and Christianity are universalist religions.
>. Is it so hard to understand that Jews are behind the conversion of Europeans to Christianity?
How is that even possible?
The vile talmudic cult is created well after Christianity.
Christianity is a Greek invention.
>only christians get married and have children
>and they definitely raise their children right and said children are becoming christians too
If so, whence come atheists?
>Sees a racial reality and projects religion
Yeah, America was good when it was white.
You do realize that Christians are the sole reason that Roman culture has been preserved.
Right, shlomo?
>you do realize zombies are the only reasons humanity survived right?
In so far as Saul of Tarsus is greek, yes.
Mental and physical abuse by judeo bolsheviks running the public school system.
The Christian religion was codified and spread by the Byzantine.
The Bible itself was authored in the Greek language.
No evidence he ever existed, he is just a character from the Bible.
Christianity itself has its basis in Atenism as proven by the hymm of Aten findings.
At no point were you kikes involved in anything related to the creation of Christianity.
Jew thread
SAAR, where did all of these pop up in the first place?
Jew brainwashing.
The judeo bolshevik run government.
When you jews took control over the information flow.
>The jews forced my kid to not care about jesus
Damn, maybe the jesus narrative isn't as compelling or useful as you might have thought?
>Jews hate Christianity.
For Jews themselves sure, but as something for gentiles it was one of the best things to ever happen to Jews. It turned them from "some foreigners" to having an irremoveable place in the mythologies of other peoples.
The fact that they consistently spread and lived alongside Christianity instead of leaving its lands en masse is proof that they viewed it as a useful thing.
You could have probably gotten away with it if you just stuck to brainwashing them to be atheists, but you kikes decided that wasn't far enough and had to brainwash them with trans nonsense as well, which was a step too far, and now you're all going to die.
SAAR, what happened to the original European religions? How and why where they replaced?
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>proud European folk religions
Europeans literally sacrificed their own women and children to their gods before Christianity.
polytheism/paganism was a dead end
Instead of being "some foreigners", they are now known as insufferably whiney corrupt degenerates who killed God's son.
Christianity turned out to be more true than worshipping sticks or whatever, which is why you kikes attack Christianity and not paganism.
>It turned them from "some foreigners" to having an irremoveable place in the mythologies of other peoples.
Err, how so?
It condemns the pharisees as repulsive parasites, it condemns their favourite form of parasitism (usury).
> The fact that they consistently spread and lived alongside Christianity instead of leaving its lands en masse is proof that they viewed it as a useful thing.
They lived in a lot of places, like the worthless race of migrant gyppos that they are.
And jews have been kicked out of countless Christian kingdoms.
>so true that it's dying
SAAR, why do you deny that Christians used the same subversive methods that their real masters, the jews, are using to this day?
Because no part of that post makes any sense, you kike.
SAAR, why weren't there any real mass killings of jews a la Holohoax post Hadrian?
Good point, we have a lot of jew slaughtering to catch up on.
>DA MASSA who duped and enslaved them for 2000 fucking years
Shlomo, you didn't have a state until you were granted one.
The fact that you even exist is strictly due to your racial superiors saving you from your well deserved punishment.
>Any day now goy!
SAAR, what were you doing 2k years?
> Holohoax
Never happened.
So it's impossible for anything like it to occur.
Are you raising the goalposts now?
Six mortillion jews were not ovened so they MUST have loved us!
BTFO'ing you.
You have been kicked out of 1000+ locations throughout history.
Beaten so badly that you made a religion out of it.
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Riveting debate as always, /his/.
Jews discovered the worst insult you can call someone is a jew, which is why they call Jesus a jew all the time.
It's really amazing seeing all those SAARS think (using the term rather loosely) that somehow, only semetic inbreds from the desert dislike semetic inbreds from the desert.
Buddhism did this as it spread into East Asia as well, and Hinduism does it with Buddha too.
Augustine is making a reference to the mark that protects Cain here, framing Christ as Abel and the Jews as those who killed him
>proud European folk religions
Just say you want ritualized public human sacrifice back. No neex to beat around the bush.
I am all for public hangings and executions and lynchings, not for religious reasons mind you.
>Religion based on the Torah which follows Noahide and Mosaic laws has nothing to do with jews
>Aaaaa goyim noooo don't give me a monopoly on banking it will be my ruin
Who let them in into more than a thousand locations?
because blacks
>A cult to a fucking female fairy in a pond
Shut up, jew-nosed south-conner
>American Christianity, the worst kind of Christianity
Don't you have some fence to take care of in the midst of your paranoia against the FBI?
Aesthetics are simply not worth burning in hell
Sure is curious how Christians made paganism extinct when they set their mind to it yet Jews have been tolerated in Europe for millenia despite le 109. Makes you think....
a god who hates beauty isn't a god at all, and has no power to cast me into hell.
This feels right.
There is nothing beautiful about idolatry.
>this extremely technically proficient sculptures are actually not beautiful because, uh... they blaspheme my god!
completely ass-backwards logic
Meanwhile he raises up his own idols. Pitiful hypocrisy aimed at destroying others.
Correct, if anything, the dedication and craftsmaship makes it worse. Like making an extremely efficient chemical weapon, the skill is nothing to praise.
again, your logic is circular and screwed up. There is no inherent quality of idols that is bad. Chemical weapons can be used to rapidly murder large quantities of people.
Idols are only inherently evil if you already agree with christianity, which says that idols are inherently evil merely because god says so, NOT because of any quality of the thing itself, but because they are subjectively offensive to him.
I'm saying to you that any god which would make such a proclamation is not susceptible of being a god at all. I totally reject your entire framing, and so your argument falls flat.
>There is no inherent quality of idols that is bad.
Yes, it sends people to damnation.
>semetic garbage
Don't blame us for Yahwist autism. We tried to stop it.
>I disagree with you
>"Well, if you agreed with me, then I'd be right!"
good talk
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Just the reverse. Idols are socio-political unifiers and act to improve the spirit. Iconoclasm leads to damnation on Earth, and consequently, thereafter.
Pagan larpers are hilarious lol. Christ won over the roman empire and established His throne in Rome. (not) sorry but the idols will be destroyed. Christ is King
>i liek destroying other people's stuff
isn't that literally what Satan does?
uhhh...? Not really? Satan destroys life and souls, builds idols and sin. God does the opposite
>I hate
I know, atheist/wrongdoer. You're full of hate. You hate not only Christians.
My biggest problem with Christianity is the focus on repentance, atonement, and needing a savior. It just seems unnecessary, I refuse to believe in Original Sin or that humans are inherently depraved or evil. Hell is a huge turn off too. The Christian relationship with God is more like a domestic abuse marriage.
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What kind of taqiyya is this?
>builds idols
So Catholics are satanists?
Levi of Egypt was always the Luwians of Egypt.
any further explanation should be self evident.
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You literally see division between the jews and the Christians in bible, Christianity became entirely distant from Judaism as the word got brighter.

"B-But it has Jewish Origins!!" a majority of ideologies and religions have origins in unfavorable ethnic groups, doesn't mean anything. And jn accordance to Christianity the jews quite literally lost the favor and were no longer the chosen people as they rejected christ
Europeans got absolutely raw dogged, unbashedly, PURE KEKED by semites.

There is no reversing from here, christianity is old and wont change anymore from that continent.

Europeans humiliated their own ancestors, called them pagans, pushed semitic worship. ITS OVER

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