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You're kidnapped by aliens and taught the Nahua language. The aliens use a time machine to send you back to the Aztec empire one month before Spanish conquistadors arrive, and order you to help defend to the Aztecs.

You are not allowed to bring any weapons, equipment or tools with you and arrive only with your bare hands and knowledge of weapons and chemistry.

If you fail, the aliens will do experiments on you and transplant your genitals onto your face.

What kind of weapons can you instruct the Aztecs to make?
Take your violent anti-Spanish pornographic fantasy elsewhere, please. Nobody wants to save those human sacrificing savages.
"Savages" in Cambodia defeated Spanish conquistadors
Don't even bother with making weapons
>Spaniards walk in
>Kill them immediately instead of treating them as treasured guests and leaving them alone with the emperor so they can take him hostage
Europeans defeated all of Asia with their BWCs. May as well be weapons of mass destruction.
>You can't perform sacrifices on captured enemies but the auto-da-fe was moral, civilized, and reasonable
Why are tradcaths like this
Why are tradcaths like this
Because one was way worse than the other.
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You're right. Being burnt at the stake in front of gleefully crowds for not believing in the correct version of skydaddy is way worse
Spain was defeated and massacred in Cambodia and in Mindanao and only conquered lands of stone age people in the Americas.
No, being tried for being some degenerate 5th column or schizo witch is more reasonable than human sacrificing captured people from other tribes by ripping their heart out every day in front of crowds to feed your pagan idol is way worse.
I would rather be stabbed than burned
>some degenerate 5th column or schizo witch
Typical christcuck hand waving the murder of innocent people.
You're the bad fruit by the bad tree Jesus talked about.
A totally normal person could have their heart ripped out, meanwhile you’d need to be part of a small group of criminal class to be burnt.
>However, after extensive examinations of archival records, modern scholars provide lower estimates, indicating that fewer than 10,000 were actually executed during the whole history of the Spanish Inquisition, perhaps around 3,000.
Or be Jewish, Muslim, or just a different kind of christian
Auto de fe lasted for 400 years
Do you know how many Indians were burned at the stake for refusing to convert?
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>They were innocent because.....uh, they just WERE, OK!!!
>realize that the aliens are cruel, psychopathic savages who enjoy meat grinder civilizations
>an hero to avoid tainting an inevitable process or the cruelties of asstec tier torture
simple as
>Or be Jewish, Muslim, or just a different kind of christian
those are the criminal 5th columns of which were referred to.
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>A totally normal person could have their heart ripped out,
The heart sacrifice you're thinking of was done to captured enemy warriors, and specifically to noble warriors in non-Nahua Mesoamerican societies though, with rituals that involved sacrifice victims that weren't adult males being fewer and using (foreign) slaves, who in turn needed to fit some specific physical characteristics to be sacrificed, you were probably less likely to die by sacrifice as an average peasant in Mesoamerica than your chinese or european counterpart in the sacking of a town
Spaniards were killing people who had different beliefs than them. Aztecs were killing enemy soldiers. They're both killing for their God but somehow Spaniards are more civilized and it's ok to massacre and rape them? I swear Catholics are worse than Muslims sometimes.
Right innocent people
Why would I? Do you LIVE near aztecs like I do? Mexico is sending its brownest most tribal retards north and let me tell you, they deserved to die. Spain did not go far enough. I would tell Cortez what would happen to mexico in the future and try to help him make a spanish supremacist colony instead.
They didn't sacrifice anyone. It's pure bullshit form the vatican.
50 dead bodies in 100 years in a giant open well that is used by a city of 10k people, where you can slip and hit your head on a stone while going up or down. And it's slippery when wet , and it rains every other day.
That's just accidents that happened.

Real answer: pikes and pike square tactics.

Arguably the most critical moment in the Spanish conquest was the "Night of Sorrows" and the consequent Battle of Otumba - which the Aztecs narrowly lost because the final Spanish cavalry charge managed to kill their general. This allowed the fleeing Spanish to regroup with their allies in Tlaxcala.

Solution: Train the general's retinue as pike squares and stuff the general in the middle of one of these squares. Provided the bodyguard can hold off the Spanish cavalry, the Aztecs should now be able to win at Otumba and massacre the Spanish.

(personally - Aztecs got what they deserved.)
>s more reasonable than human sacrificing captured people from other tribes by ripping their heart out every day in front of crowds

That also didn't happen, another bullshit from the vatican "historians". No proof of any of that other than "we have seen some tables".
Ok. But what do the really SEE on those tablets?
I could believe this, especially the way the Vatican slandered the cathars who were more morally upstanding than they were.
I live in San Diego, they're not that bad. They're actually willing to work and latinas treat you a lot better than white women.
>arrive at the aztec empire
>be treated as a god because people are afraid of my "cursing power"
>Right innocent people
How brainwashed are you?
>torture one of staff to teach how to make muskets
Obviously, they knew was sneezing was, so that wouldn't happen. If you mean it would be because of the disease it would cause, they'd more likely think you were a wizard, who were thought to be capable of cursing people by placing diseases on them, not a god.
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I'm sorry but I am a Spanish Conquistador and I am going to massacre Indians and rape indigenous women in all timelines.
The guy who thinks having different beliefs than him makes someone guilty and deserving of death thinks I'm brainwashed.
lmao, the spic thinks this is an argument?
>t-they barely sacrifice kids and women, they dindus, only nobles, is that okay?
Well no, my point is that it was in fact only very specific groups of people who were ever at risk of being sacrificed, not "totally normal people" as the other guy implied
I'm just stating a historical fact you'll find in any proper book about the subject, you're the only one here fixated on morality and justification
Invest in offensive ideas to get extra siege ability. quickly spend all my ducats on mercs and galleys, dont worry about getting in debt since youll make the money back with war reps, just make sure to have as many troops as possible to stack
Travel to spain and instantly rush toledo and the mayor cities to get 60% war score. Keep your armies together to speed up the process. Then peace out, dont take their neighboring territory in the americas though because you want to westernize before the next invasion. Improving relations with france would be good too because they can help you out.
literally doesn't matter unless you can shit some medicine out your ass
Id force the christians to take showers obviously
To wit, even if you were a professional immunologist you'd have no way to cross the sea to obtain a sample of smallpox et al to make a vaccine with. And even if you could magic up some samples the OP stipulated no bringing tools with you so you could only make the most unreliable brute force inoculations, to make no mention of all the diseases whose vaccines require more advanced facilities to manufacture. I think the sad truth is that there is just no possible timeline where the Americas aren't depopulated by disease.
>imagine thinking "vaccines" would improve people's immunity
They would have had better immunity than the average modernoid
>Smallpox just went extinct on its own bro!
The white people who were the ruling and priest class of the civilization which was founded in south america were all sacrificed and eaten by the natives because they believed only the blood of God can please the Gods. Some fled to the west, to the Polynesian islands. By the time whites from europe showed up, the natives had gone off the rails, sacrificing eachother by the thousands trying to make the Gods care about them but it wasn't working. That is why they were so glad that the white men returned from the sea to save them, at least they hoped.
It's called sanitation and hygiene.
Funny how modern sanitation and hygiene never eliminated smallpox until global immunization campaigns started. I'm sure that's just a coincidence though. Sanitation and Hygiene only goes so far for non-bacterial/fungal/parasitical diseases.
raid Spanish settlements in the Caribbean, you don't need to go all the way to Europe
and variolation has a way lower death rate than what we got. Smallpox isn't the only disease facing the Americas but it's the most severe and very curable with modern tech.
Spaniards arrived in the south of Mexico and made contact with Aztec vassals and rivals before actually making contact with the Aztecs themselves. They had already formed an alliance with the Tlaxcalans (100,000 warriors) before Moctezuma's envoys reached them.
It was already over.

Moctezuma treating them as treasured guests was a clever but desperate political gamble to stop their alliance with the other natives.
Ideally you would need to prevent that alliance from happening in the first place.
Reminder that these posters defending the Spanish empire are Mexshitcan. Spanish posters regularly call them "panchito" and "sudaca".

They are phenotypically closer to the indians they try to distance themselves from than they are to the swarthiest Iberian.
Always found it hilarious that in Instagram comment sections and probably this thread too, the people defending the Spaniards are larping Mexicans and the people defending the Aztecs are white people either horrified at what happened to them or smart enough to realize that we're all barbaric and savage.
Under my watch they will build a large system of forts and castle to protect there army’s and I will teach them to make cannons and ships this will give them a chance oh and spears as big as the ones Alexander army’s used
Biggest crime was mixing with Asian women
More threads like these, Inca edition as well. Bump.
Asians BTFO'd Spanish conquistadors in Cambodia and Mindanao.
Also Moors mixed with Spanish women.
Tarascans (Purépecha, Iréchikwa) who lived next to Aztecs were copper and bronze age.
Incas were also copper and bronze age.
Aztecs and Mayas were stone age (gold and silver were only used for ornamental purpose).
You could get Incas and Tarascans to forge bronze cannon.
>Be Jews
>Have option of leaving Spain to fuck off anywhere else in the world (including their “holy land”) or converting to Christianity
>Lie about conversion just to stay in Spain and subvert it from the inside
>get found out and prosecuted under a due court of law
>get a
I would tell the Aztecs about Jesus and the love Jesus has for them. So when the conquistadors come, and see that they are a people that love Jesus too, they will leave them be.
They accepted the Jesus message because it came from a bunch of aliens with weapons that shot thunder and riding weird deers with no antlers that basically raped their civilization.

If it was just a single guy they would sacrifice you to Quetzalcoatl for your heresy.
>implying the conquistadors wouldn't have just fucked them over for gold anyway
>dude just leave the only homeland you have ever known and go out into the savage predatory early modern world where pirates, bandits, slavery and rape are par for the course for people without a community
>oh and by the way... in case you were thinking of buying protection, you cannot bring your riches either lol
not even that Anon but you are a dumb fuck
I'd join the Spanish, both out of my own self-interest as there is exactly zero reason they wouldn't sacrifice me if they captured me in one of their flower wars, as well as helping the Spanish being the only moral choice generally.
How the fuck would you get captured in a flower war unless you deliberately choose to become a soldier of one of the 3 very specific city-states they waged flower wars against?
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The Incas did, though a small type, versos
Thanks for being the only one stayed on topic and gave a good answer.
Appreciate the info
Those were Muslim bvlls known for fucking white women, not yellows
Pic related

People often forget/don't know how extremely fast the Inca adapted, among the fastest or perhaps the fastest of any Native American civ or tribe, Manco Inca was already employing horses and fabricating gunpowder previous to the battle of Ollantaytambo in January 1537 (with the aid of Spanish prisoners in Ollantay, a few Spanish even willingly joined him, like during Manco's siege of Cusco)
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"... gave us battles with artillery of verses and arquebuses"
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Pretty sure the Purepecha still primarily used stone tools and weapons despite their mastery of metallurgy by Mesoamerican standards, they weren't really that much more of a bronze age culture than the Aztecs and Maya, who did also work copper and bronze for ornamental purposes in addition to gold and silver.
Hun empire fucked white women
>You're kidnapped by aliens and taught the Nahua language. The aliens use a time machine to send you back to the Aztec empire one month before Spanish conquistadors arrive, and order you to help defend to the Aztecs.
I declare myself a prophet by doing a bunch of magic chemistry/electricity stuff and predict the invasion, but I intentionally weaken them by telling them to do more mass sacrifices and to do unhygenic practices as rituals in order to make them more susceptible to the plague.
>If you fail, the aliens will do experiments on you and transplant your genitals onto your face.
I will gladly suffer this fate for the glory of the Crown of Castile. DESPERTA FERRO!
How do you forge breech loading cannon by casting? You'd need something sticking in the breech area in the mold.
You don't need iron or even any metal to make rockets or crossbows. You can make crossbows and gunpowder weapons like rockets with stone age technology.
You can make rockets out of paper, wood and bamboo or even wooden cannons or leather cannons. All wooden crossbows are used in Southeast Asia.
>human sacrificing captured people from other tribes by ripping their heart ou

What "tribes" are you talking about? Sacrifices mainly came from wars against other states, like Tlaxcala, who also sacrificed. If you go by the Spanish records, it was about 4000 a year -mostly from agreed upon battles by both Tlaxcala and the Aztecs.

So, they people being sacrificed are executed on top of a prison instead of dying in the dirt like they would anywhere else in the world during a war.

Of course, there were a minority of other types of sacrifices (from noble families, for example), but these were mostly volunteered, and where in the world did not have religious violence?
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The struggles of Manco Inca occurred partially parallel to a couple of civil wars of the conquistadors and their insurrections against the Spanish crown (Manco himself was allied with the Almagro faction). Each Spanish faction was training their Indian allies in the utilization of European weapons, it is known that Almagro formed 300 indian craftsmen into weapon makers and Manco had his own Spanish craftsmen.
I'm asking how do you cast that in bronze. I know how they made wrought iron breech loaders, by beating iron around a pole and reinforcing it with iron rings.
I wasn't clear, they were making iron, not much though
Fair enough counter argument, but it doesn’t account for the many Jews who left Spain and were either A.) perfectly fine B.) became successful (see Sephardic Jews in Netherlands)
Interesting, you always hear about rival tribes siding with the spaniards but you barely ever hear about spaniards siding with the natives
>Greek artillery expert siding with Incas
never heard about this before
I'm asking for instructions on making breech loading cannon.
Pizarro himself wound up getting murdered, so I guess it's not too surprising
I didn't know about those guys though, fascinating
Hunnic troops in Europe were mostly Germanics, Slavs and Scythians. The East Asian component was limited to the top of the ruling aristocracy. The only "Hunnic" vocabulary attested are just words from Gothic or early Slavic.
Reddit thread
>You're right. Being burnt at the stake in front of gleefully crowds for not believing in the correct version of skydaddy is way worse
Germoid protestants burnt way more "witches" at the stake in a century than the inquisition in its entire history
For the most part, spics only care about pre-columbian stuff as nationalist symbols (and the overwhelming majority of the ones on 4chan are at least mildly anti-indigenous and pro-spanish), they don't know nor care any more than the average retard. Most of the people who care about the actual, real history of the region are white western archaeologists and the like, even the local mesofag is just some white autist. /his/'s assumption that anyone who posts about this kind of stuff is a spic makes about as much sense as assuming that anyone interested in ancient egypt is an islamist arab
/pol/tranny response
>Wow, how could a malnourished crew of some dozens of Spaniards lose to hundreds of spear chucking flips to the other side of the world?
The entire Spanish conquistador force was slaughtered in Cambodia in 1593-1597.

Spain was defeated when trying to conquer Moro Muslims in Mindanao and Sulu.

Spain abandoned the Moluccas (Maluku) out of fear of Chinese attack in Manila and withdrew their troops from Moluccas forever.

Chinese merchants killed the Spanish governor generals Gomez Peres Dasmariñas and Luis Peres Dasmariñas.

>in b4 people claim Germanics like Dutch are superior and would have won

The Dutch got wrecked in Cambodia just a few decades after the Spanish.

The Chinese wrecked the Dutch at the Pescadores, Liaoluo bay and Taiwan.

Again you cope and try to claim Spanish are better at warfare and racially superior and it wasn't because Aztecs used stone age level weapons and had no gunpowder

And fail to explain how Cambodians (who had steel and gunpowder) wrecked Spanish conquistadors
You do realize that Aztec mass sacrifice ceremonies were basically post-conquest victory celebrations in which they killed a bunch of captured enemy soldiers right? How the fuck do you expect that to weaken them, It would literally just mean they had yet another succesful military campaign
>Left - white and asian civilization - achievers
>Right - the Vatican killed all leaders and installed their own catholic church "priests"
The Vatican is the destroyer of the civilization.
If conquistadors were superhumans then why were all their conquests in the stone age Americas you retard and they failed to conquer a single African country and got raped in Cambodia.

Conquistador Hernan Cortez was mauled in North Africa when attacking Algiers in 1541.

Conquistadors were defeated when trying to conquer all of Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, Cambodia, Mindanao.

How cone their superhuman powers magically evaporate when facing enemies with gunpowder and steel?
the tse tse fly, honestly
There's no Tse Tse fly in North Africa.
Stone Age Khoisan defeated Portuguese at the battle of salt river.
I tell them to convert to Christianity and stop performing human sacrifices. Sucks to be me, but even if I had the time to actually complete the mission, I believe it will have be worse in the long if I do, so I am morally compelled to allow them to fail unless they do something they obviously aren't going to do.
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America was the most homogenous continent on the planet. It’s actually wild how Europeans sacrificed ethnic homogeneity for mutt cosmopolitan all because they were fucking lazy fucks who liked siestas and money
>America was once populated entirely by one race
>Euros force their way in and decimate the native population
>then they bring in many millions of African slaves
>nowadays there's also tons of Indians, Asians, MENAs etc being allowed in too

This is why I laugh whenever whites bring up white replacement

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