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Why does buddhism piss the believers of other religons so much?

I get that it's disrespecting to the power of deities, but whenever I talk about buddhist practice on this site, christians, muslims and pagans seem to take it personal.
>Why does buddhism piss the believers of other religons so much?
Does it?
Not so much irl, but online I see a lot of these right wing types seeing buddhism as a weak hippy dippy religion or worse, a death cult.
>Not so much irl, but online I see a lot of these right wing types seeing buddhism as a weak hippy dippy religion
Objectively it is, it's even more passive than Christianity.
>or worse, a death cult.
This is also correct, the final goal in Buddhism is literally to cease to exist.
Nibbana is neither existence nor non existence. We shouldn't strive to exist, but also to not exist. It's a state that's beyond comprehension.
Because Buddhism does everything Islam and Christianity promise but never deliver like the snake oil cargo cults they are.

Buddhism deals with the concrete problems of suffering and impermanence while the other big 2 religions dazzle and terrifying the believers with threats of hell and the promise of a paradise that you have no way of knowing is real because death is the precondition for entry.
>Buddhism deals with the concrete problems of suffering
>Buddhism: stop existing.
The four noble truths:

Suffering is inherent in existence, as part of the endless cycle of death and rebirth.

Suffering is caused by attachment.

Suffering can be ended by letting go of your attachments.

One must walk the Eightfold Path to achieve release from suffering and attachment.

The Eightfold Path consists of:

The Right View
The Right Resolve
The Right Speech
The Right Conduct
The Right Livelihood
The Right Effort
The Right Mindfulness
The Right Meditation

There you go, you follow that path, you achieve enlightenment and are released from suffering in the now and hereafter, no faith in Christ, Muhammad or any other cult leader required.
>pagans seem to take it personal.
You have to follow the death cult leader called Siddhartha Gautama though. It doesn't solve anything it just is a form of suicide, the cowardly way out
>Why does buddhism piss the believers of other religons so much?

Maybe because everyone wants to believe in their own religion?
Are you really not smart enough to answer your own question right away?
This is literally Scientology with different terms.
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>Why does buddhism piss the believers of other religons so much?
no one gets pissed off by buddhism. people get pissed off by people who larp as buddhists
>Suffering is inherent in existence
Maybe stop being a little bitch and confrot it, stop running away from suffering, embrace it, own it.
>Suffering is caused by attachment.
Not necessarily, suffering can be imposed on to you.
>There you go, you follow that path, you achieve enlightenment and are released from suffering in the now and hereafter, no faith in Christ, Muhammad or any other cult leader required.
The Buddha was the literal definition of a cult leader.
>Not necessarily, suffering can be imposed on to you.
no you don't get it, when you get cancer you are actually suffering because you are attached to your nintendo switch not because of the horrible pain
I guess Buddhists would say that your suffering in that case would come from your attatchment to life, which is fucking colossally retarded. Yeah, no shit faggot, I want to keep being alive.

This is the kind of shit why Buddhism is considered a death cult.
Funny how they claim all lifeforms are in this great cycle of death and rebirth. But then conveniently ignore that even on an instinctual level all of those beings are programmed with survival instincts. They are against nature itself
IMHO, it's mainly Sunyata (what westerners mistakenly think of as simple 'nothingness' or 'emptiness'). They don't know about the three jewels. They don't know how to meditate. They don't know about shentong and rangtong. Their understanding of Buddhism is derived from talk shows and grocery store books, so they think it's a religion of negationism or nihilism. It is similar to how western minds view all Hinduism as simply polytheism, when the most popular Hindu philosophies are monist-pantheist, and even the traditions that are arguably polytheistic, tend toward henotheism.
explain it your way then
>seeing buddhism as a weak hippy dippy religion
This is why I like Sikhism; its alot like buddhism but without the appeal to the weak. They even mandate you carry a sword which is super cool.
I hold to Shentong, but it is admittedly a minority position that is considered borderline-heresy by some Mahayana schools. Nonetheless, Shentong should be easily understood by any western mind as not synonymous with 'emptiness' or 'nothingness'. In fact, there are scholars who have discussed parallels between Shentong and Platonic philosophy. You'll have to read for about 5 minutes, or 10-15 if you're entirely unfamiliar with the topic: https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/30300 This is the most concise and accurate explanation of the two dominant streams regarding Sunyata.

For Rangtong, you may have to learn a little more about about dependent arising / co-arising (pratityasamutpada) to really process how it is distinct from emptiness or nothingness, but once it clicks, you will see the difference: https://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/depend.htm
Yes I can see that, but we can't all be right. I used to be a perennialist until I realized there could only be one objective truth
I lean towards Theravada and actually read stuff, although I'd like to learn more about Mahayana and the idea of emptiness. I used to lean towards Zen until I realized the idea of dubitism was stupid and mediation is a skill you must hone. I'm not vegan.
I've never really leaned towards Advaita Vedanta or non-dualism. I've read the Gita, but it doesn't have the same intellectual wealth and clarity as buddhist commentary does. I focus on attaining the Khanas, which will give me the key to then try to attain Stream-entry.
It has ridiculous power scaling that allows hypotheticals like YHWH converting to Buddhism
Well, this is one of the reasons I went full circle from atheist buddhism to theist and then back to buddhist. I've come to believe that the abrahamic God, demons, angels, saints, they all exist, as shown by things like exorcisms, good things done with the name of God and Jesus Christ, but are stuck in Samsara as God fooled himself into thinking he was eternal.
neither of you have read a sutta
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That can’t actually make any sense, at least for the Christian God. He is BEFORE Samsara, and all the previous Samsaras before that. God Was before Death.
That's just the three kayas.
You never existed in the first place

All is one
If the seemingly bleak appearance of Buddhism drives someone to pursue a higher spiritual discipline—even if it's not Buddhism—then Buddhism has done its job.
politcally, it undermines abrahamicucks by providing a robust/effective system of moral code outside of their control, without the need of a 'god'.
It's just confusing. No one seems to agree on what Buddha was trying to say, at least on this Chinese basket weaving forum.
>I focus on attaining the Khanas
Can you elaborate? I am not judging, but genuinely curious, as I have never heard anyone describe their practice in such a way. Are you Nichiren, Amitabha, or just practicing meditation and stream-entry outside of a sangha?
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People in other religions are too entrenched in their dogma to actually learn anything about Buddhism so they just throw the polemic of "death cult" at it rather than interrogate their beliefs with any real scrutiny
That's Western anything. Westerners are inherently incapable of taking Religion seriously
Death cult isn’t really a polemic seeing as how all the abrahamic faiths are actual death cults
You're doing the exact same thing he was criticizing. Theology isn't formed from a couple of lines you read in their works nor is it the practice of the adherents. This board is full of it. You see a thread about a religion you don't like, spam some baseless claims and then fuck off thinking you've put them in their place and have demonstrated your superiority
He is not lying though. One is a death cult. One is a murder cult. And the other is a foreskin-sacrifice cult. Blood and death. Bad, bad, bad.
That doesn’t makes any sense either. Everyone of the Trinity also contains the Trinity themselves.
Christianity’s most important holiday celebrates a crucifixion and Christian theology is entirely devoted to what happens to you after death
The first noble truth filters a lot of anons here, causing them to instinctively misinterpret it as
>living is constant agony and depression
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Literally every religion is concerned with existential questions we don't have the answers to like "what happens when we die" or "what does it mean to live a good life"

Historically when Buddhists kill themselves it's when Vietnamese and Tibetan monks set themselves on fire to protest and in a selfless act to free their nations from oppression. There has never been a Buddhist jihad or a Buddhist crusade.

In Christianity and Islam, when those people kill themselves it is to cause as much pain and suffering to their "enemies" as possible, which will let them achieve some sort of higher status in the afterlife. These enemies are naturally 99% of the time totally innocent people. But of course Buddhism is a death cult
>bro just be god idc
>you killed some guy? who cares lol it was written on the stars or whatever
you're goddamn retarded and that in itself is already a form of suffering.
you may not suffer yet at the moment because of your retardation, but rest assured that day will come - you'll be older, sicker, and more mentally slow then - and you'll truly suffer you retard
Buddhists are hard to understand from an abrahamic standpoint because they draw from a completely alien corpus of asiatic literature and a completely different tradition of "philosophy". They are also fastidious to deal with in general, even their "4 noble truths" imply a Dharmic way of thought.
And, to top it all of, there are a billion distinct sects of them and have little to no unified dogma. Which makes understanding them vonfusing to some.
It's a religion made up entirely of fractitious protestants.
I meant Jhanas, and I lean theravada, I read pali suttas and texts from theravada monks. The Jhanas are the culmination of right concentration, and then they can be used as a key to stream-entry and breaking the cycle of rebirth.
Yeah, they don't understand they could be deities living lifes of pleasure and joy, and still feel unsatisfied. I guess that what got me into buddhism was the first three noble truths, which seemed pretty much true to me even as I was younger.

There was a guy in my class who had the best grades of our year, and talking about buddhism, he just couldn't understand the whole idea of craving.

It was only the four noble truths I had trouble with, keeping me from embracing the path and drifting into theism and other religions, until I read a booklet on the path by Bhikkhu Bodhi, which helped me get it and affirm my faith in the dhamma.
I feel like that's an exaggeration. All Mahayana schools, as diverse as they are, are united for example around basic beliefs surrounding Sunyata and the Bodhisattva path.
Because deep down, they know it makes more sense than their religion. Its logical, coherent, down to earth, axioms are universal human truths, path towards are reasonable, etc. All without invoking supernatural aspects.
Well, there are supernatural aspects, even in Theravada. Rebirth, for example. I tend to believe in many supernatural thing anyways, although not anything silly like Chakras and crystals and whatnot.
>I used to be a perennialist until I realized there could only be one objective truth
I'm afraid you misunderstood perennialism
I know perennialism teaches its truth, but it's non-dualist and I disagree with that.
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And your contempt for non-dualism led you to embrace... Buddhism?
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Buddhist anons ITT, what variety of Buddhism do you adhere to? I go to a Zen practice influenced mostly by Renzai but also influenced some Soto as well
Theravada buddhism isn't non-dualist like Mahayana buddhism which posits there is no difference between Nirvana and Samsara, making it resemble Advaita Vedanta more.
As I said, I lean theravada, but for practical purposes, I plan to go to a zen Dojo or tibetan buddhist center as they're the only options.= around my area.
What do you think made Mahayana/Vajrayana Buddhists embrace non-Dualism?
Nagarjuna, and also their own sutras which point towards this point of view.
I'm not the religious type, I live through the buddhist truths that I see as optimal living and reduction of suffering via analytical mind pointed towards all objects of attention and deconstructing them of beings and reconstructing back as collections.
It's actually a very simple to understand philosophy but difficult to attain. There is pain, but pain is just a sensation like your other sensations. You attach a negative association to pain and now you suffer. You become attached to your body and the fear of losing it makes you suffer. You form attachments with your family and as you are dying you worry for Them and miss them and thus you suffer. If you dissociate yourself from these desires and cut the cord so to speak, you will not suffer. But not everybody is meant to live that way, and not everybody can. That is why even dedicated monks come and go all the time
>Why does buddhism piss the believers of other religons so much?
- Most buddhists (that weren't born into it) are pretentious and smug; "um you wouldn't get it" without getting it themselves.
- Buddhism is for people who think they are tired of all phenomenal, conditioned existence, which most people are not.
- Buddhism cosmology taken literally is flat earther tier and just as retarded as any other religion. If it wasn't supposed to taken literally and the supposedly near-omniscient Buddha merely taught it that way as skillful means, then that is inherently dishonest.
- Buddhism has no real moralism to it. Maybe not a bad thing depending on who you ask, but it does pretend that it does which is dishonest. It is possible to become a being that can act in an evil way but not be affected by karma.
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> please wait a while before making a post
This website is over fucking retarded jannies
>I meant Jhanas, and I lean theravada, I read pali suttas and texts from theravada monks.
Very nice my friend. Thank you for clarifying. I have been part of a Soto Zen sangha for a long time, but my first encounter with Buddhism, over 20 years ago, was through the writings of Ajahn Sumedho. I have dialogued with a few Theravada Bhikkhus and layfolk. Wonderful people.
>An imperial edict of 845 stated the case against Buddhism as follows:

>Buddhist monasteries daily grew higher. Men’s strength was used up in work with plaster and wood. Men’s gain was taken up in ornaments of gold and precious stones. Imperial and family relationships were forsaken for obedience to the fees of the priests. The marital relationship was opposed by the ascetic restraints. Destructive of law, injurious to mankind, nothing is worse than this way. Moreover, if one man does not plow, others feel hunger; if one woman does not tend the silkworms, others go cold. Now, in the Empire, there are monks and nuns innumerable. All depend on others to plow that they may eat, on others to raise silk that they may be clad. Monasteries and refuges (homes of ascetics) are beyond compute.

>Beautifully ornamented; they take for themselves palaces as a dwelling.... We will repress this long-standing pestilence to its roots ... In all the Empire, more than four-thousand six-hundred monasteries are destroyed, two-hundred and sixty-thousand five-hundred monks and nuns are returning to the world, both (men and women) to be received as taxpaying householders. Refuges and hermitages which are destroyed number more than forty-thousand. We are resuming fertile land of the first grade, several tens of millions of Ch’ing. We are receiving back as tax paying householders, male and female, one hundred and fifty thousand serfs. The aliens who hold jurisdiction over the monks and nuns show clearly that this is a foreign religion

>Ta Ch’in (Syrian) and Muh-hu-fo (Zoroastrian) monks to the number of more than three-thousand are compelled to return to the world, lest they confuse the customs of China. With simplified and regulated government, we will achieve a unification of our manners, that in future, all our youth may together return to the royal culture. We are now beginning this reformation; how long it will take we do not know

This dumb jeet religion held east asia back.
I'm so glad in modern times the countries of east asia chimped out against buddhism and its influence rendering it the same status as christianity in the west an absolute joke
>The eternal wisdom of Siddhartha Gautama is a joke because opportunistic people exploited it for their own personal gain
>Most buddhists (that weren't born into it) are pretentious and smug

>Buddhism is for people who think they are tired of all phenomenal, conditioned existence

>Buddhism cosmology taken literally is flat earther tier

>Buddhism has no real moralism to it

>It is possible to become a being that can act in an evil way but not be affected by karma
>In Christianity and Islam, when those people kill themselves it is to cause as much pain and suffering to their "enemies" as possible, which will let them achieve some sort of higher status in the afterlife. These enemies are naturally 99% of the time totally innocent people. But of course Buddhism is a death cult
It's called projection and it's a fundamental pillar of the art of pilpul. All of the Abrahamic faiths are built upon the substrate of Judaism, so it's only natural that their practitioners will retroactively justify their behaviour via sophistry and semantic games.
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It's ironic that you disagree with the premise that Buddhists are pretentious and smug when you're quite literally being pretentious and smug right now
The buddha didn't do secret teachings, he didn't do esoteric teachings which need explaining, he didn't do teaching which nee to be read between the lines.
This is what bugs abrahamists and brahmins, because all their teachings are just mental masturbation which apparently need some interpreter by some experts from their caste to teach the dumb peasants.
There never was a buddhist movement in China
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>make baseless accusations about someone's sincerely held beliefs
>person with sincerely held beliefs asks for the basis of your claims
>use them asking for the basis of your claim to justify your original claim while still supplying no basis for it
>rather than interrogate their beliefs with any real scrutiny
Doing so is literally forbidden by many faiths.
>but pain is just a sensation like your other sensations. You attach a negative association to pain and now you suffer.
How I feel emotionally about the pain or whatever is completely irrelevant. It fucking hurts and that's the problem. No matter how much you try you will scream in agony when you are burned alive too
Because most western followers are insufferable. It's got nonsensical theology and is pretty much just a normalfag version of gnosticism.
See, if you were arguing in good faith, you'd have asked that anon a few questions, or commented on his statements, or God forbid, counter-argued. You're doing the breadtuber debate breaux thing and asking for proof in bad faith.
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>It fucking hurts and that's the problem.
And by releasing your attachment and ignorance about it, pain no longer exists.
>No matter how much you try you will scream in agony when you are burned alive too
Correct, because ignorance cannot be destroyed with force. It is not about "trying" at all, but of infinite compassion and understanding.
Buddha was a cult leader
What do you have to say to all the people historically and presently who don't have access to the internet, so can't use your gay meditation methods to stop the pain they feel?
and it's a good thing
The Western version of Buddhism is not unlike the Jefferson bible.

Both represent the highest, most pure forms of their respective philosophies, free of dogmas. They speak to a higher, more sublime nature that cannot be fully captured in their orthodox forms. The purest forms attract both ends of the bell curve.
How does removing the religious nature of what Jesus taught make it more pure?
>pain no longer exists.
where are you located? let's try this experiment of yours irl
>infinite compassion and understanding
empty words, understanding what and compassion towards whom?
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Scientology throws you into the peepeepoopoo rape dungeon I'm not sure there are a lot of Buddhists who do that
Ad hominem
He's a worse version of Pythagoras and his followers just invented the east's equivalent to catholicism
>I see a lot of these right wing types seeing buddhism as a weak hippy dippy religion or worse, a death cult

It's interesting you isolate that to the "right wing", because people of various views maintain either version.
Read his whole post retard. He was calling other religious leaders cult leaders as an insult.
I know and see your suffering, and if I could but help you on your path, I would do so gladly.
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>the east's equivalent to catholicism
dead meme, you didn't even use a 4chan filename because you came here last year. Try an argument next time.
Yeah and he outlined pretty clear why that label doesn't apply to Siddhartha Gautama
People complain about western buddhist followings but it's not like it hasn't been twisted in a million ways in Asia either. In shit like pure land you pray to Buddha for salvation the same way you would to Jesus. Others think mummifying yourself (basically suicide) results in you achieving nirvana.
It doesn't remove the religious nature, it preserves the only religious nature to be found in the words of the Apostles. What else can this be called but purity?
He didn't
Isn't the jefferson bible where it's just the moral teachings?
most RWers like buddhism

because abrahamoids, especially paki nigslams and christians hate dharmic religions because it is spiritually better than abrahmics
>where are you located? let's try this experiment of yours irl
Although, what I say is already proven by Thích Quảng Đức, if this would bring you satisfaction:
6105 Oakland ave, KC
>empty words, understanding what and compassion towards whom?
Perhaps you should meditate on it, instead of asking such foolish questions.
because religion is gay, Darwinic atheism is the best
atheism is a religion, just like any other one: it has symbols, priests, oppressions, lies, dogmas, creation myth, hierarchies, social rules and so on. It has also a theology, but it's atomized (ie the rats believe in self determination in order to be compatible with the propaganda of the human rights). The only novelty by atheist rats is that they say ''atheism is not religion, it's an ideology'', because those dimwits deeply believe that if they change the words they use, reality will change.

reminder that contrary to the atheist propaganda, there is no several flavors of atheism. The truth is that there is only one atheism but atheists keep making up various flavors, like social liberalism, nationalism, communism, to keep people running in circle among all the atheist religions. In other words, atheists use their fantasy of market to balkanize their own religion in order to keep people trapped in it while thinking they become free thinkers when they explore the various flavors of atheism.

the bourgeois created atheism and their revolutions precisely to remove any theology bigger than society, so that the wageslaves can ''create their own goals'' , ie self determination, and be an active ''citizen''. This was at the time of the bourgeois invention of ''nationalism''. Nowadays the bourgeois manages the other side of its self-made individualism with the exact opposite (equally controlled by the same bourgeois), ie perennialism, internationalism , interdependence ie ''being a citizen of the world''.
You have to understand that in a balkanized atheist supermarket of political sides, the bourgeois control all sides, all the narratives. It's the bourgeois who choose what narrative is trendy and what narrative will be frowned upon through the bourgeois means, ie mercantilism and legalism.
>Isn't the jefferson bible where it's just the moral teachings?
You're on the cusp of having a great awakening. All you need to do now is simply understand.

athiest humanism is the best
You got something wrong, don't pretend it was anything else
The value of those teaching are not in their "religious nature"
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I know precisely what I said, I said nothing wrong. Your inability to face the Truth causes you to project a mistake where there is none. It's self evident from the very first proposition I made. The equation of Western New-Age Buddhism, which cleaves away the mythological greebling and leaves only the fundamental, divine nature of Buddha's teachings. So too does this occur with the Jefferson Bible.

You are on the ledge of the most difficult mountain you will ever be faced with in your life. This will not be the only time you will have access to the revelation at the summit. I believe in you, anon. If you have made it this far, you will come to ascertain the Truth eventually. It is only a matter of time. You need only have the courage to scale the mountain.
>6105 Oakland ave, KC
okay cool I am a couple of hours drive away should I give you my email?
>Perhaps you should meditate on it
I have no idea how. So if the experiment works maybe you can teach me or something
Condescending pseudointellectual babble, grow up a bit. This is why people hate buddhists.
Not an argument. Confirmed for knowing that you willfully chose ignorance this time.
You didn't write a coherent argument to respond to you repulsive narcissist
The central tenet of Buddhism, the idea that the material world is inherently unsatisfactory, is a direct negation of the Abrahamic idea that God created a perfect world. It drives Abrahamics insane because the four noble truths are objectively true and simple to understand, and as soon as they understand them, they realize that one of two things must be true:
>their god isn't perfect
>their god is perfect but somehow failed to create a perfect universe
There is no way to debate these points so instead they just seethe and make up lies about Buddhism and so on, because deep in their hearts they realized that their religion was a lie as soon as they understood the concept of dukkha.
That's not true at all with christians, they think it was perfect until God allowed Satan for whatever reason. So they agree with buddhists on that.
Buddhists are Eastern Christcucks.
God didn't "start allowing "satan", angels always had free will and lucifer is the first one to decide not to follow God.
buddhism is better than any abrahmoid religion
They do the same shit, "my religion is better than yours".
Oh, but I did. However, in realizing my point, you've discovered you don't have a foot to stand on. Which is why you've now taken to slinging insults. Ignorance led you to misunderstanding, misunderstanding led you to overconfidence, and overconfidence caused you to charge blindly into the wood. Realizing that you have no counterargument, all you have left to leverage are cheap curses and insults.

Once you come to understand the Truth, you won't have any need for these things. Not only because you'll exist in peaceful agreement with me, but you'll also understand and perceive them as things which debase your position. It's the very nature of a wrong-view to debase itself. I need only provide encouragement to draw out the demons which puppeteer you, and to each of them I say that their time on your soul is limited. This one is bound to come to the Truth, no matter how hard they steer you away from it. You will see to their destruction yourself.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address them directly. I leave you now to go in peace, I have no further point or use to engage with you at this time.
What would you like a counterargument for? And you haven't a single clear statement.
> taken to slinging insults.
It wasn't an insult though, you took it as that. You know that the no one understands the nonsense you're posting. So why do you post it? To make yourself feel superior to others because you're a narcissist. And that's repulsive.
Can someone explain why I, a tranny, should care about Buddhism?
You shouldn't. Please keep your toxic identity politics away from our communities. Thank you so much. Hugs and kisses.
you will become a woman, see Thailand
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>you're arguing in bad faith if you ask me to substantiate a bunch of ad hominem!
the only way you should seek is that of ahl as-sunnah wa l-jamaʻah
You will die and reincarnate into a woman.
caring about materialism brings suffering
the can meditate the AGP thoughts away
I don't recommend it if you are self conscious because this religion will amplify the feeling 100 times and you will hate yourself
You shouldn't. Buddhism is anti tranny identity politics
>Click on a buddhism thread
>It's filled with seething trendy converts getting blown the fuck out in a scholarly manner
Every time.
You neo-Christians know "Taking the Lord's Name in Vain" is about fighting for God and losing, right? Stop picking battles you can't win. It's okay to make mistakes, but you're performing the same sin over and over again. It's borderline fucking blasphemy watching this shit.
You sound very upset for someone who's supposedly winning
Why is Buddhism so R*ddit?
You can tell he's from there because of his needless use of swear words
The world isn't perfect, and in fact scripture says those who love the world are wrong. The world won't be perfect until the second coming and God dwells among us.
You shouldn’t now kill yourself you mentally ill tranny
>>16872923 Only atheists/wrongdoers claiming to be religious attacks other religions. This is their strategy to throw religions against eachother.

A person claiming to be a Christian can actually be an atheist/wrongdoer. And it is pretty easy to spot those atheists/wrongdoers, because they don't follow the teachings of God/Jesus/Buddha. They just tell you they do.

Don't fall for their cheap tricks.


True religious people don't attack religions, because they know that religions are many, but God is One.
Not even all Christians believe "God is one" (the trinity) let alone something like Buddhism, which while it doesn't deny that gods or what could be called gods exist, it does deny much of what's attributed to them. You can't seriously think the average Christian wouldn't think a Buddhist would go to hell. Since they don't put their faith in Jesus.
>all religion is the same thing
hippie new age garbage
They're both adjacent to liberalism.

I'm Christian you fucking idiot.
Buddhism teaches that gender, in the end, is another construct. Therefore, trans people tend to already have that figured out, cis people who cling very hard and are insecure about their maculinity/femininity, are more steeped in ignorance.
>its a construct
>therefore I must castrate myself to make it real
I'm non-religious and I have an interest in studying different religions
I think that those people are just shitposting/looking for attention, assuming you aren't being preachy about your posts
That's retarded even by your own logic. Trans people are more attached to the "constructs" of masculinity/femininity than anyone else on the planet. Spending copious amounts of money, becoming dependent upon pharmaceutical drugs, and being attached to the idea of attaining something which is a biological impossibility is the ultimate delusion. Buddhism is all about breaking beyond delusions. Also in the case of a mtf having a gaping axe wound in your pelvis isn't going to make sitting any easier, and for a ftm injecting yourself with an assload of testosterone isn't going to help you either. It is vanity and pride, pure distilled delusion. Granted, we should accept people who have these delusions, because we are all delusional to a certain extent in Buddhism, but treating gender as some malleable identity for one to conform to is ultimate delusion. In smugly asserting yourself as beyond the concept of gender you are only conforming to one conception or the other, it's sad
>trans people
you mean transgender people, or trannies. you retarded faggot.
Siddhartha Gautama is nobody. He is just some guy. You are neither obligated to revere him like Muhammadans do with Muhammad as a "perfectest man to ever live" and go around beheading people if they insult this husbando, nor worship him as the "son of god". He was just the guy formulated these tenets. You follow them because they work. Or you could continue to keep suffering. Nobody's going to behead you or throw you in hell for being an infidel/heretic and not following "the chosen one".
>You follow them because they work.
You follow them because you put faith into it. At least abrahamism comes with consistent theologies and answers questions legitimately. You don't get answers from buddhists, just semantics and nonsense.
>consistent theologies
>answers questions legitimately
LMAO. Yeah, henotheism LARPing as monotheism, trinitarian vs. non-trinitarian, the trinity itself, wildly different notions about the nature of the afterlife, and all of the ridiculous contradictions within and between the Old Testament, New Testament, and Qur'an, are really consistent and legitimate. Got it.
You're listing things that belong to different sects and bringing up hypocrisy as an argument. The fact is, if you ask questions to christians about their sects they'll give you clear responses that are consistent in their theologies. And you get the same thing from jews and muslims. You don't get that from buddhists.
The fact is, if you ask questions to Buddhists about their sects, they'll give you clear responses that are consistent in their philosophies. It's not any kind of accomplishment. Every religion and ideology attempts to abide by its own internal "logic".
No they don't, they give vague mystical answers and insult you.
Are you incapable of arguing without weak strawmen?
It's a statement of what they do. You began with the weak arguing of trying to say that because Buddha isn't seen as a perfect prophet or god that means buddhism doesn't require faith. You also lied that buddhists have never killed anyone.
>It's a statement of what they do
Yes, and it is based on your subjective experience. It is not a fact.

>You began
>You also
NTA, and please take more ESL courses. There are other people ITT.
Name one incident of Buddhists killing anyone for Siddharta Gautama.
>The eternal wisdom of poopy jeet
Instead of making esl accusation, respond to the post
Ashoka the Great killing people
FFS he wasn't killing people for Buddha, you retard. He killed people because he was a conqueror. And unlike Muhammadanism and Christianity, Buddhism doesn't tell you to go around killing "unbelievers". So he was going against his religion.
>respond to the post
I literally did. What do you think you're replying to?
>Buddhism doesn't tell you to go around killing "unbelievers"
Exactly. The only person Buddhism says it is acceptable to kill is the Buddha himself.
But he killed people for blasphemy against buddhism, it doesn't matter what semantics you do about this.
>Buddhism doesn't tell you to go around killing "unbelievers".
Nor does Jesus
Post an answer to why you act like buddhism doesn't require faith
Again with this shit.

>NTA, and please take more ESL courses. There are other people ITT.
Emphasis on:
>There are other people ITT
What is the point of replying then faggot? Why are you entering this discussion?
If you want to have a discussion with one person and one person alone, you are in the wrong place. Maybe try calling someone on the telephone or texting with someone you know instead.
It's unclear what poster is who here. If you're going to enter an argument just to post pointless remarks, expect to be asked to actually respond and defend yourself from whatever you're insulting. Why show up to just be a faggot?
You are truly retarded. Please return to reddlt or whatever discord room you came from.
You're the redditor who expects everyone to know what poster is who. Or from some tourist board with ids.
My first response to you was here: >>16881157 Everything you have said after this has either been a strawman, or an expression of your own confusion.

You made the utterly retarded statement that:
>abrahamism comes with consistent theologies and answers questions legitimately
Which is laughably disconnected from reality.

I responded with:
>LMAO. Yeah, henotheism LARPing as monotheism, trinitarian vs. non-trinitarian, the trinity itself, wildly different notions about the nature of the afterlife, and all of the ridiculous contradictions within and between the Old Testament, New Testament, and Qur'an, are really consistent and legitimate. Got it.

You have been seething, throwing out strawmen, and acting confused ever since. Just take a break and go rest up for your next prayer service.
It's not disconnected from reality, you can ask catholic priests questions all day and you'll get straight answers. You can't even get clear answers from buddhists when asking them a few questions here. Stop resorting to ridicule to win this argument, you're making yourself look very immature and pathetic.
>You have been seething, throwing out strawmen, and acting confused ever since.
Grow up screeching faggot
>you can ask catholic priests questions all day and you'll get straight answers
>You can't even get clear answers from buddhists when asking them a few questions here
What are you even trying to say? What do you think a "straight" or "clear" answer is, and how does the way that priests supposedly communicate with you magically transform the incoherent mess of the Abrahamic faiths into something that is "consistent" and "legitimate"? Furthermore, what makes your faith any more "legitimate" than any other person's faith?

>Stop resorting to ridicule
When you stop babbling about nonsense, sure.

>win this argument
There isn't an argument, because you don't know how to think critically or support your own statements.

>Grow up screeching
ESL classes. Please take them.
"Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God"
"there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Self-Sustaining."
>What are you even trying to say?
That the catholic church is able to give people answers to most questions about its theology in a easy to understand way, something buddhists cannot do. For someone who enjoys throwing the esl comments you sure are failing to comprehend this language. The abrahamic faiths do contain lots of nonsense, but the theologians have found ways to connect it together in a way that can at least make sense.
>the theologians have found ways to connect it together in a way that can at least make sense
And Buddhist thinkers have found ways to connect their philosophies together in a way that makes sense as well.

>the catholic church is able to give people answers to most questions about its theology in a easy to understand way
Now pretend you are not a Catholic, and grew up with absolutely no exposure to Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. How much sense do you think any of it would make to you then?

Maybe I should start with a simpler question. Can you imagine if you did not eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner yesterday? How would you have felt?
Then it's a shame that their followers aren't able to post any of these arguments
>How much sense do you think any of it would make to you then?
You're able to ask questions and get everything explained to you. Buddhists on the internet don't do that.
>How would you have felt?
nothing because I would have meditated my hunger away and my body is fueled by Indian psychobabble
unless its a theistic denomination, Buddhism is faggot tier and im at LEAST as "enlightened" as the buddha so i feel comfortable saying that
It's more insufferable pseudointellectualisms. He can't help it, buddhists simply refuse to speak honestly without trying to establish themselves as superior to their opponents.
>I need my Buddhism to be glorified Abrahamism before I can follow it
I mean it works well enough for them to get fed for free. They form personality cults and commoners in their villages will start gooning to their supposedly massive brains because they believe them to have cracked the mysteries of reality or whatever. If anyone disagrees with them then they can simply say "meditate on it" and give extremely vague statements that will have little to no follow up questions. The key to doing this successfully is to act confident and not let your lack of knowledge show. They were the twitch streamers of their day essentially.
nah its more like trying to be accurate
>>16881445 >>16881444 >>16881428 >>16881406 >>16881400 >>16881388
How are you all this dense? What are you having trouble understanding? It seems that all you can do is complain about feelings of inferiority and how people speak to one another on one of the internet's biggest shitholes, but your feelings of inferiority and the profanity on this site have nothing to do with Budhhism.

Here is a 5 minute introduction to the basics of Buddhism: https://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/5minbud.htm

Here is a clear explainer of fundamental precepts and practices:

Here is a simple FAQ compilation on the religion:

Other anons have posted clear and concise answers, along with resources, in this thread as well, for example:

What exactly are the followers of Abraham / Moses / Jesus / Mohammed / Allah / Yahweh in here having trouble understanding?
Living forever with Jesus > Nibbana
If I wanted to live forever next to a middle easterner who wants me to follow his beliefs I'd move to England.
Too funny man.
Uh…ha-ha, good one bro
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>babies are born maimed because in their past life they were bad nematodes who didn't make a cat shit out its guts hard enough
>babies are born maimed because in their past life they were bad nematodes who didn't make a cat shit out its guts hard enough
This is not what it says.

Here is what it says:
>Karma is the law that every cause has an effect, i.e., our actions have results. This simple law explains a number of things: inequality in the world, why some are born handicapped and some gifted, why some live only a short life. Karma underlines the importance of all individuals being responsible for their past and present actions. How can we test the karmic effect of our actions? The answer is summed up by looking at (1) the intention behind the action, (2) effects of the action on oneself, and (3) the effects on others.

How is that problematic for you, when the following doesn't set off any alarms:
>Hell is real, hell is eternal, and the Bible is full of proof that it exists and that people are in it. Our “eternity” is thus sealed at the time of our death! When considering the massive amount of evil that exists in the world, we should also remember that God even permits it only inasmuch as he knows that he will bring ultimate good out of that evil. The crucifix is the ultimate example of this. The greatest evil ever perpetrated in the history of creation—the crucifix, where we killed God—results in the greatest good: the redemption of the world by the grace of Jesus Christ. Hell is primarily a state of being, but inasmuch as the souls there will have bodies after the resurrection of the dead, they will have location as well. So, in that sense, we can say hell is a “place.” In fact, we could say the same of heaven. But both heaven and hell are not “places” in the sense that the people there could “leave” and “return.” Inasmuch as these are states of being, “heaven” and “hell” are present wherever the saints and damned are.
how do you know any of it is true? on that site it mentions scientific proof for rebirth. are there any peer reviewed publications on this? preferably from a medical journal
>This is not what it says.
Yes I know I posted the picture myself? The problem is that it is exactly what it entails. Tell me how can you be a good enough worm to avoid being born as a sickly child. Also I am not Catholic
The site is a general guide. How do you know anything in the Bible, Qur'an or Talmud are true? Are there any peer reviewed publications on the existence of Yahweh, Heaven, Hell, and the messiah? What about the second coming of Christ? How do you explain the story in the Qur'an of Mohammed adopting an orphan, then claiming he received a prophecy from God telling him to disown the orphan, and fuck his wife? How do you explain God only being divisible into three particular aspects (which are all ackshually just God anyway), if God is omnipotent? Why would God limit himself to only three forms Remember to respond with "clear" and "legitimate" answers only.
>Tell me how can you be a good enough worm to avoid being born as a sickly child
By not giving into your inexplicable urges to act like a violently retarded faggot. It's actually very easy. Jesus supposedly mastered this as well.
I am asking you. Stop dodging and answer, all of those other faiths have various proofs for their claims. It ranges from testimony, corroborating historical facts they couldn't have known, to logical arguments for a necessary being and even natural theology/predisposition/etc.How does a Buddhist know he isn't following some made up nonsense?
You're doing exactly what those other people were complaining about lmao. I don't know why you have to act so aggressively just tell me how does karma work for animals who have no moral compass. There I made easier to digest since you were being a sissy.
>all of those other faiths have various proofs for their claims
Show me. Where are they? Where is proof of heaven and hell? Where is proof that some deity gave Moses these ten commandments? Where is proof that Jesus is the Messiah (and also God)? Where is proof that Mohammed was a prophet?
>can't stop talking about other faiths
>b-but at least it's not Abrahamism!
Do you just not have any foundation for your religious beliefs? What even made you want to be a Buddhist? If you want to discuss those things pick a thread from the catalog and ask there.
You make a whole lot of claims, but cannot support any of them. Quit being a pussy and answer the questions:

Where is proof of heaven and hell? Where is proof that some deity gave Moses these ten commandments? Where is proof that Jesus is the Messiah (and also God)? Where is proof that Mohammed was a prophet?
>but online I see a lot of these right wing types
What fucking circles are you frequenting where right wingers are complaining about Buddhism regularly?

>as a weak hippy dippy religion
Tbf that’s more or less true of Buddhism in the west, if only because its main demographic is upper class white people who are using it as a self insert for their own hippy dippy views. In the east it is very different.
>comes to the Buddhist thread to talk about religions he hates
This is exactly why people of other religions don't understand your nonsense. You never speak about it! But unlike a monk who has dignity and charisma all you can do is lash out with unwarranted aggression against as many opponents as possible in the hopes you will land a hit. Stop avoiding questions.
Stop avoiding the questions. You stated that there was proof, but haven't shown a shred of it.

Where is proof of heaven and hell? Where is proof that some deity gave Moses these ten commandments? Where is proof that Jesus is the Messiah (and also God)? Where is proof that Mohammed was a prophet?
>comes to the Buddhist thread to talk about religions he hates
Did you even look at the OP?
Your website says there is scientific proof, well where is it? I never claimed to speak for any of these faiths so your tactic is idiotic. If you can't defend it then stop shilling that website.
Yes! Did you follow the conversation? Why can't there be a single thread on Buddhism that doesn't involve other religions. I think /his/ speaks often enough about them
>I never claimed to speak for any of these faiths
Stop right there.

>all of those other faiths have various proofs for their claims

Where is proof of heaven and hell? Where is proof that some deity gave Moses these ten commandments? Where is proof that Jesus is the Messiah (and also God)? Where is proof that Mohammed was a prophet?
I can acknowledge that they use arguments for their position without holding them to be true you massive retard. Those religions being completely false does not make Buddhism true or give you any scientific evidence for your claims
>I don't like the answer, therefore it's merely semantics and nonsense
And you expect people to take you seriously? Maybe you should put some faith in your own arguments so they stop being thinner than rice paper
>I can acknowledge that they use arguments for their position
And Buddhists don't? Or are you just being a disingenuous little cunt?

>Those religions being completely false
Finally you admit it.

>does not make Buddhism true or give you any scientific evidence for your claims
I didn't write the website you retard. You're supposed to read it like you would any beginners guide to a religion, and take it with a grain of salt, as you would with any other religion. I don't know who you think you're talking to, but I never claimed that everything Buddhists believe can be scientifically validated. Never even implied it. It's like you're arguing with a spontaneously generated strawman.
>And Buddhists don't?
Yes your behavior is a perfect example of it. Buddhism is made entirely out of nebulous claims it seems. You posts links to a website that claims you have scientific proof. When you are asked to back those claims you ask about unrelated religions? What the actual fuck is wrong with you? You could have simply said oh I don't agree with that part and all would be good. I even gave you an alternative question. What made you decide to be a Buddhist? Only to get the same seething as an answer. The entire reason you are a Buddhist is clearly because you hate Abrahamism. That's it, that is the extent of your religion
>The entire reason you are a Buddhist is clearly because you hate Abrahamism. That's it, that is the extent of your religion
Your feelings aren't facts though. Thanks for the concession btw, you have just demonstrated you are a fool and doing exactly what OP claims others are. You will never be 5th century BCE Nepalese royalty larping idiot
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Buddhists don't have any actual moral foundation. Ask them why killing animals for meat is bad and they will claim it's because their grandma's spirit is inside the patty. The only reason they are opposed to it is because when they die they will become the burger. But if that weren't the case they wouldn't have a problem with it. Similarly murder of human beings is not inherently bad to them because there is no such concept in their death cult. Actually it's not even fair to call them that. After all they are in favor of ending all life because of muh suffering
it's really uncanny how jews feel threatened by karma. Jews don't even seethe that much at the jains and hindus who also have karma, but a soon as as the buddhists talk, the jews start sweating like in an oven.
Racism will give you bad karma. You will be born as da joo himself
>Ask them why killing animals for meat is bad and they will claim it's because their grandma's spirit is inside the patty
yeah that's a method to trigger people because over billions of births, some animals could be some dead parents.

>The only reason they are opposed to it is because when they die they will become the burger. But if that weren't the case they wouldn't have a problem with it.
that's just false.
Killing animals 1.stems from wrong view 2. creates suffering and creating suffering is never the method to end suffering
>Similarly murder of human beings is not inherently bad to them because there is no such concept in their death cult.
that's false
>After all they are in favor of ending all life because of muh suffering
that's again false
and if you're not happy about the messenger, you should complain to whoever created the universe
>Your feelings aren't facts though
Never said they were. I pointed you to a website and you assumed that the website accurately reflects my own positions.

I did not concede to anything. I am just tired of arguing against strawmen crafted by a stupid negro.

>a fool and doing exactly what OP claims others are
I believe you have an issue with Buddhism due to idiotic misconceptions about it (e.g: >>16881770 ). It is an objectively less aggressive, irrational, and demanding religion than any of the Abrahamic faiths, though it is still a religion at the end of the day, which, of course, means that there are components of it which are irrational in their own right.

>You will never be 5th century BCE Nepalese royalty larping idiot
Good. Neither will you.

"If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."
- Linji Yixuan
Jews - and Christians for that matter - are largely fascinated with Buddhism, and a whole lot of prominent ones have broken the shackles of Abraham to take refuge in the three jewels. There are sanghas all over America that are almost entirely comprised of ex-Jews and ex-Christians. Former Christians, and a remarkable amount of former Jews, have been instrumental to spreading Buddhism in America.

Jews so frequently gravitate toward Buddhism in the West, that a term ("JewBu") has become popularly used in Jewish communities when referring to those who have moved over to it from Judaism. My Roshi is an Italian former Catholic, and his Roshi was a former Jew from California, who received the Dharma from Dainin Katagiri. Half of the Buddhists I have met in the West have been from Catholic or Jewish backgrounds.
>spreading Buddhism in America.
they spread a deformation of buddhism to make compatible with their humanism, democracy, republics. They are liek the Nichiren of the west lol.
You pointed to a website full of falsehood and when pushed back on one single thing you chimped out about Abrahamics. You're fucking obsessed, you're still doing it again haha. I have an issue with Buddhism because it's stupid nonsense and devalues life
>means that there are components of it which are irrational in their own right
You have not provided a single thing to prove any of it. You literally have nothing beside hatred
Muslims get insane like retarded apes whenever they see any statue of any person.

Christians laugh because the path to God which doesn't take the gate of Christ is effectively impassible. Only a scant few saints before Christ are known to have achieved ascension.
>yeah that's a method to trigger people
emotional argument
>"stems from wrong view"
>"creates suffering and creating suffering is never the method to end suffering"
Why the fuck not? You can make a person undergo chemo to save them from the pain of cancer
>that's false
>that's again false
Why does human life have inherent value? And why would you let living things continue to suffer?
yes, that's why this kind of -ism are categorized as religion. another easy example is communism.
Because its "radical centrism" of religions
It's Nirvana in English you pretentious piece of shit
>>emotional argument
it's not an argument, it's more a fact helping lay people.
lay people dont care about enlightenment and wisdom, what they want is prosperity and a good birth for them and their family. The way to get that is through the cultivation of the brahma viharas and the way to get the lay people to develop metta and karuna and so on is to tell them stories about rebirths and to explain to them that whoever they make suffer today may have been their parents in some previous life, and since they also claim they want prosperity for their familial lineage, they must also develop metta for animals and strangers

ignorance of the conditionality of the aggregates deludes yourself into thinking the aggregates are the self and permanent and a good basis for happiness, ie cravings for them and cultivating desires for material things should get you happy, but since the aggregates are inherently decaying, they cannot bring lasting happiness.
Killing animals is just thinking the external forms can bring happiness. And that's even before talking about religions. Like when the brahmin kill horses to please their gods, like the abrahmists kill goats and so on . All of those religions stem from the wrong view that performing rituals will make them holy.
The point of the buddha is that to be holy means cultivating the skillful actives of the mind, not rituals and not cravings for the aggregate of form. In this situation animals have nothing to bring for the spiritual life, not for eating, not for the material life, not for talking to gods.

>>Why the fuck not? You can make a person undergo chemo to save them from the pain of cancer
well the patient still suffers and dies at the end
>>Why does human life have inherent value? And why would you let living things continue to suffer?
The buddha never said humans are the most special people ever.
The only thing special about humans is that they can hear the dharma and practice it, contrary to animals. Devas can hear the dharma too but they care too much about cooming.

And it's not the budhda who made the universe inherently unfit for happiness. The buddha is just the messenger. If you want to complain then dont complain tot he messenger, go to whoever created the universe full of suffering.
Buddhists don't need to whine because they figured out the exit. So they don't give a shit why the universe was made this way and who made this way.
>The buddha never said humans are the most special people ever.
Great so there is no inherent value to human life as I have mentioned. It doesn't matter that only humans can learn and practice your cult.
>Buddhists don't need to whine because they figured out the exit.
What does this have to do with the question? You will end all life if you could
>helping lay people.
You're faking your position to fool people then
>Killing animals is just thinking the external forms can bring happiness
So how does that make it wrong? Why must you seek happiness anyway?
>well the patient still suffers and dies at the end
You have reduced suffering, And allowed him to live long enough to get enlightened in this life. Therefore your point is invalid
As a Buddhist, it’s funny arguing with Muslims since their usual gaslighting tactics don’t work on non-Abrahamics.

They can’t force you into their frame of “We have the TRUE word of God so obey us if you wanna go to heaven.”.

The smarter ones go “How did the universe get created then?”.

The dumber ones go “YOU WORSHIP A COW!” or “Buddha was only a man!”.
the pagans of Mecca were not Abrahamic
So are intestinal parasites something that God created intentionally, or did satan make them?
They are atheists, they have no position, it's all cope.
It's kind of funny seeing at all these faggots larping as monks. Who the fuck do they think they are fooling lmao?
>What are you having trouble understanding?
You have consistently refused to explain your position and speak in a coherent manner that isn't pseud babble. It's not us feeling inferior to actual buddhists, it's us being tired of how insufferably western buddhists have always behaved. We're all educated on basic buddhist theology and don't need it explained.

It's a bad answer, people are allowed to dislike pseudointellectual gobbledegook. People are allowed to dislike your cult and request that you provide answers in coherent English.
The people of Mecca was not converted tgrough arguments
>it’s a suicide cult!
>buddhas a cult leader!
>huurrr suffering ahhh!

Ok but why are you mad though? You’re free to believe whatever you wish but that doesn’t explain why you’re so mad about it. Other people believe things different than you big deal. Ask yourself why the anger.

You know it’s been said and in the Bible it’s shown that when confronted by truth those who are infested with demons respond with anger. Because when they hear the truth those under control of demons are made to feel anger and resentment towards it because those demons do not want to relinquish their control over that individual. Such as the Pharisees. Jesus spoke to others and they responded with hope, joy and gladness at the good tidings but the Pharisees who were wicked responded to Jesus’s every teaching with anger and bitterness and cursed him, plotted against him and spouted all manner of insults.

Like damn bro Buddha and Jesus just wanted to bring an end to man’s suffering, if the thought of cessation of suffering brings you rage maybe you should reflect on yourself. Like damn man what exactly is so offensive to you about compassion towards your fellow man?
Because even when you lose the argument you still continue to act as insufferable as ever. You literally can't stop yourself.
Buddizt are just atheists with extra steps. Mystical atheist. An atheist who seeks wisdom instead of knowledge, who worships spirituality instead of science.
you seem to be getting off on the idea your existence somehow elicits a severe emotional reaction from us but the reality is all anyone feels for the western pseud Buddhist is pity and a little bit of disgust for such an immature self.

say something profoundly wrong like the inexistence of free will or eternal truth and id be happy to show you what a real response out of anger looks like. unfortunately your "religion" speaks out of both sides of its mouth on any issue worth debating as a consequence of your monks getting assblasted by Christian missionaries all those years ago. where that leaves you is spouting self help tips and retreating on any actual theological ground worth discussing. we point and laugh at you but there isnt much substance to you period so your probably feeling peoples frustration at how unevolved you are in your development of a theory of existence
And are these lost arguments in the room with us right now bro lol?

I kid, you mean religious people in general or me cause I just got here and only read a few posts down and wondered why some dudes 2000 years ago saying they found a way to end your suffering made people so mad. If you don’t like it you can do something else with your time. This isn’t the Middle Ages no one will burn you for not going to church big guy.

Have you took the time to even think about why religion makes you so mad?

Is it because in your mind it doesn’t sufficiently satisfy the problem of the world’s suffering though its adherents claim it does? I feel like that’s your problem. It seems you are looking for an answer and your anger comes from disappointment though the disappointing your own man. You spend time picking it apart with the dumbest arguments in order to confirm your own disappointment. “If god then why bacteria?” lol come on dude. Of course I’m don’t mean you specifically but atheists in general I’m just speaking to you.

Have you tried practicing it? Buddhist and Christian’s seem quite happy to me. Radicals aside of course. If you ask a Buddhist or Christian for help they will give it.

You spend time looking for the right way that satisfies all your criteria of what it should be so you are sure to pick the right one and not waste time but ironically you have accomplished nothing other than wasted your time. Fun fact if you look for problems you are guaranteed to find them cause what else would happen lol. How can you find solutions if you’re just looking for problems?

Like damn it’s not serious just try praying to what created you or sitting still for a bit and see what happens. Who gives a fuck what some old book says. Obsession and arguing over some guy and what he allegedly said is such a waste of time haha that goes for theists too. Your arguing ironically goes against their teachings
Yes of course sir I did not realize I was in the presence of such a master debator haha. You seem to enjoy master debating with yourself lol. You also got the wrong guy bud I just got here. You know what they say about assuming.

Isn’t pride a sin btw? Are you really as so learned and knowledgeable as you claim? Did you come across this knowledge the correct way? That is through grace of god or are you just good as memorizing others men’s words?
Not reading all this. Did Buddha teach for you to be so arrogant and rude to other people?
You seemed to have no problem reading an entire thread full of hate and arguing but as soon as someone offering help shows up you don’t want to. Funny lololol. Wonder why that is?

Well had you read it you would see I was offering help. The mind is a funny thing it can make an hell of heaven and heaven of hell but more presently it can make an enemy of a friend. You chose to see me as an enemy but I did not offer myself as one hahah. Why do you choose to see enemies around you that aren’t there?

On a side note im confused by your words What does the Buddha have to do with me? Or are you the one whose confused? hahahahahaba
super simple dude do you believe there is a highest good that loves you? whether you think its the self or the lack of self that "self" referentially points toward that eternal whether is immaterial.

ill do you a solid to help you in your development, answer these questions solidly and concisely.

what do you think you are?

what do you think i am?

whats going on here?

present those in a scholorly manner and a real debate can be had but until then your again just spouting self help tips and making grandiose statements that purposefully have no meaning.
You didn't post anything useful in it. Please answer whether Buddha taught you to be arrogant and rude to other people. You clearly can't even manage that.
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its to easy. i dream of the day a monotheistic buddhist can actually come in here and put in work but alas, for now all we have is fedora fag westerners
But why do you believe the Buddha has anything to do with me?

Here are my posts

Please show me where I said I was Buddhist. There you go again making up things and seeing things that aren’t there so you can fight with it hahaha what a clown you are.

Who cares what I think. what I believe has no bearing on anyone but myself didn’t you know hahahahah.

You are obsessed with dragging me into some kind of conflict. What purpose does this conflict you so desperately desire serve for you? Will it make you feel better? Are you just itching for the chance to show off your knowledge and your intelligence? What drives you toward this coarse of action. Will it lead to your betterment and salvation? Is it really yours? You may believe as you like but I will not do your clown act with you I prefer to laugh from the stands thank you. Rolollollolo
i see you obviously need help and sometimes that takes the form of a roundhouse cockslap with the long pp of accountability (being accountable to yourself by being coherent funny enough)

on your first thought tho, as a general rule of thumb you should get an idea of what the people around you give as answers to those 3 questions as it will give you important info on how they will act once you know how they see themselves, you and the world around us. i asked you specifically as an example to show what an immature self-spouting nonsense looks like given you should already know the answers to those questions if you are any type of man worth respecting or listening to.

why does it matter what you believe? it doesnt. i was just pointing out that you dont believe anything and all you are is a turd rolling in the winds of desire, stinking it up for the rest of us
>all you are is a turd rolling in the winds of desire, stinking it up for the rest of us
That is EXACTLY what you are though!
i know you are but what am i
Wow you kiss your Mother with that mouth. Hahahah

You sure do take things seriously. It seems very important to you somebody debates you huh. Why don’t you answer your own questions then if they’re so important to you. Don’t you know you must give to receive hahahah.

I assume you do not know the answers to your own questions because if you did you wouldn’t have treated in me in such a manner.
These people are too subliterate for pedantry, and too ego-driven for anything but materialism and personified deities. Truly pathetic.
You joined an argument about buddhism, began arguing for the pro buddhist side, then when you get called out you deny being a buddhist.
You acted like a retard, and are now denying being a retard when it's far too late to walk that back.
i am a child of god

you are a child of god

whats going on is what has always been going on, god is eternally taking part in creation

ill simply define god as the coherent amalgamation of eternal existence and non existence but we can debate the specifics of what that means and our relationship to it but i will assert consciousness is a part of it. regardless, you can debate into any numerous denominations of monotheism from there but there is no form of Buddhism that doesn't accept those as true that is worth investing yourself studying in

im not god dude and while i do submit to the nature of truth being good, while im on 4chan im gonna call a fedora fag a fedora fag. you feel me my fedora wearing friend?
Any confusion has been caused by your pseudointellectual vagueposting. You're useless, uninteresting, unintelligent and quite an embarrassment to converse with. There are thousands of vague talking mystics just like yourself, so stop acting like you're special and have some advanced insight.
Maybe you should reread my post big homie. My argument was asking why people whose teachings said be kind and compassionate made people mad. I also used a bible example and mentioned Jesus just as much as Buddha why didn’t you accuse me of being a Christian? Is it perhaps because you just see what you want to see? Hahahaha how you can make any argument if you can’t even see boi lololololol perhaps that makeup and big red nose gets in the way?
oh okay i understand. it has nothing to do with actual buddhist, we hate larpers of any kind but the western buddhist fedora fag is the worst because he takes himself seriously so he gets shot down immediately
Why do you waste your time trying to prove yourself to this place? Why do you want our approval so much? Don't you have family and friends?
Who is "we"?
>why people whose teachings said be kind and compassionate made people mad.
Because western proponents of buddhism are insufferable faggots. How many times will you keep asking this question?

Why don't you ask yourself? This was a thread to discuss buddhism and you came to use it to be a narcissist.
any person who wants to debate genuinely
What a sad child. You literally have no self control.
please go kill yourself
Well shit if I’m a child of god and your a child of god then that means …uh oh lol lol I do t think God will be too happy with you calling me a fag haha.

But on a serious note congratulations? Who are you arguing with? It certainly isn’t me. I never once put myself forth as anything you are saying. You’re obsessed with the idea that I’m some monotheistic Buddhist fedora fag as you put but there was nothing at all in any ofmy posts that suggested anything even remotely of the sort hahahaha holy shit dude. You were arguing with yourself this whole time literally. I just happened to be here. You projected a whole personality and belief on me with no basis on reality whatsoever hahahaha damn dude. Again as I told the other guy my only argument was why peoples whose teachings was be nice causes so much anger and then just said “lol go pray and meditate” that’s all the rest of this exchange wa me just laughing you and the other guy.

In your desperation to own these so called “monotheistic western Buddhist fedora fags” you completely lost touch with reality. Hahahahahah
oh my god hes illiterate..........

im saying the only Buddhism worth pursuing is monotheistic

im saying you are a western fedora fag who larps as a buddhist every once in a while

plz go 0/1 IRL
How so?
Namefag LARPnigger, let me explain something to you: There is no debate at all. Anything that you think is a debate in here, is entirely composed of ad hominem, weak, bad faith arguments, strawmen, and red herrings. No one in this thread has actually been debating anything, including yourself. What you are all doing is desperately trying to fit in while justifying your existence, and it is plain laughable, because no one cares.
You first retard.
But I never claimed to be Buddhist? You and the other guy just projected your own desire for an enemy unto me.

Wait didn’t you just call me illiterate? Hahahah

Well it looks like you won big guy. You dragged me into some stupid exchange oh well , live to lie another day or die or something that effect hahahah honk honk
i love you enough to take the last word so we dont end on cringe
Monitheistic buddhism is an oxymoron
I'm not a young earth creationist. They naturally evolved.
..... its just Buddhism with the acknowledgement that god is above the concept of self, its just a different tradition that leads to the likes of trinitarian thought but from the eastern tradition.

in other words your an idiot
Buddhism says theres no self for anything because everything is in a relational existence. This relational existence allows for notions like causation, change, motion, to be and have functions etc.

>what if we add an eternal unchanging god to the mix for zero purpose on top of already explained universe
How does that work?
"Monotheistic Buddhism" is like asking for a Christianity without a divine Jesus or a polytheistic Islam
You need to redesign the religion's theology and goals from the ground-up to make it make sense

some reading materials but the answer is Buddhism asserts a highest level of reality that is the only real reality and above the concept of self. they believe that instead of the atman being the self referential point of knowledge that guides us toward the highest truth, it is the anatman as they believe the self to be limited and illusionary in the context of eternal existence. whether it is self or lack of self (or logic in the Christian tradition) IN MY OPINION
is largely irrelevant given they all say there is a highest truth and a way that is available to you to reach it. Christian missionaries pretty much demolished old school Buddhist in the conversion game by pointing out that the highest level of reality is loving and having a well thought out theology of what that what mean in our relationship to it (nirvana, God, the pleroma, nothingness etc).
whats left is is atheistic sects of buddhism trying to "preserve" their culture, western fedora fags and true Buddhist who are doing the hard work of developing a relationship with existence in a tradition that might not be the most articulate but is still effective
What a shallow understanding of Buddhism. Is this what the book says? lol
lol you want a dissertation dork? i just informed you about your own "religion" and this is how you project?
Sorry brother, if this is your own take on it, its very shallow and surface level understanding of Buddhism.
again its not a dissertation but why dont you give me a better explanation? you got 2000 characters but im gonna call you out if you take2 hours to study. even better say what i said that was wrong
How about become a Hindu if you're so fixated on theism in a Dharmic religion
because i believe god is above the self dumbass
Thats Hinduism for you.
some denominations yes, just like Buddhism but desu i prefer trinitarian thought ostensibly because its more developed but i suspect might be more of a consequence of me being raised in an english speaking country
The core of Buddhism is selflessness. Act of loving others is selflessness. Its the same thing. You could even argue that the Christ dying for your sins is a selfless act and an act of love for others. Your argument that Christianity somehow discovered love while Buddhism didnt is nonsense. Or the fact that you couldn't connect the idea of selflessness to love is entry level shallowness on display
You're making it obvious that you're just trying to Christianize Buddhism
Why bother? It's just a pagan religion to you either way
love requires the giving of your self as opposed to the evaporation of the illusion of self implicit in selflessness. im not saying christianity discovered love, im just saying they put it in its proper place within the context of eternal existence before the buddhist were able to (even tho they were well on their way as you correctly point out in equating those 2) and i was pointing the historical outcome of those traditions meeting.

im hearing self help advice but im not hearing a coherent cosmology? i thought you had this great understanding?

im not doing anything but commenting on the way these ideologies have interacted over the years. how they have coalesced and differentiated
>love requires the giving of your self
Alternatively, love requires sacrificing your self interest for others. From that, it follows all the traditional values. Charity, grace, forgiveness, kindness, etc. You can't have a selfish love. Thats just masturbation and psychopathy.
sacrificing your self was the key phrase there brother. i agree there is no selfish love as i alluded to by pointing out love is giving of the self. the question is then to what do you give your self to? i choose to give myself to god and you will as well brother.

two sides of the same coin
what is above love and below lust?
god and nothing
Its not giving of the self, but giving up self interest and letting the interests of others in. Thats empathy. Thats what walking in the shoe of another means. There's no selfish interest given to others for the love of christ. The notion of sacrificing himself for others isn't him giving his self to you/others. Its him taking in your interest at heart. And the highest form of christianity isn't Christ asking you to give your soul to him or to others, that would make for an awkward setting. Its asking to turn the other cheek, shelter others' and to take care of their interest above your self interest.

Giving your self interest to others is wonky as an idea. Others dont want that you have or what you desire. The love for others isn't others doing your bidding, its you doing other's bidding.
Ironic, since you are on an ego trip right now, Buddhism is hubris manifested as a religion.
because buddhism is so deep bro.
Christians just like Buddhists think they are above Gods, both revealed scam religions.
no bro in buddhism you can become buddha i you train your moral so cool. that's why buddhism is the coolest religion.
in abrahamic god is the best. in buddhism you are the best. chad religion as fuck.
Children of the Buddha, just as if there was a great sūtra, as extensive as the great universe, in which are written down all phenomena in the great universe. That is to say, in it is written about the phenomena in the great enclosing iron mountains, as extensively as the great enclosing iron mountains; it is written about the phenomena on earth, as extensively as the earth; it is written about the phenomena in the medium universe, as extensively as the medium universe; it is written about the phenomena in the small universe, as extensively as the small universe. In the same vein, all phenomena – be they of the four continents, or the great oceans, Sumeru mountains, the palaces of the gods in the heavens of the realm of desire, the palaces in the realm of form, and the palaces of the formless realm – are written down to an equal length. Even though this sūtra is as extensive as the great universe, it can be fully comprised within a single particle of dust. As it is with one particle, so it is with all particles of dust.[23]

In all atoms of all lands, Buddha enters, each and every one,
Producing miracle displays for sentient beings:
Such is the way of Vairocana....
The techniques of the Buddhas are inconceivable,
All appearing in accord with beings' minds....
In each atom the Buddhas of all times
Appear, according to inclinations;
While their essential nature neither comes nor goes,
By their vow power they pervade the worlds.
The Daśabhūmika Sūtra refers to the following ten bhūmis.[2]

The first bhūmi, the Very Joyous. (Skt. pramuditā), in which one rejoices at realizing a partial aspect of the truth;
The second bhūmi, the Stainless. (Skt. vimalā), in which one is free from all defilement;
The third bhūmi, the Light-Maker. (Skt. prabhākarī), in which one radiates the light of wisdom;
The fourth bhūmi, the Radiant Intellect. (Skt. arciṣmatī), in which the radiant flame of wisdom burns away earthly desires;
The fifth bhūmi, the Difficult to Master. (Skt. sudurjayā), in which one surmounts the illusions of darkness, or ignorance as the Middle Way;
The sixth bhūmi, the Manifest. (Skt. abhimukhī) in which supreme wisdom begins to manifest;
The seventh bhūmi, the Gone Afar. (Skt. dūraṃgamā), in which one rises above the states of the Two vehicles;
The eighth bhūmi, the Immovable. (Skt. acalā), in which one dwells firmly in the truth of the Middle Way and cannot be perturbed by anything;
The ninth bhūmi, the Good Intelligence. (Skt. sādhumatī), in which one preaches the Law freely and without restriction;
The tenth bhūmi, the Cloud of Doctrine. (Skt. dharmameghā), in which one benefits all sentient beings with the Law (Dharma), just as a cloud sends down rain impartially on all things.
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>And, to top it all of, there are a billion distinct sects of them and have little to no unified dogma. Which makes understanding them vonfusing to some.

This is my problem. There's zero unified dogma. Whatever Buddha was originally trying to say feels impossible to decode as there are hundreds of differentsects all saying completely different things. With Christianity, we have different sects as well but we all agree with the core message of salvation and repentance sin through Jesus Christ(Unless youre Mormon or Calvinists but most dont consider them Christian. From what I can understand it seems like a religion about reincarnation which is interesting but then they take it too far for me by saying they want to end the cycle which, if you follow that logic, means the end of human life on Earth.
no bro it is hard to become buddha bro. that's why its never end the human life on earth.
EVERYONE considers Calvinists to be Christians.
>buddhism is hubris
How are you this stupid? Read a fucking book you two-digit IQ nigger. It's literally the opposite.
>just read my bible bro it says i dont have hubris
yeah only buddhism teach you that you can become buddha if you do some shit you buddhism is not hubris bro.
Once the monks of the eastern and western Zen halls were quarrelling about a cat. Nansen held up the cat and said, "You monks! If one of you can say a word, I will spare the cat. If you can't say anything, I will put it to the sword." No one could answer, so Nansen finally slew it. In the evening, when Joshu returned, Nansen told him what had happened. Joshu, thereupon, took off his sandals, put them on his head and walked off. Nansen said, "If you had been there, I could have spared the cat."

What is the meaning of Joshu's putting his sandals on his head? If you can give a turning word concerning this matter, you will be able to see that Nansen's command was not meaningless. But if you can't, look out!

Had Joshu been there,
He would have given the command instead.
Had he snatched away the sword,
Even Nansen would have begged for his life.

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