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How the fuck was something this blatantly false allowed to happen? How did it take two years for someone to announce this was actually the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador and that everything about Iraqi soldiers supposedly killing premature Kuwaiti babies was a complete lie with zero evidence whatsoever? More importantly, why was nobody from Hill & Knowlton, the Bush administration, or the Kuwaiti government held liable for manipulating public opinion to launch a war against Iraq for doing the exact same thing America did a year earlier in Panama?
Because there was no 4chan back then

>why was nobody from Hill & Knowlton, the Bush administration, or the Kuwaiti government held liable for manipulating public opinion to launch a war against Iraq for doing the exact same thing America did a year earlier in Panama?

We won the first Iraq war, so nobody felt like asking too many questions about it. Compare that to the second war and you'll realise that only losers (as in people who are losing) second-guess and fact-check past decisions
>invade and annex Kuwait
>this is the same as you overthrowing Noriega
>how did politicians get away with lying?
because they're politicians. that's their job.
I wanna eat this lying bitch's pussy
Kuwait wasn't formally annexed until America and Saudi Arabia refused guarantees for security and oil production quotas as Kuwaiti production had intentionally risen sharply to crash the market and hamper Iraqi economic recovery. If anything what happened in Panama was much worse, Noriega was directly propped up by Reagan and Bush before Bush removed him and Panamanian sovereignty effectively did not exist for over a decade.
where is she now? she was a cutie
You know she's only 15 in this picture right?
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Even better
I'd rate her 17/10, but you do you Anon
The baby killer accusation is used every time America either goes to war or supports one of its allies involved in a war, the Serbs were accused of cooking babies in ovens in the 90s too
bad faith post
idk man any time I see a teenage girl in person i find them unsexy and unfuckable compared to women in their 20s
>What's bad faith about it?
its a strawman
Aggressive wars aren't allowed anymore. So they lie about them. Do you have a problem with wars meant to take spoils and conquer?
I don't think you understand what strawman means. The post comparing Kuwaiti incubator babies and Israeli beheaded oven babies is really more of an analogy.
And yet the public still perceived Panama as an independent sovereign nation (which it still was) while Kuwait was just stolen.
Provide a 1:1 analogy for OP's testimony then if you can. But you can't because you're strawmaning. You aren't even quoting anyone, much less congressional testimony that led to war.
This is apparently her detailing her role in the caucus hearing. She seems totally complicit and not regretful.
thanks for replying to your own post so we really know your stance you goblin
>Because there was no 4chan back then
Fpbp. Zoomers really don't appreciate how transparent information technology has made these matters become. Even if only a little bit.
The president of the United States himself gave testimony to the public about seeing 40 beheaded babies.
nta but what the actual fuck? no wonder we went to war with 2 unrelated countries for nothing
New baby meme just dropped, now we have microwave babies too.

>WATCH: Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) says Hamas cooked babies in "microwave ovens" on October 7.
>"I have seen the videos," Van Drew tells a skeptical Michael Tracey.
yup, still a cutie, would knock her lying bitch womb and have some arab offspring
Why is this same lie about babies being murdered reused every time a new war is started? Why don't these niggers get called out for using the same lie every time, or better yet why can't they think of something new?
Legal in most European countries
Anything done against Saddamites is morally acceptable, that's why.
most compassionate islamist
Women are more gullible than men, even though their vote is just as valid.
So war propaganda focuses on what would hurt a woman's sensibilities specifically (i.e. dead babies)
thank you for giving an actual example instead of just speaking in generalities
nah I'm a Persian secularist. the Iraqi invasion is one of the biggest reasons the Khomeini pig fuckers solidified power instead of fighting a drawn out civil war.
Funny since some women vote for the state to pay for their abortions
Granted there is not as much overlap since the Gulf War was mainly supported by neocons
The alleged Kuwait babies were premature so around the same stage of some late term abortions
I don't think an early abortion is the moral equivalent of killing a post-birth baby
>I'm a Persian secularist.
Nowadays the entire big media is pro-government, so they get away with even bigger lies
The kikes who control America through ZOG are pathological liars. They wanted to get rid of Saddam because he was pro-Palestine and anti-Zionist. It's the same reason why they initiated the Syrian Civil War in am attempt to get rid of Assad.
>a teenage girl
Maybe because you're a degenerate tranny.
Oh boy another diaspora subhuman demanding we waster our lives and treasure so his faggot third world country can be a secular third world shithole because his family were rich degenerates
Get fucked
I don't think any expenditure of your life would be a waste with how retarded you are lol. you could die to give ZOG a sandwich and it be worthwhile.
Having sex with a 15yo isn't socially accepted and will get you ostracized and possibly beaten up. People will still think you are a pedo for it. Are you from Europe?
>the exact same thing America did a year earlier in Panama
US annexed panama?
What are you even trying to say?
It is morally wrong to fuck children
anon, do you not know how english works? the person you replied to wrote a completely normal sentence.
You can't prove it and you can't draw a line between child and adult. Also what about teenagers?
Fifteen isn't a child.
What part are you struggling with?
Yes it is
18 okay below 18 bad. Easy.
The highway of death was a war crime
No but it was a good thing.
Media oligopoly so barely anyone knew the truth, plus it was a quick, easy, decisive, and relatively clean victory. You also seem to forget that there was a decent amount of outrage among the far right which led to increased interest in the militia movement, conspiracy theories, etc.

>Actual Americans should fight and die for the interests of a bunch of cultural and genetic aliens

I don't see how destabilizing a country with a significant stockpile of chemical weapons and ballistic missiles and flooding it with jihadists from Iraq and Xinjiang improves Israel's security
Embarrassing. Saddam would have taught u how to be a decent human being. Which is to say he would have slaughtered u like the dog u are
This website will try to shame you for being normal sometimes, anon, but yeah I've always felt that way too.
Israel's entire justification for existence depends on Islamic terrorism, anon. If the terrorists ever stopped, the settlements would be laid bare for what they are and the international community would destroy Israel - or at least cut off the flow of weapons.
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Everyone involved in instigating this war and the war in Libya deserves nothing less than the hottest of hellfire
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you tell me vadim
babies being murdered was never a lie drooling little browncel kid.
you're a retarded brown underaged kid and you haven't even spent 5 mins learning about any of those wars. you're in the west because your people are all drooling inbred retards who can't maintain a society so you have to crawl to the west
There was quite literally no proof of this happening you dishonest faggot. Nayirah was proven to have not been in Kuwait since prior to the Iraqi invasion and the "doctor" who claimed to have overseen the burial of 150+ infants was a dentist who later recanted his claims. On top of all that, they claimed there were far more babies taken from incubators than there were the total number of incubators in the entire fucking country.
most brown kids on 4chan like yourself are too dumb to pretend like they were actually talking about topic Y when called out for lying about topic X. unfortunately for you most non-brown kids are not dumb enough to be convinced by even this.
okay but, like, do you have any proof?
Calling people brown isn't providing proof, Shlomo
Retarded Jihadis are far less capable of actually threatening Israel than a competently (or semi-competently, I'm under no illusions that Uncle Saddam was anything other than a dictator) ran secular country.
Israelis lost their minds after losing the 2006 war against Hezbollah.

The idea was that the rebels would destroy enough of the air defense grid to allow the US to bomb the rest of the country flat, allowing the rebels to exterminate the Shia, thus removing a major support base for Hezbollah.

When that failed, there was the Ghouta chemical attack which was supposed to prompt the US to bomb the country flat.

When THAT failed, the Saudis began dumping lots of weapons on the Syrian rebels in hopes that they could overcome the Syrian government's firepower advantage.

That almost succeeded, but the Russia intervened on behalf of Assad and the rebels got slaughtered.
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>okay but, like, do you have any proof?
Secular countries actually are not that hard for them to handle either. They did fine against Saddam. In fact, Iran has given them 10x the fight that Saddam did.
Honestly it was Hezbollah and Iran that kept Assad alive in those pivotal days when the rebels were in the Damascus suburbs. They infamously held open the last road preventing the city from being encircled.
Also I'm a Ghouta truther and it's perfectly sensible that Assad would deploy chemical weapons there. Locking up the rebels in the Ghouta pocket was a massive victory that may have won them the war.
In fact, I think everyone is dumb for not doing it all the time and for using these really shitty ones - but I get that they're scared of le international sanctions and maybe divine judgement.
Otherwise agree.
Please don't post pictures of my wife on this sordid hellhole, thanks
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>''By way of deception thou shalt make war.''
- Motto of the Mossad

>"The Jews are the scum of the earth, but they are also great masters in lying.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer

>''A Jew sinks the truth with gold, but it always floats to the surface.''
- Russian proverb

>''Trust your eyes, not Jewish words.''
- Russian proverb

>''Jews carry lies like fields carry wheat.''
- Russian proverb

>''When a Jew tells the truth, the Devil will die.''
- Russian proverb

>''The Jew will always tell you what happened to him, but he'll never tell you why.''
- Russian proverb

>''Every Zionist accusation is a confession.''
- Palestinian proverb
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Off-topic /pol/spammers bludgeoning any actual discussion of content in the OP to death.
quite the busy work lately eh, rabbi?
the bureaucracy and media industry are the same thing
based pussy janny giving a free orgasm to a whore
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>quite the busy work lately eh, rabbi?
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Because the kikes control the media.
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NTA but what do you actually think Rabbis even do? Because Rabbis usual job is to run Synagogues, study and interpret Jewish law, run prayer services, teach hebrew and scripture .etc
the fact you think these old fucks even have time to sit their asses on 4chan of all fucking places is insane to me
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Imagine being so mentally broken by an obsession with Jews, that you cannot recognize an obvious joke, in a thread that was created for the express purpose of compiling humorous content.
Well /pol/ is a shitshow and I don't like to be associated with them but I did go there a lot a few years back. The context is that there'd be an anon who constantly posted "/pol/ humor" threads which had anti-White content. Similar to picrel, some memeflag constantly spewing anti-American content every damn day. This is in line with both the JIDF and Glavset's trolling/distruption style.
It's a joke bro lmao
Also, come on man, your reason for there being no rabbis is that they're too busy? Not that the place is infested with Nazis and Jews hate Nazis?
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The kike is trying to gaslight you. The Jewish World Congress or whatever it's called listed some fucking general on /pol/ as an example of anti-semitism. Those kikes are absolutely on 4chan.
Ok, but what does it all have to do with /his/?
Whoa. Are you saying that when you constantly spam and lie about a group, that the targeted group may eventually try to combat your propaganda? That's crazy.
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>Whoa. Are you saying that when you constantly spam and lie about a group, that the targeted group may eventually try to combat your propaganda? That's crazy.
Et Tu, Soviet?

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