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What causes this?

Was it violent video games in the 90s like this say?
They were bullied for years and wanted revenge.
They & the school were connected to military & intelligence, it was a late MKULTRA fuck up because the cold war already ended and there was no more need for gladio types at that time
Rightwing, fascist violent nihilism. There is no difference between these guys and people like Dylan Roof, Timothy mcvaeigh, or that guy who tried to attack Trump the other day. Their American ideology tells them that, in order to "be manly", they need to dominate and hurt the "Cattle" (the great masses of people) and when they can't passively do that, like how rich, people or TMZ/drama places do, it results in stuff like this. Eric Harris came from a retard violent rightwing family and they were all almost as crazy as him, and were obsessed with guns and rightwing politics
Jizzlaine's sister was one of their therapists...
>get bullied
>take anti depressants that turn you into an explosive retard
>kill your bullies
>What causes this?
Democracy requires a redistribution of power to make work. In the US, men had their power redistributed first, then whites, and now heterosexuals — i.e., straight white men are currently experiencing the greatest loss in power out of any demographic. Couple this with neoliberal society, which is structurally designed to coerce everyone into believing they are entirely responsible for their own destiny, thus making depression and suicide the mark of the age, and you occasionally get guys like this, who are no different from Al Qaeda and other "terrorist" groups.
They played Doom, which exposed their souls to Satan who influenced them into committing mass murder.
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>What causes this?

Bullying, mostly, and the proceeding pursuit of not necessarily 'revenge', but the desire to see other people harmed in the way you felt you were harmed, as well as an overwhelming need to reassert control over the world in the process. I like this Anon's comment: >>16873940 "fascists violent nihilism".
Eric Harris and Dylan Kobold, just to profile them a little; both were isolated from their community, both had socialization problems because of it, both felt somewhat powerless and had constant delusions of grandeur and revenge-based ideation. Granted, Harris genuinely seems to have been a psychotic individual to begin with; who had an earnest fascination with violence, conflict, and a temper. Kobold, on the other hand, was a meek & introverted person who turned to outbursts and rage in the absence of non-violent ways to resolve conflict - like, think how small dogs tend to bite because their personal space is never respected.
HAARP, the secret continuation of CIA Project MKUltra to create Manchurian candidates via Electronic Harassment of Targeted Individuals. The HAARP array can also control the weather.
I am the anon you quoted, thank you, it should be noted Harris was definitely the more fucked of the two, and he came from a military family, that was, again, rightwing and obsessed with guns and pretending to be manly etc. It's important to note this because people are always looking for the causes of these events, and it's simple when the pattern is largely rightwing violence that's been allowed to fester and grow, and be chaotically destructive to everyone else in the country

Thing I'm saying is if America had better standards on gun control/production, and put rules on the kind of sensationalist garbage that outlets like fox news constantly pour out to get as much violent people and ratings as possible. You would see a lot less stuff like Columbine. Hell, violence in the inner cities by both gangs and the police would decrease too (police militarization is a response to the fact rightwing guys and lumpen are crazy and any one of them is a ticking timebomb or criminal)
Bullying, disillusionment, contributing to homicidal and suicidal nihilism and hatred against the entire school, and the system as a whole. Any infamy they got after the fact was an added bonus, but it's secondary.
Don't let the revisionist historians try to tell you otherwise, they are trying to sell books claiming that they are "debunking myths."
I don't find them right-wing. I think they grew to hate everyone and everything, after enough time.

i.e., they may have started with a specific hit list of people who gave them shit, but eventually said "fuck it. Destroy everything. Who cares? Nobody matters."
Gun control leads to more violence. An armed society is a polite society
It depends how guns are controlled, who has them, how they're stored, and how strongly gun laws are enforced and rule of law in general.
Every country in the first world that has gun control is less violent than America is. A friend of mine said Australia used to have gun violence problems in the 90's, but then when the government actually regulated it, violence went way down afterwards. There was also a brief time in the mid 90's when we had gun control in America and violence was down in comparison to before and after. In Australia or even a place like France, if someone gets shot, it becomes a national headline and everyone is aware of it, inner cities in the US are in a state of civil war and there's a mass shooting every two weeks and americans don't care because they've been raised and propagandized to not care and be evil and violent.

They were inspired by the Unabomber, Timothy Mcvaeigh, and the rightwing survivalist movements that were going on at the time, if they were born 10 or 15 years later, they would have definitely been neonazis. All major violence like this in the US is rightwing resentment and chaos that comes from an anti-social American desire to "put the cattle in their place"
I don't think so. Harris idolized the Nazis and was a very edgy person, but Dylan wore a hammer and sickle pin on his boot.
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>Gun control leads to more violence. An armed society is a polite society

Different Anon: this is probably not true.
Pic related is a graph of the average rate of homicides per 100k people. This doesn't communicate everything, but I wanted to bring up two things: America has both a noticeably higher overall homicide rate when compared to other affluent countries (76th ranked globally), as well as a disproportionate amount of homicides by gun violence (ranked 21st by 2020 numbers according to Google).

Now, there's obviously lots of shithole countries with MORE homicide and MORE gun violence, but this is a comparative talking point, "does Americans gun laws and gun ownership make them safer than comparable 1st world countries?" Probably not, no. We have more reason to believe it makes it more dangerous.
> but Dylan wore a hammer and sickle pin on his boot.
You think a guy like Dylan knew anything about communism or marxist theory? Euronymous used communist imagery just to piss people off, the spirit of what they were doing was rightwing. Why was it rightwing? because they saw themselves as individuals going up against the "cattle" Wonton violence is a rightwing and anarchistic type thing
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There is no one true answer OP. Columbine and the motives behind it is one of those things where the more you deep dive, the more you see that there are multiple conflicting answers that make it hard to create a simple soundbyte answer to the question of why Eric and Dylan did it.

>Columbine High was a rich kids school where bullying was rampant (especially among the jocks) and the administration gave zero fucks about stopping it. It was also crawling with evangelical Christian types who were allowed to openly worship/proselytize and while they didn't bully non-believers, it was widely reported that the more you openly believed in Jesus, the more favored you were in school due to the school being in a heavily fundie Christian section of Colorado. It was the hell for secular industrial rock goths like eric and dylan living in an evangelical shithole where columbine itself was a theocratic kakistocracy. they were physically and socially tortured - that torture was both implicitly and explicitly approved by school administrators and community members

>However, Eric and Dylan were also bullies who picked on other kids even though they got picked on by the jocks. BUT Eric was a fuckboy who got a lot of pussy and was well liked by his female classmates. Meanwhile Dylan was terminally emo because, even though he was moderately popular, he got dumped by his oneitis and that made him super depressed

>Eric had sociopathic tendencies up the ass, quick to anger, and was on psych medication which ironically killed any chances he might have had to get into the military (which was his big dream)

>It's generally ascribed that Eric was the ringleader and being rejected by the military for being on psych meds was the trigger and that Dylan was his dumb blonde sidekick along for the ride, as a means for him to commit suicide in elaborate fashion since his mom was a controlling bitch

I'm saying they both wanted to be edgy and problematic. Eric idolized Nazis.
Dylan was slightly uncomfortable with that because he was part Jewish, but he wanted to be edgy too and offend someone's sensibilities, so he wore that hammer and sickle pin on his boot (visible in the suicide pic).
>le right wing boogeyman
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Bullied, hopeless, wanted to have their voices heard, minds fucked by drugs (in Eric's case), suicidal
>>It's generally ascribed that Eric was the ringleader
extremely common misconception, from the evidence we have Dylan was actually the first to conceptualize NBK and go on a shooting rampage. He talked about it in late 1997, Eric doesn't mention it until around April 1998.
I think the dynamic between the two means that the shooting would not have happened without either one of them. Although I do believe Eric was more motivated in the planning, whereas Dylan just wanted to get guns and kill then die.
a student actually asked Dylan why he wore the pin on his boot and he said it was to get a reaction out of people, which speaks volumes about a lot of their actions.
"They shot a black kid. They called him a nigger. They said they didn't like niggers, so they shot him in the face," said a sophomore, Evan Todd.
and the ethnicity of their other victims was...?
That was all the proof needed to know the shooters were right wing.
The black student happened to be in their paths during their Library massacre, Eric and Dylan were not racist... they were edgy and insulted all their victims. They did not specifically target black people or any race, they saw a black student and chose to call him a racial slur. It's no different to them saying "nice glasses" to a victim wearing glasses before shooting them in the face, or Dylan walking up to an injured student asking for help before saying "Sure, I'll help you" and blasting him in the face with a 12ga. Or Eric knocking on a table surface and kneeling down to say "peek a boo" to Cassie Bernall before shooting her in the head.
Or them calling Evan Todd "just some fat fuck" to his face.
They were edgy teenagers who wanted to appear scary, violent and threatening to their victims.
Calling a 17 year old and 18 year old high school student "right wing" for taunting victims is retarded,
Every country is not America. Their logic flies out the window in the USA and its always funny to see people try and cope like anything that applies to a shitty small country like australia would apply to the USA. Also LOLING at the idea that gun control is the reason why people like the columbine kids or elliot rodger end up killing people. The columbine kids planned to make bombs, rodgers went on a knife spree. Violent retards hurt people no matter what. Really what would contribute to less violence in a much more significant addressing of the issue would be getting rid of public schools.
i thought it was now decided that they were the bullies and killed random people
no thats a Dave Cullen misconception that became the norm but now is rightfully refuted.
They absolutely were bullied, there is no denying it. Denying it doesn't help.
The actual argument is whether bullying was the main factor for the reason they did it, which I think it was significant but the real reasons were took to the grave.
I think Columbine was a perfect storm of so many coincidences and chances that we will never have an answer as to why it happened, which sucks to hear but I think it could have been prevented so many ways that it actually makes me sad.
Oh something I want to add about the killing random people and not their bullies, is this thing called hypervigilance. Randy Brown, father of Brooks Brown who was friends with Eric and Dylan and who Eric told him to go home before the shooting (and threatened to kill him in 1997) talks about hypervigilance a lot and in simple terms (my retarded explanation) its this:
>Victim gets bullied
>Bully does it in front of other students, and even teachers
>They all watch it happen without saying anything
>Which makes the victim feel like them getting bullied is justified
So now, not only does the victim hate the bully but they hate the students, the teachers and the school itself because they watched it happen and basically legitimized the bully.
Which is why they wanted to kill everyone, and blow up the school entirely. They hated the school image and what it stood for, so they vowed to destroy it with their bombs, that failed.
Everything was a target on 4/20/99
Why is every other school shooting so lame compared to this one? What happened to the showmanship? The artistry? They dont even wear trenchcoats anymore. Why is that?
What physical defects did they have?
Klebold obviously chin.
Harris had pectus excavatum, the thing where your chest is indented.
He was also on SSRIs.
Don't know if you're counting this as a physical defect, but they were both underweight, Dylan especially so.
Dylan was 6'4 and weighed 143 lbs (64kg)
Eric was 5'8 and weighed 135 lbs (61kg)
I think they both struggled with eating because of depression but Dylan more so than Eric because he was bordering anorexic for his height.
There is no evidence Dylan & Eric were bullied.
Dylan wore Hammer and Sickle on his shoe, so the debate on him being a Fascist, when in all likelihood he was more of an Anarchist (because the symbol was there to offend rather than show support for Communism), is plainly absurd.
The Government does and leads them. The evidence I have of this is bloodthirsty teens will at least do edgy or cool shit.
Why do you fags still cope like this over 25 years later? Yeah most of the kids they killed were innocent, but they 100% did this for revenge. The tapes, victims, and detectives on the case all support this.
It’s also been stated that many people who get bullied don’t go rampages, so Dylan and Eric were twisted minds anyway. Cause people have gotten bullied for worse, and still were not effected in the sadistic bloodlust and vile malice that Dylan and Eric had.
>Harris had pectus excavatum,
Oh well...

>Dylan was 6'4 and weighed 143 lbs (64kg)
Yeah underweight.

>Eric was 5'8 and weighed 135 lbs (61kg)
That is in good BMI range.
Just don't bully people, problem solved. Is it too much to ask?
Agreed, but there is little evidence Eric was and virtually non that Dylan was bullied.
Dylan was definitely bullied—on one incident kids threw tampons covered in ketchup at him in the cafeteria and pretended they were covered in blood
Doesn’t sound that bad. Kids broke open bathroom stalls and tried looking into them all the time. I wouldn’t call that bullying, but obsecene like mine. Teens do dumb shit and act like that. Especially in middle school.
Where do faggots like you come from?
Are you mad cause you are just like them, but unwilling to go as far as they did?
>>16873855 the guy who shot at trump was a lefty loon. He registered republican so he could nominate Nikki haile. You’re a stupid fucking nigger lover.
Seriously just go back to r.eddit kid
why are school shooters so prominent in the US? What gives?
/pol/tranny cope
>conservatism is when you hate niggers
You know Trump hates retarded racists like you, right? Most Republicans would call you a Democrat plant out to make them look bad.
Eric wasn't really the ringleader. Dylan was equally depressed and psychotic, perhaps more so.
There was NO leader-follower dynamic.

Think of it more as a mutual two-person death pact. They were in it together till the end.
They killed some white Christian kids as well though.
No. That's not the full story.
I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept that someone can be both a bully, and a victim of bullying at the same time.
Sure, not everyone who gets bullied goes to drastic lengths. But that doesn't prove E and D weren't bullied.
>Think of it more as a mutual two-person death pact. They were in it together till the end.
correct and very accurately described, they were very committed to each other.
I don't think a relationship like that could exist outside of high school to be honest, its a very juvenile thing.
Im basically the same as eric in height and weight and im healthy
Groomed by the feds to secure funding, same as the tranny trump shooter
There were countless reports of people who went to school with them said they were and bullying was rampant at the school plus they wrote about it in the diaries all the time and made a video for class where they were killers executing bullies.
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>Think of it more as a mutual two-person death pact. They were in it together till the end.
I never heard of them making a video killing bullies. That’s very interesting and could change my perspective on them actually being bullied. Most reports of Columbine I heard said it was peaceful until the shooting aswell. Maybe I looked too much at Dylan and Eric, but I should have heard it by now though.
unironically yeah their double suicide is very romantic. I don't think they were gay but they clearly had care for each other and understood each others pain and struggle, because to plan something like this for a year and execute it, killing people and then yourselves TOGETHER is pretty romantic and almost fairytale.
it was a film class project they did, where they played two hitmen who were hired by bullied students to kill their bullies.
It's honestly pretty ironic they made this, considering everything. Some people think it was almost like a rehearsal for their attack.
It was made in December 1998, 5 months before the shooting and here it is
Interesting...shocked I never heard of this from all the Columbine content I consumed.
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>Was it violent video games
Yes, but the videogame industry had too much money being made in the 90's to admit it.
It's even worse now, so never expect the videogame problem to go away. The issue will always be immediately pushed towards something else, with maybe a poorly done "study" or two thrown your way that totally debunks it.
One of their victims was a mentally disabled person they murdered because of their idea of "survival of the fittest" and some random christian woman because they considered christianity a religion for weak people. The majority of their targets are people they considered too "weak" to live. They were fascists.

>The actual argument is whether bullying was the main factor for the reason they did it, which I think it was significant but the real reasons were took to the grave.

Why do racist mass shooters go attack churches with old people in their 80's and supermarkets? because the shooters see them as "weak cattle" It's rightwing nihilism. In their heads, rightwing guys see these types of groups as "Weak" and therefore in order to assert their "manhood" or whatever they do what they do. Its very american.
But are you seriously suggesting Eric and Dylan were right wing nihilists who had some complex motivation for shooting and blowing up their school? To assert their manhood? I understand that point of view and I think it applies to modern shooters, especially the race target ones, but Eric and Dylan were indifferent to who they shot and killed.
After all, maybe you're forgetting that Eric and Dylan killed themselves at the end of it because they hated themselves so much. A lot of modern mass shooters give themselves up to police to live in the limelight of their actions, and become a "martyr" (in their eyes). Which somewhat has truth because look at all the NZ Mosque shooting copycats who cite him as inspiration.
E + D died and never saw what their legacy became, because they didn't care for it. They knew they would be famous, but not enough to justify them living.
They died in the library surrounded by their victims, killed by the same weapons they used to kill their victims. They became victims of themselves and their own hate. My two cents anyway, it's impossible to nail down why they did it.

>But are you seriously suggesting Eric and Dylan were right wing nihilists who had some complex motivation?

It's not a complex motivation. they wanted to dominate people using the gun, they were inspired by other rightwing militants like timothy mcveigh, the unabomber, and rightwing survivalist things that were going on at the time. They originally wanted to bomb the whole parking lot (inspired by people like mcveigh and the unabomber). They were rightwing, fascist militants and their actions were inspired by that, dominating the "Stupid cattle" that weren't "fit to survive" like them, in their heads, they were geniuses and the "normies" weren't "fit" like them. Eric Harris came from a far right military family and was raised to think like this which is reflected in the shirt he chose to wear, "natural selection".

>After all, maybe you're forgetting that Eric and Dylan killed themselves at the end of it because they hated themselves so much. A lot of modern mass shooters give themselves up to police to live in the limelight of their actions, and become a "martyr" (in their eyes). Which somewhat has truth because look at all the NZ Mosque shooting copycats who cite him as inspiration.

Above all else, they hated the world since they couldn't easily dominate it or "prove their manhood" and it was an externalized suicide self-harm attack, but before they killed themselves, they wanted to take out a few people with them too out of spite.
There are millions of people just like Eric and Dylan out there, they don't go to the length of columbine, but you can easily see the exact same mindset everywhere on places like /pol/ or kiwifarms. The same hate for the world, personal failure while still self absorbed, and the desire to dominate the "stupid cattle." They're not special. You know what most of this has in common? It's all american. the mindset that these people grow up and are groomed into is American rightwing nihilism
Teaching evolution is a fact, dehumanizing man, justifying violence. That's what evolutiontrannyism does.

They were evolutionists and said they were doing natural selection and killed people for "the jaw evolution gave them".
All of Europe and the rest of the anglosphere is more atheist than the US, China and a lot of Asia too, yet they don't do this kind of thing nearly as much. In fact, in China's case, a lot of the Marxism in the Maoist era was fervant anti-nihilist, pro solidarity, etc.
Eric and Dylan are symptoms of a rightwing bourgeoisie culture that was built on the idea that you, the property owning male, are a natural genius and everyone else is stupid weeds in the way of your manhood etc. America's population is further made up of the dregs of Europe that came here for the sake of land and property.
I mean yeah. The reality probably influenced the unfounded assumption they were gay or something (they were not, really). Granted, these two best bros died side-by-side together.
Pretty sure it was called "Hitmen for Hire," short film where they're hired to kill a kid's bullies.
Then they turn against him at the end and try to kill him too, or something like that.
Because EUSSR is a disarmed socialist cuck society being enslaved by Islam. They have knife stabbing and Muslim child rape gangs and terrorism and they get arrested for saying "Mohammed was a pedophile" as "hate/offensive speech".
Goddamn rightwing idiots like you are pantsonhead retarded
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>leftoid psychoanalysts suggest that le evil people are le evil because of right winglingling culture based on killing people with guns, not because of prolonged bullism and shit environment that was peculiar to the columbine or strange medical treatment and prolonged social ostracization
>dude just look at unabomber which is not even rightwing and survivalism which is not even inherently rightwing
Damn i knew this place is full of /pol/whiners but at this point it's bunkerchan 2.0
Anarchism isn't right-wing
Reddit and bunkerchan
Literally psychopathy + watching Natural Born Killers + the pattern observed in Natural Born Killers.
Natural Born Killers was a contributing factor in a huge number of violent (murderous and multiple murderous) incidents.
There was edgy atheist Darwinism and a use of Doom to replace the afterlife. Videogames as a medium are fascinating. I spent almost a year in STALKER.
Bizarrely Hollywood got a total pass. I think part of it was that conservacunts couldn't face what hekkin wholesome movies do, and libtards couldn't make the argument that yeah, actually, art does influence people.
That's a myth that was invented by the gym teacher to defend the jocks at the school who were irredeemable assholes to virtually everyone, while the faculty covered all of it up.
>They were fascists.
It seems a stretch to go from edgy social Darwinism to fascism.
Use an overwide definition of fascism out of a need to maintain your purity by looking virtuously ignorant and you end up missing distinctions.
>you can easily see the exact same mindset everywhere on places like /pol/ or kiwifarms. The same hate for the world, personal failure while still self absorbed, and the desire to dominate the "stupid cattle." They're not special. You know what most of this has in common? It's all american. the mindset that these people grow up and are groomed into is American rightwing nihilism
I actually think you're getting at something there. I'm not sure if it's "right wing" at this point. But yeah, I'd call that the "ZOGbot" mindset or the "Homelander" mindset or the "Redditard" mindset. Or the mindset depicted in Chud Meridian.
Stupidest mother fucking headcanon I've seen yet.

>came from a far right military family
Absolute nothing was "far right" about his family. Quit creating strawmen.

>he wore a "natural selection t shirt"
At the time that would be considered more anarcho-communist, as its godless and promotes atheism and evolution, which at the time was the complete opposite of what the right wing stood for, being full of fundamentalist christians.

Eric and Dylan didn't have a political agenda, but they did have a social one which was to lash out against a society they saw as corrupted, weak, and pathetic, fueled by mental instability, and SSRI's. Most of the music they listened to was popular in the punk scene and the left-wing underground scene.
yes because they were hired to kill, expendables
they thought they were going to get paid out, as they were told, they were stupid kids. Thats why they spent ages walking around doing nothing, they were waiting to get bailed out of there
Probably because of the CIA.
Interest in Columbine and other mass shooting incidents have been getting popular recently, I guninely think there's something in the water, in countless internet circles I'm seeing eric and dylan get mentioned, in public I saw a girl wearing a wrath shirt and I'm seeing more and more people mention shooting in conversations or online, especially 4chan, discord and pinterest.

It doesn't help how I surround myself with girls mostly, the true crime community for instance is entirely made up of mentally ill women trying to be quirky or have daddy issues. When I was diagnosed with depression and was prescribed Zoloft (the same medication eric harris took), my thoughts and actions became more violent. I no longer take my medication, but when I did I began glorifying shooters more as well. I think there's something in the water guys?
I've been in the TCC for a few years, and I know what you mean.
Interest in the case is definitely ramping up.
>wrath shirt
lol I still have one from a few years ago when I was in the depths of it, I wasn't retarded enough to wear it in public but it was a very personal thing. Call me a retard if you want, I'd understand.
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direct cause was some kind of mental issues for each of those nutters
then when they connected it was like a positive feedback loop
also influenced by whatever drivel they absorbed from popular and fringe culture
>does that help?
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moar reading material
>not for the squeamish
Violence is inherant to humanity, societies has the duty of channelling those urges into a productive form, in the past they'd be having drunken brawls or fighting enemies of that society. We live under the utopian delusion of things getting better forever inherently and lash out against any opposition to that fact. It's derived from chrisendom, though not inherent, at least they believe utopia after death, we believe it can happen in life.
It's always more money for programs, regulation of media, socalisation and education. It doesn't work, the ruling bureaucrats resent that people dont follow their will, impose more conformity, remove more of the traditional intensives and structures, then they go berserk and kill. It's Californian wildfire laws all over again but for people, no controlled burns because dumb ass hippies complain, then wildfires destroy homes.
The solution to this issue, go the exact opposite way we've been going as a society.
If you want me to get more woke and do more armchair psychoanalysis on where I think this culture comes from i'll be happy to oblige.
>America starts out as a settler colony like Britain and contemporary Israel
>Everyone that comes to America is the trash of Europe, crooked businessmen, religious fundies and cultists, losers, etc
>All of them come over to America to not be told what to do and because there's free land/land for cheap
>All of this land comes at the expense at the indigenous they kill and the blacks they slavedrive
>despite being nominally Christian, the American god is really land and private property. a "Might is Right" social darwinist culture develops where european men prove their "manhood" by dominating and raping the "savages"(stupid cattle)
>American revolution isn't a refutation of the extreme exploitation of the European nobility, it's just butthurt of the American bourgeoisie that they couldn't be treated like kings, so they became their own kings, lording over and exploiting the rest of the American population, especially the slaves.
>American expansion continues, manifest destiny happens. Social darwinist culture becomes the standard as men are expected to be expansionist psychopaths so the settler project can continue
>fast forward to id 20th century, all the good land is taken up, american expansion goes from domestic against the indigenous and nearby countries like Mexico to overseas, we start bullying China, Germany, and the USSR, get locked into a cold war
>American culture and mentality is based on bloodlust because this is a settler colony, it was created on blood. America needs an enemy to function with no land to grab, this was originally the USSR
>USSR dies out, Iraq/islam is replaced
>Islam extremism kinda dies out/becomes boring as a threat. American settlerism turns inward and all those evil social darwinist attitudes get aimed at each other, stuff like columbine or any shooting event in the last 20 years happens
The fact of the general matter is that American culture has always been based on social darwinism, violence, and bloodlust over private property. Since there's no external enemy anymore, people raised in this culture turn inward and attack each other. There are loads and loads of hateful, crazy people that have the desire to shoot random people just for something as simple and stupid as stepping on their front lawn. They leave pitbulls loose or barely on a leash with kids in the same neighborhood, etc. You combine this culture with an incompetent government that can't crack down on the mass gun production and the rightwing media(Fox) that only serves to make the hateful people even more hateful and chaotic, and you get America in 2024 and all of its baggage
oh my god you're pathetic, you sound like Michael Moore in his shitty misinformation documentary where he claims Columbine happened because we killed natives.
That's not an argument to anything I said.
>the true crime community for instance is entirely made up of mentally ill women trying to be quirky or have daddy issues

Not entirely. Those women are really only interested in crime cases where a relatively good looking serial killer guy kills white women they can project themselves onto, outside that forget about it.
As far as I remember from Ann Rule books the cases she covered were nearly always involving a white female as the victim of a killer or occasionally a white female as the perp.
you must have been out of the loop, because on tumblr especially there is an entire community of people (mostly young girls) who idolize mass shooters and I mean almost all of them.
Klebold and Harris are still the most idolized and adored, but there are people who love Adam Lanza, Nikolas Cruz, the NZ shooter, you name it.
You just don't know as much about crimes in non-Anglo cunts due to the language barrier.
in crimeanon's threads on /his/ he's done threads on crimes from almost every possible combination of age, gender, race, and historical period
I don't dispute that but as anon said is mostly mentally ill white women into the stuff so the media focuses on true crime stories that would appeal to them. Also some crimes especially if they involve certain races are problematic and cannot be discussed.
In addition to what you both have said, the first two victims they shot and killed on their rampage were a pair of students eating lunch together outside of the school who they didn’t even know by name (and vice versa) because they were like 2 years younger/below them. The idea that Dylan and Eric were hunting down their bullies is a romanticized notion that pathetic losers hold onto out of disgusting idolization for them. What they did was a mass act of cold blooded murder. They even made petrol bombs which failed to ignite — they very clearly intended to kill every single person in the school.
Appreciate the response.
Is Doom any good? The original, not the 2016 version
One of the best games ever, in my opinion
>columbine thread #735291
>why's they do it?
>they were bullied
>no they weren't
>actually they were the bullies
>no it's actually because of guns
>no it's because America has fallen, millions must die
There are so many identical threads on the same few topics in starting to suspect bots or military grade autism.
I'm not claiming to know either way, but creepy assholes seeking revenge on the cool kids/society doesn't actually indicate that they were ever wronged. Lots of pieces of shit play the victim. Certainly lots of shooters do, and the fact they're shooters shows they don't have the perspective or capacity to identify injustice or victimization

Maybe it's too easy to say in hindsight, but is it possible they were tryhard super edgy creeps who had fundamental beef with all the phonies, and thus understandably nobody made a special effort to pretend to like them?

I'm sure many a young sperg or creep has built a fantasy reality where he bravely suffers the slings and arrows of being too special and different and smart for stupid normie sheeple to understand. I did, and then as I got older, I realized I was as much to blame for my not getting along with kids I didn't respect at all, and I was just getting off on my own fumes.
>but there are people who love Adam Lanza, Nikolas Cruz, the NZ shooter, you name it.
What about the Supreme Gentleman?
Unironically it is due to violent video games

Teens had access to rifles and pistols in the 20’s to 50’s and didn’t do any school shootings
Mercury containing vaccines.
I'm noticing that /his/ is turning into a bunker for Redditor types based off the tone of some responses in this thread and especially some others. Seems any time a /his/ thread talks about Whitey, these guys come out the woodwork with very inflammatory browbeating rhetoric.
I could believe that violent games were a contributing factor. At the same time some people might be drawn to violent games because they already have violent ideation or pent-up aggression. For most people, playing video games is a healthy way to sort of vent that. There are other countries that have guns and the same video games and the same Hollywood shootouts. We definitely differ in the US as far as how ingrained and prolific the gun culture is. Clearly

I wonder if Columbine could just have plausibly happened somewhere else, but it happened to happen here, and it became patient zero of a national social contagion not unlike gender shit or self-harm/suicide. Sure it's easier to carry out here cuz of all the guns, but it's also just an idea that is up in people's brains to a degree it isn't in countries.
>What causes this?
A set of massive balls
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The dominate one was jewish and hatched a classic jewish plot against his eternal enemy the goys if anyone wants to know the real reason. He even got a shabbos goy to help like Israel has done with Evangelical Christians to commit genocide against the Palestinians

>Columbine school shooter Dylan Klebold revealed he was Jewish when he mentioned dreading a family Passover seder — creating a tense moment with his fellow shooter, his mother said.

Klebold was definitely not "the dominate one". Look at the journals, he was a lovesick wimp and would never have carried out the act on his own. Harris on the other hand was a straight up narcissistic psychopath who lost his interest in life after his mom sabotaged his efforts to join the USMC
> wait, you mean a woman was the root cause?!
using that word and calling others redditors is pretty ironic
If people just looked to the evidence and conceded that they were bullied, we wouldn't have this problem.
Granted, bullying was only one factor among many in this case. Columbine was the perfect storm of many factors that culminated in disaster, including severe mental illness. Sure, they also did some bullying themselves.
But people who deny that bullying played a role whatsoever, we're not getting anywhere.
He plausibly came up with the whole shooting/killing spree plot before even Harris did
Groomers from the FBI

>Hear about one parent who swore they groomed her mentally ill son to be a shooter
>Look it up
>Find it fucking happened more than once
>learn Trump shooter's parents knew he was mentally ill and tried to look for him 4 hours before the shooting.

Remember to have the talk with your child about the dangers of glowie groomers
>no they were Jews who wanted to kill Christian girls
>no they were MKultra victims
>there were actually 3+ shooters and more co-conspirators
>whole thing was faked by the government

I need to comment on it, because a certain "journalist" wrote a shitty book that did irreparable damage to discourse about the case.
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Being based
>rightwing and obsessed with guns and pretending to be manly
This is not entirely incorrect, but possibly oxymoronic, that is, if the association is only due to unexplicated conversative views. The majority of conversative people are quiet, peaceable, and warm; they're friendly people. These people, conversative people, are conflict-averse and do like to very much be left alone. Moreover, they're concerned with those around them - family, friends, and co-workers -and do not want social revolution of any kind, which they feel threatens that. On the other hand, still on the right of politics, they are more fascistic, authoritarian, and jingoistic. They're, in short, the antithesis of the aforementioned profile: striving for conflict and revolution. They're very much like progressives, but their values are flipped upside down, and it's done twice more. In my view, the greatest difference is between revolutionaries and reactionaries. Moderately liberal and moderately conversative people could rattle off their points back and forth in an hour or two, mostly agreeing on the vast majority of politics, that is, almost all. Whereas, even with people on their side of the political dichotomy, any revolutionary fervor would royally alienate both of them.
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>natural selection
>has no children
>kills self
many such cases
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>the majority of conversative people are quiet, peaceable, and warm; they're friendly people
I live in oklahoma, republican center, your idea of conservatives comes from King of the Hill, fiction, you haven't lived around them.
This video isn't hyperbole, a lot of them are extremely tribal and they've been so immersed in rightwing hate propaganda from Fox and the internet they try to start political arguments and fights about wokeness with strangers irl. I know because it's happened to me when I was minding my own business
Midwit comment. There is literally a video available for viewing on YouTube in which they are bullied.
How the hell could Eric have joined the marines anyway? Look at him
Causes? You mean to say what argument is there for it not to be caused? Stop being gay, zoomer.
I've been personally approached by a marine recruiter and I don't look like some giant beefcake, either. You realize not everyone in the military is a machine gunner?
who the fuck are making these?
Yeah, RECENTLY, it's honestly breathtaking that Columbine is still relevant, and getting even more frequent attention. As shootings become more and more common to the point where no one even bats an eye, and public schools becoming worse I can understand why edgy boys and girls hook onto eric and dylan as idols.

If you go into any indie zoomer community, roblox for instance, there's actually a high chance you'll encounter an adam lanza or Dylan klebold avatar.

And to answer the thread's question, no one made them do it, they weren't conditioned to do so. Yeah video games did help and influence them but it wasn't the justification obviously, you can look at their manifestos. No one influenced or pushed them to do so.
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I made lots of them browsing /pol/
thanks for asking :)
google drive easy to use interface
shit nobody cares about enthusiast
He was indeed quite scrawny, not particularly athletic (in fact, barely at all), had a chest deformity, and was on antidepressants
Maybe if his mom didn't spill the beans on that to the USMC, they would've taken him. If it was just a few years later, after 9/11, they would've surely been more lenient. And maybe boot camp would've made a man out of him, he could've found a place to belong, and all those kids he killed would still be alive.

Maybe he would've killed a bunch of Afghans instead.
How would that have remedied his anger issues over being bullied and treated as weak, or his desire to become a god
make something better
oh that's right you can't
go kys you whiney faggot
I didn't say it would have. Do you understand what "maybe" means?
The military is full of psychopaths, they can't filter all of them out and they probably don't even want to. Not all of them do heinous shit and commit war crimes and rape Jap women. Some of them fit in just fine and control their shit.
wasn't complaining, it's just funny. you are clearly passionate about it, thats cool
>>16873855 Pay attention:
1. a motive;
2. violence in general;
3. bad parenting;
4. bad guidance;
5. bad company.
The most compelling information I've seen is that almost all school shooters were medicated and almost all of them had already interfaced with professional psychiatrists. A not-insignificant number were already known to police or the schools to be a threat due to warnings from friends and family. These kinds of reports are starting to be treated more seriously in Canada at a college level, but I've always gotten the sense that most police departments and schools in the US don't take them seriously or don't have the tools to do anything about it. You can't really arrest someone on the suspicion that they may commit a crime later.

The other thing to keep in mind is that media contagion plays a role. When one shooting occurs, a string of copy cat shootings tend to occur.
This feels like a shitpost but I've read lots of Harris' blog posts and this does actually check out. He didn't really seem to have a coherent belief system (most young guys don't), but nihilism would definitely describe it. He wrote a lot about loathing the world because there wasn't anything worthwhile in it. It's a problem a lot of /pol/acks go through if and when they lose interest in Christianity - they don't have anywhere else to go.
>there is no denying it
Cite literally any evidence by its specific title and page number or time stamp.
Another Cullenfag joins the thread
The majority of school shooters do not fit this pattern at all. Adam Lanza was a low-functioning autistic pedophile, whatsHERname who shot up the Christian school pretended she was a boy, that Cruz kid had a black brother (step brother? Half brother? Idk).

The majority of "mass shooters" are black males between the ages of 14 and 35.
interesting may look into one day
Most of the stuff he's quoting is from the Cullen book. Cullen blamed it on Eric being a psychopath and Dylan being dependent on Eric. The right wing stuff wasn't in the Cullen book as far as I recall. He's wrong about it being shooters at large who are like this, but it's not an inaccurate characterization of Eric if you're going by his blog posts.
I've seen things that have made me question Cullen's characterization of the dynamic, particularly that they had attempted to get others involved. Brooks Brown and some other kid whose name I can't remember.
Cullen's book should have been thrown in the trash the second he implied that Harris banged tons of women in Littleton. laughable bullshit.
I've never seen this. Cringy even by the standards of a teenager. Why was Dylan saying God-damn and shit but not fuck? Eric does it too. It's kind of funny, I've read a lot about Columbine but I don't think I have ever heard either of their voices beyond some mumbling from a video where Dylan is driving his car, and another one where they're shooting things in the forest. It's amazing how young they sound.
I knew it existed, I just didn't realize it had been released. I think more stuff has come out since the Cullen book was released. It's odd they haven't released all of it 25 years later, but given that most of the people who care are aspiring school shooters themselves I get why they've held off on it.
>the unabomber
>right wing
Are you retarded?
>Maybe it's too easy to say in hindsight, but is it possible they were tryhard super edgy creeps who had fundamental beef with all the phonies, and thus understandably nobody made a special effort to pretend to like them?
Every kid I knew who was bullied in high school (except one of the gay kids) fit this model, including myself. When I hit senior year I realized most people at our school were actually alright. I'll be 30 next year and I still know people I went to high school with who have held on to all that. It's just embarrassing.
It's medication.
Verification not required
Please elaborate
Link to the video
Dylan wrote about going on a shooting spree with someone else, specifically a girl, in mid-late 1997. He refers to it as NBK which meant Natural Born Killers, a film he and Eric both loved.
It wasn't until April 1998 that Eric mentions going on a killing spree.
It's widely accepted that Dylan conceptualized it, inspired by NBK and wanting to do it with his so called "halcyon girl" but Eric was the one who took it seriously and went to lengths to make it happen.
I think Dylan wanted to do it with a girl, but because of how unrealistic that was he settled for Eric because he knew they could get it done.
People don't give realize Dylan arguably used Eric as a way for him to die.
I personally believe Columbine wouldn't have happened without one of them, it had to be them two or nothing.
You make this claim in every thread but never offer any actual evidence. Post literally anything.
I read it more than a decade ago, but I only recall him mentioning one woman and I don't even remember him writing that Harris was successful in trying to sleep with her.
Interesting, I had no idea.
Here's an article with a friend of Dylan who said he and Eric were pelted with ketchup packets and tampons in the Cafeteria and pushed around and called fags https://www.westword.com/news/forgiving-my-columbine-high-school-friend-dylan-klebold-5834485
In Sue Klebold's book, she says when Dylan came home that day he was drenched in ketchup and said he had the worst day of his life.
There is one example, but I want to ask what you gain from denying bullying was a factor?
Another article corroborating the same event or a different one entirely https://www.westword.com/news/the-missing-motive-5063685
I get sick of you people asking "hur durr but wheres muh evidence"
Literally research this case on your fucking own without using the Cullen garbage and it becomes so clear they were bullied. No one is trying to justify them killing students over it, especially ones who never did anything to them.
But you have to acknowledge they were bullied to get some sort of idea why they did it.
Yeah, I think Cullen tried saying that Harris slept with a woman named "Brenda" or something like that, who was allegedly several years older than him. Total lies, that was a made-up story.

Think he also said something like "Eric out-scored the majority of football team and wooed girls at the mall." Lmao. Got anything to back that up, Dave?
Everything is typically ignorant normalfaggotry itt I can only expect on this shithole
The person with the blurred face is a classmate?
Not to be an unhinged misogynist, but don't women encourage this shit (humiliation) on some level *so that* it generates male rage which translates into violence which makes their pussies wet?
>No one is trying to justify them killing students over it
It's completely disingenuous for you to say this knowing what you know. A lot of people absolutely are trying to justify what they did.
Punched any nazis lately, sweetie?
> Adam Lanza was a low-functioning autistic pedophile
So was dirlewanger
>whatsHERname who shot up the Christian school pretended she was a boy
Wait until you hear about the trans fascists who are on the borderline of being involved with the O9A
>Cruz kid had a black brother (step brother? Half brother? Idk).
You think being black or half black prevents you from being a fascist?
>The majority of "mass shooters" are black males between the ages of 14 and 35.
Petty crime and gang beefing isn't the same as what people like Eric Harris, Dylan Roof, Patrick Crusis, Anders Brevik, Brenton Tarrant, Robert Bowers, Payton Gendron. etc. did. There's so many shootings that come from and are directly related to fascist violent nihilism in the US, and countries influenced by the US, that all of their names blend together.
What a load of bullshit
Harris and Klebold had no political motivations
Stop thinking your stupid culture war mentality applies to something 20 years before it happened
Australia has barely any gun rights anymore. They didn't regulate guns, they just made them unavailable to the majority of the population. That's taking people's rights away, not regulating.
Inner city violence is not right wing. It's mostly gang activity.
This anon made the best post here. All of you fuckin idiots injecting your modern political discourse into a 25 year old school shooting are all midwits
>Wonton violence
I had to fight my Chinese food last night. It's getting out of control
And implying extreme left wing groups and individuals don't do violence, top kek
These guys had friends to hang out with, had girlfriends, comfy 90s pizzashop job, could just go out in the woods and shoot some guns, bros to play doom online with.. and they still went insane

imagine them living in the current world. lmao wouldn't last a week
>However, Eric and Dylan were also bullies who picked on other kids even though they got picked on by the jocks. BUT Eric was a fuckboy who got a lot of pussy and was well liked by his female classmates. Meanwhile Dylan was terminally emo because, even though he was moderately popular, he got dumped by his oneitis and that made him super depressed

Where'd you learn all of this?
blacks are 13% of the american population but commit 50% of the crime
Goes to show how life only sucks if you don't appreciate what you have.
They weren't goths.
They weren't bullies.
And I don't think dylan ever got dumped, based on his diaries it sounds like he didn't even talk to his crushes
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>Rightwing, fascist
sure m8
>Petty crime and gang beefing isn't the same
Yeah. They kill much more people.
Maybe try doing some basic research on the topic before posting?
The ketchup incident, Dylan crying under stuffed animals, the things they said during the attack, the diaries, Hitmen for hire, Books Brown and even some of the fucking Jocks confirming that R&V were bullied, etc
What more goddamn proof do you need? Do you want us to buy an ouija board and meet up at the columbine library so we can talk to them and confirm they were bullied?
>Where'd you learn all of this?
Those are Dave Cullen talking points
the "muh rightwinger" anon ITT is a retard, but Dylan wore that boot to get a reaction out of people. Not anything political.
I know but the same thing could be said about the "nazi" stuff
I don't disagree with you, but if you're going to put forth a claim and say that there's evidence for it, you should also provide said evidence as a courtesy.
Or you could also do extensive research on the case on your own without people spoonfeeding you. There's an entire forum and multiple websites dedicated just to documenting sources about Columbine.
>provide said evidence as a courtesy.
I agree, I just assume most people familiar with the case are already aware of these events. I'm retarded though.
Also I just get annoyed because some people will be given evidence but still choose to either not believe it, or go as far to say "heh well they probably deserved it" or "so? thats normal in school man up pussy haha"
Neither of them ever had a long-term committed romantic relationship.
They did not have steady girlfriends at the time of the shooting, nor did they ever.
How about they weren't political at all, and were depressed, homicidal/suicidal nihilists who made a death pact for revenge
well yeah I'd agree with you, I don't think politics had anything to do with Eric or Dylan doing what they did. Unlike the schizo ITT constantly mentioning right wing masculine shit or something
Problem is that then you're basically telling them to shut up and research your case for you.
Elliot Rodger had a female fan on YouTube that celebrated his birthday years ago.
>t. libshit zoomer who just watched "Bowling for Columbine"
Anybody who's done any extensive research into the case (Cullen's book does not count) would come to the conclusion that bullying played a role on some level.
>but I want to ask what you gain from denying bullying was a factor?
This is the part of the bulling.
You know bully do their staff like throwing paper balls at the victim, victim cries, teach turns around :"who did this"? And everybody: " nobody, nothing happens" and then they giggle together when teacher turns back to them. And when victim raises up Into fist fight with the bully it's victim who is looking like deranged lunatic starting fights.
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The truth is this event, had it not set the then record for kills in a mass shooting, would've been a local story that was known only in Colorado, maybe the surrounding areas. The media is by far the biggest cause school shootings, boomers are right about this for once.
Nothing you said merits an argument it’s just horseshit
White men are psychologically damaged as a collective. Other races are psychologically inhibited from commiting blatantly heinous acts that serve no purpose.
Yeah, I wonder what was klebold's ethnicity
His family are Lutherans, stop thinking everyone who has a German name is a Jew.
I said ethnicity, not religion, retard
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Narcissism, entitlement and varying degrees of psychopathy.

They thought they were better than everybody else and wanted to punish others for not treating them accordingly.

Mass shooters and personality disorders goes hand in hand.
Jews aren't Lutherans retard.
You must have severe terminal retardadation, or maybe justa dishonest fuck. Dylan's kike heritage is common sense in columbine "research".

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