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/his/ - History & Humanities

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Not funny
then do something abovt it
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Christian memes compete with fedoras for cringe
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>࿇ C Œ M G E N V S ࿇
what the fuck is this thread
And yet people still hate conquistadores in my shithole country
Sorry, I was looking for the humour thread not the Pablo cope thread.
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Hi cum genius
Adam wasn't even Hebrew, he was on a first name basis with God since he started as a pet. No faith or religion needed.
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You're from Jalisco LMFAO
I completely believe this picture.
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Do you hear that voice in the air, Pablo? It's whispering the same phrase, over and over again.
>"Rent Free"
>"Rent Free"
Christian memes are ridicolous but not funny, anon.
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I'm not a great fan of the British myself, but all you really need to do is compare the current situations. Spaniard countries are all corrupt and fucked and poor and the one Portuguese colony in South America (Brazil) is doing far better than its neighbors (see Honduras, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela). Meanwhile, the Anglosphere dominates the world.
Haven't seen that one before, who's the guy on the right?
what schizos unironically find funny. its interesting in its own sort of wat
Survive the Jive
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I think it is literally impossible for this guy to communicate without using a strawman.
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Well /his/?
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The Opium Wars are actually a lot simpler than most people realise.
>Britain creates the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION! creating modern society and economics from whole cloth because none of the rest of you peasants were going to create a middle class any time soon.
>This results in several metric shitloads of people moving from agricultural work in Britain to city based wage jobs, because even if the conditions are something out of a middle ages vision of hell the fact that your wage is coming in once a month (rather than once a harvest) is a game-changer
>This results in the pre-modern sewage system completely shitting the bed and providing contaminated water (DEY EAT DA POO POO!) resulting in Cholera outbreaks - as ways to die go that's pretty much near the bottom of the list.
>Turns out the only way to stop cholera without rebuilding all of the sewage and water infrastructure (i.e. definitely not happening) is to get everyone to start boiling their drinking water, preferably with leaves that release an anti-septic solution in said boiling water.
>The only place where you can buy that much Tea in bulk is China, who are full on hardcore isolationist in this phase of their history
>Put together a trade mission to show the Chinese Emperor the benefits of opening his country up to global (read: British) trade, his only response is an obvious diplomatic insult
>Fine, fuck you, buy my drugs to pay for me buying your tea - it's an economic, medical, humanitarian, and political necessity; and if you don't like it you can suck it Chang.
>China doesn't like buying the drugs for humanitarian reasons, so the Royal Navy and British Army have to go all the way around the world to persuade Chang of the benefits of open trade, at least until tea production in the British Raj reaches economic levels

Pic related.
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Stop writing about tea like it's the spice from dune you faggot, it was just a trade imbalance of precious metals that's literally it
Stop pretending you know anything.
Why was British silver ending up in China, you mongoloid faggot?
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Yeah fiscal policy and the bimetalic monetary standard is a lot less interesting than whatever LARP reddit-tier bullshit you can come up with about why tea was some sort of magical plant that solved all these problems. You should kill yourself you stupid fucking faggot you do realize that the British owned basically all of India by this point don't you?
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Which documents were forged?
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I don't know what whoever made it was referring to, but all of the manuscripts they promote are forgeries along with the apocrypha being a forgery when presented as inspired text. They promote the retarded lie of purgatory and venial sins with the apocryphal text.
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>all of the manuscripts they promote are forgeries along with the apocrypha being a forgery when presented as inspired text.
Did your pastor-brother-father-cousin Billy-Joe-Ray-Bob tell you that?
Donation of Constantine
Why do so many retarded spics dwell on /his/?
So you waste trips by admitting that your only source is the Wikipedos?
Are you retarded?
No, but you clearly are.
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Just admit you never heard of it before.
My first degree was in Catholic Theology, and you just cited the biggest, most pointless, nothingburger in the field. Get wrekt, troon.
What is it with Catholics and miscegenation?
>Catholic Theology
Arent you at least pretending to be christians?
Zach Hadel, basically
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It's unintentionally funny, but not the way you think it is. It makes Spanish culture come off as obsessed with interracial marriage and ultra-religious superstition. Early Modern Spain gave off similar vibes to post-revolutionary Iran if you think about it for more than 2 seconds.
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>I, el abominacion Mexicano, i submit to my masters, AngloGOD and AmeriGOD for suplying me with my hourly dose of Coca-Cola, tranime porn, fighting games, cartel execution videos and Takis
>I, el terrible abominacion demonica Mexicano, i submit to white AryanGOD COCK, which will be used to breed my mothers and sisters, because our tiny clits cannot compare
>I, el desastroso repugnante abominacion no humana tenebroso Mexicano, i submit to GermanGOD and NordicGOD who will bleach my fat twink brown Latinx butthole with their superior agarthian BWCs, because we Mexicans are sluts for white cocks
>I, el subhumano asqueroso hyperabominacion inquietante cucaracha radioactivo fallo genetica destructor de civilizaciones Mexicano, i submit to el mayor santisimo ProtestantGOD for BTFOing us in every conflict that we've ever had and for being the actual true faith unlike us dumb brown heretical pedo catholics
>I kneel, AngloGOD, AmeriGOD, GermanGOD, NordicGOD, AryanGOD, ProtestantGOD for teaching us poor measly gay brownoids who is the true superior civilization, now i must go goon to BWC WMLF porn with my tiny mexican penis for the rest of eternity o algo
why is the study of history the closest thing to experiencing an eldritch horror?
Is Leonor legal yetll?
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Jesus fucking christ.
>never hiding again
>somehow they think that will benefit them
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>the one Portuguese colony in South America (Brazil) is doing far better than its neighbors (see Honduras, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela)
What are you smoking m8?

Argentina and Chile are both more developed than Brazil, have a higher GDP per capita, have less crime, and are overall better places to live.
Venezuela and Honduras are worse off than Brazil.

But Brazil isn't really some lodestar in South America, it's quite a mediocre country.
If you averaged all the Spanish colonies and all the Portuguese colonies (including those in Africa, Asia, etc.) I think Spain comes out better.
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Oh my fucking god
We let them down so bad

Forgive me...
i have many islamic fundamentalist friends so i can’t tell if these are ironic or genuine
>Moorgentina better than Brazil
Kek keep coping macaco
>I can’t tell if these are ironic or genuine
/his/ is such a faux intellectual board
>shitbag kicks an old woman then runs off when about to experience consequences
>"lol white ppl got pwned"
Thanks for proving your inferiority
>humanitarian reasons
>I refuse to take the slightly more cumbersome path to tackle domestic problems that would benefit everyone in the long run and not mess with other states' wellbeing in doing so
>this means you owe me the goods I don't have and need to enforce my half-measures and that I'm entitled to not have to respect your foreign policy, making me in the right to subvert your population's well being
I hate bongoloids so fucking much
>/pol/tranny seething about violence after screeching about killing brown children on the internet
Post Kherson pidor cyka
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you're trans btw
Kek this is perfect
You are like a little baby, watch this
Christ memes are funny because it brings out the fedora cows.
this but the last panel is replaced with
>no because you mocked the Holy Spirit, which means whatever I want it to mean
>asexual dildo
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not as based as this
>I have invented a new concept called money
My sides
BYD is coming to your driveway chud
you seriously underestimate just how casual fundamentalist muslims can be about stuff like this.
I checked his page, looks like it's some autist who's obsessed with that pokemon and makes poorly-drawn edgy comics starring it
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The Christian right can't meme
It is true, btw. In ancient Mesopotamia shamans used to cast magical spells who worked in similar way to modern HRT drugs. They also would cut your penis in a ritual. This ritual then evolved later in middle-eastern culture into circumcision.
That must have sucked, when it happened in your imagination. They were proposing a fair and free trade deal with China, that would have absolutely been a good thing for the Chinese. It's just that the Chinese Emperor was autistically hyper-focused on his fantasies of China being 'Muh Middle Kingdom' so he refused the deal. You're praising a man who wanted to kill millions to maintain his political fantasy.
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Delcatty lost
Croatia won
>kick the in the door
Nice typo retard
im gonna be honest on this i'd side with China, we turned something beautiful into a gun (yes im aware China already did use gunpowder guns but a lot less)
Find a flaw in his argument
I guess it has more to do with giving birth that they have a wide pelvis.
No they have thiccc fartboxes so I can stick my nose in deep
The yahwist canon
Do you have that meme of Luther calling out the Devil for shitting his pants and the Wojak devil looking worried to the left?
out of curiosity, do you believe the donation is real? Also, what year were you taught that it was given?
>have been able to transition in different times and cultures
Then why do you need kids to get on HRT and get surgeries and if people don't agree to it, it's literally genocide?
>have been able to transition in different times and cultures
name one time and place before the 21st/20th century
he never mentioned wikipedia
these were funny cause they look like a muslim kid's but seeing he drew muhammad tells it's just an edgy guy
China turned it into a gun, Europeans adopted it after Asians were using these weapons to attack Europe.
oh my wutism
Who's behind this muslim Pokémon comic?
A schizo from /vp/
He posts a lot on /v/ and /pol/ too.
who are georgians? they're neither semitic nor indo-european. where do these people come from?
I mean not all Caucasoids are Aryan or Semitic. The Sumerians weren’t either too. There were probably many Caucasoid cultures that didn’t belong to those two groups but most have been lost to time.
Yamnaya genes
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how come one minute mexicans claim that england is roman clay to claim their achievements, then the next minute will use the english as the prime example for germanic degeneracy? why cant you make your mind on the ethnic identity of the english, pablo?

also, why are nahuatl savages like you that claim to be 'latin' such pedos?
is this man balkan?
The Prophet Muhammad?
No he’s not Balkan…
Now imagine if he tried that on the white dude
are these comics by a fucking bosnian, or, may the lord forgive me for uttering this word, an ALBANIAN
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/pol/ incels ruin these threads by posting their unfunny antisocial garbage
Not quite
Is this really a meme though? I don't think it's meant to be funny
the fucking skitty autist is a serb?

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