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File: Germanic Tribes - Smaller.png (2.82 MB, 3000x4096)
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New map of the German tribes.
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Nice autism, thanks
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>Published: Oct 29, 2022
How very new
Not like we've seen it many times before
Most of these were subjugated and raped to extinction with the survivors being enslaved by my Roman ancestors. Magnificent.
Rome got fucked and conquered by Germans
That will be ours now! https://www.history.com/news/6-infamous-sacks-of-rome
What was Forest Culture like? Sounds so comfy and kino.
Pomerania was not Germanic, this can be seen even today.
>misses half
>vandals, ostrogoths and visigots get btfo'd
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Majority of this is just made up XIX century nonsense.
>centuries after
You sure showed them.
>i-it doesn't count because of my arbitrary time limit!
Ostrogoths lost
Visigoths lost
Vandals lost
So did Rome :)
Lasted longer that all the germ tribes
We're still around and they're dead in the ground.
You're a mutt fatfuck from US.
>We're still around
Wrong. Also you're brown.
Yes. Never got the attempt at stigma for LARPing on a history forum. Read the room.
>reduced to embrace larping and pretend it's good
Germania has fallen
Has been dead since 1945.
>Also you're brown.
Funny coming from a beaner.
You are not a Goth or a Vandal
>my Roman ancestors.
You mean our Roman (maternal) ancestors and Germanic (paternal) ancestors.
>Pomerania was not Germanic,
Yes it was, always has been for thousands of years, first tribes then Hanseatic civilization.
>this can be seen even today.
You mean only 70 years ago after Americans won the war and got tricked by Bolshevik Jews into allowing genocide in the area.
Charlemagne's Empire lasted a thousand years, longer than both the Roman republic and Empire combined.
and yet achieved far less
I mean the Polabian Slavs lived there.
their genetics are still very noticeable.
No it didn't, Charlemagne's empire lasted one generation after him and was divided, half of it becoming latinized
Wielbark culture was Germanic. Slavs came there later.
Huh? The Frankish Empire under all its dynasties lasted barely 300 years
40% of the Vandals had Slavic Y-DNA, though.

They keep moving the proto-Slavs more East and East. But then they wanna claim that same land for the Scythians (who apparently were Iranian not Slav) and keep pushing the Slavs West and West. It's hilarious.
Meme nonsense. It's not based on ancient samples, but on modern data. Ancient Wielbark samples were all very Scandinavian.
the more western Zarubintsy culture is associated with the Proto-Slavs.


Gee. I wonder if it has anything to do with all that ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and CULTURAL ENRICHMENT from the North. Nah.
Lmao, based
Cope with, germ.
>Ancient Wielbark samples were all very Scandinavian.
But that's not Wielbark.

Ancient DNA.
Yes, based on a village founded and inhabited by the progeny of the Vandals.

All of the Zarubintsy and the Chernholes culture was Proto-Slavic, and the eastern section of the Przeworsk was Slavic-admixed.
>Ancient DNA.
no source.
you lose.
>All of the Zarubintsy and the Chernholes culture was Proto-Slavic, and the eastern section of the Przeworsk was Slavic-admixed.
This is true. although it is obvious that the proto-Balto-Slavs once pushed Western gays further to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.
This probably happened back in the days of Unetice.
Pointless picture. Unetice got replaced by Tumulus and these guys had much more EEF + R1b. They were the Urnfield proto-Celts and Celts were very French-like.
Goths have been tested. I can't find the paper now, but their main haplogroup was I1. The Polish Iron Age samples. Two Przeworsk samples looked kind of Celtic.
Middle Age samples resembled Balts/East Slavs.
During Unetice, new lineages (I2 and R1a z280) invade central Europe for the first time, subsequently displacing R1b and forming the Proto-Balto-Slavic horizon.
the Goths had a huge number of different haplogroups, this includes: R1b/R1a, I1/I2, there were even G and E1b.
Quite a mixed people.
The majority of Goths were e1b
It's the only explanation that make sense because U106 and I1 or the germanic branch of I2 are missing in Spain
this means that they were not Scandinavians.
If I'm not mistaken, Iberia even has R1a z93 (the only R1a existing on the entire peninsula).
this is the most typical Scythian-Sarmatian marker found throughout the Eurasian steppe. obviously Alan origin.
Yes there were Alans in Iberia.
what about Stevens?
They're called Esteban there I think
This is quite rare, but does occur.
>Two Slavs drunk on KVAS stumble into Vandal territories
>automatically pull a My Wife's Son on the Vandals, replacing 40% of their lineages
perhaps they were elite, like E1b in Iberia.
You lost the battles
They had majority I1. Also, autosomal ancestry is more important. They were genetically Scandinavian.

It's about subclades. Not all R1a is Slavic, I2a2 isn't even Slavic in the first place.

Unetice was replaced. Trzciniec was Balto-Slavic, not Unetice. The I2 in Unetice isn't a Slavic subclade.
And R1b very much returned.
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Actual Gothic Wielbark samples, not some meme modern ones.
There are no slav genetics. There are no proto slabs. Veleti isn't even a Slavic word. Lechian is a late medieval concept.
Funnily enough the Romans themselves complained about mass importing of mostly Syrian slaves.
How do we know where to accurately place the tribes?
Some Roman wouldn't know exactly where every tribe was and the tribesmen themselves didn't leave behind maps and books over their distributions.

And how many of all these names describe different people? I live in Denmark and this is a small country. I can't believe we had 20+ distinct ethnic groups in such a small area. Most of these would be pretty much the same, right?
The study the image cites specified that the clades are R1a-M458, and the I2a1b-Din is found at a frequency of 6%.

>I2a2 isn't even Slavic
No one mentioned I2a2.
you're coping.
younger than Przeworsk and Zarubintsy culture, which are Proto-Slavic.
There are no germanic genetics. There are no proto germanics. Suavi isn't even a Germanic word. Germanic is a late medieval concept.


So the Nordic Romans were at war with the Nordic Germanic Barbarians? They were at war with...themselves? Fascinating. Tell me more.
The Germanic language was most likely brought by some Proto-Slavic tribes from Dacia. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UExxzJKkZsM
so it makes sense.
where are the Franks?
Not him but why do you Germanic faggots always throw a hissy fit when someone posts evidence of Slavic admixture among Germanic people, but always, and I mean always, argue fanatically for a Germanic admixture in all things Slavic?
>50 BC to 300 AD
That's a very long timespan. A lot of these tribes moved around, conquered one another, united or fell apart during that time. For instance, the Cananefates fought for a time against the Frisians (who were not a united group at this point and probably fought against each other as well, which is another problem with the map) on behalf of the Romans. The Cananefates were last referenced in administrative inscriptions around 250 AD. After that, they disappeared, likely because some of them became Romans while others joined up with the Frisians or the Salians. Around the same period the Salians (who would later become the main component of the Franks) moved into the land of the Batavi, who then disappeared from the historical record.
Later confederation of different tribes like the Chattuari, Tubantes and others
dude what? it's ancient and has linguistic, genetic (R1b S21) and cultural foundations
Learn to read you autistic ape.
>R1b S21
real Germanics were only R1a>>16879169
germanic speaking celts and slavs
Germans are Celts speaking a Germanic Language. Its like French (Gauls) calling themselves Latins who are also Celts speaking a Latin language. Same shit different toilet.
why were they called the franks?
No they are not
Northern half of Germany = actual Germanic (more than 50% steppe)
East Germany = noticeable west slav admixture, still not far behind in steppe dna
Central Germany/southern Rhineland and Palatine = Celtogermanic (46% steppe iirc), similar to UK
North of Baden-Württemberg and most of Bavaria = Germanic core, lots of alpine/med genes, darker features much more common but many blonde people are there too (around 44% steppe)
Austria = lots of white/high steppe slavic genes, many alpine and med features, but surprisingly high in steppe dna (45%) for being so close to the Mediterranean
Alemannia and Switzerland = significantly darker than the rest of Germany and Austria, blondes are not the norm at all, but the language and culture ultimately came from light-featured germanics and you still find them. I think they only have around 36% steppe and they look like northern Italians
Luxembourgers are weird though, they look white and light-featured but their faces are not Germanic. I guess that’s the light celtic phenotype? Very unusual faces
>There are no germanic genetics.

True! There's no single way to say that one can be a Germanic on genomic or haplogrouping grounds

>There are no proto germanics.

There are, we have samples of early Germanic and references to Germanic tribes from Greek sources as early as the 6th century BC. Conversely, we have nothing from Slavic until the 9th century AD.

>Suavi isn't even a Germanic word.

It actually is, it comes from the Proto-Germanic "Swebaz", this isn't a Latin term for an Iranic name, which is what we see with your allegedly Slavic groups.

>Germanic is a late medieval concept.

Germans were already attested and have written record going back to the 6th-5th century BC, which makes Germans mid-classical (some would argue early classical).
>True! There's no single way to say that one can be a Germanic on genomic or haplogrouping grounds
We have S21, which is something
From a historical perspective, not really. When we're talking about Germanic, we're talking about Scandinavia, Anglo-Saxon stock in the UK and US, and the entire Gothic region which inhabited from Ukraine to the Urals before the high medieval period.
so Franks and other West Germanics aren't Germanic? what
nice bait
Most of the people in Luxembourg are not from there, the've had Europes highest % of foreign born since the 70s (mostly from France and Portugal).
>Gothic region which inhabited from Ukraine to the Urals
You probably mean those same R1a “Gothic” samples.
another fanfic that have zero connections with reality
jewish diaspora
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You have IQ of a toaster.
> Getae
> German
At least I know where I got my addiction to fat blonde women
Pure cope. The Germanic tribes conquered the Roman Empire and founded England, France, Spain and Portugal to rule Western Europe.
>Source: because I said so
Either argue honestly or fuck off.
What's going on over in Bulgaria? Didn't expect those people to have Germanic ancestry.
Getae were mostly Iranic, but the Iranics in the west adopted German. How the ever loving fuck do you think IE became modern E languages?
Germanic genetic continuity goes back to the original Corded Ware people.
"Slavs" arent even an ethnic group, they are a linguistic group encompassing multiple ethnicities like Central Europeans, Yugo"slavs" some Balts, and Eastern "Slavs".

Polish people dont exist as a distinct group, its a larp, thats why their level of national organization is so low because a nation can not be built on falsehoods.
Poles should rejoin Germany and accept they are discount Prussians.

Their petty nationalism is retarded. They were ruled by foreigners for half their history, they arent poor and stupid like Ukrops or Rus
They arent violent browns like Yugos.
Why do "West Slavs" even pretend to be anything but the Goths?
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HOLY-... What an outstanding post
I remember it was because they considered themselves free and in their language "free" was something like "frank"
The Poles and the Hungarians are the only people in the EU showing actual opposition to the libshit establishment and you should support them for not being degenerate niggerloving faggots.
Okay. German mutt
Yugos are Whiter than Westerners
is a White man's privilege, if you reprimand someone for it, you have inferior genetics because you fear the police, which automatically means you have non-White ancestry.
There is no Germanic genetic continuity, what there is, however, is Celto-Germanic continuity - which is the result of millennia of miscegenation between the two - perpetual mutts that cannot be properly distinguished due to the aforementioned.

>They are a linguistic group
Ethnolinguistic group* that displays greater Y-DNA, direct Slavic aDNA admixture, and IBD-sharing than the Germanic people do.
why are you shitting up the thread with your slavic bullshit? no one cares about the niggers of europe
The Niggers of Europe are the Germanic masses - eternal Foederati who cannot create civilization, whereas the Slavs are the conquering savages that can.
be gone Janczczczczopher, find some rim cleaner that you can get drunk on
>be gone instead of begone
>can't even write in his language
retard alert.
The Slavs have only 3 true patreline lines: R1a M458, R1a z280 and I2-L621.
Germanics are unknown mongrels, among which there is a huge variety of R1b, at least 2 lines R1a (z283, L664), which, by the way, are most likely original Germanics, mysterious meat I1, and a lot of E1b and G2 stockpiles.
Slavs are more homogeneous.
seething polish nationalist
who is the nazi idiot who made this crap ?

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