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Like this guy


Notice how many times he says "I love Muhammad, Muslims are going to heaven", "Muslims are good people, my sister is Muslim", etc

And we also have Christians like Craig Considine, William Lane Craig and others who say that Muslims are good people for their devotion to God and some will even admit Muhammad was a Prophet.

What is the theological difference between these Christians and the ones who detest Muslims like David Wood?
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>What is the theological difference between these Christians and the ones who detest Muslims like David Wood?
David Wood gets his morals from secular liberal atheists
>What is the theological difference between these Christians and the ones who detest Muslims like David Wood?
I don't think David Wood is a good representative of Christian exclusivism. Watch the video where he and Apostate Prophet deboonk Nick Fuentes on the Talmud, he has a totally different evidentiary threshold when it comes to Jewish sources than he does when it comes to Muslim ones. All of a sudden the way the tradition (Judaism) interprets the text matters, all these little apologetic caveats matter, being careful not to incite hate and violence matter. And this is for a text that he knows likely has all kinds of slander about Jesus because they address that in the video.

So he's not actually some super hardcore Christian refusing to budge on seeing all other religions as false, he's a Zionist operative pushing a political agenda.
Also I don't like this framing where hardcore exclusivism is implied to be the universally held position of premodern churches and formulations which allow other religions to have some portion of the truth are necessarily libcucked modern ones because it's bullshit. The Church Fathers wrote about righteous pagans being inspired by the Logos, you had the sophia perennis, prisca theologia and Christian qabalism in the Renaissance (which were all highly Christian projects, not hippie dippie kumbaya stuff). And purgatorial universalism and the view that salvation is theoretically open to those of other faiths were never condemned as heresies in Catholicism. In fact the opposite, Feenyism was condemned well before Vatican 2. Hardcore exclusivism is rarely consistently applied too I think, how many of the people buckling down on the idea that all non-Christians will burn eternally make that big a deal about eucharistic theology or soteriology or christology or arminianism vs predestination? Everyone wants to be able to mention that Christianity is the largest religion in the world, not feel obligated at the sake of his immortal soul to figure out every little intricacy of theology, and admit the possibility that people outside his specific church and churches it's in communion with might be saved. But there are people who don't want to extend that outside the religion. If you don't extend it outside then why extent it inside?

I think there is even some explicit scriptural basis for universalism, how else do you read Romans 14 and Matthew 24:40-45?
>secular liberal atheists
The early Church fathers lived long before the advent of modern science and medicine which revealed to us the harmful effects that sex has on children. Christians received this data and adjusted their morals accordingly, Muslims haven't (yet).
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>morals from an omniscient God got updated by le hecking science
No, Christians have moral precepts by which they analyze everthing, in this case that harming others is evil, when through science they discovered that child sex is harmul, they denounced, is the same when something that previously was thought o be harmless is revealed to cause damage, like tobacco, or lead paint, or radiation.

Muslims on the other hand have the problem that their prophet engaged in activity that we now know that harms children, so they're stuck bettween a rock and a hard place of endorsing pedophilia, or denouncing their prophet.
Also your picrel is completely made up.
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>Christians have moral precepts by which they analyze everthing
How the fuck do you think we make rulings for current issues? Christians that don't follow Church tradition don't have anything to back them that's why you see heretical churches with lgbt pastors.
>How the fuck do you think we make rulings for current issues?
Who is "we" here?
>Christians that don't follow Church tradition don't have anything to back them
Are you a Catholic or something? Because Protestant Christians would say that what backs them is the Bible, and that they not only don't need anything else, but refuse to accept anything else as a source of authority.
is she still Muslim?
I check up on her from time to time, she's still Muslim but I've seen her grow very disilussioned with Muslims online. also every now and then she posts something very unislamic.
>eternal speech from an omniscient God got updated by le heckin abrogation
>divine law from an omniscient God got updated by le heckin qiyas
Yeah i noticed that a lot of Muslims were being very harsh with her at the first sign of anything unislamic, but yet a guy like Andrew Tate does much worse and is excused on the basis that he is new, even though it's been a couple of years since Tate proclaimed himself Muslim
Are you confused? Obviously I am muslim, sola scriptura is a meme because it makes the church vulnerable to the interpretations of people with reformist agendas.
>God can't order certain rules for specific moments in time
>You shouldn't use reasoning because I said so!
Are you surprised? Tate's a man and when he does something unislamic it's in the BASED direction.
>inadvertently admits he needs to trust the science before the infallible word of God
You beaners are starting to crack. I guess it was only a matter of time until the christcucks that raided this place began to get sloppy and slip up.
>>God can't order certain rules for specific moments in time
The Quran itself states that underage marriage is permissible.
>>inadvertently admits he needs to trust the science before the infallible word of God
Doesn't science study the natural world? And did God not create the natural world? So who's responsible for sex being harmful to children?
>the eternal word of an unchanging God which is co-eternal with him can contradict and overrule itself
The Quran doesn't speak about any aoc at all, that's the legal definition of "underage" in basically all legal systems
>doesn't know speech is one of his attributes
Do you also think omnipotence is co-eternal with him?
Can children consent to sex?
no obviously not, are you retarded?
That's the Asharii answer bruv audubillah. You're ahl al-ray kalami zindiq
So Aisha couldn't cosent, therefore Mohammed raped her. Therefore he's a child rapist.
Not a child according to biology, reasoning abilities, their society, parents, herself, etc
I absolutely hate that mentality, God never ordered us to do that.
>Not a child according to biology
Idk why Christians would be cool with Mohammed because he rejects the most important event in Christianity
>One recent area of debate within the science of brain development is the most likely chronological age for full mental maturity, or indeed, if such an age even exists.
>The time of puberty varies from child to child, but usually begins between 10 and 12 years old. Girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12.
So even by this definition she wasn't a child.
Meant for>>16879219
It’s equally absurd to say they’ll go to hell, as judgement hasn’t occurred yet and it’s still Jesus’ call to make. One of the most beautiful aspects of Christian Judgement is the fact that it’s being done by someone who is fully human, and maintains mercy for his fellow humans.
"The average age for girls to start puberty is 11, while for boys the average age is 12. But it's perfectly normal for puberty to begin at any point between the ages of 8 and 13 in girls and 9 and 14 in boys."
>David Wood gets his morals from secular liberal atheists
The Christians who are fond of him get them from the same place. Anti-Islamaphobia has been a major cause for liberals since 9/11.
>Being surprised that people didn't realize something was wrong before the development of modern psychology are right about something that we were better able to determine after its development.
If anything this shows that theists are inherently immoral.
Most Christians hate your kind, Abdul
>"The average age for girls to start puberty is 11, while for boys the average age is 12. But it's perfectly normal for puberty to begin at any point between the ages of 8 and 13 in girls and 9 and 14 in boys."
Nowhere in the wiki article does it say this. But even if it did, it wouldn't matter. You don't seem to understand how puberty works, its a process that takes years to complete, it not a singular event.
>Girls generally complete puberty by 15–17, and boys by age 16 or 17.
This line comes from the wiki.
So even if you want to say that Aisha began puberty at 9 (even though there is no actual textual evidence that she did, it's just an assumption that Muslim apologists make), that doesn't mean she was an adult in any way, either culturally, psychological or physically.
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Yes because you are being autistic about numbers for a woman who likely didn't know when she was born. 8 is clearly withing the normal range. Note it can happen even earlier. Nobody said it doesn't take years. Read again "Historically and cross-culturally, adulthood has been determined primarily by the start of puberty (the appearance of secondary sex characteristics such as menstruation "
>that doesn't mean she was an adult in any way, either culturally, psychological or physically.
why did they wait 3 years? why was she engaged to another person before the prophet? Anyway she and they clearly thought 9 was womanhood
Saying islam is anti-racist is like saying buddhism is pro-suffering. Islam is the most racist religion. It's 100% arab supremacy and 0% anything else. I don't care if you found an ignorant christian who says otherwise.
2,300 years ago, Aristotle noted that "young women suffer far more in childbirth and die far more frequently", which is why he recommended a minimum age of 18 for marriage (Aristotle, Politics, book 4, chapter 14).
Also in antiquity, Hesiod reported that the age of marriage should be 5 years after nubility, so we can see that when puberty appeared girls were not considered women (Hesiod, The Works and the Days).
Plato, for his part, recommended that women should not give birth until they were in their twenties, before then it was too early.
In the 10th century, the Muslim physician Ibn Jazzar, who was geographically and temporally closer to the 7th century in Arabia, reported that girls on average menstruated at the age of 14, and exceptionally at 12 for the most precocious. So a long way from the age of 9 (Ibn al Jazzar, Zad al musafir wa qut am hadir, chapter 9).
Avicenna himself, the prince of physicians in the Muslim tradition, places the onset of adulthood after the period of puberty and declares that it corresponds to the moment when the body has finished growing (Avicenna, The Canon of Medicine, entry 52).
So before the 7th century, when you were 9 you were a kid, in the 10th century when you were 9 you were a kid, today when you are 9 you are a kid, but by some miracle in 7th century Mecca when you were 9 you were a grown woman.
And don't forget, that is 9 lunar years, so she was more like 8 1/2 in Gregorian years.
>Yes because you are being autistic about numbers for a woman who likely didn't know when she was born.
She herself tells us in the hadiths that she was 6 when she was married off to Mohammed and 9 when he raped her. It's her own report. She even tells us that she was still playing with dolls when she was taken to Mohammed.
>8 is clearly withing the normal range.
>raping a 9 year old is normal
>Read again "Historically and cross-culturally, adulthood has been determined primarily by the start of puberty (the appearance of secondary sex characteristics such as menstruation "
Yeah, and that was wrong.
>why did they wait 3 years?
Who knows? They should've waited longer.
>why was she engaged to another person before the prophet?
Because child marriage was normalized in their society.
>Anyway she and they clearly thought 9 was womanhood
And they were wrong.
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Their society recorded death over birth dates and didn't have a proper calendar until after the prophet. What makes you think they were accurate with ages? Also >>>/toy/ posters aren't kids stop being an idiot that means nothing
>Yeah, and that was wrong
Your point was about their culture and biology, you got proven wrong.
>Who knows?
Dishonesty is expected from you. Go ahead give a guess.
>Because child marriage was normalized in their society.
>And they were wrong.
You are only proving my point. Sharia values the reasoning of society/parents/best knowledge available so why are you crying about us supposedly allowing 9yo to marry now?
>Sharia values the reasoning of society/parents/best knowledge available
Clearly not, because the best knowledge available tells us that child is harmful to children. You'd think Allah would know that.
>What makes you think they were accurate with ages?
Are you calling Aisha a liar? You're doubting her own report.
Your point was about their culture and biology
No? Their culture allowed it, that doesn't make it right, and biology tells is that puberty is not finished until 16-17.
>Go ahead give a guess.
It doesn't matter, no reason could justify raping a 9 year old.
>You're doubting her own report.
I doubt the accuracy of it, it has nothing to do with lying you massive retard
>that doesn't mean she was an adult in any way, either culturally, psychological or physically
Yes their culture allowed it therefore you are wrong, nobody will let an actual kid who is clearly immature (physically and mentally) do that. Biology doesn't wait, if pregnancy can happen you are an adult.
>It doesn't matter
Again you are being dishonest. It shows that she was no longer a kid according to the criteria I have mentioned
>the best knowledge available tells us that child is harmful to children
What are you even saying? Demonstrate this was the case for Aisha in 7th century Arabia. Abuse victims have psychological problems so start with that
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>doubt the accuracy of it,
So you're doubting the hadith tradition.
>Yes their culture allowed it therefore you are wrong
Fuck their culture.
>nobody will let an actual kid who is clearly immature (physically and mentally) do that.
They did.
>Biology doesn't wait, if pregnancy can happen you are an adult.
Did she get pregnant at 9?
>Demonstrate this was the case for Aisha in 7th century Arabia.
Fair enough, most Muslims are not Athari anyway. But most Muslims doing this e-dawah are so it's annoying to hear a million talking points about how Christianity is polytheism from people who in most cases have a largely identical belief about God's word. I don't think there is any hadith which identifies the Eternal Quran with God's attribute of speech either and there certainly is not such a Quran verse. And Atharis just so you're clear do not say that the Eternal Quran is God's eternal attribute of speech, they basically affirm it bila kayf (without explanation). I'm not quite sure what your rationale for calling a Christian polytheistic and not an Athari is if in both cases they're affirming something that is nwot identical with God but also is co-eternal with God. But outside the weirdest and most sectarian Ashariis and Maturidis nobody does make takfir on Atharis.
So 10 year olds can consent?
>So you're doubting the hadith tradition.
Nope, you're being dense on purpose. We don't take everything written down just because it is written down. There is good reason to reject this particular conclusion not everything else.
>Fuck their culture.
Irrelevant, doesn't change that you are wrong
>They did
Evidence of them marrying people off that they consider children? His enemies criticized him for his marriage to Zaynab, but not Aisha? curious
>Did she get pregnant at 9?
She never had children at all iirc. Again irrelevant as I have cited a case of that happening back then at that supposed age. Also try again that has nothing to do with the people of 7th century Arabia
>Sharia values the reasoning of society/parents/best knowledge available
The reasoning/best knowledge being "it's what sheikhs tell us to do".
>it's annoying to hear a million talking points about how Christianity is polytheism from people who in most cases have a largely identical belief about God's word.
The Quran clearly separates Christians from polytheists so they are being idiotic here. I don't agree with that either or the takfiri Kharijite tendency you frequently see online. What is in the heart of the person is between them and God
none of the 4 schools work like that and neither did the companions operate this way
>Evidence of them marrying people off that they consider children? His enemies criticized him for his marriage to Zaynab, but not Aisha? curious
Maybe because his enemies were pedos as well.
>She never had children at all iirc.
So how do you know that she could get pregnant at 9?
You bring no evidence of that claim. The real reason is everyone thought she was a woman. I know because of her opinion on adulthood and the fact they waited
>You bring no evidence of that claim.
If they endorsed child marriage, they were pedos or pedo-enablers.
>The real reason is everyone thought she was a woman.
And they were wrong.
>I know because of her opinion on adulthood
Her opinion was wrong.
>and the fact they waited
You don't know why they waited.
>What is the theological difference between these Christians and the ones who detest Muslims like David Wood?
These Christians don't actually exist. You made them up.
>Christian scholar
We don't use that terminology you idiot.
The above are called Theologians, the below are called Apologists. They are two distinct groups.
Pedos are rare in society and a mental illness so no you can't have the entire society catering to them.
They know better than you ever could. Get a time machine and then you can make your case
>You don't know why they waited
It's very reasonable to assume it corresponds to sharia as understood by the scholars
>Pedos are rare in society and a mental illness so no you can't have the entire society catering to them.
A pedo is someone who is sexually attracted to children, therefore, if they fuck children, they're pedos.
>They know better than you ever could
I'm pretty sure that I know more about biology and psychology than 7th century nomad desert dwellers.
>It's very reasonable to assume it corresponds to sharia
Did shariah law exist at the time of their marriage? Also, if Shariah law permits child marriage, that's an indictment of shariah law.
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>A lot of Christians say Muslims are going to heaven.

Well, those ones are retarded because that is not true at all.
Yep exactly children, and those sick fucks are rare again. So clearly they didn't know of her that way.
>I'm pretty sure
How do you know she was a child when she called herself a woman? Testimony?
>Did shariah law exist at the time of their marriage?
Yes that's the point. And it didn't change hence the aoc in our societies
>Yep exactly children, and those sick fucks are rare again.
They were common in the time of Mohammed.
>So clearly they didn't know of her that way.
So? Just because they thought they were raping adult women doens't mean they were.
>How do you know she was a child when she called herself a woman?
Because she was 9.
Yes, hers.
>Yes that's the point.
Then shariah law permits child marriage, yet anothe reason to reject it.
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>They were common
>Just because they thought they were raping adult women doens't mean they were
You claim to follow testimony so why don't you take hers and theirs that she was a woman?
>sharia law permits child marriage
Mohammed's marriage to Aisha was regarded as normal.
>You claim to follow testimony so why don't you take hers and theirs that she was a woman?
>I identify as a woman, therefore I am.
Where have I heard that before....?
muhammed was a murdering, blood thirsty bastard, a wild beast of the desert. a true icon of the arabs
That's not evidence. It just shows the marriage was normal. It says nothing about your claim. try again
>Where have I heard that before....?
I don't know you tell me. Now stop dodging and tell me why you are rejecting testimony from her and the people from her time and region.
Yes she is a perfect example hence the law
>That's not evidence. It just shows the marriage was normal.
Correct, child marriage was normal, therefore is reasonable to say that it was a society filled with pedophiles, jus look at ancient Greece.
>>Where have I heard that before....?
>I don't know you tell me.
>Yes she is a perfect example hence the law
Therefore Sharia permits pedophilia
It wasn't normal. He was a weirdo. If you can find a single source saying it was I'll concede immediately.
>look at ancient Greece
That's not proof. Where is it
Why are the on your mind and what's wrong with them according to you? Science agrees that transition is the cure. Again stop dodging, answer
>Therefore Sharia permits
Oh is that so? Why is the Shura council saying otherwise?
>Why are the on your mind
Because your argument that Aisha was a woman because she identified herself as such is exactly the same argument that trans people use to say that they are of the opposite gender. They identify as women, therefore they are.
>Science agrees that transition is the cure.
So you affirm transgenderism?
>Oh is that so? Why is the Shura council saying otherwise?
Because the West has forced them to change their repulsive customs, just as it happened with slavery in the Islamic world. But if they were left to their devices, they'd permit it again.
The problem you have is that you take testimony as proof but then reject it when it is inconvenient. My position is irrelevant. What is the problem with trans people living their life in the body they want? Medical professionals all over recommend transition and even perform surgeries.
>the West has forced them
KSA is a western ally. How were they forced? I didn't see them even get bombed for it.
why does it matter if it was normal? he was a blood thirsty arab bastard, that was normal at the time, that doesnt make it ok
>Medical professionals all over recommend transition and even perform surgeries.
So you agree when medical professionals tell you that sex with children harms them?
>KSA is a western ally.
Of course they are, we fucked them and we tamed them.
why are you arguing with this mulsim / arab fucker? you cant reason with, they belong under the boot
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Yes! If you bothered to read so does the Shura Council. Show me how they were forced, "of course" is not an answer. And explain why they have better laws than even the US
For fun, I guess. I'm getting some work done while I argue with him.
>And explain why they have better laws than even the US
They aren't, it's completely stupid to not let people consent unless they're married. And of course, they don't say the minimum age at which someone can get married.
Are you blind it literally lists a minimum age?
That's a list of the US, I thought we were talking about the KSA.
I already posted the KSA law, I am indeed talking about that.
What's the minimum age for marriage in the KSA?
You can scroll up to see the image. I know you're being dishonest. After all you don't care about the truth, it's all "for fun" by your own admission
>A lot of Christians say that they love Muhammad
news from a parallel universe, I guess. or some muslim is lying.
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no they don't
stop spamming your lame ass moooslime shit
>complains about spam
>uses the same pics in every thread
why are you so upset?
why are you not upset at the utter bs spewing by the goat fucking sand monkeys??
You need to take your pills man. What is it with this obsession with goats?
cut the crap. show any ordinary christian 'loving' muhammad. that's a total fantasy only muslims can be expected to believe, on account of their well-known deficiencies.
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I don't care about the OP. I want to know why you scour the catalog (on multiple boards) for threads mentioning islam or muslims just so you can post your shitty infographics.
I posted both a pic and video in the OP of two Christians praising Muhammad.
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leave that evil faith bro
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Nope, explain why you are so butthurt though. It seems to be a race issue, you're a seething nationalist?
that would be you freaking about my excellent infographics
post your address
we will visit to discuss further you little trolling piece of shit
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>n-no I totally am not butthurt!
>loses composure and posts that insanity
Nobody bothers to read them just so you know, can you upload them all on mega? As for my address sure what's your email faggot
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>As for my address sure
still waiting
I asked for your email so I can send it to you retard. Don't you want to pay me a visit or do you need help?
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I don't have email :(
and here is another excellent infographic about horrible sand monkey ideology
>a pedophile, bandit, warlord, slaver, awful person by every decent person's standards
>"but look, he was nice to the little niggerinos!"
>I don't have email
how the fuck do you register to websites? okay what about some other contact info like your phone so I can whatsapp you
It's a common defense of child marriage that I find to be retarded because people back then weren't dumb enough to think a literal child could 1. Conceive, 2. Bear children and live afterwards with any level of certainty before modern medicine. Most warlords we know of to my knowledge didn't fuck children, so I think it's a pretty important distinction to make that it was never an accepted thing even back then.
>Christians have moral precepts by which they analyze

Literally the OPPOSITE is true. Homosexual marriage has been proven to be highly beneficial socially, economically, and by any other metric. Children of homosexual parents perform at or better than heterosexual couples, and are just as happy if not happier.
Contradictory studies have all been shown to be biased - for example, using parents divorced from hetero marriages and then remarrying same sex.
Yet Christians continue to reject same sex marriage.
Same can be said for women's rights, and various other aspects of modern society (like contraception).
>when through science they discovered that child sex is harmful

I call bullshit since Christians en masse were still supporting slavery into the late 19th century.
It hasn't proven to be beneficial, it's proven to lack the detriments of wasting societal effort and time to ban it and demonize homosexuality when mankind could literally just be doing anything the fuck else.
>>16879008 True Christians knows that religions are many but God is One. You call Him Jesus, Allah, Krishna or whatever. Different Names and Forms of the same Supreme Lord.

Now, atheists/wrongdoers will try to convince you that: 1) they are Christians/Muslims/whatever; 2) That only one religion has God.
Don't believe the atheists/wrongdoers lies.
Atheists don't believe in God.
*Atheists believe there is no God
shill thread
your seething just bumped it
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The difference between Christians who like Islam and those who don't is just a matter of understanding Islam, if you spent 5 minutes studying that pisscult of a bastard off-brand Moloch organization and you realize Moe should've been killed in Medina when he was still hustling caravan robbers to join his cause.

On the topic of consent, which always get bought up when you talk about that embarrassment of a cult, in the case of Christianity, the Bible never says anything about age of consent, because it wasn't a concept until recent history, really, people had sex to get children to start their families, that happened when the kid was old enough, which is marked around puberty, but probably a few years on top of that if the teenager is clearly too small or something, common sense?

Did you know Muhammed was thigh fucking Aisha? There is a term for it in Islam, it's a whole subject, pretty funny stuff.

I'm not a mutt so I don't flinch at a 14 year old getting pregnant or whatever since that's most of history, but the 8 year old kid with 50 year old man stuff does naturally give most people uncomfortable vibes.

God bless everyone in this bot shill thread, may we go to greener pastors than whatever faggotry is happening here.
you can just tell use you're a homo, no need for paragraphs of cope.
I absolutely don't. you act like a schizo.
all one needs to do is look at the archives you know? https://archived.moe/_/search/filename/devil2.jpg/
>On the topic of consent, which always get bought up when you talk about that embarrassment of a cult, in the case of Christianity, the Bible never says anything about age of consent, because it wasn't a concept until recent history, really, people had sex to get children to start their families, that happened when the kid was old enough, which is marked around puberty, but probably a few years on top of that if the teenager is clearly too small or something, common sense?
It was definitely over the age of 12.

>And they laughed at him. But he put them all outside and took the child's father and mother and those who were with him and went in where the child was. Taking her by the hand he said to her, “Talitha cumi,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” And immediately the girl got up and began walking (for she was twelve years of age), and they were immediately overcome with amazement.
Mark 5:40-42
"17 Now kill all the boys and all the women who have had sexual intercourse. 18 Only the little girls may live; you may keep them for yourselves" - Numbers 31
That doesn't say they can have sex with them. They can wait for them to grow up a bit.
It makes the soldiers finger little girls to check for virginity.
>reverse image search
>image comes from random muslim pages
Kys ahmed
rangeban muzgroids
go back to your echo chamber
Go back to the house of wisdom, oh wait you can't because Hulagu destroyed it
why would I give a shit about it?
>if we let people read the scripture on their own, they'll realize maybe it's not as retarded as we make it out to be
>why would I give a shit about one of the only cool things from my religion's history
Much better to have endless autistic debates over whether the sunnah of blowing your nose says you should blow 3 or 5 times
Crying over the past brings nothing good. What has happened can never be changed
I'm not going to disagree it isn't fucked up by modern standards, but just because they were going to have sex with them eventually doesn't mean they were going to have sex with them immediately.
That action is still rape though, little girls touched inappropriately and without consent by the people who killed their families. Furthermore nowhere in the bible does it give any age so it is fair to assume they were ready since 3 as the joos says
Modern definitions of sex are different than the ones in the past.
Why has modern Christianity basically devolved into POC worship?

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