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All morality is decided by whoever has the power and capital. That's why slavery was considered a moral fact in 1800 but anti-slavery is now considered a moral fact in 2024. At the end of the day there are no objective values, only those that are useful to the current stakeholders and their tastes and goals.
What made all powers that be from times of hammurabi's code to before british abolitionists agree slavery is moral?
I think OP just turned 16 years old lmfao
this seems like the kind of shit edgy teenagers write when they want to seem profound and cynical
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Do you really think the current "truths" of our age (especially in the soft sciences) prevail because they won fair and square and don't have power (whether explicit or implicit) backing them up?
The industrial revolution significantly reduced the value of menial physical labor
If niggers break into your house, steal your TV, and rape your girlfriend in front of you are they in the right?

No because I don't believe in might makes right. I don't believe "whoever wins deserves to win". I don't subscribe to Globohomo's "laws of morality".
Morality is subjective. Slavery is still considered moral for tptb. Convincing the slaves they are "free" was the greatest trick of all time.
>there are no objective values, only those that are useful to the current stakeholders and their tastes and goals
Morality like all other subjective behavior/attitudes is genetic. In that sense it's objective

So why does it need to be taught?
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>need to be taught?
It doesn't. How would anyone ever know morality to teach it if it requires "being taught" in the first place? Whether or not murdering someone over petty nonsense naturally strikes you as immoral is intrinsic to your dna.
>The industrial revolution significantly reduced the value of menial physical labor
>this is why pay for menial physical labor increased
Pay actually decreased initially for the simple reason of needing fewer people for more goods. It was only by exporting surplus goods to foreign markets that they could produce returns great enough to increase wages.
It really doesn't and isn't formally required in our country. Public schools might teach the loosest forms of morality, but the messaging is haphazard and often contradictory.
There is an American children's book where a chicken wants to bake a cake with 3 friends, but each of the friends refuses to pitch in. When the cake is done, the chicken refuses to share his cake. I was read this book, but I was also read the same book with a different ending - where he chooses to "do the right thing" and share anyway. Different teachers gave explicitly distinct instruction.
Morality is only instructed that way in very specific contexts, like in Sunday Schools.
>naturally strikes you as immoral is intrinsic to your dna.
Because genetic ''morality'' is a build-in reward/punishment and desire/fear motivation system for the individual survival and survival of the species. This confirms the OP's point because a species can survive just fine by stealing, raping, murdering and enslaving eachother for all eternity. It's just not the kind of society that you want.
The winners of such society through natural selection found out that you can better take good care of a cow and milk it than slaughter the cow and eat it. That's the evolutionary basis of your morality.
>when they want to seem profound and cynical
stealing this line
>All morality is decided by whoever has the power and capital.
You're confused. For those with the intelligence to even grasp what morality is, it's always been as it is, subjective, debatable, etc.

However, the vast majority of people are retard cattle who can not even begin to grapple with questions of morality or ethics. Yes, these flock do indeed just go along with whatever social mores or laws of the society they inhabit. Which are constructed by the ruling class/elders of that society.
For an example of this look no further than the Age of consent/pedo discussion. Pedophilia is bad, yes, why tho? The typical retard doesn't talk about manipulation of a weaker/juvenile mind, taking advantage of a child who is still under the protection of their parents, how a society shouldn't encourage attraction to immature bodies, etc. NO, they go "OH SHIT SHE UNDER 18 DAS ILLEGAL BRO!" bro 18 is 18 Das the law bro shiet" it's even further exemplified when Euro peans who have no connection to the holy 18 number yet still repeat it because they are so easily conditioned by the American media they consume. The average persons morality is almost entirely based on laws and what's "weird". They can't articulate it one bit though.
This is also why I think even if whites have higher IQs than blacks, the average white person still a functional retard same as any other, but I digress.

No one thinks slavery is "moral". That's a retarded way to phrase. Every power and tribe simply agreed and believed that the conquered were conquered, it was their right to enslave and use the vanquished how the see fit. The treatment of the conquered is the same. Simply a balance between how much you can extract and how much they conquered will tolerate before they revolt. This applies to wagies as well btw.
>it's another slavery bad thread
Morons on /his/ fail to see how slavery used to be the only alternative to complete genocide.
>No one thinks slavery is "moral". That's a retarded way to phrase. Every power and tribe simply agreed and believed that the conquered were conquered, it was their right to enslave and use the vanquished how the see fit. The treatment of the conquered is the same. Simply a balance between how much you can extract and how much they conquered will tolerate before they revolt. This applies to wagies as well btw.
nonsensical, even the enlightened Demos of Athens believed debt slavery was a moral way to collect payments.
>nonsensical, even the enlightened Demos of Athens believed debt slavery was a moral way to collect payments.
I guess I didn't articulate it well. When I hear moral I hear at as an anagram for "good" as in the moral thing is an inherent good act or promotes goodness. Like helping the elderly or alms to the poor is moral thing. Slavery I would say is not in that same category.

Slavery I'd say is morally neutral, it's really not too different from any employment.

>even the enlightened Demos of Athens believed debt slavery was a moral way to collect payments.
The moral act here is paying your debts. Which I'd agree is moral. The slavery was just a means to fulfill that moral end. No different from doing some service for the man (light slavery really) or paying him off with gifts or currency.

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