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When humanity achieves interstellar travel, do you think we will preserve within species diversity or will earth be a single homogenous cultural blob? If we meet aliens after the latter happens, that's pretty grim
>What will the population structure of humanity be in the future?
This is policy set by elites, at the current trajectory within 200 years humanity will be 90% composed of 70 IQ Bantus ruled by a small multi-ethnic syndicate of predominantly Jewish culture. The implication of the promotion of a non-self-sufficient race like the Bantus to global demographic dominance implies that the elite plan to starve them off at some point in the future, so the planet may very well be fully Jewish when humanity becomes a space-faring culture.
Honestly, I figure that *Earth* will become somewhat more homogeneous, but the cultural adaptations needed for human societies to thrive on other planets or in space habitats will cause wild variegation. You know what I mean?
But whatever subset of the current human population does eventually make it out there, they will permanently set the biological and cultural character of the humanity which would follow
>When humanity achieves interstellar travel
Manned interstellar travel will never be a thing.
>do you think we will preserve within species diversity or will earth be a single homogenous cultural blob?

Probably a planet-dependent homogenous cultural blob.
Whenever there's been an innovation in travel, or communication, we've had a tendency to become more homogenous and mixed due to increased interaction n' so forth. Meaningful variance typically only happens in isolation. If you've got an interstellar machine it would stand to reason you've also got a planetary machine that can blip me, or a package, Australia, Germany, Canada, etc.. Faster than our modern day understanding of physics can possibly comprehend. With the ability to move cargo and people as easily as one would send a text message - I'd anticipate a lot of homogenizing.
Even just on Humans living on Earth vs Humans living on Venus, I'd expect some distinct cultural and genetic divergent forces.

With that in mind somebody living on a different planet would most likely have the necessary distance, isolation, and variance in environment , to be sufficiently different and not resemble a blob.
Have you ever played or heard of the video game "Rimworld"? It's a colony sim game with the premise that humanity has finally invented ftl, but that's only a recent development and before that they had been compulsively launching colony & seed ships basically everywhere. Due to time-dilation and other mumbo-jumbo, the technological developments of various planets is completely inconsistent; some people are literally *just* arriving on their planets, some people have been on their worlds for almost a million years and are extremely advanced, some people forgot everything and have reverted to cromagnons, etc.. etc.. You play as a colony of one of those seeded/frozen people.
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Space colonization probably won't happen. Only one sub-species of humans has the capacity for such a task and that sub-species is going extinct by race mixing itself out of existence. The future is a fall back into hell on earth until another strain of human emerges with the capacities of the one that now can achieve more than all others.

Unless of course they remember, that they are so loved by God that if they are meant to live forever and not fade from existence.
>when humans achieve, interstellar travel.

Bro we’re not getting off this planet if 3/4 of the human race are Africans.
We will likely have uplifted our pets to higher intelligence/humanoid forms/etc as well. Interstellar is a long way away. Prob atleast a 1000+ years. We'll likely be different species by then, if our technology continues to improve
Interstellar travel will not be a achieved if there's a single homogenous blob. Do you think men first went into space and landed on the moon because America and Russia were singing together? Only competition can push humanity to such heights. Becoming a homogenous blob would be the end of the species.
i dont get it. blacks aren't mixing themselves out of existence.
Blacks don't have a positive identity which can be diluted, they are just an anti-civilizational filler used to destroy the genetic capital of higher races.
No they aren’t
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What if one solution for the fermi's paradox is that all alien civilizations have their own version of them, which lead to the species to destruction

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