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how did they manage?!
>muh persia vs rome wars
retard? you do know muslims were about to get wiped out by the pagan-arabs and jews in the battle/sige of the trench when the persians were besieging constantinople together with the avars and slavs?
you do know that after the persians and romans ended the war the got to peace while after muhammed death muslims lost control over the entire arabian peninsula and hat to reconquer it on again?
you don know that when the muslims vs rome and persia started persians had the largest army and the largest population while the romans had the most advanced army and technology?
SO arguing with "muh persia vs rome" is coping
because persia vs rome did not help the Palmyrene and the Gallic to overthrow the romans
nor did it help the white huns to completely defeat the persians
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was it God?!
>I choose to believe my fanfiction over reality
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>The Confederates
>سورة الأحزاب

>﴿١٠﴾ إِذْ جَاءُوكُمْ مِنْ فَوْقِكُمْ وَمِنْ أَسْفَلَ مِنْكُمْ وَإِذْ زَاغَتِ الْأَبْصَارُ وَبَلَغَتِ الْقُلُوبُ الْحَنَاجِرَ وَتَظُنُّونَ بِاللَّهِ الظُّنُونَا
>10. When they came at you, from above you, and from beneath you; and the eyes became dazed, and the hearts reached the throats, and you harbored doubts about Allah.

this was the last chance for infidals to wipe out islam
and you faild!
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>﴿١١﴾ هُنَالِكَ ابْتُلِيَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَزُلْزِلُوا زِلْزَالًا شَدِيدًا
>11. There and then the believers were tested, and they were shaken most severely.
>not even a skirmish
I think Hulagu Khan tested the believers more severely than the camel jockeys of Mekka.
Caliphate didn't expand beyond thar desrt.
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when it comes to numbers
persians and roman almost always outnumbered the muslims
so this argument is not accurate
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this one is actually right
i can even expand on it by the word "camel"
the muslims army were highly mobile.
so despite being outnumbered and outmatched
it was the mobility and the faith that won the war
for example khalids army marched from arabia and went along the iraqi rivers defeating the sassanian armies one after the other, aloth every army he meet outnumbered him, but if they were able to unite they would out number him to the point he cant win, so its better to face multipule armies that out number you 2:1 than faceing an army that outnumber you 20:1
and by using the mobilty he would thining his flanks to be able to incircle the bigger army, thus much like how hanibal mange to beat the shit out of romans
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he tested spoiled generation who let shia in and shia than backstabbed and attacked from inside and opened the gate
but when he tested the mamluks who at least mange to listen to ibn taimiya and were some what jihad ready, he got fucked up
also hulaku take of baghdad was not that much dangerous as the battle of badr, battle of the trench and Ridda Wars
because it is in these 3 opportunities that the existing of islam was in danger to get wiped out and the battle of the trench was the most dangerous of all
in badir the muslims still had back up in madina and in the Ridda wars islam has spread outside of arabia, so even if the murtadien mange to defeat the first caliph and finish islam as state, it would still around some where as small religion.
but in the battle of the trench all the muslims population were in this city besieged by arab-jews and arab-pagans
if they would have been able to get through, than islam was done for it than and now
The Mamluks called the Ottomans "infidels" when the latter came down to Egypt to pacify the caliphate. They weren't the brightest. Also they "won" against Hulagu's rearguard after he had pulled back most of the army.
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muslims believe in christ as word and spirit of God
but they don't believe in him as son of God
they only believe in him as Prophet
so of course God will grant muslims who believe in Jesus the victory over the pagan arabs and late the pagan persians as well as against the jews who hate christ

but when it comes to war against the christians! muslims keep losing at the end of the day
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because they used to be good tacticians
Byzantines were not Romans, also they were severely weakened by the war with Persia whether you like it or not. It really was not an achievement winning against them.
>the jews who hate christ
No they don't.
It's the same as Muslims. Except they believe he was a rabbi.
>when it comes to numbers
>persians and roman almost always outnumbered the muslims
Btw your picure has shitty resolution.
lots of empty land
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>good tacticians
The muslim in pic is losing the chess game!
Lmao retard
I mean honestly you only need to understand Roman history to see why the Arabs won. After they beat Persia, everything from Morocco to Afghanistan is free real estate.
Conquering the Visigoths was an impressive campaign, but they were notoriously divided and weak. They were still smashed by the Franks, the first real challenge they faced since Persia.
Taking Cyprus and later Crete was also impressive.

If it was God, why did he force the Muslims to fight literally a thousand years of brutal holy wars before He allowed Constantinople to fall? Pretty rude of Him.

>because persia vs rome did not help the Palmyrene and the Gallic to overthrow the romans
This is a completely difference circumstance and I don't have the word count to explain every reason why. Suffice it to say, Rome was able to crush the Gallic empire by exploiting its division, then use the full force of the west to crush Palmyra.
TBF Persians losing while massively outnumbering the other side is something of a national pastime.
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because they were radical muslim sunnies at that time!
>sunni jihadists even doe hamas is an iran's proxy.
>Fight wars
>Get experience
>Your enemies don't have experience fighting you
>You win
Surely it was Yiddish god that helped them!
>>Your enemies don't have experience fighting you
Arabs were fighting with Iran for 16 years.
>Villain is coloured black on the map
Writes itself
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black is actualy the most liked color in arabic methology
much as white and somewhat red and green
blue and purpel would be considered "bad" colors

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