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All of the resources I've read up and watched are confusing and basically sum up to my own understanding of
>Fascism is the total amalgamation of man into the nation-state, basically a totalitarian state which puts society and the economy for the benefit of the state regardless if it's capitalistic or socialistic in nature
>Socialism is practically the state-control and regulation of the economy with the abolition of private property—which is just nationalizing the economy.
I've watched videos from breadtube and it's right wing counterparts as well as libertarian and anarchist perspectives on it and it's basically just people bringing up weird sources, biased sources or nitpicking the sources to fit their definitions and arguments. Take note I bear no subscriptions to any of these post-enlightenment cults of the liberal project.
I can just imagine you swallowing mouthful after mouthful of greasy snack food while cooking up this brilliant retard psyop and giggling through mouthfuls of candy while you imagine how confused and angry and owned you are going to make everybody
Your early-twenties suicide creeps a day closer
those are just stupid worst retarded post-enlightenment “intellectuals” use to kvetch at each other, they’re meaningless, aristotle summed it up in politics, fascism is just degenerated monarchism, modern democracies are degenerated constitutional governments or oligarchies and socialism can be all three types depending on the implementation
Socialism is one of the ideologies put forward by the money lenders.

Nationalism is the people trying to resist the money lenders.
Has there ever been a truly benevolent government?
Italian fascism never truly defined itself. What we know, though, is that it was a populist reaction to the pitfalls of socialism.
Let's start from basic first principles. Every society promotes individuals to positions of power and influence according to certain traits, in a capitalist society the trait which is rewarded with access to political and cultural power is the capacity to accumulate capital.

In the mid 19th century it became increasingly clear that the capacity to accumulate capital was not evenly distributed in the European population, in fact Europeans hardly possessed this capacity at all. Jewish communities had perfected their techniques of collective multi-generational capital accumulation through usury, vice, insider trading, currency manipulation and international trade middle-manning before most European nations even existed. The fundamental premise of European socialism was to counter the political and social power of this accumulated capital held largely in the hands of racial aliens. Within a few generations of entry into any European nation Jews would hold the vast majority of capital, Europeans are simply terrible at capitalism and would be relegated to the status of disposable slaves in any society which respects private property and the right to free economic activity.

Genuine socialism sought to remedy this imbalance through the state. As the Germans would put it; Aryans are a race of warriors, statesmen, artisans, craftsmen, explorers and philosophers; why should society limit access to social status and political power to the singular field of accumulating capital?

Capital responded by spinning up fake socialist ideologies which forbade all private property and private economic activity, as well as forbidding nationalism, antisemitism and in many case the family itself.

Instead of analyzing the details of economic planning, it is more useful to analyze 20th century European "right-wing" socialism through this context of power-relations.
is when the government is like post war UK (keeping rationing long after WWII ended, nationalizing industries) and India (planning commission , permit raj, etc.)
is when the government is like fascist Italy etc. (imperialism, militarism, pro-youth, corporatist response to industrial action, doubling as representation in legislature)
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Socialism is when you nationalize and redistribute the national resources (land, money, capital, indsustey) from landlords and capitalists who hate the country.

Every nationalist/anti-money lender movement by definition is socialist or it’s a psyop that will always fail. The woke billionaires who own the economy will never be nationalists. It’s not in their class interests to not import 3rd world labor.
Tito’s Yugoslavia
Gaddafis Libya
Lee Kwan Yews Singapore
Assads Syria
Socialism/communism represents the end of class struggle through the victory of the proletariat and creation of a classless society.
Fascism is an attempt to solve the class struggle through the supression of the class struggle, generally through promoting the unity of the bourgeoisie and proletariat under a bourgeois cause (such as nationalism)
>I've watched videos from breadtube and it's right wing counterparts as well as libertarian and anarchist perspectives on it and it's basically just people bringing up weird sources, biased sources or nitpicking the sources to fit their definitions and arguments.
The only video I can think of about this subject that I thought was pretty good is from this guy who's a Pakistani Marxist professor, but don't let the "Marxist" part scare you, he goes into the philosophical currents that fed into fascism and gets pretty "into it" in a funny way:
And this is why fascism is basically always bourgeo-fascism
What are their stances on gun rights?
Would I be able to go to the store and buy a gun in any of them like USA?
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here ya go
google drive easy to use interface
download the whole blob or pick and choose
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Fascism is the endpoint of liberalism and is nothing more than an authoritarian mixed economy, it uses the concept of class struggle as a farce to gain popular support while keeping key areas of industry in the hands of private ownership and eroding the political power of organized labor
Socialism is the belief that society will be more free if it is more equal, which is to be achieved through economic redistribution. Paradoxically, most socialists don't truly care about such things. Fascism is Nationalism and the idea of a "national rebirth"
Socialism, especially Marxism, has been extensively developed through economic theory whereas fascism lacks all theoretical basis (inb4 some nigger links the doctrine of fascism) and is entirely based on appeals to some vague concept of national awakenings, volkisch blood and soil-tier ideas, and vague appeals to nationalism and militarism with incoherent and inconsistent economic policies between what fascist states actually existed
idk about marxim's legitimacy as an ideology when the nigga who conceptualized the idea was a deadbeat dad who didn't know how to use his money and hated working while being supported by a sugar daddy
They are both collectivist in nature. The collective you are being forced into is just either Blood and Soil or the workers class
That's pretty acceptable, not gonna lie.
So how come modern day dictatorships don't have such laws? Even liberal democracies/republics?
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Italian Fascism was a movement, which initially united elements of dissident syndicalists and rightist nationalists on a basis of a program, that envisioned a creation of a "totalitarian" mobilizational regime to mobilize the society for economic development and expansion with the goal of creating an empire and catching up to countries like UK and France in terms of geopolitical power. During its rise to power, it had to content with many conservative and reactionary militants squads flooding to the movement as an opposition to socialism, as well as other fellow travelers, including idealist philosophers like Gentile. In 1922, it came to power through a compromise with the existing political elites and aristocracy, resulting in an establishment of a watered down, relatively pluralist authoritarian regime, resting on a compromise between many elements of Fascism and the existing elite. Despite this, the regime still managed to achieve some of its goals, but never managed to fully rise to its ideological ideals.

"Fascism" in a generic sense, if to be used at all, refers to a family of radical nationalist movements with vitalistic ideologies, mainly in interwar Europe. They wanted to create a new nationalist authoritarian state, which would break with previous existing structures and elites, and establish a sort of new state with regenerated culture, nationalist elite and a civic pseudo-religion, based on ideology of the group, as well as state guided integrated economy, usually based on some sort of corporatism. This differentiated fascists from other right wing authoritarian movements. Despite retarded metanarratives, fascist groups could have very different social functions in different states, being populist anti-establishment movements for lower classes in places like Hungary or Romania, or national independence orgs like in Croatia and Ukraine.
It's hard to develop fascist philosophy when fascism is the world's greatest boogeyman.
>Marxism, has been extensively developed through religious theory

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