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You hate him because he speaks the truth. Out of the mouths of babes. he embarrasses prideful old heretics who think themselves wise.
uh... who?
Pray he becomes Catholic
Stop. He’s no pseud, he knows his Reformed theology. He’s set on his team.
Reformed go to hell
>staking your eternal soul on the bandwagon fallacy
thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil
Not an argument.
you cringy faggots are exactly on the same level as the fedora tippers from 2010
>ethnic Jew converts to Calvinism, the most Jewish branch of Christianity
Like pottery
His vocal mannerisms are just too fucking annoying. He talks like someone’s grandpa on helium. Its a total mood killer.
Nah he's a total retard and you're even dumber to follow him, or you're probably him yourself since he's clearly some stunted 4chan zoomer
Not an argument
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I didn't know minecraft youtubers could become theologians after a year of reading blogs and wiki articles
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The Reconquista will fail because all of the old historic churches are in the cities. Most of the theological conservatives in the US are rural. So they would have to drive a few hours to the cities to be in these churches which is not going to happen. Also even if these theological conservatives did move to the cities; they would not be able to afford a place to live due to the fact that most of them do low skill jobs. So they would have to get a degree in tech which is not going to happen. Also theological conservatives are generally low church (which is the way Christianity was practiced for the first few centuries anyway).
I too, would ban orthoLARPists.
This can't be legit
his instagram is a goldmine of terrible arguments
You don’t have any, so.
>I’m deadass…
Lol just when I thought that this clown couldn’t get any more ridiculous
His video on Baptists ignored General Baptists because they say Jesus died for everyone and this triggers Calvinists.
That's Catholicism, down to the priests, Talmudic "tradition" and pilpul
It seems kinda taken out of context desu
I think he meant “jewish” in terms of the high amount of neurosis it inspires in its followers.
Then Catholic guilt would win that one.
The difference is that Calvinists believe their sins are manifestations of the divine will’s preordained damnation against them, and therefore they can’t do anything about being unsaved.
Catholics believe in predestination too btw

Pretty much everyone except OSAS evangelicals and maybe Lutherans have this problem.
Papists and most other Protestants like Lutherans believe in single predestination. Calvinists are the only ones that believe double predestination.
Catholic teaching on double predestination is actually very close to the Calvinist view. Calvin was mostly repeating Aquinas on the topic.
>they say Jesus died for everyone
Isn’t that the entire point of the New Testament, that Jesus died for the sins of everyone?
You'd think that would be obvious.

But Calvinists and Particular Baptists think otherwise. They call this "limited atonement".

I think zoomzoom is uncomfortable with the diversity of opinion on this issue specifically within the broader protestant camp, so it's easier to just ignore it than come right out and say he believes Jesus only died for the people he already decided were saved beforehand.

And I noticed he won't talk about Anabaptists either. Which is sad because their theology is quite interesting and some of it is even compelling in it's purity. Idk if he's ready to tangle with the fact they reject Sola Fide but uphold Sola Scriptura. If I don't miss my guess, he'd probably consider them non-denominational. But Anabaptists are a *far* cry from Unitarians.
Anabaptism just isn't edgy enough, same reason you never get any christian larpers saying they're Anglican
Anabaptism is probably the most edgy branch of Christianity. Total non-conformists who practice an extreme form of counter-culture, absolutely refuse to participate in civil government unless compelled to because they're effectively anarchists.

Literally will refuse to sue someone for damages if they crash into their buggy and kill their horse because Jesus said to settle your disputes outside of court. It's called "forbearance".

And they're right about that too. Dangerously based people, and highly self sufficient. If more people were like them the would be be a better and less polluted place.
For me it's:
>Redeemed Zoomer (Calvinist)
>Jordan Cooper (Lutheran)
>The Other Paul (Anglican)
>Gavin Ortlund (Baptist)
Isn't that the amish though, not the normal everyday people who are anabaptists
ugh, the four horsemen on the αποκαλυπτω
The no lawsuits thing is definitely cool and true.
Who? also nigga needs to grow a beard or use aftershave or something that acne scarring down south is abysmal, I’m saying this because he’s obviously a Christian who’s conceited about looking good.
Cringe autists missing the social subtext that fedora atheists were made fun of for being autistic and putting on a cross necklace doesn’t change the fact that they’re autistic fart sniffing retards who speak in old timey vernacular for some gay reason
It’s poetry in motion
>jobs hard to Jay "gay liar" Dyer
>hurrr a 20 yo kid lost a debate to a 40 yo trained theologian isn’t that pathetic amirite guys???
That's why kids shouldn't be allowed to debate theology on tiktok
Holy shit i thought i was looking at a picture of a young ted kaczynski
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>trained theologian
>orthodox tradcel with convert zeal and protestant mentality leftover from his reformed days
same krautokike autist phenotype
Jay ambushed him with a "debate" while controlling the mic and constantly cutting him off
so alpha, I’m wet
He's pretty expert on exposing roman catholicism as a pedophile satan cult and ripping apart all the jesuit trained pedophiles that dance around that fact to defend their molech worship
schizo salad
he's right tho
If I wanted to watch obnoxious NY jews, I’d put on Seinfeld.
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He looks like someone cloned HP Lovecraft in a test tube
To be Sneed Wendig
Jews don’t have priests.
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He is literally a Jew from New York. lmao.


>jesus died for everyone
Except he didn’t. Even if you ignore predestination universalism is never mentioned once in the entirety of the New Testament. It’s made blatantly clear that many if not the majority of people won’t be saved. If one wants salvation they must accept Christ, and live a wholly righteous life.
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>A fucking Minecraft Youtuber reignited my connection to Christianity
God is the ultimate comedian.

Anyhow the problem with Redeemed is that he's a Calvinist, and Calvinism is essentially nerds twisting scripture into some sort of deterministic hell-factory with God as the creator of evil. Add on some weird Augustine Manichaean stuff and you got problems.

RZ is Jewish and he's been very open about that, he's given some insight about how much Jews in general hate Christianity and especially converts, so I'll give him points for that, but on social media he's a bit of cringelord, I do think his videos are good for getting people more aware of entry level theology.

In the end Lutheranism/Anglicanism in the end is as good as Christianity will get, it's got no style points but it feels as true to the vision of the Lord as you can get.

>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

>But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Where is the evidence exactly? You linked to yourself, and you originally linked to his entire catalogue.
That's not universalism.
Mennonites follow the same rule.
in one of his videos he says that his background is Jewish and he was educated at a state school.
His real name is Richard Ackerman. And he doesn’t hide that he was a former jew.
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Lutheranism is retarded proto-socialist garbage and Anglican dogma/theology is a complete mess.

you should consider killing yourself.
>nonsense word salad
It's a schizo post best you move on to the next thread
I really, really dislike this fellow, yet I can’t stop watching his content.
his older stuff is better
Anglican theology is unironically S tier
(From a orthodox christian)
>anglican theology
doesn’t exist
>he was a former jew.
No, his dad is Jewish not his mum. In the eyes of Orthodox Jewish law he isn't Jewish
He is Jewish.
50% Jew is too much Jew
He's the distillation of everything that's cringe about online christianity, as expected of a minecraft autist.
based and agreed
you don't understand lutheranism, it's basically the closest to eastern orthodox the protestants get

socialism? No protestant who has sola scriptura is socialist because socialism is godless

but yeah anyone who talks like you cannot really claim to be Christian, you should realise how obvious that makes it to us
>Mom, the mystics are fighting again on the history board!
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>Redeemed Zoomer is fighting Luther!
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> muh matrilineal descent
he's jewish, see pic related
No, he isn't a chosen person as per Halacha
His Jay Dyer debate completely shook my faith in Reformed theology. It was all gish gallop of course, and I’m still Reformed, but I’m in awe of Jay’s rhetorical prowess.
Most Jews aren’t religious and don’t give a fuck about Orthodox Jewish law. Israel certainly doesn’t.
Redeemed zoomer is a false teacher and you are jeopardizing your salvation participating in his reconquista.
>Having to neceobump your trash bait thread
He gives good basic rundowns of secrs and denoms but is a complete embarassment as far as debate and "rebuttals" goes. He reminds me of Kyle in EOsphere, beneficial for new converts/inquirers but shouldn't be making anything beyond just scratching the surface
t. EO
kill yourself.
Prots are as anti-mystical as you can get with the exception of pentecostals/charismatics which are just possessed by the same kind of kundalini demonic spirit you can find in ancient eastern paganism
Pretty embarassing of a response, glad it hit close to home.
why do e-caths sounds like '80s soccer moms screeching about KISS being satanic
>still trying to bump via low-quality bait
I'm not a Catholic. You are embarassing yourself.
Good idea, just did
Pentacostalism is just straight up voodoo syncretized with Protestant Christianity. It makes sense when you consider most of the original Pentacostals were black. They both have an emphasis on entering trance states through ecstatic dancing and chanting.
This guy is annoying.
>orthodox tradcel with convert zeal and protestant mentality
I really should not take schadenfreude from those types, but I do. Protestants of the same type finally get a taste of their own medicine and they can't handle it
Prots are retarded though
That means his fruit is true. Your foul conscience is plagued by his gadfly nature.
Daily reminder that this is the fedora archetype that don’t realize their weird autism was the joke and the bad clothes and beard just added to it
The way of talking in an old timey dramatic and pseudo-intellectual way and thinking like a virgin is unmistakable.

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