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Why pink people resemble Neanderthals more than east asians if east asians have more neanderthal dna?
Right cause you have seen what real neanderthals looked like
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Ok, chud. Skulls of pink people resemble neanderthal skull
Other than this cherry picked example the only similarity of Europeans to Neanderthals would be light skin and hair which is a convergent adaptation to the low uv levels of Europe.
We don't have any evidence that Neanderthals had light skin and hair.
She lacks neanderthal facial length, something Siberians actually have, and her supposed resemblance to a neanderthal is just having such a poorly developed jaw that it faintly resembles a chinless jaw. But Neanderthal jaws were not poorly developed.
Evolution is a lie. Asians are related closely to Africans with the flat wide nostrils
it's clearly a filter
Asians have more neanderthal ancestry and more distant from niggers than whites
Fuck bros, I'm in love...
Live in Copeland, lol
Other than the pigment chosen for her, which is entirely not based on science. If Western Hunter Gatherers were black, Neanderthals were blacker, according to the data.
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How do I got neanderthallium gf
Find them in Norway
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Nose too small
Superior neanderthal genes
Pink people are great
would marry
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She is a Tall White/Nordic Hapa Godess not a Neanderthal, neanderthals were hairy and had no color, they were not pink or pale, or black, the white skin only appeared in the last 10K even if it appeared in the last 30K it still wouldn't make Neanderthals pink because they had died off 10K prior.
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Pink people still resemble them more than east asians
East Asians fucked denisovans
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They anthropomorphize even big foot with that fetal alcohol syndrome face. Pure Neanderthals were cannibal beasts and hunted the Delectable Homo Negro Sapiens.
Holy cope
>History Board
>Have retards like >>16880506 posting on it
You faggots can't do a single damn thing right.
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>pink people
keep seething
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They are literral half breed of neanderthal monkeys and humans whereas Asians are closer to 5% Neanderthal.
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Asians actually have the higher levels, lol
Well, because East Asians also have Denisovan DNA. But not only that, Neanderthals were not a race. Remember that, they were a type of human just as we were. They also varied in appearance. European Neanderthals looked like the picrel that OP had, whereas Near Eastern Neanderthals looked more like the Arab equivalent of a caveman. My picrel is a reconstruction of the face of a Neanderthal woman who lived 75,000 years ago in modern-day Iraqi Kurdistan. The climate of Central And Southern Europe was very extreme compared to now, Northern Europe of course being frozen over, covered in an ice sheet.

So, when you take into account that both us and Neanderthals adapted overtime to our respective environments, you can see why Asians don’t resemble our stereotypical idea of a Neanderthal from a European perspective, because when discussing Europe there’s rarely much of a reason to bring up the fact that there were “white and nonwhite Neanderthals”
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> Native American Neanderthal
So a full blown Neanderthal looked more modern than Aboriginals.
The obviously answer that you are missing is that East asians looked like asian neanderthals where as europeans looked more like european neanderthals.

there is no reason to assume that all neanderthals looked the same. they were likely just as divergent as modern humans and had just a long to separate.

we know that neanderthal's lived in Asia because of denisovan cave but we have very few remains from central asia but we have lots and lots from europe. this means that when people reconstruct neanderthals they have a bias towards those populations.
Don't be ridiculous, they gave us some of the genes for Ginger skin and Redheadedness.
Dark skin doesn't correlate to blackness in all populations, especially not ancient ones. Indians and Austronesian deverge from sub-saharans and cluster with Eurasians.
I know. I'm mocking the idea that either of the two were "black". Both of them lack significant variants for pale skin, but that still encompasses a huge range in skin color.
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>Pure Neanderthals were cannibal beasts and hunted the Delectable Homo Negro Sapiens.
it was the other way round, we ate them and made jewelry with the leftovers
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>Why pink people resemble Neanderthals more than east asians
No one knows what Neanderthals truly looked like, reconstructions without any soft tissue are guesswork.
>if east asians have more neanderthal dna?
The difference is negligible, like 1.9% vs 2.1% or some shit like that.

White angels are as progressive as it gets, you can't get less archaic / primitive than this by modern human standards.
So European cannibals ate their own ancestors, now we know why the Abrahamic fag Christcuck vampires like to drink blood and eat flesh.
Holy cope
Show me skulls of neanderthals from asia. 100% sure They would resemble caucasian skulls more than east asian.
No they don't, only southern chinese who are more southeast asians than east asians
WHG were not black, they were tawny at best. The researchers that did that one recreation lookers at one gene and saw it was for "darker" (not snow white) skin but they have no idea how it manifested phenotypically
>low uv levels
acktchually it's the clothing due to cold that blocks the uv, because most of europe gets plenty of it otherwise. therefore I find it unlikely that light skin is an evolutionary response to uv levels, as there wasn't enough time for it. it seems light skin is a neotenic trait (chimps have it, which means our ancestors had it, and even black babies are born with light skin) that proved useful later in higher latitudes.
You are the only person who is triggered by the word pink. Lol
Ashkenazi Jews have up to 15% neanderthal dna. i.e. ron perlman from hellboy
Nothing to do with the magnificent cro magnon aryans
I said "if". I don't think they were "black" either. But neanderthals likely were darker than them, though there could be unknown aspects to it.
Look at your Aryan angel
They didn't
>one instance of cannibalism
welp folks that settles it i guess. thank science for leading fossil experts.
pink people made the reconstructions
Having physical resemblance doesn’t mean you have the same DNA especially when it’s only like 1-3% and probably not even related to facial characteristics. Animals living in the similar climates tend to evolve similar physical traits convergently
hair became scant from homo erectus onwards dumbass
Siberians dont resemble Neanderthals, they are too small proportionally.
Alpinids are the most Neanderthalike having robust features, thick limbs, and proportionally very thick frames.
I am referring to a midfacial length gene. It's common in Amerindians and some East Asians.
can you post some images of long midfaces?
Man with long midface next to man with short midface.
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Another fairly tall midface.
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A comparison of Neanderthal and Siberian skulls.
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Quite far from identical, but old papers recognized some similarities in proportions even before this gene was discovered.
The Sumerians were not pink people.
Only sea
Jews don't have 15% or pist proofs
>The obviously answer that you are missing is that East asians looked like asian neanderthals where as europeans looked more like european neanderthals.

In addition, the retention of genetic information doesn't mean the retention of the same genetic information or the same set of traits.
faggot retard the modern hominids probably found the neanderthals trying to rape their daughters so they killed them and fed them to their dogs.
Yes this 100 percent. Europeans look most similar to neanderthals bc they live in the same environment. Logic tells you they are going to evolve similar traits. If the earth resembled africa we would all evolve trials from Africa as well.
Having similar facial features doesn't mean you're closely related you moron.
>Europeans look most similar to neanderthals bc they live in the same environment.
They don't look at all like neanderthals. Some reconstructions just happen to model soft-tissue on Europeans.
Those seem like long jaws rather than a long frontal face.
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Nah, even if you shortened the jaw, the midface would still be tall.
>Habsburg jaw yapping about genes
Who knows how pink they were
Least i'm not a shitskin thank jesus
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>p-pink people look like Neanderthals
Meanwhile the highly progressive white angels.

It's IMPOSSIBLE to know what they looked like and going by the skull morphology they resembled Australian Abos the most, but more archaic and more robust.
Don't confuse indians with pink people
Convergent evolution.
Explain in short
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you are a black man
Neanderthal cranial structure resembled those of other archaic humans, quite definitely not those of europeans, neither asians for that matter
Most close to bantu or abo ones (prognathism, receding chins, very dolichocephalic)
Shizo post
No I'm not pinky
Cute pink woman
WHG skin color (and they were not black, they decidedly left Africa and had left it for thousands of years at that point, and it's not even certain how our earliest ancestors in Africa looked and how those first groups were related, who stayed and those who left) has nothing to do with Neanderthal skin color. Neanderthals lived in Europe before Homo s. Sapiens arrived. They lived there long enough and in worse conditions that their own skin would have adapted to the climate like that of our ancestors (europeans) did who lived in Siberia as mammoth herders (yhR) before the moved West. Whether they crossed from Yemen into Iran and went through the Caucasus or went through Central Asia to found the lineages we associated with the ancestors of the ANE, EHG etc. is entirely irrelevant to the point that those people adapted and had a lighter skin pigment because of their thousand year exposure to different climate conditions, as did the Neanderthals.
>earliest people were black
>so the earlier the human the blacker he had to be universally
>neanderthals were darker than s.sapiens
>I'm not
do you think anyone takes issue with being called pink or white or pasty here, ricenigger? white people are the ultimate wielders of racism. You can't use that against us.
You are the only person who is pissed of by word pink
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Essentially, phenotypic patterns that function well re-evolve over time. For instance, crabs are a very successful conceptual lifeform, so animals like the "king crab" despite not being genetically related to other crabs, appears to be one because of convergent evolution. Same goes for Pterodactyls and modern birds. Both evolved beaks and large wings but they share no common lineage.

In the case of neanderthals and modern humans, light complexion, blue eyes, a strong brow ridge, and other neanderthal-like features may just be advantageous traits to have that Europeans re-evolved into, despite not necessarily inheriting the traits.

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