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What Made Nazi Germany Uniquely evil?.
It was mostly the shock of the so called cultured Germans doing shit the Westerners ascribed to Chinese, Japanese, or Russians. It wasn't unique.
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They opposed Jewish power, and Jews specialize in information-manipulation, basically every negative thing you know about Nazi Germany has no basis in reality.
They lost to Jews
"it didn't happen"
"all these reams of documents are false"
"nazi germany was not a warfare state that was an authoritarian dictatorship"
"goering was not a weird autistic pervert"
>I think Nazi Germany is bad because I read documents
No you didn't, you just watched tv
No, I read actual documents and stuff that the Nazis put out at the time.
They were really proud about Kristallnacht and in the West it made people really hate them.
>People in the West were really mad about anti-Jewish protests in Germany
American public opinion was against war with Germany until the end and viewed German actions against Jews as fully justified, but just like today public opinion has no effect on government policy.
>American public opinion was against war with Germany
Yeah, until Germany declared war on the USA.
>viewed German actions against Jews as fully justified
Not true at all.
This is true. People didn’t judge the Japanese as harshly because they’re non whites and thus less civilised
You missed the LIDAR, big oof on your part
I was talking about stuff that had nothing to do with the Holocaust. Why are you buck broken by uncut Chosenite cock?
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They did to euros what euros did to the rest of the world
uncut because everyone seems to claim Jews aren't real Jews etc
>Was the persecution of Jews in Europe “their own fault”? Some 65% of Americans said the Jews were partly or entirely to blame. (April 1938)

>They did to euros what euros did to the rest of the world
Do Thirdies really believe that?
I was told by a Chinawoman once that she didn't care about the Holocaust since it was just white people killing white people. So yes.
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That's kind of crazy considering the constant anti-German propaganda and agitations for war promoted by the media at the time.
>n the wake of the Nazis’ horrific Kristallnacht pogrom, should America admit more German Jews? 94% disapproved of the pogrom, but 72% were against admitting refugees. (November 1938)
Literally the same article. Do you people even read what you post?
>Hello Mr. Smith
>This is Mordechai Goldberg from a New York polling agency
>Do you approve of the pogrom currently happening in Germany?
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leftist historical revisionism
commies kill 5x more than nazis
and who does the left promote and who do they criticize??
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>What Made Nazi Germany Uniquely evil?.
It was *almost* powerful enough to topple the liberal-democratic coalition.

Huge difference between what Uncle Adolf could achieve and what is possible for shitholes like North Korea, Taliban Afghanistan, Commie Vietnam and so on
muh leftists
it was full of jews at the top
commies were killing slavs and other non whites so nobody care
Evil is a meme concept and does not exist, Nazi Germany simply lost a civilization struggle to a stronger coalition of powers
ironic, coming from a tranny
But North Korea independently developed ICBMs equipped with thermonuclear warheads and Commie Vietnam defeated the strongest country in world history
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you're trans btw
> What Made Nazi Germany Uniquely evil?

Losing the war.
Just like the Soviet Union, North Korea achieved military milestones by sacrificing non-military milestones. And even then, they cannot compete with their opponents.

As for the Viet Cong, they received external help and had infinitely shorter supply lines than their main enemy. And it's not like Vietnam has achieved much since 1975, other than occupying Cambodia
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They werent zoomers back in the day, nobody read those comics.
>Yeah, until Germany declared war on the USA.
By which time public opinion on the war was, of course, irrelevant
You don’t get to pick and choose which part of the article you think is accurate
Germany was not even close to powerful enough to stop Britain alone, let alone the allies as a whole. They were running on fumes from 1940 on, and never once were capable of matching the longevity of the British empire’s global resource stockpile. That’s the entire reason they wanted the east at all. Because they knew they would lose a war of attrition. Europe didn’t have the resources Germany needed to be autarkic. The British empire did. Germany’s war against the Soviets was a desperate push by a man who ideologically believed Germans couldn’t exist if they didn’t have Ukrainian grain and Caucasian oil, that’s why he was so stupidly aggressive.
I thought it was mainly the exterminations.

Dude was just stupid and delusional
He was some tramp that was good at ranting and the Nazi party took him in. He was, by many accounts, disgusting eating with his hands and clawing into food while coughing loudly.

Didn't even write mein kampf, it was a fanfiction.
His Beer Hall Putsch was incredibly poorly thought out and stupid.
His own master race theory was made from copium from a lost war and he named it from Indians.
the ultranationalism he subscribed to made him believe in retarded fucks like goering.
>They opposed Jewish power, and Jews specialize in information-manipulation

and then

> basically every negative thing you know about Nazi Germany has no basis in reality.

dude are you listening to yourself.

Where is this information that jews are black-magic warlocks that fucking specialize in confusing the public?
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Don't mind me, just dropping this here
Killing 50% of Poland is pretty evil ngl
It was literally know as the “Golden Age of Comics” for fuck sake.
It was 20% at most, and that's if you believe in the Holocaust
Yet you cant find a single picture of them reading it
mfw the op pic didn’t actually say Hitler’s Ass
Efficiency. Other genocides just weren't as organized as them. That's it.
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How are supposed poison jew showers followed by magical crematoriums supposed to be more efficient than just shooting people into mass graves?
you're brown btw
Whether the death toll of Jews in particular was closer to 5 million or 7 million can certainly be debated, because precisely quantifying large scale genocides is tedious work (just look at Rwanda, or the Armenian Holocaust, and how estimates vary in those cases). Yet, the fact that this genocide happened, and that there were millions of innocent victims, is not up for debate. The evidence is simply insurmountable.

Victims were shot, beaten, hung, poisoned, and starved to death, after being forced into ghettos, and then concentration camps. If you want to argue about numbers, that's one thing, but even David Irving himself admits that millions of Jews were slaughtered:
>Human Remains (AKA 'SHOW US DA BONEZ!')

>Footage, Documentation, and Other Primary Sources


>Operation Reinhard

>Goebbels' Diary

>George S. Patton & The Holocaust

>Winston Churchill & The Holocaust

>Holocaust Research Project

>Encyclopedia of Camps & Ghettos Under The Third Reich
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Already been debunked.
>the 4chan man said it was debunked
>no I didn't do any research
why are brownboys onions consistently stupid?
There is literally not a single piece of evidence for the holocaust in your post, it is all a bunch of innuendo and unsourced quotes. The holocaust is the mass execution of 6 million Jews using cyanide gas chambers, if you are arguing for something else then you are not arguing for the holocaust. Only physical and documentary evidence can be considered as valid historical evidence.
>The holocaust is the mass execution of 6 million Jews using cyanide gas chambers
books read: 0
IQ: 78
skin: brown
confirm or futilely deny
Show proof of at least 1 Jew being gassed in a cyanide gas chamber, at least that would be a start
I accept your concession
Make a concrete historical claim and defend it, what are you running from?
Yeah man, it would be some crazy shit if people of Jewish descent were vastly over-represented in the media, and they held some kind of deep-seated grudge against non-Jews for historical grievances. Real Sci-Fi shit.
It was powerful enough to defeat France, kick Britain out of Noway and Greece, and give Russia a good scare. On her own, mind you, since her only effective ally was on the other side of the globe
This is probably the gayest answer I can think of, but it's because of their possession by Wotan. They embodied an Aries Aion civilization in a post Christian world, and to the Post Christian Europe mind, they were evil.
The Romans committed genocide, enslavement, and waged unjustified war, and built monuments that defy time. To a Roman, that's peak. To a European, that's evil.
trannies out in force against this TRVKE
none of these sources provide material evidence for anyone being gassed.
it was thoroughly researched and refuted, you just ignore it because you are jewish
>jewish journals are primary sources
why are they like this?

Why should we trust what jewish people say?
they havent proven themselves reliable.
Monumentally based.
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Mass Graves & Remains (AKA 'SHOW US DA BONEZ!') Pt. 1:
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Mass Graves & Remains (AKA 'SHOW US DA BONEZ!') Pt. 2:
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Footage of human remains from the holocaust:

Photos of human remains from the holocaust:
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Here's Eisenhower, Bradly and Patton inspecting Camp Ohrdruf

Locals brought in to witness what happened at Dachau

Bodies of inmates left inside the railroad carts at Dachau

Liberated inmates from Camp Ebensee

Footage from Mauthausen after being liberated

Bergen-Belsen after being liberated


Topf und Sonhe, the company that built the ovens, claim they could burn 1.3 million a year in Auschwits-Birkenau, on this internal German memo.

>However, this is not significant, as the gassing cellar can be used for this purpose.

Footage of Auschwitz:

More Footage from the Holocaust:

Exiles, Survivors, and Liberation:

Key documents from The National Archives:

Records Relating to Concentration Camps:

British Investigations into Nazi Crimes:
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>Kurt Prufer, senior engineer of Topf and Sohne, testifying in Erfurt, Germany, March 5, 1946.
>Q. Who apart from you participated in the construction of the furnaces?
>A. From 1941-2, I constructed the furnaces. The technical drawings were done by Mr. Keller. The ventilation systems of the "Kremas" [crematoriums] were constructed by senior engineer Karl Schultze.
>Q. Were you the sole Topf engineer in Auschwitz in spring 1943?
>A. No, [senior engineer Karl] Schultze was with me in Auschwitz at the time. I saw personally about 60 corpses of women and men of different ages, which were being prepared for incineration. That was at 10 in the morning. I witnessed the incineration of six corpses and came to the conclusion that the furnaces were working well.
>Q. Did you see a gas chamber next to the crematoriums?
>A. Yes, I did see one next to the crematorium. Between the gas chamber and the crematorium there was a connecting structure.
>Q. Did you know that in the gas chamber and in the crematoriums there took place the liquidation of innocent human beings?
>A. I have known since spring 1943 that innocent human beings were being liquidated in Auschwitz gas chambers and that their corpses were subsequently incinerated in the crematoriums.
>Q. Who is the designer of the ventilation systems for the gas chambers?
>A. Schultze was the designer of the ventilation systems in the gas chambers; and he installed them.
>Q. Why was the brick lining of the muffles so quickly damaged?
>A. The bricks were damaged after six months because the strain on the furnaces was colossal.
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Official documentation regarding the crematoria:
https://www.hdot.org/debunking-denial/ab4-civilian-ovens-comparison/ (peruse the sources)

Research regarding the crematoria:

More testimony regarding the crematoria:

More photographs of victims:

Partial list of published documents from the nazis about the holocaust:
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>Operation Reinhard (1942–1943) was the largest single murder campaign of the Holocaust, during which some 1.7 million Jews from German-occupied Poland were murdered by the Nazis. Most perished in gas chambers at the death camps Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka. However, the tempo, kill rates, and spatial dynamics of these events were poorly documented. Using an unusual dataset originating from railway transportation records, this study identifies an extreme phase of hyperintense killing when ~1.47 million Jews—more than 25% of the Jews killed in all 6 years of World War II—were murdered by the Nazis in an intense,100-day (~3-month) surge. Operation Reinhard is shown to be an extreme event, based on kill rate, number, and proportion (>99.9%) of the population murdered in camps, highlighting its singularly violent character, even compared to other more recent genocides. The Holocaust kill rate is some 10 times higher than estimates suggested by authorities on comparative genocide.
>The Holocaust, the Nazi-German annihilation of European Jewry during World War II (1939–1945), is unarguably one of the most destructive and murderous events in the history of human civilization. However, over the last 70 years, genocides and mass killing events have continued to occur and they are not diminishing in frequency. Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur, Burundi, Syria, and Myanmar have all experienced large-scale murder operations in the last 25 years, some of which may have been preventable.
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General George S. Patton - one of the most accomplished military men in US history - a man who by all accounts intensely disliked the Jews, never came out and denied the holocaust. Why, despite his distaste for Jews, would he have done the opposite, and encouraged people to see the atrocities of the Reich for themselves?

Relevant sources for the aforementioned question:

Massive collection of Holocaust footage:

Supplementary materials for those who have trouble understanding:
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Churchill on the holocaust:
>None has suffered more cruelly than the Jew the unspeakable evils wrought upon the bodies and spirits of men by Hitler and his vile regime. The Jew bore the brunt of the Nazi's first onslaught upon the citadels of freedom and human dignity. He has borne and continued to bear a burden that might have seen beyond endurance. He has not allowed it to break his spirit; he has never lost the will to resist. Assuredly in the day of victory the Jew's suffering and his part in the struggle will not be forgotten.

>There is no doubt in my mind that we are in the presence of one of the greatest and most horrible crimes ever committed. It has been done by scientific machinery by nominally civilized men in the name of a great state and one of the leading races of Europe. I need not assure you that the situation has received and will receive the most earnest consideration from my colleagues and myself but, as the Foreign Secretary said, the principal hope of terminating it must remain the speedy victory of the Allied Nations.

>The most bestial, the most squalid and the most senseless of all their offences, namely, the mass deportation of Jews from France, with the pitiful horrors attendant upon the calculated and final scattering of families. This tragedy fills me with astonishment as well as with indignation, and it illustrates as nothing else can the utter degradation of the Nazi nature and theme, and degradation of all who lend themselves to its unnatural and perverted passions.

>still no evidence of a single person being gassed
Why is this chinkspammer still trying?
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Why is this retard lying, and acting like Holocaust denial isn't spam itself?

>no evidence of a single person being gassed
Gas yourself faggot. No one claims that the Nazis did all their murdering with airborne poisons. Victims were obviously shot, beaten, hung, and starved to death. Yet, there is certainly evidence of gassing too.

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Didn't read + you're a kike
They weren't unique, they simply made a loud enough tantrum to get the entire world to stomp them, and their propaganda was so effective and the scope of their crimes so large that they'd never, ever stop being a topic of conversation
Not an argument + You're retarded, and therefore would have been gassed yourself.
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Former Waffen-SS General who in 1981 predicted what the kikes will do to Europe.
I dont think they were uniquely evil, they are just everyones go to example for how a modern, developed country can go sideways.
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Can /pol/ fuck off with their jew boogeyman?

>> Yeah man, it would be some crazy shit if people of Jewish descent were vastly over-represented in the media, and they held some kind of deep-seated grudge against non-Jews for historical grievances. Real Sci-Fi shit.

Jews were heavily involved in the beginning of the film industry. It just so happened that many jews were tight-knit and connected they ended up conglomerating in areas where alot of media is produced now. Especially in NY and California.

Alot of Higherups in media are Jewish and they like being represented. Big surprise for sure.


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> Didn't read

more like couldn't read. You faggots are all the same. Cry some shitty braindead political talking points, we debunk it, and then you cry and shit yourself.
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>Jews were heavily involved in the beginning of the film industry.
No shit, it's not a secret that Hollywood is run by them. It's just forbidden to say it openly for some reason.

They are also vastly over-represented in other areas of the entertainment industry, politics, finance and the news media. Great for them, I guess, but it's weird how it's taboo to even notice the phenomenon or ponder the implications of having so many influential positions held by a minority whose feelings about the dominant majority can be described as ambivalent at best.

>many jews were tight-knit
Yes, this is a diplomatic way of saying that they are very likely to engage in ethnic nepotism, racial consciousness and in-group favoritism in ways that would be considered racist or outright illegal if done by white people.
Still not a single piece of evidence for even 1 Jew being gassed, just a bunch of schizoid conspiracy theory Jewish circular references. I'm not even asking for 6 million gassed Jews, just simple incontrovertible evidence of a single Jew being gassed.
> No shit, it's not a secret that Hollywood is run by them. It's just forbidden to say it openly for some reason.
What the fuck do you mean it is forbidden? South Park made an episode about it. The fuck are you talking about? Stop projecting.

>Yes, this is a diplomatic way of saying that they are very likely to engage in ethnic nepotism, racial consciousness and in-group favoritism in ways that would be considered racist or outright illegal if done by white people.

Ethnic or even regular nepotism has always been a thing. White people do it alot and get away with it. What the fuck are you talking about?

> Mormons are dominant in the secret service

> Irish in the police force

Not to mention CEOS in the fortune 500 are still mainly white
me, when i farted on you
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It was fucking in 1 of the links someone posted. I knew these retards can't read.

>Kurt Prufer, senior engineer of Topf and Sohne, testifying in Erfurt, Germany, March 5, 1946.
>Q. Did you know that in the gas chamber and in the crematoriums there took place the liquidation of innocent human beings?
>A. I have known since spring 1943 that innocent human beings were being liquidated in Auschwitz gas chambers and that their corpses were subsequently incinerated in the crematoriums.
>Q. Who is the designer of the ventilation systems for the gas chambers?
>A. Schultze was the designer of the ventilation systems in the gas chambers; and he installed them.

Unless you are looking for something more retarded like someone who was gassed and lived to tell the tale... moron
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>Not to mention CEOS in the fortune 500 are still mainly white
This is not due to nepotism, adjusted for ability they are in fact being discriminated against and you don't see the wild disproportion seen with jews. I mean, you can nit pick and say "nyehh, the math is a little off, I'm rejecting the whole thing on that count", but even if Jews average 110 IQ or even 120 IQ, 2% being 40% of this that and the other is still pretty wild. You might also point out other subgroups among white people like WASPs, but it is understandable that the group that composed the elite since the US's founding would have an advantage and where are the WASPs in 2024? Basically irrelevant.
Nothing. Stalin killed more people. Hitler's extermination of precious Jews got American kids a week long lesson about the Holocaust. Stalin who only killed Russians got a couple sentences or a paragraph in a American kids history book. The excessive focus on Jews and dismissal of the horrifying deaths in Russia was my first redpill history is a fucking lie. I'm already prepared to tell my grandkids about what actually happened while I was alive. That Obama and Biden's presidencies were fucking not overflowing with wealth and a wonderful economy.
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Is there any evidence that isn't a postwar testimony extracted through torture? Surely there must be a contemporary document or letter in Germany which mentioned these gas chambers, just one piece of evidence.
you are aware this isnt proof correct?
Is there any proof that would hold up to modern jurisprudence that proves even 1 jew was gassed?
>Still not a single piece of evidence for even 1 Jew being gassed
Literally right here: >>16883992
It's not my fault you came out retarded and cannot read.
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Shitler has the world record in number of whites murdered
Unprecedented totalitarianism and mass politics. This wasn't specific to Nazism itself it's just that appeared at a time where it was possible both technologically and governmentally. The Soviet Union was similar, but fascism really stressed these points as positives.
muh trannies
Nothing, nazism was just the logical conclusion of European colonialism, anti-Semitism and racialism.
Let me reiterate. Long term the UK alone would have defeated Germany in a war of attrition. It wasn’t strong enough to “almost” beat the Allies because they never came close to victory. Barbarossa failed to achieve any of its objectives. The fall of France failed to stop the UK. North Africa failed. Battle for Britain failed. Germany never came close to any sort of victory.
The Franke-Gricksch explicitly mentions gas chambers being used at Auschwitz, was made in 1943 by a member of the SS reporting to his superiors, and uses numbers that fit with the estimates given by other nazi sources regarding the camp's capacity.
A transcript and translation: https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com/2019/08/nazi-document-on-mass-extermination-of.html
It's funny how alt-rightfags always forget this detail.
Hitler and his cronies worshipped Satan from 1920 onwards, who told them what to do.
targeting civilians
On a basic level: It was ran by people that got out of world war 1 and, somehow, believed that the only thing that went wrong is that it didn't last longer. That is inherently batshit. Outside of that, regardless of if he was just a cynical politician that said whatever he thought rubes wanted to hear, or a actual insane sociopathic madmen that wanted to destroy humanity, he certainly became a totally insane madman that wanted to destroy humanity as the war kept going. He was completely out of his mind and it's very unlikely humanity could have survived if he was not removed from power.

There is also something to be said for Nazi Germany building a entire economy based around loot and plunder in 1930. However, I would say that falls mostly among my first point: Getting out of world war 1 and thinking "More of this, please".
>Some races are inherntly inferior and need to be ruled by their better.
>N-No, not like that!
Why are Nazis like this? You had your massive race war: You lost. Accept your submission to the stronger people and be grateful they have chosen to rule over you with wisdom and grace.
What a fag, Americans are gay.
Seeing all those Jews starved in the camps while Western POWs were fat and happy really pissed people off.
Also there's reasons to be vehemently against Nazism without bringing up the j00s.
Holocaust more like Snore-ocaust because it's boring and gay.
Take the third position: the Holocaust doesn't matter and we should stop caring if it happened or not.
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By this logic, you should surrender to your anal parasites you got from beng a faggot.
> a carbon copy of the FGR was discovered after the end of the Second World War “somewhere in Bavaria” by Eric M. Lipman. Lipman then supposedly made a typescript copy of the portion of the report describing Auschwitz and handed it over to the American prosecution team for the Nuremberg trials.

>contains orthographic errors in the German language such as “had” instead of “hat” and “gebaded” instead off “gebadet.” This suggests that the person writing the report did not have a German version in front of them, or that the person writing the original author of the report had lived for such a long time in the English-speaking area that the endings of German verbs were mixed up with English ones.

>Makes a bunch of absurd and impossible claims that modern holohoaxers won't even touch

Have you got anything that isn't an obvious forgery?

This is the biggest factor, nobody is surprised if chinks or russoids murder each other en masse, but Germany doing it was a shock. And when you add to that the fact that Nazi Germany was the last great threat to western Europe / anglosphere, it makes it the most relevant ”evil empire” in the eyes of modern westerners.

Of course, Soviet Union also was the other great enemy of 20th century, and I see why many East Europeans would hate it as much as they hate Nazis, but in western eyes, Soviet Union was either a brutal ”other” (as in Stalin era) or then afterwards it was more of a ”rival”. Because as it is, Soviet Union never ended up waging direct conventional war on the west, and bareing proxy wars and some acts of sponsored terrorism, most of the worst shit in commiesphere stayed inside commiesphere, while Nazis brought their hell to entire continental Europe.
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>who are the Righteous Among The Nations
Also in the postwar period Jewish literature was full of praise for the Western Allies. Sorry you're historically illiterate on the history board.
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>What the fuck do you mean it is forbidden? South Park made an episode about it. The fuck are you talking about? Stop projecting.

You are being so dishonest. Please, make a declaration under your real name that you think Jews run Hollywood. I'm sure your employer would be overjoyed and there would be no negative repercussion for you.

>White people do it alot and get away with it.
Any recent examples other than poor Irish immigrants taking police jobs that no one else wanted to do in the early 20th century?

>Not to mention CEOS in the fortune 500 are still mainly white
How many are Jewish? Is the number proportionate to their very small population (2%) or are they over-represented as a share of the population? Do the white CEOs view their race as an intrinsic part of their identity and work to bolster the white community? Do the Jews?
They sure do have a funny way of showing their appreciation.
The ethnic nepotism is enough to hate them. Some hate whites for their nepotism, you're arguing this is no different.
This is all that is necessary. As long as there is ethnic nepotism, then one is, for better or for worse, bound to a group and beset by all others. I cannot stop hating jews any more than I can cease being white.
Whether I believe your "evidence" against the truth of the Holocaust is irrelevant. As the jews are the enemy of all non-jews there is no justification to accept it.
>"Yes, it would be worthwhile to study clinically, in detail, the steps taken by Hitler and Hitlerism and to reveal to the very distinguished, very humanistic, very Christian bourgeois of the twentieth century that without his being aware of it, he has a Hitler inside him, that Hitler inhabits him, that Hitler is his demon, that if he rails against him, he is being inconsistent and that, at bottom, what he cannot forgive Hitler for is not crime in itself, the crime against man, it is not the humiliation of man as such, it is the crime against the white man, the humiliation of the white man, and the fact that he applied to Europe colonialist procedures which until then had been reserved exclusively for the Arabs of Algeria, the coolies of India, and the blacks of Africa."
>ethnic nepotism is enough to hate them
>Some hate whites for their nepotism
>I cannot stop hating jews any more than I can cease being white
>jews are the enemy of all non-jews
How do you function with this much cognitive dissonance in your head? Your problem appears to be with ethnocentrism, which you admit other groups exhibit, but your answer is, ultimately, to promulgate ethnocentrism. This doesn't make sense. This is not to mention that it is a grossly exaggerated distortion of reality, but that is beside the point.
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It is naturally promulgated, I am only responding to an organic stimulus.
>your problem
Stop making your argument about me. Show how the jews would or have stopped ethnic nepotism in the face of others stopping their own ethnic nepotism. Or any other race, for that matter. You can't.
As long as people can be divided, they will form beneficial groups; ethnicity is the one division that can never be surmounted. Think of it as a Prisoner's Dilemma if that helps you.
>This doesn't make sense.
Skill issue. I've explained it clearly, and it's a simple concept to understand.
>Stop making your argument about me
You talked about yourself, your views, and your feelings.

>As long as people can be divided, they will form beneficial groups

>ethnicity is the one division that can never be surmounted
Why can it never be surmounted? Look at Belgium or Singapore.

>Think of it as a Prisoner's Dilemma if that helps you
After 18 years of visiting this site, and over a decade of reading outlets like AmRen, VDare, and TakiMag, along with authors like Jared Taylor (who I deeply admire by the way), I do not need help processing your views. It is likely that I understand and have explored this line of thinking in a more substantial way than you can imagine.

>I've explained it clearly
You've explained your views clearly, yes. Unfortunately, for you, they are characterized by a distorted view of reality (e.g. The Jew as some eternal, pervasive, unstoppable bogeyman), and they contradict themselves.

>Show how the jews would or have stopped ethnic nepotism in the face of others stopping their own ethnic nepotism
Surely, you must see how retarded this sounds, yes? For starters, as you admit, many other groups engage in nepotistic practices. It's certainly not limited to ethnicity or race by the way. So the question itself is contradictory. It relies on a fallacious belief that the existence of nepotism - particularly in Jewish communities - is such a powerful force, that it prevents other groups from engaging in nepotism. Yet, as you admit (and as is evident to anyone with eyes to see), virtually all other groups practice nepotism too.

Do you believe that Jewish nepotism is what started all nepotism? Because that is psychotically disconnected from reality. Do you think that Jews haven't been outdone on the nepotism front by other groups? Because they have been, many times, and currently are. Do you think that ending nepotism amongst Jews will somehow end nepotism altogether? Because, objectively speaking, it will not.
If you get your little round behind kicked so hard by anal parasites they end up wiping out your state, then you should probably surrender to them.
>What Made Nazi Germany Uniquely evil?.
gas chambers
Verification not required.
me in the hat
>handling cyanide drenched kikes without personal protective equipment
Huge OSHA violation, what were they thinking?
Literally this, without the holohoax as post-facto justification for WWII Jewish rule would have been delegitimized
>Jewish rule would have been delegitimized
No, it would have still been justified. The holocaust, which did happen, just showed why the herd needed to be culled.
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unlikely given how many Whites have been aborted, murdered by browns and blacks, and killed in every war since 1910 due to jewish influence in suffrage, civil rights, and foreign policy of Western nations.
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unironically because some Austrian boi started to notice
>ackshually goyim some newspapers said 5 million therefore 6 million really died
the absolute state of current year deboonkers. i thought you coin shavers were supposed to be le high iq? what happened?
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oy vey goyim stop noticing the evil we do
hypocrisy, such as recognizing the Japanese and pajeets as Aryans, but at the same time the Slavs were considered subhumans.
>They embodied an Aries Aion civilization in a post Christian world, and to the Post Christian Europe mind, they were evil.
they declared the real descendants of the Eastern European Aryans(Slavs) to be subhuman, and they paid dearly for it.
>evil does not exist
Explain in short sentences why
See: >>16886202
The one piece of evidence provided which wasn't just Jewish circular-references was a document which is obviously a forgery made my someone who made clear mistakes in German grammar
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Lazy strawman with no basis in reality, much like every "argument" you "people" make.
This, 19th century Germany was the home of art, science and deep thought. Everyone even after ww1 and its propaganda had a positive opinion of them and when the Nazi’s happened it was a massive culture shock. It would be as if modern California became a Christian theocratic state within the next two decades in the way Germany did a 180 from somewhat democratic Liberal led German empire to Democratic Socialist Weimar to beyond authoritarian and racist Nazi Germany. The progression had Germany becoming free with time and it changed within 2 election cycles really
Are you going to provide evidence for your insane conspiracy theory or not?
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>insane conspiracy theory
This is exactly what Holocaust deniers believe, and they have never posted evidence of there being a hoax. You retards think the Holocaust was a hoax on an international level, and whine and spam about it nonstop, without one shred of evidence. Yet, when shown clear and overwhelming evidence that the Holocaust did, in fact, happen, you pretend it's not evidence. Utterly deranged faggots, the lot of you.

Once again, here you go:

Reminder that:
>Your sources are Jewish!
Is A, not an argument, and B, is a lie, as it doesn't apply to all of them. This is evidence culled from an international variety of sources by the way, and you still can't provide one piece of evidence supporting the idea that multiple countries hoaxed a wide scale genocide, you drooling, worthless, subliterate nigger.
"if the Chosen really control the glowing rectangle, show me evidence for it on the glowing rectangle!" go back to fucking Reddit you clown.
All I am asking for is one piece of real piece evidence that a single Jew was gassed, just one piece, I am begging here
The top right in this image made me question if this image was actually made by a Nazi pretending to be an anti-Nazi. The rest didn't make it much more authentic. The bottom left is at least not free ammo for Nazis, but it doesn't do much for debunking them either. The middle-right and bottom-right was the only part of some value and which almost made me reconsider my previous suspicion of this image being a false flag image.
This image aims to drag down the reputation of genuine anti-Nazis and confuse undecided people into thinking this is representative of good anti-Nazis arguments.
Imagine no Blitz, no invasion of Russia, Italy is competent enough to take Malta and Egypt and lock Britain out of the Mediterranean.
Germany can credibly ask for peace and secure her existence.
It was possible. Nobody says Germany cannot win without enacting Sea Lion
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You're not even trying at this point. You directly contradict their ideology and views already in your first sentence where you casually assign them the direct opposite of their view. This has got to be satire.
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There are two primary reasons: the sheer magnitude and cruelty of their evil, and the fact that they took a number of distinctly western methods and ideas to a monstrous extreme.
Anon you are doing god's work showing every piece of evidence ever obtained and he's still thinking you're lying, he's such an unapologetic retard he would've either gotten euthanised in Aktion T4 or promoted to SS-Oberführer
I also learned a lot of shit thanks to your sources
There is nothing wrong with saying the majority of people in media have jewish heitage. Crazy I know.

> Fucking using Rick Sanchez
Sanchez was a onions fuck that got butthurt John Stewart was making fun of him. Called him a bigot and said "I'm telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart". He singled out a race and called them a bigot. That is extremely different from just saying "Alot of jews are in media". Anon you cannot be that stupid...

>White people do it alot and get away with it.
> Any recent examples other than poor Irish immigrants taking police jobs that no one else wanted to do in the early 20th century?
You fucking realize hollywood or media as we know it today was nonexistent right... Noone wanted to do it but the jews got together and kickstarted it.



>Not to mention CEOS in the fortune 500 are still mainly white
It's 5-10% which is still high, but it does make sense Jews started alot of these fortune 500 companies. Macy, Bloomingdales, Costco, Homedepot, ABC, NBC, CBS, Levis, Calvin Klein, Dell, Oracle, FB, etc.

>sheer magnitude and cruelty
such as?
Nobody is buying it kike, literally not a single piece of evidence has been provided in this thread, not a single piece of proof that even one Jew was gassed. Goyim are retarded an buy it without question, but I am not like them, I have a mind and a soul, that is why I am demanding evidence.
The Holocaust is a fictional narrative pushed by post-modern Western media to deflect criticism from jewish individuals and the State of Israel
Throughout the 1940s jewish men, women, and children were heavily overrepresented among war criminals and outlaws. They were imprisoned in the millions and due to Western blockades, bombing, and German supply shortages many succumbed to malnutrition and disease such as typhus.

As Allan Levine noted, "That Jewish partisans and fugitives were guilty of stealing food from Polish farmers is an uncontested fact. It happened regularly."
>the 'jewish collective' as war criminals
The Holocaust: An Encyclopedia and Document Collection [4 volumes], p. 535
Martin Gilbert 'The Holocaust' (1986), p. 515.
The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry: 1932-1945

>Human Remains (autopsy result: cause of death: malnutrition)

>Footage, Documentation, and eye witnesses countering holocaust narratives


>Criminal and Partisan Interment in Poland

>Goebbels' Diary noting a mass internment but no murders took place

>George S. Patton "The Holocaust was a propaganda tool"

>Winston Churchill disavowing the Holocaust narrative

>Holocaust Revision Project

>The fabrication of "Third Reich Camps & Ghettos in post war Europe"
yet you are unable to address it because it is unequivocally true. all you do is spam links that link each other but you never provide any actual evidence such as material evidence that anyone was murdered.

nothing you ever post holds up in a modern court therefore we can dismiss your extraordinary claims
Nothing it killed Whites and Jews the most chaoitic good thing it could do.
>you never provide any actual evidence
It's all actual evidence.

>such as material evidence
If you go through the links, it is mostly material evidence.

>nothing you ever post holds up in a modern court
Funny, because it all holds up in a any modern court. In fact, some modern courts have penalized people for pretending it doesn't.
Keep seething.
Thank you my friend. I will leave them with one last fact, which is that their hero David Irving has admitted for decades, that the Holocaust was real, was a genocide, and that the Nazis murdered millions of innocent people.

>"I said that then based on my knowledge at the time, but by 1991 when I came across the Eichmann papers, I wasn't saying that anymore and I wouldn't say that now. The Nazis did murder millions of Jews."
- David Irving
Bet you he's going to reply that
>no it's fabricated
>no it's fabricated
>the jews control the courts
and he doesn't want to engage in discussion, but just waste your time
Cope, Manga has taken over, your great grandson will be a weeb reading Berserk.
Well obviously, but the truth will eventually catch up with them. It's funny, because along with Irving ( >>16891143 ), high ranking command in the NSDAP, like Hitler and Goebbels themselves, were pretty darn open about what they were doing, and even spoke on their motivations and intentions publicly:
Notice how these Jews can't actually provide evidence for a single Jew being gassed, this is the same way they "prove" 40 beheaded babies, they just repeat the same lies ad nauseam with great chutzpah and the dull-witted goyim eventually relent
The evidence has been repeatedly shown to you. If you're still denying it exists, then it is because you have a severe mental illness, which is no one's problem but your own.
It's all a fucking coverup
Not uniquely evil, history is full of much more evil countries and reigns, MUCH more evil, even in close history
Hitler's Germany is by a calculated manner made to look as the most evil reign ever, because they were so dedicated and succesful in being after the sick rich and powerful. Yes they have throughout this all the time been promising me that they will destroy my name forever, it wouldnt last too long they are about to just enslave everybody. They were creating for example photorealistic videos of me sneaking in Helsinki during those massive agent times raping children, they were trying to make this stream go black for some hours and publish those videos. Yes the ultra advanced supercomputers can create real looking videos of anything. My The Holy Divine Cyber Warfare Force was able to prevent that, also the main instrumentatrors of that project were captured for torture by my ultrasoldiers
damn this really set off the just tranny shills be
>The evidence has been repeatedly shown to you
Show one piece of evidence proving that any single individual Jew was gassed by cyanide, just one, that's 1/6,000,000th of the actual Jewish claim, it should be easy
>history is full of much more evil countries and reigns
No, the Nazis are objectively the most evil in human history.
Killing about 40 million people in a war they started.
Nothing really. But they are needed as an original sin for the progressive faith that rules the West. Even in WW1 the Allies were trying to impose progressivism on humanity.
reading his book taught me everything I needed to know about those retards
anyone who is sympathetic to Nazis is a baboon nigger that reserves to be shot
This is getting very old. Here are the posts with links and/or images that substantiate gas poisoning in particular:

And here are more posts covering evidence for other aspects of the Holocaust:

Note that the vast majority of the evidence shared to substantiate the reality of the Holocaust in this thread, falls into the categories of material evidence, and primary source. Now, can you show me just one shred of evidence to support the retarded idea that all of this was some kind of international hoax?
I am asking for one piece of actual evidence, not Jewish circular references and innuendo, just one piece of real historical evidence indicating that one single Jew was gassed, then we can start the conversation
Literally nothing. They just appeared at a time of great technological and industrial development. If the "sophisticated" Greeks and Romans had machine guns and tanks, they would've used them too. The but hurt comes from the Anglos, et. al. who couldn't believe how badly they were getting BTFO by a country which had just been defeated in WWI while they were still floundering. It completely obliterated the Anglo-Victorian sense of superiority forever more. They're still coping and seething to this day.
>If the "sophisticated" Greeks and Romans had machine guns and tanks, they would've used them too.
They wouldn't have tried to end humanity.
>Even in WW1 the Allies were trying to impose progressivism on humanity.
Oh yeah, the progressivism of the Russian Empire.
90% of the world takes this position, I deny the holocringe for the laughs, don’t care if it happened, it being the only genocide illegal to deny in western countries sure makes me think the nazis were on to something about jewish influence, anyways I don’t care, it was a century ago, imagine some jew or jew enabler kvetched at you for not caring about that shit, nigga should I care about caesar killing billions of gauls too?
>Holocaust denial is illegal
>But I can deny it
It should be illegal worldwide.
whatever, jew

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