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Matthew 27:46
>About three o'clock, Jesus shouted, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Isn't Jesus supposed to be God (John 10:30)? I get he's quoting Psalms, but that doesn't exactly change the context of why he's saying what he's saying.
He is God, but he's not God the Father. Furthermore, Jesus isn't just God, but a human, which means he has to worship God.
The original christianity was adoptionism, see how Jesus says that he's with the father and others can be with the father too in John
John also literally says that the Word was with God in the beginning and became flesh.
That's because, as a human, Jesus felt given up by God. That doesn't mean He literally was, but by saying this, He was basically expressing His deep sorrow to His Father.
>that doesn't exactly change the context of why he's saying what he's saying.
yes it does, he said the entire psalm. the authors of the gospels only wrote the first verse because they're jews and that's how jews refer to all the parts of their scriptures, by first words/phrases, eg
>b'raysheet ("in the beginning")
>waiyickrah ("and he called") (exodus)
have you actually read the entire psalm? it massively changes the context
>All the ends of the earth shall remember
and turn to the Lord,
>and all the families of the nations
shall worship before you.
>For kingship belongs to the Lord,
and he rules over the nations.

>isn't jesus god?
isn't he a man also?
quoting an OT verse retard
We have to see if Elijah will save him.
He was actually begging Ali to help him
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Jesus is that Serpent of old; Lucifer, the Devil, and Satan; he tried to be God and failed.
I bet while he suffered sudden realization came to him that he wasn't a son of god but only a delusional jewish apocalyptic preacher. It's basically him realizing "Oh shit, what have i done?"
Weather. In israel. Now!
>I get he's quoting Psalms, but that doesn't exactly change the context of why he's saying what he's saying.
He's quoting the Psalm 22 to signal that the prophesy in that psalm has been fulfilled.
>Completely ignores that John says that the Word was God.
The crushing realization that it was all for nothing and nobody was coming to help.
IN the beginning was the Devil, and the
Devil was with God, and the Devil was
God, the Same was in the beginning
with God. All Things were made by
him; and without him was not any
thing made that was made. G-D


في البداية كان الشيطان و
كان إبليس مع الله ، وكان إبليس
الله ، نفس الشيء كان في البداية
مع الله. كل الأشياء صنعت بواسطة
له؛ وبدونه لم يكن هناك أي
الشيء الذي تم صنعه. G-D

الله الشيطان
Me likes how he invented the Trinity to weasel his way into being God.


the three stooges lol
that simply says he ordered Jesus into existence using his eternal words
The gospel of Joh is a hoax
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>Isn't Jesus supposed to be God (John 10:30)?
You can't use that verse because he explicitly denied the charge of blasphemy
>Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods” - John 10:34
He clearly had a very different interpretation. If you say but actually he meant it literally then you are saying Jesus lied
Hawk tuah spit on that thang! -

Jesus to John the beloved
Chesterton has a chapter in Orthodoxy that deals with this
what is that symbol?
One of the many ways to prove Christianity is retarded is to simply point out that it all hinges on a purely made-up prophetic nature of the psalms.
The original Star of David.
How do you determine the prophetic nature of scrpiture? By what the Jews have established? We certainly do not take their word for it, nor do we hold them in any kind of authority over us. Christ revealed the prophesies and fulfilled them, we care very little what Jews have to say about it.
He was referring to his biological father, Juba II, whom died in 23 AD.
>We certainly do not take their word for it
You literally worship a Jew.
He was a Levitic/Josephite (Paaneah) priest of Egypt that got adopted by the Egypt-acknowledged heirs of Levi-Judah.
Judah is whom Moses married into when he left Egypt.
that part was probably added later. the prevailing theory is that there was a “signs gospel” that the writer or writers of john extended upon. you don’t actually believe these allegorical writings are eyewitness historical accounts right? lol
Rain with a chance of salt, sulfur and white phosphorous.
It was the greatest moment in history where God denied Himself. It is a moment that is incomprehensible to humans.
You are desperately trying to rationalize the inherently irrational!

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