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Why couldn't Spain with its Conquistadores, guns, cannons, and horses, get as far into the continent as a couple of drunk French trappers did?
Mountains and desert vs the biggest river system outside of the amazon rainforest
Because Spain already had a continent and a half to manage + these territories eventually fell under Spanish control
Meaningless thread
Spanish citizens had no gun rights, so they could expand and stay close to military outposts. Spain had all of South America minus Brazil, so they didn't bother sending outposts further north.
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If Spanish forts did count as cities as with anglo and french ones are counted, then North America is filled with Spanish settlements
Nobody counts forts as cities, there's a reason why Pittsburgh isn't named Fort Duquesne
All that was Centuries after Frenchmen had already tamed the wilderness
This but unironically
Dont trynna change history, mediteranean europeans>>>>northern europeans (I'm literally northern)
>Providence, New Haven, Philadelphia
>Puebla, Antigua, Hispaniola
>New England towns
>Comfy cozy charming places filled with civilized people
>Californian and Texas and Florida cities
>Concrete hellscapes of meth heads, crack heads, crime, soulless parking lots, degenerate spring breakers, homeless, etc.
Bruh. Are you guys actually that much of low IQs?
The reason is more than simple... it's because New England is filled with people from britain. It's literally educated, english families from the 18th century that moved there. While California, Texas, and Florida, have merely been colonised by spanish people, not settled. Currently in Florida, most of the people are from hispanic background, in California and Texas, the locals that moved there were mexicans. And still today it's mostly mexicans who constitute the spanish influence there. There was no real spanish land in the Americas. In anycase, spanish civilisation and people are far more based than the bri*tish.
>Spaniards will post about how un-racist they are for not committing genocide like the Brits and then proceed to copepost about how all of Latin America's failures are due to them not being "real Spanish"
brits didn't commit any genocide, they just settled empty lands
india, nigeria etc. are so full of people that they're taking over britain
Most of the territories of New France only existed as French on paper, apart from a couple cities and forts, the vast majority was wilderness populated by Native Tribes that were indifferent to the French beyond fur trading, and devoid of any French authority or influence, which is why Napoleon sold it all to the US, because apart from New Orleans, France was effectivelly selling nothing but land claims.
Same goes for Spain, who in maps gets shown controlling a large amount of land north, when in reality, Spanish authority was almost inexistent north of Rio Grande, with the missions and colonial forts being the only reducts of Spanish control over these territories, which remained mostly populated by various Pueblo and Plains tribes that regulary raided said missions.
>that regulary raided said missions.
with little success, 2 spaniards were enough to hold these lands
"Those lands" being, what, one mile from the walls of the fort lol
All these territories could’ve had actual families. An entire European social class could’ve been transported en masse.
>2 spaniards were enough to hold these lands
Yes, as evidenced by the fact that the Apache and Comanche remained independent lmao
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They couldn't make the Spaniards leave their land so no.
They needed a steady supply of guns and horses they could steal
But their raid were rarely succesful
They always successful considering the fact that only two Spaniards at best ever survived
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Only Aryans (french, british, dutch) made great settlements in the americas while hijraspics made shithole mestizo hives
There never were more than 2 to begin with
Spain has more Aryan paternal ancestry than Nords
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Melungeons have more Aryan DNA than a Spaniard but they’re paternally descended of black men.
They literally did, but the Spanish couldn't find massive empires to pillage like they did in Mesoamerica and the Andes.
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Do snowniggers really think that painting a map blue makes them actually have control of that territory? kek
keep coping
Fort Detroit is still called Detroit
The Spanish ran into an advanced civilisation. The French ran into a bunch of hunter-gatherer tribes. This is a shit thread and a high-quality, informative thread died for this.
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I saved this image years ago and have been waiting for a chance to post it.

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