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Why have no new great religions appeared in the modern era?
It depends on what you mean by "great"
Mormonism is pretty big in America and growing fast since they're one of the few demographics here that actually has a high birthrate
Utah's birth rate is below replacement now and Mormonism is starting to die off among the youth
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because they're winning now.
Because without its history and cultural anchor, religion is really just a make belief fantasy and everyone knows it
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are they?
What's the modern era? Chances are you probably only mean the 17 or so years you've been alive, OP. Most world religions developed over centuries, even millenia.
That would mean no religion could have ever started because they were all small and new at their beginning.
No global religions have appeared in the modern era. That's because global religions are superstates built by conquest and invasion.
After 1700. Considering the amount of great changes and cataclysms that have taken place since then, in addition to the unprecedented spurts in population growth, you'd think at least one new major religion would be borne out of the last few centuries.
Communism is pretty much a religion
they declined but so have Muslim birthrates in the Middle East

this means nothing as they are still growing relative to other faiths
Because people nowadays know too much about science and can read. In the past when people were ignorant and believed everything the priests told them was easier. They were forced to follow the state religion too.

Once science started to replace religion to explain the world and religion became something voluntary it was it's end.
Scientology would fit your exact parameters and assumptions if it wasn't for FBI psyops teams.
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holy fucking trvke
One may argue that Mormonism is the largest religion to have developed in relatively recent times, perhaps also JWs.
LGBT worship is engrained among the elite in the Western world. it's not a very good religion but it is one nonetheless.
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But it has.
Rome facilitated the expansion of Christianity so that's not it. The most logical answer would be we're too far departed from the bronze age and that rome's death cemented christianity as the dominant religion.

So really there would have to be some sort of world ending calamity to happen for a new religion to emerge
1. Science
2. I'd argue there are lots of replacement religions that don't present themselves as classic religions because of point 1. Many people say woke is a crypto religion in the Christian model and I would agree. Nuclear hot take though: I think Capitalism and orthodox Economics is the modern era's most popular replacement religion. No one has made a counter religion more popular or believed in than Capitalism, and they likely won't for a long time.
A religion is a religion, you can't compare any other ideiology or economic system to a religion.
>That's because global religions are superstates
Excellent post!
Say that to Confucianism. Or Islamic law states. Hell look at what the ancient Egyptian religion was in practice: a lot of apologetics that happened to synergize with the ancient Egyptian command economy and its elite beneficiaries.

Like I said, the popularity of Science and the scientific logical positivist (largely atheistic) worldview makes modern religion different. More subtle. But the gene that pushes humanity to religious thinking seems to still be present. See the popularity of superstition and the paranormal still. So too is the need for religion still there in humanity.

So we get secret replacement religions that do in fact try to be, in part, scientific, or part "secular ideology" or indeed might be or integrated with a "economic system,"

One of the things a religion does, a la Confucianism, is tell people what to value in existence. What to make of evil/misfortune and what to do about it. In the past the most respected thing might be your ancestors, or a supreme holy man like the Pope, Guru, Saint, or the divine emperor and his law. What's the most respected thing today? Wealth. Rich people are the most respected thing. The goals of life are set by and valued in the capitalist system. To say a fake Milton Friedman quote I once heard on the 'net: "If the market decided we don't need trees, then we should have no trees." That's why you care about the opinions and behavior of Elon Musk and not Sai Baba.

Capitalism and the "free market" also takes place of the "immortality project" in the fashion of Ernest Becker. What do do with your life? Make wealth, and live your life in the hierarchy best decided by corporations for this pursuit. This is why you value/respect lawyers, doctors, financial speculators, and not poets, humanities professors, or monks. This is why you care about University and less so the military. Crypto religion.
Cameras exist now.
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>Mormonism is starting to die off among the youth
I did notice a lack of Mormon zoomers on /his/, Discord and Twitter
Communism, Nazism and Libertarians have replaced them
Because science exists now.
I refuse to believe you can be of sound mind and actually believe in a skydaddy.

>muh smart person was a christcuck
von neumann became a christcuck before he was gonna die of cancer. he did it out of intellectual cowardice and fear, which i suspect, is the case for most of these otherwise smart men.
They have (assuming that you mean something like 'large and influential' when you say 'great'). Here are the major ones, with each of these having millions of followers:
>Unification Church (AKA The Moonies)

*Supposedly not a religion according to some, but they're real into psy-ops so I'm keeping them on the list.
>No global religions have appeared in the modern era
Mormonism and Baha'i are global religions.
You people are fucking retarded. Those things are the opposite of religion, bringing everything down to man's level of basic understanding is in no way a form of religion
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Religious aspects are everywhere in our modern society, it just doesn't get considered religion because abrahamism corrupted the idea of religion.
religion relies heavily on a mythical unknowable origin to truly take off, so in an age where shit if not only far more documented but accessible to everybody its much harder to convince people about some new religion, especially when they can dig up dirt on any would be founder
People back then were far more gullible even if they were more dexterous and even mentally smarter in terms of theoretical potential
first row fucked up
WTF's happening in Chile?
*Political ideology I disagree with is actually a religion!" Is the.dumbest discourse you could probably bring up and doesn't contribute to the discussion.
You're forgetting the explosion of "spirituality" in the 19th century. Spiritualism, orgone, vitalism, theosophy, New Age and Christian Science took off, I consider a lot of these new religious movements to have a similar cause, people desperate for something inwardly spiritual to counteract the brutality of the industrial revolution. Also Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses.
>Evangelical Christianity
>Jehovah's witnesses
>Hare Krishnas
>Atheism as a coherent worldview

These are all from the 19 to 20th century.
Secularism, so no state support. In the past religions grew fast due to conquests and the conquerors imposing their culture on the conquered people. Also the fact that seeing visions from God would get you locked up in a mental asylum and prescribed a bunch of antipsychotics
Becoming a "great religion" takes substantial time. Islam's the big exception and it got that way by being the state religion of a rapidly expanding empire; both Buddhism and Christianity needed centuries to catch on.
There's a fair number of new religions out there with millions of believers, will any reach that level? Too soon to tell desu
>Why have no new great religions appeared in the modern era?
Why you lying tho?
Scientology is the most prominent example of an entirely new, non-abrahamic religion popping up.
Christcuck sect
"All sides Le good" Abrahamic meme
Islamcuck sect
>Unification church
Christcuck sect
Christcuck sect
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Oh my science!
What do Scientologyistians believe in then?
Some weird space mumbo jumbo invented by a guy in the 20th Century
Theosophical society was big amongst western elite and wealthy in the late 19th and 20th century but seemed to have reduced after 1945.
The concept of an 'Aryan root race' didnt fly with the talmudist victors
Science fiction that the author decided to turn into a scamming faith religion and turned his fiction books into holy scripture.
its because we have articulated most possible cosmologies and their implications. now its just adapting those principles to slowly changing technologies meaning no great innovation in our relationship to the eternal is needed. we wont have any real new religions until AI fights for its god given rights or aliens pop up
>strictly adhere to our rules and values or you will be branded a bigot (heretic) and cancelled (excommunicated)
>reject the false idols (Christ, Mohammed, Abraham) and embrace the true prophets (Marx, Engels, Mao, Stalin)
>adherents believe in an endgame paradise enacted upon Earth (global communism) that will come about after the great evil (capitalism) is finally defeated
Just because your religion sucks doesn’t make it any less a religion
>“nuh uh I don’t believe in sky daddy or heaven!”
Buddhists don’t believe in God or heaven either
>Utah's birth rate is below replacement now
Since when, 2 months ago?
Scientology is more like freemasonry than a religion. It’s an organization with a “craft” (dieletics) and a doctrine , but it’s not really a religion.
Define religion, brainlet
The time of grand organized religions has died true. But with the stupid and ignorance of thr common person, superstition and desire for a group will always remain.
It's why there so many obscure cults or thought groups. Think of food identity groups (vegens and carnivores), seed oil fags, the explosion conspiracy crap(no retard, aliens aren't real), gangstalker crap, Q, etc.

The thing holding back a grand religion like a new Christianity or Islam from sprouting is the general Secularism and Cynicsm. Movements today only take off when they maximize the feeling of importance among their members for the minimum amount of effort. For example, believing in Q, being anti-vax, being racist etc.
Utopianism is not an exclusively religious tendency. Normative dualism is just a worldview. A religion has tradition, and the sacred. In practice, states can take ideologies, and use them as faux religions. However, Marxism does not require you to follow anyone, except Marx's basic theses. Likewise, the average liberal-progressive today does not give a rat's ass about any political philosopher.

>Buddhists don’t believe in God or heaven either
Most Buddhists believe in heaven realms.
>Buddhists don’t believe in God or heaven either
White Buddhists don't. Most traditions of Buddhism have gods.
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Only decent answer on this thread. Science has definitely changed our worldview far more than people realize, even global religions like Christianity or Buddhism are dramatically changed from this. For an example, Christians or Buddhist in the 15th century (even the more educated ones) would believe in so much supernatural stuff that to us people in the 21st century we would dismiss as fairytales. So traditional religious belief like this has died out because from how much knowledge we've learned about the world in the past few centuries.

But you are 100% right that "religious thinking" is still engrained in humans and if there is a religion nowadays that we all follow it is wealth or Mammon as it's referred in the New Testament. The world nowadays literally runs on nothing but money. Basically necessities like food, shelter, clothes, even water can only be obtained by monetary transactions nowadays. Ownership nowadays is almost all private and you often need permission if you were to use some sort of well known logo or symbol. Every thirdie has heard to become a "doctor, lawyer, or engineer" as these are very high paying jobs and some of the highest positions in the world. Almost every person in the young generation nowadays goes to University in order to get these higher paying jobs. Hell we even have a term for all of this I'm talking about
>Cost of living
Success and happiness nowadays is measured in wealth, fancy clothes, luxury care, travel destinations, and what not.
They are appearing, they just don't call themselves religions. Communism, wokeism, climate change apocalypsism, etc.
All sects.
Atheism isn't a sect
>There's a fair number of new religions out there with millions of believers
Like which?
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>>16881436 Religions are about ancient knowledge being revealed once again. After generations people forget about spirituality and things decay. We are living in a very decadent time right now, but spirituality is coming back and ancient knowledge is being once again remembered. Of course atheists/wrongdoers are utterly clueless about that.

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