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Why did The Good Boi Gaydolf Shitler break the Munich agreement and invade Czech land?
What gives Czechs the right to be a country? None. The whole idea of an independent czech state is an aberration. They have always been under German sovereignity, so he was just restoring the natural order of things before western meddling in Versailles.
Not to mention chezo slovakia was a failing state
Slovaks chimped out 24/7 cutting the czechs and slovaks of from another was for the best
Czechs was a chimpout but 'annexing' Austria temporarily broken by ww1 was truly abhorrent thing. Lowest low you can lower yourself to.
What gives you the right to sex? None. The whole idea of having sex is not being an incel. You’ve always been a genetic failure, so women are just restoring the natural order of things before civilization meddling in the sexual market.
Why was Britain inserting itself into the German sphere of influence?
The British themselves even said the Czechs were genociding the Germans.
Why were the British against the Germans intervening on behalf of the wellbeing of German people?
But seriously why are you so obsessed with sex
The fact that every other post you make is about having sex or being unable to have it makes you seem like a mentally ill individual
The Germans would be smart to stay quiet in the British sphere of influence.
>What gives Czechs the right to be a country?
The fact they are their own people and don't wish to be part of Germany
What gives Germans the right to exist?
>the British sphere of influence.
Brits were in the American sphere of influence.
Totally buckbroken
>What gives Czechs the right to be a country? None.
A certain fire in the Czech sovl which manifests itself in the love of liberty, individualism, truth and justice. See the Hussites, same story of docile brainwashed Schwabs getting buttblasted into barbarity at the mere sight of freedom.

>The whole idea of an independent czech state is an aberration. They have always been under German sovereignity
Historically illiterate faggot.

The correspondence of Slovak nationalist politics to the Slovak population as a whole is less straightforward than one might think. Even then, the Slovak nationalists had to be pressured by Hitler to declare independence.

>The British themselves even said the Czechs were genociding the Germans.
Muh 6 gorillion
The stormfaggot narrative is that the Czech leader showed up at Hitlers office and begged to be annexed and Hitler graciously accepted.

Supposedly it was to protect the Czech state from the evil Slovaks because Czechs and Slovaks just naturally hate each others, except not before 1939 and not after 1945.
The Germans heroicly protectred the Czechs by seizing its gold reserve to boost their own economy, seized it's armanent industry which was one of the largest in the world, and seized it's military equiptment which was one of the best in the world (the Panzer 28T was superior to most German armaments at the time).The Germans then graciously placed the Czech state under German administration.

Oh and Göring, who was a close friend to Henderson, told him Germany threatened to destroy Prague if Hacha didnt agree.
>begged to be annexed
Bohemia-moravia was never annexed. It was a protectorate.
Does this site have post histories? People act like there is but I cant find it.
No it was annexed in all but name.
It was framed as a protectorate to make it "legal" and play into the optics that the Germans were doing them a favor.

The Czechs had absolutely no say since Berlin made all the decisions henceforth.
International politics is always about framing things to make it appear lega to minimize international backlash against your real intentions. That's how it's done even to this day.
The conventional explanation is that he wanted direct control over the Skoda industrial and Göring wanted Luftwaffe bases. The truth is that Hitler had an intense irrational hatred of Czechs.
>No it was annexed in all but name.
holy fucking cope

When USA blockaded Cuba in 1960s in order to force an end to imports of nuclear weapons, it was framed as a quarantine because an official blockade was an act of war.
It was still a blockade in all but name

When China took over administration over Hong Kong in 2020, it was framed as a legal method for security against foreign influence the "national security law", but in reality it gave Beijing complete authority over the city since Beijings legal system now superseded the local HK authority
Again, it was framed as an anti-terrorist law in order to dodge international backlash from the true motive which would have been a crime.

So no, it's not "holy cope", it's ABC in education on international politics.

The Soviets justfied the annexation of the Baltic states the following year by pointing towards a national vote, the Soviets thus did not outright annex Estonia or Lithuania because it would have been illegal, instead it was framed as a popular vote, and that the Soviets were simply abiding to the will of the Lithuanian people.
Newspapers used to be so kino. This front page is so engaging
that's a lot of words to rationalize outright being wrong
At least I'm rationalizing my arguments. You're not.
Unless your argument is to accept everything at face value.
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>At least I'm rationalizing my arguments
Yep, modern news papers are digitalized and cattered towards low attention span readers and to generate "clicks".
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>Hitler apologist

You Have To Go Back.
>"Bohemia-moravia was a protectorate and wasn't annexed"
You're so desperate for an argument you won't get. Pathetic and OBSESSED.
Kinda sad really. That newspaper only has 2 pictures, one of which an ad, and yet it got you looking all over the page. Each little passage is another side happening about Czechoslovakia.
Do you mean the Panzer 38T? The T28 was Soviet.
Anyway you're right about everything, the other guy is a retard. Hacha's entire existence was a deeply wretched one. I could be wrong but iirc he had a heart attack during the negotiations with Hitler from the stress of being in such an inescapable situation.
> The correspondence of Slovak nationalist politics to the Slovak population as a whole is less straightforward than one might think.
Can you talk about this in more detail?
He might be a jannie
I actually talked to one once
Spelling mistake from my part, I think I was in a rush when I wrote that post. I see now that I made several spelling errors.
>Panzer 28
In another news, the Soviet Union de-jure still exists
This is the same vatnigger logic that Russia uses for Ukraine lel
>get dealt a surprise whammy in negotiations by Hitler demanding submission or invasion (which was promised to be bloody to drive the point home)
>doctor resusciates you just so that you can make the deal with the devil
>have to watch as you get reduced to powerless puppet
>it gets worse year by year, your old colleagues get dragged to concentration camps and if you try to intervene, you inow that you will be dragged there too
>ultimately get captured, tortured and killed by NKVD
Yeah, it really doesn’t get much shitter than that. Do anything, and you will end up in a situation where you will feel the guilt and responsibility over the fate of your country. Even the liberation from Nazis came in the most cursed form possible - you live just long enough to see that even if the previous chapter of suffering is ending for your people, the next one is just beginning and doesn’t look much better.
Tbh if I was Hacha, I would have just told Hitler to go fuck himself instead of giving him what he wants.
Sure I might doom my country to certain destruction, but it would have hurt Hitlers international standing enough to make that final 'fuck-you' really salt his wound.
That's pretty much exactly why you had Hacha and then also a Czech government in exile in England, with the two of them being diametrically opposed. Frankly I have a lot more sympathy for Hacha though, it's much easier to condemn your own people to greater suffering for the sake of your principles and your nebulous future dream if you're sitting somewhere safe and far away surrounded by allies. Just look what happened with the Heydrich assassination.
>Edvard Benes and co decide to do it
>all their contacts in the actual country tell them not to fucking do it
>they say they won't and then do it anyway
>thousands dead in reprisals
>oh no who could possibly have predicted this outcome
You have a point.
>Why did The Good Boi Gaydolf Shitler break the Munich agreement and invade Czech land?

The British thought it was a good idea and the Poles agreed and stole Czech land as well. The whole thing is funny because Czechs are a meme invented by Tsarist Russia to break central European power.
>Czechs had no right to exist
Do it again bomber Harris.
>The whole thing is funny because Czechs are a meme invented by Tsarist Russia to break central European power.
Chuds make up the most bizarre shit.

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