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Basically, I'm trying to find out who I am and where do I belong. I was born in Eastern Europe, but since we are in a perpetual state of changing borders, conquests, wars and invasions I don't really have any ethnical or cultural consciousness. 99% of Eastern European culture is about how people learned to survive during Soviet Union and the other 1% is weird half-pagan orthodox christianity. I googled DNA ancestry tests of people from the same place I was born in and they all say "Eastern European", but what is exactly "Eastern European"? Because people here can look as someone from middle-east and someone from Scandinavia, so I would assume DNA tests would just specify from which part of the world your ancestors came here, but they don't.

I really envy people from Ireland, or Germany, or Sweden because you have this monolithic cultural, racial and ethnical self-identification. I feel like a mongrel without homeland and culture, and I'm probably am a mongrel.
>Because people here can look as someone from middle-east and someone from Scandinavia

Between those two points. That's where you are. Eastern Europe.
Westoids use it for anything east of the iron curtain
What country are you from
I am from Georgia and I feel the same way
Georgia is Caucasus. Not middle east.

Eastern Europe is Slavs and Balts if you are slav or Balt then you are eastern European.

>But what about romanians?

Actually Slavs

>But what about Hungarians?

Actually Siberian non-europeans that need to be deported back to Magna Hungaria.
Eastern Europe originally meant the Orthodox parts of Europe (Latin west vs Greek east). The definition changed to mean capitalist vs communist after the Soviets occupied half of Europe which expanded the definition to include the western Slavs, Slovenians, Croats, Balts, and Hungarians who were previously considered western. Since communism collapsed though those groups have largely reintegrated into the western cultural sphere so the former definition is more appropriate now.
Anglos west
Franco-German central
Spain/Italy/Greece south
Slavic east
Let’s start with the basics: what country are you from, and what ethnic group? That helps narrow it down. Eastern Europe is too broad. If you’re fully European, you’re not a mongrel. You’re European, and your identity is whatever European culture or two you’re most familiar with.
Eastern Europe label is mostly a sociopolitical one, not a geographical one. There is only Western, Northern, Southern and Eastern. Finland maybe Eastern geographically, but politically it is closer to the west. Visegrad copers should accept that.
>The definition changed to mean capitalist vs communist after the Soviets occupied half of Europe which expanded the definition to include the western Slavs, Slovenians, Croats, Balts, and Hungarians who were previously considered western.
Nah. Western Europe was only France and the UK before the Cold War. Those countries would have been considered Central Europe, not Western,
Finland is North
>I don't really have any ethnical or cultural consciousness. 99% of Eastern European culture is about how people learned to survive during Soviet Union and the other 1% is weird half-pagan orthodox christianity. I googled DNA ancestry tests of people from the same place I was born in and they all say "Eastern European", but what is exactly "Eastern European"?
Hello hohol, creatura. You mention eastern orthodoxy, but Balkanoidd and Russians are too proud and not gay to make a post like this.
No you are not western European lmao
Everything has a centre including Europe. That's just reality of geography even when you don't want accent it.
Hating fags and being poor is not a culture, there is no Eastern Euro culture. Do Estonians and Greeks have the same culture?
Estonians aren't poor though
Not true. AFAI since the 18th century German and French intellectuals had a perception of a "half-Asiatic" East starting at the Oder. The region East of the river really was markedly different from the core West European nations, being more agricultural, less urban (and a lot of the significant urbanites being German), less developed and with a powerful and large nobility. Of course, this difference was exaggerated by prejuidice, orientalism and political reasons.
Ah, friend, you are in a time of ethnogenesis. As are we out here out West in Canada; a land ironically settled en-masse by those whom hail from your lands.

We don't really know what "Eastern European" is. It is a created ethnicity through political force - not too dissimilar to Judaism, in a sense. Rabbinic Judaism only developed as we know it due to the consequences of the failed Bar Khokba revolt, and whatever the "Eastern Europeans" will become in the future will have their origin cited with the rise and fall of the Soviet Union.

You are simply you. You have no culture besides those around you. That is the curse of many nations of the Earth - they are yet to be a nation.
Eastern Corded Ware and East Germanics, beyond this there is not coherent identity.
Slavic culture and language is still emergent and is not fully developed in the way German or Italian language and culture are.
The Slavic world is in denial about who they are. Poles, Czechs, Slovaks are eastern Germans pretending to be apart of the same group as Ukrops, Serbs, and Russians.
Russians Ukrainians, Belarus - The East Slavs are the only true slavs.
South "Slavs" are an emergent group and should distinguish themselves from other Slavs, Romanians are South Slavs by blood.
Magyars are unique.
Balts are their own group and a very old one.
Georgia is easy. CHGs 15,000 years old and Georgians are half CHG.
>are we le White
who cares? Great people will do great things regardless of their racial classification.
The Jomon werent White but they were one of the heavy hitters of world history even if their achievements went largely unknown.
Slavs are pretty homogeneous, the result of a relatively recent ethnic expansion, and movements to unify the Slavic peoples were fairly popular before the fall of the Russian Empire. I don't know what you are talking about, you are just mind-fucked by weird Soviet nonsense.
>Russians Ukrainians, Belarus - The East Slavs are the only true slavs.
>Slavs are pretty homogeneous

Eastern slavs were always either conquering someone or conquered by someone, they also had 7 decades of multiculturalism policy enforced by USSR(and it is still remain the same). They are very far from being homogeneous. As the anon said himself here >>16881921 some people look like they are from the northern Europe, some look like they are from southern Europe. Slavs are just a collection of other neighboring ethnicities. If you will take a Russian from north-east of Russia he will be Finno-Ugric, if you will take Ukrainian from south of Ukraine he will be Greek or Turkish. Slavs, in an ethnical and cultural senses, do not exist.
The Russian imperial identity wasn't plagued by this kind of retarded confusion, they were Aryans, they sought to recolonize Central Asia with Slavs and unify the Slavic world as a counterbalance to Germanic unity. They would have succeeded if their elite was just a little bit more organized and antisemitic.
CHG hasn't done a great thing in years
they got sodomized by every single person around them and their girls were pimped by turks and iranians for thousands of years
it's churkover

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