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>2 and a half hour video shitting on Marx
>makes fun of his kids dying
>makes fun of Marx not being able to afford a funeral (tragic, even if it was Marx's fault)
>uses altruist as an insult
>best part
>drops straight up /r9k/ talking points
I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but TIK, you need to lay of the 'chan, at this rate we will have him making confederate Anne Frank videos
Marx is the usual atheist midwit who deludse himself he figured it out: it took what he saw in England 1840 and since he is an atheist worm, he extrapolated the situation thru space and time saying that literally everybody everywhere lived through class struggle to realize his universalist and progressist fantasy.

And as a piece of shit atheists he can't even think he's wrong. He starts an hysterical rant as soon as he hears any criticism.
tikhistory is a retard and everybody who still even remotly thinks he's right should go check his IQ
The video you are commenting on, without having seen it, is specifically stating the opposite: that Marx is a prophet of a religion, and not atheistic nor materialist.
You entered this thread just to post a rehersed slogan, and not engage with the provided video or the OP or, if there were any, other posts.
You are cancer.
what do you mean, he is 100% about how awesome how we don't need a state, i still haven't figured out who is gonna enforce private property in ancapistan, but i'm sure he is right
not to mention, solving logistic issues by having soldiers buy supplies is a genius idea
He's good at counting tanks. You need mania and autism for this. And manics and autism always end up commies or ancaps. Comes with the benefits.
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Based Marx
Almost every notable 19th and early-mid 20th century figure was a absolute piece of shit in their personal life. Doesn't discredit their work.
Also Tik like usual, doesn't understand the basics of Marxist ideology or theory and just provides pretty stupid arguments against even strawmanned Utopian Socialism.
Also it wasn't just Marx, Marx shock horror, worked and collaborated with others, and working through contract/patron isn't "not working".
>The Weekly Mail claimed that although Levy does not pull the wool over the public’s eyes, he does give them a 'Y' in place of an 'I', and indeed, among the 22,000 Levis counted by Moses during the march through the wilderness, there was not a single Levi who spelled his name with a 'Y'. Just as Edouard Simon absolutely insists on belonging to the Latin race, Levy positively insists on belonging to the Anglo-Saxon race. At least once a month, therefore, he attacks the un-British policies of Mr Disraeli, for Disraeli, 'the Asiatic mystery', unlike the Daily Telegraph, does not originate from the Anglo-Saxon race. But what use is it Levy attacking Mr D’Israeli and taking a 'Y' instead of an 'I' when mother nature has written his lineage in the middle of his face in the most extravagant blackletter script. The nose of Slavkenbergius' mysterious stranger (see Tristram Shandy), [33] who fetched himself the finest nose from the promontory of noses, was only the talk of Strasbourg for a week, while Levy’s nose is the talk of the City of London all year round.

It's because of his evil Jewish genetics that he was evil not because of his lack of belief in God. In fact Abrahamic monotheism is an evil belief because it was created by Jews.
>everybody everywhere lived through class struggle
they have
Extremely good video. Marxism and Determinism being similar has a lot of interesting aspects of Communist saying it’s your duty or ‘right to labor’ (forced labor) to do your good fir the community and that people trying to live their own way, with their own choice and free will, is reprehensible, dangerous and non-sensical in their eyes. Minus also the countless evils and delusion of Kant and Hegel making subjectivist pragmatism the key spirit of Academic thought. Leading to Communism, with or without poor Mordechai Marx being around or not.
Okay, hearing that out of a grown man's mouth was pretty fucking funny
kek'd so hard
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>>2 and a half hour video shitting on Marx
>>makes fun of his kids dying
>>makes fun of Marx not being able to afford a funeral (tragic, even if it was Marx's fault)
>>uses altruist as an insult
>>best part
>>drops straight up /r9k/ talking points

>at this rate we will have him making confederate Anne Frank videos

God I wish
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Everyone knows Marx was born into a prominent powerful family but what are the implications of Marx being born into this family?

Commies on suicide watch perhaps?
He's just screaming into the void. It's easy to be a capitalist when times are good and line go up. No one is a capitalist when free-market forces result in you losing all your money, losing your job, and forcing you to move into a Hooverville.
The dumbest part about the confederate Anne Frank stuff is that confederates were more philosemitic than unionists. The meme was obviously meant to be an paradoxical joke but you could absolutely make a pro-confederate essay or video that revolves around them treating the jews better.
He should make a video about how the founding fathers preached freedom yet owned hundreds of human beings as slaves.
Same poster here, disregard everything I say here, I love the taste of smelly dingdongs in my mouth
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>tikhistory is a retard and everybody who still even remotly thinks he's right should go check his IQ
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>tikhistory is a retard and everybody who still even remotly thinks he's right should go check his IQ
>i still haven't figured out who is gonna enforce private property in ancapistan
Private law enforcement companies.
TIK is genuinely retarded
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ITT: tankies, nazis, fascists and libshits seething
They werent all pieces of shit in their personal life and a lot of them didnt go around moralizing like marx did.
No one cares ghengis khan was a piece of shit, because he didnt preach morality at everyone like marx did.
I feel bad for Marx's wife, she should've divorced his ass.
Lenin, Trotsky, Marx and Engels were all from prominant and powerful families who continued to try to live the bourgeois life despite rallying against it, because they were all hypocrites who hated their parents yet mooched off them to feed their lifestyles
>uses altruist as an insult
Surefire sign of a psychopath
80% of modern tankies and other leftists like chuds are lgbtq+
Tik is absolutely based and I admire him because he makes wehraboos and tankies seethe uncontrollably
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It's only an insult if you lost your faith and are left with your self hatred.

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