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it makes more sense that the IE languages spread without large-scale movement or mixing, mainly in the Aegean and southeastern Europe, because of the disadvantages (not just technological) that Yamnaya/Catacomb would have in Greece or the southern Balkans.
(compare the geography that the steppe people would have to adapt to in Greece and this would imply a significant lifestyle change)

And the theory that Europe was militarized by Indo-Europeans makes no sense since Neolithic people were violent and we have evidence of swords in Neolithic Anatolia and pre-IE Neolithic Aegean.
(Constructions with evidence of walls have existed since the Neolithic period in Greece)

the Minoans had the same and more weapons, armor and helmets
This guy was a Minoan king ruling over his Indo-European subjects. I think it's possible Indo-European Greeks asked Minoans to rule them (kind of like with Rurikids), but at some point rebelled and conquered Crete.
Sardinian girl again..
We have steppes in the MBA. These people clustered in the NE in the PCA compared to the Mycenaeans (see Grc_Helladic_MBA in G25) and probably spoke an IE language, which is where the low numbers of Mycenaeans in the steppes come from.
I hate minoans
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False. The language was introduced through a proxy population.
Post your photo cutie
no? the thread is not for that. this retard is paranoid and anything that is outside of her agenda
>it's actually the Sardinian girl
why? the ANF is the basis of European civilization.
People seem to forget that the steppe nomads were not very advanced compared to the EEF.
and even if they themselves reached southern Europe (they didn't), they would be outnumbered and unable to do anything. Plus they were foreign barbarians, hey let's invite them over and let them rule us just because lol
>I think it's possible Indo-European Greeks asked Minoans
J2a minoan gigachads creampied north italian-like femoid steppoids and created myceneans
I'm tired of you, ANF.
they are very arrogant! Are you the human essence of superiority? Yes. but it doesn't mean they should be arrogant. calm down and share the glory with the guys who wore goatskins in the bronze age
We already know that IE lost in Greece.
they only won in the north because of the plague
there is no evidence of this.
more anti IE hate
If those so-called 'steppenigs' had no advantages, then why is their paternal lineage spread across Europe?
I like Minoans on an individual basis, but collectively they revolt me.
>more anti IE hate
What do you hate your crying baby? Just why isn't the 2010 blog fantasy of population replacement supported by archaeological and genetic evidence? you are a hypocrite, because if it was a thread about how steppe was chad who killed the weak ANF would be the first to clap, will you stop crying?
>If those so-called 'steppenigs' had no advantage?
They are further away from their "base" lifestyle, unable to sustain a pastoral life in the Aegean and nearby.
and technologically they were inferior, the ANF had better weapons and knew their terrain much better than them, and we are comparing settled societies against tribes.
read Mathieson's articles.
>then why is their paternal lineage spread across Europe?
haplogroup does not represent even 10% of the base genome, and is at the mercy of several things such as bottleneck effects. Are Finns Uralic or Asian based on their N? even though it is one of the closest to IE?
never happened. and if it happened, it wouldn't change anything and there would be social problems.
see the fate of peoples with matriarchal female leaders
Matriarchs battle axe always lost
I meant it wouldn't last*
Women are terrible in leadership roles.
the Mycenaeans were IE and invaded Minoan Greece
No, they weren't.
We have Mycenaeans with 0% IE ancestry and the average is very low. Mycenaean culture and artifacts are basically an "inspiration" of the Minoans.

The Mycenaeans were considered descendants of the Minoans
You are confusing language with genetics. The language was introduced by a proxy population in the Balkans
Steppe and Europe had the best weapons
Pic from Anatolia
the oldest swords are from Anatolia and the Aegean had swords and a very significant trade in them without IE influence.
research on swords typological development of Aegean-Anatolian swords.
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The Mycenaeans were Aryans from the steppes.

In fact, this is when things like armor and helmets (from boar tusks) appeared in Greece. The same with shields.

The older guys weren't really warriors. Tombs of ancient civilizations rarely contain many weapons.

Elites are buried with precious stones, idols, gold and silver artifacts, that kind of thing.
In the steppes, on the other hand, more than 50% of graves contained weapons. It's not hard to imagine why an extremely militarized culture produced by tall, strong men managed to win over people who were primarily farmers and traders.

This happened several times to all types of people.
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Don't insult like this.
no one on the highest steppe did something like that until the middle of the middle ages, you retard
>Other grave gifts had originally rested above the man, but they later spilled onto the body, crushing everything beneath them. These included bronze jugs, a basin, many perforated wild boar’s teeth from the warrior’s helmet, and thin bands of bronze, probably from his suit of body armor.
>The dead man lay on his back with a meter-long sword, its hilt coated with gold, and gold-hilted dagger on his chest. Still more weapons were found by the man’s legs and feet, and other precious items surrounded him.
That's from the grave of Griffith warrior. The elite without steppe admixture. Richest early Mycenean grave.
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Lol, when you look at that stone the guy with long hair even looks like Griffith from Berserk.
Nice favelas, Luigi
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Are you Brazilian? This word doesn't exist in English btw to kill you again, barbarian of steppe;

>First Neolithic buildings on the Asian shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the example of Ulucak houses, phase Vb (around 6400-6000 cal BC), in Western Anatolia

The olive gods won, again. We are the personification of the civilization lol
>This is actually when stuff like armor and helmet (from boar tusks) appeared in Greece. Same with shield.
Funny how the yamnaya or other steppe people didn't have them
them where they can't use their biggest advantage (horses and chariots), while having inferior technology? You're retarded, all humans are incapable to turn into killing machines. Now imagine people that know the terrain and are technologically superior, are more, AND HAVE MORE FOOD because they live there and know where to find it (what is edible and what is not for example) while the foreigners don't.
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Early European Farmers were pretty violent, the warrior culture has Neolithic origins.
If it weren't for the plague, the IE would be exterminated.

this is a Map of Northwest Europe showing archaeological sites with violence-related injuries in Neolithic skeletal remains (red) and settlements/enclosures/mass fatality sites with evidence for collective violence (blue)
notice that many IE have injuries. Even though they were sick, the EEF gave the IT (indo-troons) a beating
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Greece genetically and chronologically is more or less like this:
these high steppe samples were what? soldiers or mercenaries of something? It surprises me to see how low the steppe the Mycenaeans were. nor to form a steppe cline+ EEF did they serve sincerely. perhaps we should review whether the Mycenaeans really spoke an IE language
Not Myceneans. Some samples from MBA Northern Greece. I don't think they were even a part of the Helladic culture.
Dated to Early Helladic III, buried in a cave.
>these high steppe samples were what? soldiers or mercenaries of something?
are in literal caves and were women
which makes things even worse, if they were men we could say that they were mercenaries, as some theorize that the Pelasgians used the IE as war mercenaries and they gained prestige in society, but as they are women.... things get more complicated. and in literal caves.
The helladic MBA samples are two poor women from caves btw.
See logkas samples
Logkas samples are from 2000 BC, pretty much irrelevant era. All classical balkaners were low steppe.
ANF defeated the IE in the balkans.
Glory to the olive chads
Who said this to you?
the Mycenaeans were basically literal Minoans, no steppes. IE never settled in Greece
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LOL we have literally 3 samples with high steppe..
And were roasts
swords are of IE influence.
this is well established.
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There was a steppe cline from north to south. Higher steppe in the north. See these Macedonian samples.
This is because IEs were walking around the Black Sea into Thrace and Greece resulting in genetic diffusion from the North. See the Bulgarian sample.
>perhaps we should review whether the Mycenaeans really spoke an IE language
Greeks share the same Gods/mythology as Indians do. So yes, Greek culture was transplanted from indo-european Scythians like the Indians did.
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Neolithic farmers were not matriarchal. That's a meme.
Could you go into how this proxy population spread IE? I'm curious
clines are not composed of just 3 samples.
and oh, I'm not the guy.
steppe ancrestality was never high. not in the north. The Macedonians didn't have much more steppe
Copium. Neolithic farmers had been killing each other for years before steppe people's moved into Greece. They already had settlements with population surpluses. And due to the low steppe admixture in Myceneans even among elites, it's probable that steppe people's assimilated into Greece rather than conquered it, because the Aegean had established neolithic settlements with elites already established. Marriage alliances between some steppe tribes and neolithic people's probably happened. Majority Mycenean haplogroups are J2.
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This spam again..
We already have samples from ancient Bulgaria and North Macedonia and they are from the low steppe and the The Helladic MBA samples in your photo are two poor cave women
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Try again
>3 samples
>guys! We wuz steppe booos
the IE languages spread without large scale movement or admixture which is the most likely, because of the disadvantages (not just technological) the yamnaya would have in Greece or southern Balkans. Again, the Minoans had the same and more weapons, armor and helmets, and see>>16882205
Read this article
The yamnaya had a technological advantage in central and northern Europe. Is there something you don't understand?
When I said yamnaya, I meant "Indo-European", by the way.
and I mentioned armor and helmets in the same post, because I forgot to tag the guy above to respond. anyway...
The IE basically won due the plague
I didn't say you were "the guy"
I didn't mention the Helladic samples.
What sort of crockpottery are you engaging in if genetic diffusion from the north is an inappropriate explanation for the cultural diffusion of the Greek language? I'm not even saying there were a lot of high steppe people—only that the steppe ancestry came from the north and they carried the language with them.
>I didn't mention the Helladic samples.
So you are more unprepared than I imagined. samples from the high steppe of northern Greece are part of this period.
>What sort of crockpottery are you
What were you offended by? You didn't even respond to my arguments and I showed that using Macedonia and Bulgaria doesn't make sense. But what matters are insults. why friend?
>engaging in if genetic diffusion from the north is an inappropriate explanation for the cultural diffusion of the Greek language?
I dare you and show me where I denied it? the point is how it happened. and it certainly wasn't like a gigantic high-steppe population.. it's 2024, you should know that a change in language doesn't imply a population change.
>I'm not even saying there were a lot of high steppe people
exactly, but it seems like sometimes you forget that? But anyway, that's what I wanted to read. Basically there's nothing more to say now.
>only that the steppe ancestor came from the north and they carried the language with them.
something that no one denies.
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>The IE basically won due the plague
Yes! IE dogs had a reptilian mentality.
attack weak and post-plague towns and villages without numbers. that's how they spread, the Neolithic people disappeared due to the plague
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in fact, the eef weapons were superior to the Mesolithic rubbish of the IE, their war technology was so arrogant that they had to ask the farmers LOL
those 3 samples were barbarian (steppe) women used as fuckdolls by the greeks (ANF)
ANF doesn't stop winning
>I didn't mention the Helladic samples.
>So you are more unprepared than I imagined.
Unprepared? I didn't mention them because I don't need to rely on them, and for some reason these threads always have someone complaining about those samples. They are evidence of steppe gene flow regardless.

>You didn't even respond to my arguments and I showed that using Macedonia and Bulgaria doesn't make sense.
Why don't they make sense for tracking gene flow from the steppe? Just because the average was low doesn't mean the gene flow didn't happen from the north. It obviously did happen or else steppe genes wouldn't have diffused all over Greece (at a low %)

>engaging in if genetic diffusion from the north is an inappropriate explanation for the cultural diffusion of the Greek language?
>I dare you and show me where I denied it?
I'm just trying to see what your point is if you disagree with me.

>the point is how it happened. and it certainly wasn't like a gigantic high-steppe population.. it's 2024, you should know that a change in language doesn't imply a population change.
I didn't say there was a sudden, drastic population change. I said there was a genetic and cultural diffusion.

>I'm not even saying there were a lot of high steppe people
>exactly, but it seems like sometimes you forget that?
I never forgot it. My only posts in this thread are here:

>But anyway, that's what I wanted to read. Basically there's nothing more to say now.
>only that the steppe ancestor came from the north and they carried the language with them.
>something that no one denies.
I've seen it denied on this board, so I can't be too sure
Chariots are from the steppes, Myceneans are from the steppe. The only question is when they came and from which culture. If the shaft grave guys were Mycenaeans then they came pretty late, if the MH guys were Greeks then they came earlier and without chariots.

MH girls were already full of steppe and clustered with Macedonians unlike the earlier guys, who were more like Minoans.
As far as I know, it isn't confirmed whether that agate was Mycenaean or Minoan. Also, I collected a few high quality details of the piece, which is only a bit over an inch in size
>Indo-European Greeks asked Minoans to rule them (kind of like with Rurikids)
comparison is inappropriate. Polabian Slavs are also IE.
Hes Mycenaean
Three samples are not considered clines
and even the logkas samples were full of ANF ancrestality. Pure IEs never went to Greece, maybe that's why they had such a low ancrestality. Something similar happened in Iberia, the Iberian BB already had a lot of ANF ancresty
But didn't the Catacomb people have more steppe ancestry? like, more than most?
no. the yamnaya catacomb already showed changes in their skull, being less dolichocephalic
Thay already had ANF ancestry. Were mutts
EEF purists BTFO??
The Mycenaeans were descendants of the Minoans. The only reason anyone would say the Mycenaeans were stepoids is so he could wewuz
I can imagine it being an "exchange" between the Balkans (invaded by steppe already, evidence of violence and destructon) and Greece, like marriages between populations in order to agree on peace and stuff like that. And we don't have evidence for invasion in Greece so it probably worked.
I remember that northern Greeks are also the most brachycephalic. This seems to be related to the southern branch of the yamnaya who was brachycephalic. Maybe this was the "slavic connection" all along? Except not recent at all but rather some ancient shared common ancestry.
You lost
>Mother Earth Father Sky
Prots still coping
Yamnaya seem to be like Plains Indians larping as Meso Americans lol
>Sharing some very ancient ancestors means you are meaningfully related
Least obvious Bulgarian
So.. they weren't IE?
sardinian eef farmbug supremacist that pretends to be a girl, every word of what you just said was wrong

1st sample is the elite
Nah, first sample is a cave grave without grave goods. The actual elite (Griffin warrior) is too low quality to be on G25. Still, there are samples from Mycenean palaces and tholoi. They look like typical Myceneans.
elite in getting dicked down by mycenaeans
Logkas MBA are cavemen not from the Mycenaean world
This, Logkas are cavemen, the Mycenaean culture was never present there.
Projecting, she/he lives rent free in your head
I hope you to refute the arguments and don't use 4th grade insults.
yes I know.
That's why the idea of the crazy club doesn't make much sense, especially when looking at material cultures.
>Projecting, she/he lives rent free in your head
There is a guy who says that anything someone comments that is even slightly "pro-EEF" he claims that I'm the one who did it LOL
no. They are married liberals in a cave with the smell of ass and foot odor
the freckled girl makes people boil why? Does the Frisian or Mordix guru not help you?
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examples of individuals in literal caves, try again.
and Sarakenos is where the Dorians would come from.
logkas was literally a fucking woman.
look at the PCA, the Dorians are closer to the ANF than any Arian.
just dilate and cry, I won and I will beat you even in hell
>found a neolithic warrior culture with bronze smithing technology
>get BTFO
>Greece has farmland and living space, decide to settle instead of ooga boogaing like NOOBS
>marry into neolithic settlements and assimilate
>so much so that during the EARLY Mycenean age steppe admixture averaged 15% in Greeks, the early Mycenean settlements were neolithic in origin (see the griffin warrior, ancestor of Nestor of Pylos that had literally 0% steppe)
>Myceneans, who have 15% steppe, basically copy pasted all their art and culture from the Minoans, a neolithic people- Mycenean linear B being based on the undeciphered linear A
>Higher steppe Greeks from the north were seen as rural peasants and ooga boogas, expanded south when EEF heavy Myceneans had already collapsed
>ancestor of Nestor of Pylos
That site isn't even Pylos ffs

Greek archaeology really is do-whatever-the-fuck-you-want-land.
>Higher steppe Greeks from the north were seen as rural peasants and ooga boogas
>conquers half the known world and standardizes the language

huh, how about that
Studies prove that the ANF descend from reincarnated gods. we are the world
>Women are 35/40% steppe (Logkas)
>Males with J2a are 0% spare tire and 0% R1a/R1b
>Mixed population with steppe DNA and only Anatolian paternal DNA.

Steppe brothers. He finished.
I can't take the humiliation of ANF any longer!
They have tall catacombs compared to before, along with the paternal lineage, and the elites have a taller catacomb than average for the samples we have. Also, see individual Logkas and others from later studies. There may be more of these people (possibly the Dorians), it's entirely possible. Maybe even a higher catacomb
We hope you to prove your claims
remembering that the EEF supremacists are just as bad as the Nordic supremacists.
related photo is a guy with a legion who thinks exactly like the Sardinian girl and has personal anger against dead people and millennia
That guy is right about the light skin gene. My queen is also right about most things.
>Males with J2a
>Mixed population with steppe DNA and only Anatolian paternal DNA.
J2a isn't anatolian, it's from caucasus and iranian plateau BVLLS that bred anatolian women while their sissy men watched
logkas are literally nobodies that died in a cave. Shut up
>myceneans are closer to cypriots than to any northern "greek" population
if I was a slavo "greek" I'd kms
Ironically, it's the northern shifted folks here that larp the loudest, what a coincidence eh?
T. Greek.
How retarded.
Does he have a channel or what?
There is an I-L701 guy from the Helladic period with a decent amount of steppe ancestry, as well as a few others around this time but his Y lineage has essentially no descendants so it's difficult to identify who these people were.
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toponyms can be indicated from a shared substrate
Why do people have trouble with this notion? After the Neolithic revolution, Greece would have been one of the first countries these new farmers would have traveled to, and the places they named there could have kept their name for millennia.
This "paleo-European" language was then replaced about 5,000 years later, in 2,200 BC, with the arrival of the Indo-European people from the steppes, whose arrival we see in places like Lerna.
the Greek language is mainly ANF
>Farmers were mommas boys meme
No proof of this + it would conflict with the patriarchal nature of most agricultural societies.

Seems far more likely that the WHG or whatever goyet cro magnon tranny shit that was in Europe before the farmers were the actual simps.
in fact, the Greeks were basically Pelasgians and other Neolithic people with some IE influence, mainly linguistically.
Greece was never an ethnogenesis IE. and even the influences outside linguistics were small
they survive in cultural memory, as well as in some small enclaves. The Indo-European steppe people assimilate and become the Mycenaeans.
lower class takes control, and these speak what becomes the Doric dialect. They are very selective about what is remembered, and slowly a myth to justify their rule takes shape and becomes the Return of Heraklion
Well, the way the Greeks tell it, you're wrong. Perhaps you shouldn't rely solely on distance-to charts from seedy websites with sample sizes in the dozens. You could always try reading actual history.
>EEF supremacits
you making up shit doesn't make it true. Unlike 40-50% EEF "steppe" niggers acting like neolithic anatolia doesn't make up half of their heritage
large parts of Athens' population being described as "Pelasgians"
Olive gods won, again
Athens is older than the arrival of the Greeks in modern Greece, it is Neolithic in fact. we have Greek cities in the Neolithic.
So this shouldn't surprise anyone. Hell, the Minoans survived into classical antiquity too, so the Pelasgians being around shouldn't be a surprise either
AKA the first wave of Aryans to sweep into Greece. :)
EEF supremacists are so retarded....
Generic term for the pre-PIE Aegeans, even ancient sources do not use this term in a consensus
Halicarnassus says they were Greeks, for example.
There is a lack of consensus around the term.

The jury is still out on whether they descended from Minoan settlers or were merely influenced by the Minoans.
>Eef supremacist
no. they were not. the onus is yours
Herodotus appears to refer both to the pre-Greeks, but in other contexts to the Aeolians and the Ionians
>Halicarnassus says
Are these suprematists in the room with us now? Don't you have an /x/ account where you can spam your steppe wojak chad memes?
Yes they were. I accept your defeat Europhobe.
>"EEF supremacists"
>Steppe-larping faggots
Meanwhile the vast majority of North Euronigs are at least 30% ANF and the vast majority of Southrons are at least 25% steppenig, with the exception of the genetic isolate Sardinians.

>the Arap line
Haha, they wish, real Araps = Saudi-like only.
>Meanwhile the vast majority of North Euronigs are at least 30% ANF and the vast majority of Southrons are at least 25% steppenig, with the exception of the genetic isolate Sardinians.
This, shut the fuck up homosexuals
Palace of Nestor sample is R1b-PF7562 tho
>Pylos is really in the Baltic, an Italian wrote a book about it and schizos online reaffirm it!
>Also, Herodotus wrote that the Pelasgians on the island of Lemnos opposite Troy once kidnapped the Hellenic women of Athens for wives, but the Athenian wives created a crisis by teaching their children "the language of Attica" instead of the Pelasgian.[60]
That is why greeks were J2 EEF but spoke IE language kek
Has anyone denied this? you big idiot
projection of things that no one has even argued... how pathetic
My understanding up until right now was, Logkas like people spoke proto-Greek and established dominance over Minoan like people over the course of several centuries. The offspring of these 2 populations, who were more Minoan like descended than Logkas like descended due to there being more Minoan like people in Greece, developed Mycenaean culture. How Greek-speaking northerners came about ruling over the more numerous non-Greek speakers is unknown, but the mainland might always have been mostly "backwater" due to its geological features and thinking of the Minoan-like peoples as vastly more sophisticated Minoans might be wrong. Correct, incorrect?
>My understanding up until right now was, Logkas like people spoke proto-Greek
how could we ever know?
Couldn't know for sure, but if we get more samples we could assign higher probabilities to certain linguistics and archaeology approved models based on ancestry x appearing at y time and not z time. Or even better yet, get a Logkas sample with a nametag in Greek saying I am proto Greek on it.
Isn't that so? Some here are acting like they're some kind of Neolithic farmer or Bronze Age pastoralist transplant, the funniest ones in those threads are the ones who want to use haplomemes to prove some male group stole the females of the other one.

>muh ancestors raped your ancestors
This is some dude who is a descendant of both mocking another dude who is also a descendant of both. lol

Why so serious? I think you need a tranquilizer, sweetie.
The dating of Logkas coincides with the estimated arrival time of Proto-Greek speakers.
Target: GRC_Crete_LBA
Distance: 0.8473% / 0.00847269
63.4 GRC_Crete_EMBA
26.0 GRC_Logkas_MBA
10.6 GRC_Koufonisi_EBA
now try with andronovo/sintashta
1. yamnaya didn't expand to europe whatsoever
2. IndoAryans were probably in greece at some point - Phrygian cap, etc.
J2 is associated with lower steppe.
They were permavirgins and their status was reduced to that of commoners.
in fact I think most of them were banned from holding positions of power by more Sardinian like I2.
Nice point
It is a lie
ALL Mycenaean warriors harbor some level of steppe and are predominantly Steppe in Y DNA.
Mycenaean culture is from the steppe.
pre-Aryan peoples have no culture, thats why Anatolia despite being identical to Greece had no culture outside of the IE cultures present.

>i-it spread without Aryan BVLLs demolishing us
What do you expect her to say? she has the body of a child and the mind of a beast. These farmer dogs arent worth your time. Come let us focus on more Aryan endeavors.
oldest swords are actually found in Maykop
nice point, retard
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lol nope
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There is no EEF supremacist only good arguments as to why steppe larpers aren’t what they claim to be.
The same happened in greece
Sources please
Nah shes correct
You know that doesn't mean anything, right?
>predominantly Steppe in Y DNA
why are you lying
pathetic, as expected of joomers
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Wrong. The only "sword" (if you really can call this a sword) found in Maykop is this blade. Meanwhile like a dozen swords were found at Arslantepe and at least another sword similar to that of Arslantepe was found by Armenians in a nearby place. Needless to say neither the Arslantepe swords nor the other Anatolian/Armenian one look anything like the Maykop blade.
>Homer's Odyssey, calling her "Mycene of the fair crown" mentions her in passing, along with Tyro and Alcmene, as "women of old ... fair-tressed Achaean women" - Homer

How many white supremacist Greek poets + historians do you need before you get the idea?

You're clearly projecting. It's you, a swarthy subjeet, staring into a mirror we wuzzing as Greco-Roman.
εύκομος doesnt mean light haired. it means well dressed haired. its only your cultural conception that assigns colour to the phrase fairhaired. that concept didnt exist in the greek word εύκομος. its a mistranslation or rather, it ascribes context to the word that wasnt originally there
>Beady eyes, dark of skin, resigned to history's dustbin.
>Every day he cobbles his posts, taking on ever more roasts.
>White man feeling down, trading places with his ground.
>That's his meme, fever dreamed, with envious eyes ever gleamed.
>Hate in his heart, never smart, his articles read like a verbal fart.
>What shall Janny do with this can't-poo-in the loo, we all knew.
There arent there many Pylos samples, and most are J2?
Mycenean frescoe from the palace of Nestor in Pylos. Steppeoid shillers argue like Jews, using their pilpul to change historical fact. Insect.
>sample size: 12
Nice job retard lol

>those helmets
>that chariot
Yup, these are IE. Can't tell if they're based out of Cimmeria or Persia though.

Oh, and what makes you think that's Nestor's Pylos? How do you know it's not some other place?
>argue like Jews
I like it when obvious joomer shills accuse you of being jews, it's their admission to total and absolute defeat
Every time brother
This. They deny the unifying force of the steppe when all the current kingmakers of the world are high steppe.
sorry but u totally Wrong. Yamna is actually the paternal ancestor of greeks (as well as albanians,phyrgians)while western europeans are corded ware descendants.
Those are quintessential Mycenaean boar tusk helmets, retard.

T. Not him.

Wow so Tutankhamon was Aryan! Oh wait you actually believe that
>You are le jew
Coming from the most prodigious we wuzzers
Can’t even argue against facts. Must use female level tactics such as you’re using your phone lmfao Jews aren’t sending their best.
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They will never recover
Didn’t exist that’s the body of Alexander the Great
To tag onto this, and then the ~Logkas-Minoan mainlanders established colonies and dominance across the Aegean and came into contact with and assimilated more Minoan-like easterners, and those easterners, who had more contact with more cultural sophistication from Phoenicia and Babylon and Egypt than mainlanders, mixed with them. And then those Greeks, who were extremely successful, seem to have gone everywhere including back to the mainland. And the mix between more Minoan-like eastern Greeks and more Mycenaean descended mainlanders led to the population that later got hit by the south Slav etc hammer probably maybe.
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Actually probably less Minoan-like-than-Mycenaeans eastern-easterners mixed with Mycenaean-likes to make very successful eastern Greeks. All modern Greeks including islanders seem strongly shifted toward eastern populations on the views. Not sure if any of this happened during antiquity or later.

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