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Why were ancient greeks inferior to ancient romans when it came to architecture engineering?
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All relevant Roman engineers are Greek descent. Greeks created Roman aesthetics and it's also Greeks that developed Roman architecture to next level
Retard, Greek architecture is simple ass trabeated bullshit. It was Romans who invented concrete and creatively used arches, domes, apses, advanced vaulting techniques, polychrome marbles to create unique structures that didn't resemble anything in greece.
>posts a picture of a builing with major roman styles not developed in the greek world
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same reason why ancient romans were inferior when it comes to developing new scientific, artistic, or philosophical thoughts

both are different civilizations who served different purposes and greatly influenced each other
^The actual answer. There's the old adage that Romans could build aqueducts and the colosseum, but were shit at math.
they can build all that without calculus or even the number zero
that's cool
it's like how peanut butter and chocolate are great when separate, but when they combine they make the morning time epic
Justinian appointed two architects, mathematician Anthemius of Tralles and geometer and engineer Isidore of Miletus, to design the building
>Anthemius of Tralles (Greek: Ἀνθέμιος ὁ Τραλλιανός, Medieval Greek: [anˈθemios o traliaˈnos], Anthémios o Trallianós; c. 474 – 533 x 558)[1] was a Byzantine Greek from Tralles[2]
>Isidore of Miletus (Greek: Ἰσίδωρος ὁ Μιλήσιος; Medieval Greek pronunciation: [iˈsiðoros o miˈlisios]; Latin: Isidorus Miletus) was a Byzantine Greek mathematician, physicist and architects
>Colloseum was built in 8 years
>a stadium the size of a Santiago Bernabeu / MetLife stadium
>in 8 years
>using the dogshit roman numerals and no knowledge of mtn diagrams.
>developing new scientific, artistic, or philosophical thoughts
Ok so they were good at everything else. From the concept of the professional standing army, superior military tactics, the Latin language, legislative republic government, and much more all still in use today
well, yes, just like how we still use scientific and mathematical principles, art, literature, theatre, religion, loanwords, cyrillic

greeks were better at developing things
romans were better at applying things
The Greeks knew of arches,but didn’t like curved forms in architecture, except for decoration. In the Etrusco-Roman culture the arch and rounded forms (as for the Etruscan tombs) had maybe a symbolic meaning, probably connected with the role of women in society
OP, that's not just architecture, that's an ancient power plant.

Both greeks and romans had very advanced energy technologies.
Looks like romans took a few thousand years to destroy ancient greek cities and ancient greek energy technologies.
Once they destroyed the power grids - they won.

British Empire / the Vatican , which are remains of ancient romans, literally went around destroying ancient greek energy tech and power plants.
>you become evil , you kill everyone and destroy everyone's energy tech - you win.
Here you go, that's another ancient power plant.

>of course, cross at the top if fake and only recent.
Greeks invent
Romans copy
Greeks copy and perfected what Romans copy
Both anatolian bvlls
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>Even those who came from the Prytaneum of Athens, and reckon themselves the purest Ionians of all, brought no wives with them to the new country, but married Carian girls, whose fathers they had slain.
Because they uh-h-h weren't?
>brought no wives with them to the new country, but married Carian girls

But Herodotus also said the Carians came from... Central Europe lmfao
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Ever notice how some of the Carian letters are straight up Norse Runic? Pretty based...
Anatolians and Greeks were genetically very similar anyway. Basically the same people.
schizo retard. rid us of your existence
Well they did come from central + northern Europe...

You're racist scum go away.
There's no mention here that they came from North Europe.
You've never heard of the Return of the sons of Herakles? What the fuck are you doing here?
Why do you think they came from North Europe? The Greeks never said this.
Hagia Sophia had the largest and most impressive dome for unironically 1000 years. It's almost embarrassing nobody surpassed it until the Renaissance. If I lived at the time I probably wouldn't consider non-Greeks human.
Partly because every other Anatolian group did, partly because the groups linguistically affiliated with the Dorians were northern and spread out from there in Greece (unlike Italy, where they conquered the south), partly because Strabo goes on a bender explaining why Troy isn't in Turkey, and really this is about to turn into a list and you're just going to spam more questions to stall for time. Honestly I could just hit bump limit on this one topic
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Further, it seems so obvious if you understand the cultural context that it could just as well be assumed as much by an ancient Greek themself. Herakles himself was a Scythian.
Wrong. The myth of the Etruscan arch has no basis in reality, they appear fairly late in Etruria around the 5th century BC; there are earlier examples in Greece, and much earlier examples in the near East such as the 17th century BC arched gate of Ashkelon or the 13th century bc barrel vaulted warehouses of the Ramesseum at Thebes
How is this North Europe?
It's the opposite. The Greeks believed Heracles traveled East and became the ancestor of Scythians. Not that he came from Scythia.
Only Phrygians and Bithynians.
He wasn't.
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>How is this North Europe?
I said central + northern Europe. I already posted the city where Greeks lived in Scythia (hence why Herakles is from Scythia and why toponyms get moved south). Please keep up. I realize it's a lot of information but it's already been posted and I feel like I have to repeat something every single post.

> Greeks believed Heracles traveled East and became the ancestor of Scythians. Not that he came from Scythia.

Not quite right at all. You have zero evidence for this and no reason to think it.
>Only Phrygians and Bithynians.

lmao even
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*4th century BC

In fact the oldest arch in Italy is the one found in the Greek colony of Elea-Velia in Magna Grecia
Bulgaria is in South Europe.
Greeks had colonies on the coast of the Black Sea, nowhere in any text you posted they claim they came from Scythians.

That just explains why the Greeks believed that Scythians came from Heracles. Because of some similarity between a Scythian hero and his own.
Heracles was born in Thebes, his parents were from Argolis.

You can't prove your meme nonsense even with legends.
We have genetic data from mainland greeks and they are unrelated to central/northern europe. There's a couple incoming anatolian studies and phyrgians are sub 10% steppe
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I just posted the genetic data, and the material evidence as well. Linguistic connections are clear.
Ah yes, Greek Macedonia. That's basically Netherlands.
You might as well be asking why the fucking Tudor era had worse engineering than the modern day.
You posted stuff that literally contradicts your narrative. Every single text you posted mentions only South European lands - Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece.
Where is this North Europe?
And they used Roman styles not developed in Greece to build it. Wow.
why bother? schizos dont learn. he ll just double down and repeat.
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you posted your wishful interpretation from random texts, the hard facts from the bones of the ancients are clear
Scythia isn't in the south bud
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It's also not in the North, also Scythia isn't mentioned as the origin of Greeks or any other Balkan people. They did came from the East, probably in Early Bronze Age, but by the time of Iron Age no one remembered this ancient history.
>meanwhile Celtic kings from South Germany

Distance to: Celtic:HOC001_merged
0.07217447 French_Provence
0.07237979 Spanish_Galicia
0.07247621 Spanish_Extremadura
0.07263407 Spanish_Baleares
0.07291229 Portuguese

Distance to: Celtic:APG001_merged
0.03306230 Spanish_Barcelones
0.03393686 French_Auvergne
0.03503920 French_Occitanie
0.03531511 Spanish_Asturias
0.03636077 Spanish_Camp_de_Tarragona
0.03683734 Spanish_Terres_de_l'Ebre
0.03690971 Spanish_Lleida
0.03711589 Spanish_Cataluna
0.03719942 Swiss_German
0.03770002 Spanish_Mallorca
>Anatolians and Greeks are super different
Yeah, Scythia was aksually Germania/Scandinavia. Lmao, Germanics, the eternal we wuzzers.
nordcucks lost again…
Could Romans even do math with such a shitty numeral system? Or did they learn Greek numerals?
The differences between Greeks and Romans is just a cool reminder that even our brightest minds are still simply human, and almost absolutely defined by their surroundings. Greeks cared more about philosophy, mathematics, and the more intangible sciences in general, while the Romans cared more about architecture, military, politicking, and anything practical, and the greatest minds of their day didn't really have much choice in where their interests fell. It's something that is built over hundreds of years, with any one human having very little impact on the civilisational level
There were algorithms to do more complex calculation; though it's not like they did engineering like today

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