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Let's settle this. Who you got, /his/?
>Tutsis systematically discriminate against and dominate hutus politically and economically
>Hutus take power and retaliate with a massacre
>Tutsis take power back and Hutu interests are forever taboo.
>Rwandan tutsis start doing colonialism in the Congo and against Hutus in general
Are Tutsis Jews?
christ, you can tell just by the physiognomy which group was the savages and which was the victims
What about the Twa?
We need a healthy mixture of both in Europe

The Tutsi were the white side. That's why Hutus massacering Tutsis didn't warrant intervention. If it was the other way around you bet your ass something would've been done.
Tutsi are higher IQ so them
>you can tell just by the physiognomy which group was the savages and which was the victims
You do know there's a ton of Tutsi rebels shooting everyone up in Eastern Congo.
>The Tutsi were the white side.
Lol wut?
My nigga Kagame
They look and act white yes
Guy on the right looks like African dirlewanger
right guy looks smart

left looks like he is going to crack your head open then eat your limbs

Hutus are pure Bantuids (Negroid). Tutsis are Ethiopids (Caucasoid)..
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What I'm more interested in is that most Tutsi people are about 70-75% West-Central African, yet their Nilotic and Cushitic ancestry is pretty obvious in certain people. Despite what retards like >>16882331 will tell you, there are Tutsis who look Hutu and vice versa since they're closely related to each other, even if there are people who are clearly one group vs another.
Tutsi are clearly the more evolved race. Just look at them.
Tutsis have less "Caucasoid" (the word you're looking for is West Eurasian) ancestry than African Americans do (17% vs 20-24%). Tutsi men largely have Bantu derived haplogroups ((80% E1b1a), with less than 10% of their haplogroups being derived from Northeast Africans and around 15% being derived from potentially Nilotic Africans. Hutu men on the other hand are roughly 83% E1b1a and 8% E2 on average, suggesting they have less Northeast African ancestry, with a few showing elements of Nilotic paternal ancestry but far less than the Tutsi, about 4.3%

TL:DR, they're mostly West-Central Africans with varying levels of Cushitic and Nilotic ancestry.

These idiots don't even know that the Twa were also victims of the genocide, and that both the Hutu and Tutsi are guilty of discrimination against the actual indigenous inhabitants of their part of Central-East Africa.
Wow that's crazy anon. Side note, which of these women are Tutsi or Hutu?

One thing I forgot to mention is that Tutsi people in Burundi have far more Nilotic and Cushitic ancestry than West-Central African ancestry, suggesting that at least that population is far more descended from pastoralists from the East.
Who are you quoting anon
Left wingers
The left and right are both correct to a degree. Tutsi people are descended from Nilo-Cushitic pastoralists who were absorbed by Bantu farmers upon entering what is now Rwanda and Burundi, and the Hutu are usually shorter than the Tutsi with more West-Central African facial features. But that being said, you'd be retarded to not consider both Bantu speaking ethnic groups, because that's what they are. You don't see Nilotic people refusing to accept Nubians as their own because they look more like Cushitic speaking people, do you?
I don't know which phantom image he's attacking, but it's a sentiment I've heard before.
Belgian television broadcasted a documentary "back to Rwanda" with witness reports.
In the first episode a woman whose family was murdered goes back to meet some of the perpetrators.
In a discussion with her daughter she posits a ambivalent view of the Belgians, the daughter squarely blames them for everything.
Here's a link, I don't know if it's any use if you don't speak Dutch or Kinyarwanda.
>Are Tutsis Jews?
They are really more like Nilotic mulattoes. Jews need a host population to parasitize and exploit, Tutsis do not need Hutus for anything.

This. Tutsis don't use, exploit, or depend on the Hutus for anything. They don't "live in privilege at their expense". Yet get accused of oppressing them. Sound familiar?
It is true that the Belgians took advantage of the division by handing out identity cards and giving each group different rights but they didn't make the two identities out of thin air like some people claim. The division already existed as a class structure (Tutsis were landowners while Hutus were serfs) rather than an ethnic thing and Belgium just made it worse. Ethnically they're almost identical.
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This word should have never entered 4chan's mouth. I blame Latinos who refuse to call themselves black. They're not "mulattoes", they're Bantus with prominent Nilo-Cushitic ancestry. Honestly they're not too dissimilar to the Kiyukyu people of Kenya, a Bantu ethnic group who also has prominent Nilo-Cushitic ancestry.
>the daughter squarely blames them for everything

Blaming whitey for everything bad is a behavior commonly observed in Subsaharan Africans (disporah included).
How is it any different from whites blaming the Jews? At least the blacks have actual evidence

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