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Why did Italy's economy stagnate for 20 years under Fascism?
Mussolini's retardation and lack of exports
>Mussolini's retardation
Compared to other countries they weathered the great depression well but it still lacked growth after that period.
Weathering the great depression was easy, just drop the gold standard
Economic growth =/= economic development
Growth is a liberal pipedream which relies upon constantly increasing your population endlessly and constantly exploiting more and more natural resources. I predict we will return to fascist economics in the west in no more than 50 years as a necessity.
It was a corrupt cartel of business owners and labor bosses loyal to the fascist party. There was no punishment for not doing your job or embezzling funds.
Okay, what is economic development then?

>gdp line no go up

There's more to life than this.
GDP no go up = people are statistically getting poorer overtime. People like having things and no amount of fascist/socialist cope will change that fact.
You cannot just brush a 20-year stagnation under the carpet with a "but what about sunshine and ice-cream"
>average GDP rises by over 25% in less than 20 years
Considering the economy after that point -> during a war they didn't even begin isn't really fair, is it?
For context, this is Nazi Germany
You can for example exchange one form of production to another, or you could have less people produce more and the line would stay the same. In both cases, the economy could develop in a positive manner without any increase in GDP.
They were plundering the entire continent. It was an unsustainable war economy. Mussolini wasn't as successful with it. That's the only difference.
But the line starts going up long before 1939?
fascist economics are retarded
fascist spain was also a shithole until franco dropped fascism in favour of liberalism (economically)
argentina is a shithole thanks to peron's knock off fascist economic policies
Stealing Joo property.
>or you could have less people produce more
Isn't that just a euphemism for less employment? Can't be a good thing
How does redistributing property increase the GDP?
Mussolini came into power in 1922, so the economy actually improved.

The Great Depression of 29-39 of course made it more difficult.

Notice how Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1937 incurring lots of expenses in terms of material and casualties, on top of receiving international economic sanctions from Britain and France. But their economy still grew. This is due to the economic pact made with Germany where they received far more coal than they imported before, and at a cheaper price

Overall Italy was always going to have a very difficult time economically because

>massive uneducated rural agrarian population
>little industrialisation
>no outside investment due to global economic crash for a decade

Overall I do not think GDP per capita is an accurate way to interpret whether the economy of a country is doing good or bad or better or worse anyway. It doesn’t account for outliers or people outside of the economic system like babies or the retired,

For example. Having ten billionaires move into Portugal would make its gdp go up. It wouldn’t actually make the average portugese person better off in their day to day life

Mussolini’s reforms were popular and did improve life. His problems were with foreign policy.
But why couldn't they industrialise the country in two decades? Stalin managed to do it
Arab mixlings don't know how to economy. The only reason they're able to simulate growth is because Anglos are able to make number go up. (we don't teach others this secret)
Italy didn't have spare 10 million peasants to starve to death
Because he would have been overthrown in a coup if he worked Italians to death in their millions

Also Italy doesnt have the vast natural resources the Soviet Union does for industrialisation
Redistributing large stores of value results in a surge of liquidity, and given the Jewish property included entire banks...

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