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File: utter catastrophe.jpg (114 KB, 775x599)
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Isn't this dramatic failure of a state within world history a valid argument against multiculturalism? Why the fuck would anyone consider "progressive" talking points and vote for them? Genuinely curious!
It was a successful state that destroyed by actual (((multicultural))) states ie Judified and Negrofied France UK USA. How is it an example of the failure of multiculturalism ?
Saving face are we?
How is it a dramatic failure? It was one of the most prosperous states in Europe, artists and scientists from Vienna, Prague and Budapest, had it continued to exist it would have become a major power the likes of France or Germany.
Could , maybe, work if they didn't have a billion languages.
It was literally the reason for World War I you idiot, Serbia wanted to be independent and the only way they could be independent of imperial control was assassinating the Archduke. Go fuck yourself for trying to muddy this up.
>successful and prosperous state
Gee, I wonder why
I guess the argument would be it wasn’t a true “multicultural state” because clearly the Austrians and Hungarians had favoured state positions as cultural/ethnic groups. While other minorities did not.

But by this same standard, Rome wasn’t a multicultural state either and that gets wheeled out by the left as one. It also means the USA wasn’t “multicultural” just because it had black slaves as a significant minority and natives as an opressed group.
Imagine being a leftist defending Austria-Hungary lmao fucking ridiculous
Modern multicultural coutries are execellent in merge everyone within their borders in a vague globohomo shared culture.
The proper comparison would be and AH that successfully mindbreak all these different people to consider them austrian and mostly spoke Wiennese german as first tounge
Why don't you admit you're wrong? Why do you have to lie about this?
It didn't collapse though, it was dismantled by foreign powers.
WW1 was caused by Germany and Russia though. Austria was trying to clean up it's own backyard, the other two powers just rammed their lawnmovers through the fence.
It would've collapsed on itself either way, such an irrelevant point
One example does not make a rule
>it was dismantled by foreign powers
I didn't know foreign powers made all those people move out on the streets and proclaim new states
It was caused by Austria who declared war on Serbia who's ally Russia declared war on Austria who's ally Germany declared war on Russia who's ally France declared war on Germany etc, you are again downplaying Serbia
One example does make the rule DOES make the rule you little faggot
The "New States" such as Romania, founded in 1859 and Serbia founded in 1878 supported by France, founded in 847?
The new states such as Czechoslovakia founded in 1918, Yugoslavia founded in 1918, Hungarian republic founded 1918, German Austria founded 1918
ITT leftard historians try to damage control this mess of an empire
Ho was it a failure? Look at the field marshalls, came from all the ethnicities.
Try this ex state as a argument againts multiculturalism.
ITT: actual leftards masking as wignats trying to spread pseudo-history
Nta but he’s right in that your post is either bait or you don’t know what you’re talking about.
It had issues but it wasn’t nearly as big of a flop as normies think.
It was a flop and that's enough
No it wouldn’t have. Without WW1, it would not collapse. There is no reason to think it would. The majority of the people in the empire were either fine with the current situation or wanted more autonomy. It was only with complete and dismal failure in WW1 that made the people rethink the purpose of the empire.
The Habsburg monarchy lasted 4 centuries, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia lasted 7 decades.
That's an interesting and absolutely unbiased comparison
How is he wrong?
Czechoslovakia lasted of its own volition 20 years (1918-1938) and 4 years (1989-1992).
Socialist era Czechoslovakia (1948-1989) was effectively satellite of Soviet Union and didn't really make its own political decisions.
>No it wouldn’t have. Without WW1, it would not collapse. There is no reason to think it would. The majority of the people in the empire were either fine with the current situation or wanted more autonomy. It was only with complete and dismal failure in WW1 that made the people rethink the purpose of the empire.

Wishful thinking
He compares monarchy to states, which is dumb at best and dishonest at worst
It’s not wishful thinking. It’s based on the explicit platforms of various nationalist parties and the voting patterns of the various ethnicities. And the fact that these questions were hotly debated but never leaned towards violence or outright separatism outside of certain south Slavic circles. Further, the material conditions of the empire were rapidly improving overall.
>certain south Slavic circles
It was just S*rbs
Certain Croats and Slovenes ended up joining political groups that were orientated toward separatism following some debacle with the Hungarians, but yeah, it was mostly Serbs.
Serbia was literally that eras Afghanistan. You ok with Afghanistan sending you Al Qaida terrorists?
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>Ferdinand's parents were double first cousins as they shared all four grandparents (Francis' paternal grandparents were his wife's maternal grandparents and vice versa). Therefore, Ferdinand only had four great-grandparents, being descended from each of them twice.
>When Ferdinand married Princess Maria Anna of Savoy, the court physician considered it unlikely that he would be able to consummate the marriage. When he tried to consummate the marriage, he had five seizures
Imagine being Klemens. You are the most recognizable diplomat in the world and the reputation of the whole empire is ruined because the kaiser is a literal TARD.
Meme state with the backing of the west, they deserved to be annex and destroyed by the Germans and Hungarians
nationalism is a left wing psyop from the mid 19th century

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