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Historically speaking if the french are "meds" and "latins" and "related to iberians" why did 16th century anglos, who hated the spanish, referred to the french as their brethren?
>So may we conclude, that if the French and English may not be called by the terme of Charondas, that is, parta∣kers of the same smoke, or as they say, brought vp together at board and at bed, yet may they by good right be termed, that is, descending from the selfe same extraction.
>And although this alliance be of it selfe sufficiently clea∣red by the Historiographers, yet is it better confirmed by the conformitie of maners of these two Nations, and the good comportmentes of the one towardes the other. The Eng∣lishman as also the French is generous, and by consequent as Aristotle teacheth farre from dissimulation, hating or louing openly, rather led by truth then by opinion, louing the effect better then the appearance, free in speech, louing his libertie, and easily forgetting iniuries: moreouer, he is liberall, ciuill, curteous, and gentle: of all vertuous qualities, I thinke that in them are to be found as many cleare and e∣uident testimonies as there are places that speake of their exploites in vnpassionate Historiographers.
>The nature and disposition of the Spaniards, in whom may be seene together incorporated, a craftie Fox, a ravenous Wolfe, and a raging Tygre. ... [The Spaniard is also] an uncleane and filthie swine, a theevish howlet, a proud peacocke ... a legion of divels ... [Columbus] would never have undertaken this voyage, if he had thought that the men whome hee brought thither ... should straightwaies be transformed into Lions, Panthers, Tigres, and other savage beastes
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Why did half the french population convert to protestantism while 0% of the spanish population become protetant?
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Why did "latin french" buccaneers collaborate with englishmen to loot spain?
>At the time the entrance to Lake Maracaibo and thus the city itself was defended by the San Carlos de la Barra Fortress with sixteen guns, which was thought to be impregnable. He approached it from its undefended landward side and took it in few hours. He then proceeded to pillage the city, and found that most of the residents had fled and that their gold had been hidden. L'Olonnais' men tracked down the residents and tortured them until they revealed the location of their possessions. They also seized the fort's cannon and demolished most of the town's defence walls to ensure that a hasty retreat was possible.
>L'Olonnais himself was an expert torturer, and his techniques included slicing portions of flesh off the victim with a sword, burning them alive, or tying knotted "woolding" (rope bound around a ship's mast to strengthen it) around the victim's head until their eyes were forced out.
>Over the following two months, l'Olonnais and his men tortured, pillaged, and eventually burned much of Maracaibo before moving to San Antonio de Gibraltar, on the eastern shore of Lake Maracaibo. Despite being outnumbered, the pirates slaughtered 500 soldiers of Gibraltar's garrison and held the city for ransom. Despite the payment of the ransom (20,000 pieces of eight and five hundred cattle), l'Olonnais continued to ransack the city, acquiring a total of 260,000 pieces of eight, gems, silverware, and silks, as well as a number of slaves. Word of his attack on Maracaibo and Gibraltar reached Tortuga, and l'Olonnais earned a reputation for his ferocity and cruelty. He was given the nickname "The Bane of Spain" (French: Fléau d
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>He accompanied his uncle to the West Indies, where their ship was sunk and the uncle killed near Santo Domingo in a battle with two Spanish warships. His uncle's death served to further his hatred of the Spaniards. Making his way to the pirate haven of Tortuga, he became a buccaneer captain soon afterwards. Montbars distinguished himself during an attack against a Spanish galleon, described by one account:
>Montbars led the way to the decks of the enemy, where he carried injury and death; and when submission terminated the contest, his only pleasure seemed to be to contemplate, not the treasures of the vessel, but the number of dead and dying Spaniards, against whom he had vowed a deep and eternal hatred, which he maintained the whole of his life.[7]
>He attacked the Spanish settlements on the coast of Mexico, Cuba and Puerto Rico. He also raided settlements in the Antilles and in Honduras, capturing Vera Cruz and Cartagena. Defending his act of vengeance against the Spaniards, he became known throughout the Spanish Main as "Montbars the Exterminator" for exacting his own cruelties against the Spanish. He looted and set fire to Porto Caballo, San Pedro, Venezuelan Gibraltar and Maricaibo, among other Spanish strongholds, and captured or destroyed numerous other forts and settlements. Although he did not murder in cold blood, as did some of his contemporaries, he gave no quarter to his enemies and was known to torture surviving Spanish soldiers. One of his more infamous methods was to cut open the abdomen of one of his prisoners, extract one end of the large intestine and nail it to a post, then force the man to "dance to his death by beating his backside with a burning log".[8][9]
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Spanish NT
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French royalty looked hijra as fuck
At most the Huguenots (I'm leaving Lutherans from Alsace aside) were one seventh of the whole French population. Taking into account that the main Protestant strongholds were located in the Southern half of the region (Navarre/Béarn, Languedoc, La Rochelle and so on).

However, England is indeed the nation to which France is the closest, historically speaking, at least since the 11th century and the Norman conquest which intertwined the destiny of both nations and gave birth to one of the most stunning rivalry of history.
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Historically speaking if the portuguese are "meds" and "latins" and "related to spaniards" why did 16th century anglos, who hated the spanish, referred to the portuguese as their brethren?
Those are the masters of nordshit mongoloids. Even Scandinavian nobility is Med.
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Canadian schizo, your answer >>16883011
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Take your meds
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Nordic Huguenot Ubermensch
An ally of anglos, dutch and scandinavians, sculpted by natures hand to destroy spaniards and burn their cities in buccaneer raids
D-dont post the "French" NT
For the same reason why Hitler wanked off the Japanese as "Honorary Aryans" or his hiring of Slavniggers to fight for him against the USSR. Circumstances meant that they would be allies for a bit before going back to beating each other to death you retarded shitskin.
If you’re truly French, why would you buy into this purity spiraling discourse that puts you under Germanics and Nordics in your own hierarchy?
Because he is actually a "Frank" aka Germanic himself aka a larper in reality.
He's a Canadian (Quebecfaggot) mutt. Not French. Quebeckies are mixed with British and native Canadians and speak a low class redneck dialect which is looked down upon in France. They aren't French in the slightest.
take your meds schizo
Nord peasants continue to deny the superiority of their Mediterranean masters. Sad really.
>While the French Canadians of Quebec today may be partly of other ancestries, the genetic contribution of the original French founders is predominant, explaining about 90% of regional gene pools

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