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>Low intelligence is correlated with higher number of offspring
What effect will this have on society in the long term?
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>self destruct
Always has been. Intelligence has never been particularly sexy.
How do you think humans became intelligent if intelligence was not selected for, retard?
Behold; the future of the white race!
What the fuck does this have to do with history?
>Traits can't evolve by happenstance or as a consequence of something else

Also, humans don't place much importance on intelligence when it comes to pairing up. There has likely never been a strong selection for what you consider intelligence throughout our entire history. We have the same base instincts as people from tens of thousands of years ago.
intelligence isn't exactly one of those things that evolve by happenstance anon
Selection pressure isn't necessarily just the mating system.
You could imagine that less intelligent people are more likely to die in a crisis, leaving the intelligent ones to reproduce.
Traits can arise by happenstance (generally not polygenic traits like intelligence, but w/e), but they don't proliferate that way.
How do you know that? Some of the animals considered to be the most intelligent on the planet are Crows, Killer Whales, Dolphins, Elephants, Rats, and etc. What do these animals have in common that led to what people consider intelligent behavior?
Is anyone surprised capitalism rewards it's most valuable slave class members, who work the most for the least, the most?
NTA but his likely explanation is that intelligence is driven by so many different genes that it would be hard for isolated incidents of mutation to make it so prolific. It seems exceedingly likely that there was some selection pressure in favor of intelligence, which is why it puzzles us that intelligence has negative fertility effects.
There are other explanations, too, though. About 30% of a human's caloric expenditure is their brain. While some of that is critical, a lot of higher reasoning could be done away with to save energy. If intelligence was not selected for,

In reality, though, it is likely that humans aren't avoiding the intelligent at all. These stats actually measure educational attainment, meaning who decided to stay in school until they were 30. Obviously, people who wait until 30+ to start families have fewer kids.
My guess is that humans avoid extremes of pretty much all traits, regardless of which direction the extreme is from, and pursue normal partners.
I mean, yes? Just a century ago, eugenics was all the rage. You would think it would be making a come-back now that the data is in.
With who? A loud minority?
I would envision it coming back through pro-natal eugenics ("positive" eugenics, as opposed to negative eugenics like sterilizations), like subsidizing childbirth for intelligent members of the dominant ethnicity. You could see authoritarian countries like China or North Korea do this in response to population decline.
I have a number of small ideas that could be bundled together to do it:
1) Only people with children, be they adopted or natural, are eligible for leadership positions.
2) Minimum expenses around childbirth are provided for, such as medical care
3) State stipend to married, working mothers in exchange for becoming housewives
4) Special mortgages, only available to families, that allow very low rates
5) Unironic fertility festivals and babymaking holidays, straight up Lupercalia in this shit
6) Reform military service so that more families are deployed together
7) Provide Home Ec/Child Rearing/Sex Ed classes in the schools (studies show these modestly boost fertility rates)

Ultimately none of these will reverse fertility/IQ decline, but they would all help and would get society ready to embrace larger reforms. Ideally, I want everyone with an IQ above 115 to marry by 25 and start pumping out babies. That is our long-term vision for society.
Well obviously if it keeps going that way than we are getting more dumb as a species. That's the strange thing about civilization. It makes life too easy. The idiots proliferate and next thing you know it we become more dumb. Just look at immigration. Tons of dumb uneducated 3rd world people are going to the developed world and bringing down their iq. In 100 years, people won't recognize the planet. We are becoming a planet of the apes.
Smarter people killed the retards in battle, via better weapons and tactics.
But the majority of the people using those weapons didn't make or create them.
>We are becoming a planet of the apes.

Already a planet of apes and always has been.
Better to make food and housing outright free for all natural born citizens and let the chips fall where they may
Natural selection not the other selection
Ultimately very little.
When the Anarchy begins, low IQ will be a deadly liability.

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