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/his/ - History & Humanities

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This faggot is lucky I wasn't around back then.
or else you would forcefully suck his dick?
Why bump such a low quality OP?
it was on like page 2 or 3, relax
It is gay and lame. This board deserves better.
alright. but surely you realize that by engaging me like you and precipitating an exchange the only outcome is to further bump the thread?
You can sage it if you want to. I am. I just did it to pollute the guy who Socratesposts's OPs with other images.

>t. OP
I guess but I’ve always thought saging was a lame thing to do, I can’t explain exactly why. I’ve posted here since 2007 and haven’t saged once, it wouldn’t feel right. I exist dammit and when I post it will bump the thread as all posts should
It keeps board quality up, if you're someone who gives a shit, but this board is a dumpsterfire anyway so what's more piss

responding with sage might be kinda futile in any case though, because if someone sorts by replies or just drops by and see your seething sage reply they might respond to you and now you pseudo-bumped anyway due to them not saging most likely. Ya dig?
It's because you think every thread should get an equal amount of respect and attention, which is a noble ideal and a great understanding of the necessity of the freedom of speech, but it's not the case. Fully democratized platforms are a myth pushed by Web 2, with little basis in reality (after all, you wouldn't want the ramblings of a homeless man who believes dogs in animated movies are the last bulwark of an alien white supremacist death cult to be given the same respect we give everyone else) and never holding up when it comes to the execution of things. Mods auto-sage threads when they get traction, they create word filters for overused garbage like desu, senpai, or onions, they strike down avatarfags and spammers, and that's just on 4chan. Everywhere else has an inscrutable, opaque algorithm only known to those who make it and those who exploit it.

The real question should be how do we allow as many good voices into the public discourse possible without compromising the supposed fairness or creating an over-biased filter in the system.
Thank you for these thoughtful posts. Yes I must be idealistic since I play by the rules expecting everyone else to do so, yet I know they do not do so and I continue to follow the rules anyway. Maybe this is quixotic but I follow this quotation: “ be the change you want to see in the world” - adolf hitler
>This board deserves better
No it doesn't
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Browns civilized whites
*Kisses you*
Yes it does. There a handful of effort-posters left who would like nothing better than for the religion spam and /pol/ shitposting to go away, so we can have semi-coherent discussions once again.
>Jews civilized whites
NTA but I am a former effortposter and to be frank at this point this website as a whole would probably be better off dead
Jobs was half Arab though
Trips of truth. The problem with 4chan today is that the shit to gold ratio is getting closer and closer to the point where it's basically untenable to use the site. It's been on a downward trend since it first became popular, sure, but there is a point where board culture deteriorating, plus metaboarders in the form of Discord raiders, frogtists and the jakoffs, make the site essentially unusable outside of isolated pockets you have to already know to be in.

It already happened to Reddit. It'll happen here.
Jobs was a closet gay man who contracted HIV in San Francisco in the early '80s but he was rich so could survive for a few decades on expensive drugs to suppress the virus but it eventually caught up to him and killed him and they just made up some story that he died of pancreatic cancer.
that was why he was always obsessed with aesthetics uber alles even if it compromised a product's reliability like not putting case fans in computers so they overheated. that's female brained thinking which is how gay think.
This validates my biases, so it must be true!
This is bullshit, but I believe it. Makes more sense than him being a retard who thought fruits would cure cancer.
i just realized he was one day older than my dad
the little medical secret doctors don't tell you is that in fact it is possible to cure yourself of cancer, although you won't like it very much. basically you do a prolonged fast and starve yourself to the point where your body is forced to consume the cancer cells for nutrition. it's pretty rough though and you'll go nearly insane in the process. you need a lot of support and care from those around you during the fast and you will have to take regular vitamin doses to survive. now they tried to claim Steve Jobs did such a fast but of course it didn't work if he really had AIDS and not cancer.
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Jews, meds and brown nordics.
Jobs was half syrian and Wozniak was brown slav tho
Nice source faggot
You would even inhabit the same space get real
Don't ever insult me by claiming I would be Steve Jobs.
Yeah we need more endless screeching of religious rubbish.

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