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Were the aksumites fully west eurasian or mulattos like modern ethiopians?
>mulattos like modern ethiopians
hello xoog
Both of my parents are ethiopian.
full west eurasians in africa lol? even boers nowadays have some khoisan admix, imagine backflow populations into the very origin of humanity
Were they predominantly western eurasian?
probably a 50 50 relation or somewhere around it just like modern horners
They were a mixed hebrew/southern arabian people with some negroid admixture
Would there have been a substantial difference between the ruling class and working people?
>Le origin of humanity
Oh my science
>dont talk about archeogenetics in this thread about archeogenetics
probably 90%, there's no way africans could have built a civilisation that's been compared to rome, persia and china
hello xoog
They're one of the lost tribes of israel, the tribe of dan
Race has absolutely nothing to do with technological development, this has been known for 70 years now.
The richest man that has ever lived was a black african. Cope and seethe.
aksumites were genetically most similar to modern day tigray and tigrinya people
60% Eurasian like Nubians
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>Were the aksumites fully west eurasian or mulattos like modern ethiopians?
I bet the people who created any and all recognizable civilization there were what we would identify today as being european, although they may have inhabited that area since ten-thousand years ago for all we really know.
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>Would there have been a substantial difference between the ruling class and working people?
Are you under the impression that Southern Arabians are even "fully" Western Eurasian in the first place ?
They speak semitic languages and are most closely related to modern horners and semitic people, yet you think they're european?
Prior to ethiopian colonisation? Yes.
Today? No.
Africa has greater genetic diversity than all the other continents combined. If it was a genetic thing, maybe the Ethiopians were just better than most?
beyond the khoisan, hadza and pygmies all other negroid africans are not all that diverse, less so than west or east eurasians are
They were Ethiopians so they looked black like Ethiopians do. Habeshas are blacks with some Semitic admixture but barely
behavioral modernity developed in a very specific group that was the one to leave africa and give birth to all civilisations that have ever existed

the ones that stayed in africa didn't develop behavioral modernity and as such were incapable to develop civilisation

modern ethiopians unlike most sub saharan africans, have around 50% caucasian dna, and chances are that it was probably their caucasian ancestors who built aksum

apologies for my english
abissinians have 50-60% europoid/caucasian ancestry and are not black africans
also wouldn't they have gained more negroid dna as the ethiopian empire expanded, taking in nilotes and cushites?
This guy is obssesed with making the Horn "not black African". Either a deranged terminally online diaspora Somali or LatAm who just learned that Africa doesn't only consist of coastal West Africa
>abissinians have 50-60% europoid/caucasian ancestry
>and are not black africans
They are ldarker skinned than most African Americans, some are jet black.
What causes this phenomenon amongst African-descendant thirdies? This is more pathetic and delusional than Afrocentric hoteps, at least they accept what they are.
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She is full of Neanderthal and has a big Semitic Caucasian nose, educate yourself anon.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7580818/ and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3932865/

> They are darker skinned than most African Americans

Skin color's got nothing to do with this, I said "black african" because that's the common nomenclature, and even if skin color was a factor would that mean that southern indians are black? Or negritos? Or the andamanese?
Both traditional anthropologists and modern geneticists agree that horn africans, especially abissinians, are europoid or west eurasian.
Their skulls have been classified as europoid and their DNA is on average 55-70 percent western eurasian.
Their language and culture is fully semitic with no indigenous african elements.
This is also true of most dominicans, I don't know why US niggers think they're one of theirs
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That's a Khazarian nose.
Why do you think I'm a somali if I've only been talking about ethiopia and ethiopians?
some ethiopians are somalified due to too much contact
>ancient Romans call all black people Ethiopians
>modern day chuds: "were these guys aryan! They've must've been!"
Ethiopians were known as abissinians in roman times, it seems what they were referring as ethiopians were mostly nubians and other nilotic people
Following the conquest of Nubia, the aksumites appropriated the name "aetiopia"
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>Who came first? The egg or the chicken
West Eurasians were ugly hairy neanderthal cave beasts.

>Buu..buut science Both traditional anthropologists and modern geneticists agree on that.
No they believe Neanderthals looked like modern snowniggers and wore suits.

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