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Why did Nordbugs live like filthy Pajeets?
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It is necessary to follow liberation's philosophy of Varg Vickerness and Survive The Jive, and to build through it a dejudaizing popular consciousness that permeates the minds of the Nordic racialized people from our hyperboric EVRVPA Homeland oppressed by Zionist capital. And allows them to break with the hegemonic norms of domination imposed by the Neolithic Medbug goblinito hijra morality obsessed with cleanliness, in alliance with Jewish imperialism against the Global North, and thus advance on the path to the normalization of the dejudaizing act of resistance to shit and piss in the street marking territory through urine and excrement to scare the neolithic goblins hijra medbugs and maintain the integrity of our original Aryan spirits granted by Dyeus and Thor following in turn the dream of the führer Adolf Hitler.
It makes more sense to want to keep animals inside your dwelling when you live in a society where your village could be raided at any given moment by neighboring tribes or invading foreign armies - or simply stolen by thieves. The consequences for losing your livestock weren't just a lost of livelihood, in most cases for the vast majority who were peasants it would've also meant starvation. Stakes were literally life and death and so judging them for having livestock quarters inside is a bit retarded.
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Why can't nordcuck build high trust low crimes societies?
99% of Greeks and Romans had the same living conditions
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Jeetbvlls live like medbvlls packed like sardines in favelas tho
Dunno, seems so comfy
White people are evil, obviously.
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The liberal-globalist American ZOG globohomo alongside shitalian medbug goblinito mafia want us to take daily baths to remove the protective layer of bacteria from our aryan bodies and to get sick and take the medicines and eat the bugs promoted by Fauci and other Jewish doctors as the peak of thk dysgenic Neolithic revolution promoted by the Judeo-Italian medbug goblinito pugmy hijra mafia. Bathing in garbage, mud or places like the River Danube is more fortifying and will allow us to forge a new authentic generation of Aryan slaying of m*dbugs Germanic warrior brahmins, the authentic mystics who bath once annually only to cleanse the body (making soap and shampoo unnecessary) without the modern hygienist purpose.
Is this the hourly doodoo-skin seethe thread
>The first known mechanical shower, operated by a hand pump, was patented in England in 1767 by William Feetham
Building resistance to viruses
why dont your trains run on time?
people who live in hotter climates, sweat more, and thus need to shower more.
this though, living in mudhuts beats living in favelas always, especially if those favelas are made out of mud anyway
I don't know I never take public transports
Pajeet thread
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Thank God I'm white
Yeah that's what I said
>steppe %
>not realizing pajeet jatts have higher steppe than portuguese

its all the ancestral groups tied together, EEF is another factor in being “europid” whether you like it or not
Yes we are. You'll have a personal taste of our cruelty in the near future. Don't bother asking for mercy, save your breath for high-pitched bug screams
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This is clean. Cities are dirty. This is how all rural people in Eurasia lived from Japan to Spain. Nothing uniquely Nordic about it. In fact the stone walls are not normal for Nordic dwellings as stone is an inferior insulator to wood.

Romans praised the Germanic people for their superior morals (Tacitus)

Arabs praised the Germanic people for their physical superiority (Ibn Fadlan)

Your anti-Germanic sentiment is because you are not confident like the Romans and Arabs. This is because you are a dirty ugly immigrant living like a leech in a Germanic civilisation.
That picture is kind of problematic
What does this say about chuds hating on blacks and jews
It is biased toward black Africans because it chooses a region of Sub Saharan Africa where the most advanced art is found and compares it to a region of Europe which has been less advanced that other parts of Europe.

So it shows that the most cold and remote and backward part of Europe was still always more advanced than the most celebrated region of SSA, when it comes to art.
That they don't want to live among foreigners. Same as when Romans complained about foreigners moving to Rome.

Ethnographic descriptions of people in foreign lands are not the same as complaints about unwanted foreigners at home.
Europe doesn't exist. I'm Spanish and I don't feel closer to a German than to a Turk, europe is just a part of asia
Chuds also complain about niggers in niggerland tho
visit both countries, not just the capital, and you will change your opinion fast
You're right, in Turkey I will see friendly fellow mediterranean and in Germany hostile nordoid filled with hatred and envy
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>living with filthy stinking animals shitting and pissing everywhere is clean
Nordcopium is reaching maximum levels.

>Romans praised the Germanic people for their superior morals (Tacitus)
The equivalent of the leftist "muh noble savage" bullshit. There were plenty of Roman writers who shitted on Germanics and called them dumb violent barbarians.
The Bosphorus strait, the Caucasus mountains and the Ural mountains are real and have formed genetic boundaries such that Europeans do form a discrete genetic group.

We also have shared history and our languages are related.

That you are a cuckold with third worldist fantasies doesn't really have any bearing on the matter. Spain was ruled by the Goths and they rid Iberia of the moors so you should show some fucking gratitude
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why are meds underdeveloped?
Look at Roman art depictions of Germans. Always muscular handsome chads. Always.

Know who the Romans really hated? Carthaginians and Persians.
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They were often depicted with bulbous nigger noses, indicating their savagery compared to the civilized Roman aquiline nose profile.
Romans fighting nigger nosed Gothgroids.
Joke on you, greeks are closer genetically to lebanese and turks than to anglos
>Spain was ruled by the Goths and they rid Iberia of the moors so you should show some fucking gratitude
Actually it was the visigoths who lost Iberia and the natives who reconquered it
Nevertheless muslim iberia was objectively an upgrade compared to the shitshow that was the visigoth kangdom
>literally no difference in parasite loads from remains of urban romans compared to similar iron age remains
Greeks, Romans, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Egyptians - yeah. >90% of the population in any part of the world prior to about 1800 would have lived like that.

People like to dwell on Egypt's monumental architecture, but the average Egyptian house was a single-room rectangular structure built out of mud bricks with a roof made of reeds covered in dried mud. Most normal Egyptian households could not afford any furniture whatsoever; they slept on reed mats or furs and sat on the ground.The same goes for the Roman Empire; even at its peak, around 70-80% of its population lived in small farming villages in the countryside, with houses very similar to the one depicted in >>16883096.

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