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>Spainjeets getting that far north
They could barely deal with the Chichimecas
idk why 4chan neckbeards feel this need to only portray northern europeans as whites lol.
I would even argue we're better ngl, we brought civilisation to these barbarians. We were catholics, they were pagan vikings and the british were pagans spending their time in the swamps. Then 5 centuries later they jump on the occasion to become protestant and anglican... baka...
Tell that to the spainchito spamming the board with threads about brown romans lol
Bro as a french sorry but Spain tops all european nations, except maybe Italy. When it comes to food, culture, theology, the spanish royal army and ships were dominating the world unfortunately they got beaten by the bri'ish.
>3 famous mathematicians across two millennia
Greeks came from northern Europe. Etruscans came from the Alps. Latins came from Celts.
What's the matter? The medcuck just have olive MEDBVLL skin
bruh that makes me think of these americans who put iberian people in the hispanic category lol... they don't realise the conquistadors were whites lmao
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Yes, and white people can have olive skin. :)
tf you on?
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>Italy getting Florida
Why do I get the feeling this is purely because Cape Coral has the largest canal system on Earth instead of Venice?
God damn that picture makes me both happy as hell and sad. Back then the world was ruled by a handful of countries. Can you imagine how orderly and correct it was?

Now we have fucking baboons and chimps ingesting the great nations, raping our children and destroying society.

FUCK! I'm getting so fucking pro Hitler every fuckin day I can't fucking bear it! And I came from a liberal, love everyone background!
I doubt spanish/french or even british control near the frontier extended much beyond a day's ride of the nearest fort
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>Can you imagine how orderly and correct it was?
statistically it wasn't
>FUCK! I'm getting so fucking pro Hitler every fuckin day I can't fucking bear it! And I came from a liberal, love everyone background!
uh huh
bro dude calm down. You don't need to support hitler and be a chud because of the things happening in Europe. We can't just kill people, they have the same human dignity as you and I and I suggest you should log off social medias especially 4chan and just go outside. There are plenty of great black and arab people, but we have made the error of welcoming them massively while these people are uneducated and violent, with no integration policy. Don't be a nazi cuck, be a reactionary.
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Anon, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that anon was already a Chud, he was bullshitting when he said he came from a liberal background. He literally said "fucking baboons and chimps ingesting the great nations, raping our children and destroying society." You need to get better at detecting bullshit
Yup it was a good dream
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>A japanese, spanish, and a german city bordering each other
remember what they took away from us
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>Police Don't report the crime and prosecutors drop charges
I bet you think all Crime in St Louis is reported too huh?
>but we have made the error of welcoming them
So.... You're jewish?
>La Cletus
i dont know how id feel about that
Guys for real Spain was fucking terrible at colonization
They enslaved every Indian for 300 miles around Zacatecas, worked them to death digging all the silver out of an entire mountain, and then took it home where it sparked massive and crippling inflation that their rulers didn't even comphrehend.
Their efforts at converting the locals to Catholicism just resulted in a mass of illiterate peasant retards practicing a religion the way a dog is taught to do tricks, and they squabbled the entire time between Franciscans and Jesuits and whatever embarrassing wizard school was en vogue at the time.
A few guys got rich, millions suffered, and the net payoff for the world was a country that has nothing to offer except selling drugs to American garbage people.
Sir Francis Drake claimed under the divine power of God, that california in its entirety belongs to Anglo-Saxons(Americans) before a single swarthy spaniard ever set foot in that blessed land
>>Can you imagine how orderly and correct it was?
>statistically it wasn't

Holy retard
Because of people like this one >>16883485
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>Franciscans and Jesuits and whatever embarrassing wizard school was en vogue at the time.
Sensible chuckle
It's a divide and conquer tactic by((them)). Don't fall for it.
I'll have you I'm proud of my swamp dweller ancestors.
And on of my ancestors was native Americans who also fled into swamps to escape. Swamp dwelling is in my blood.

The Romans invented brick specifically because of British swamps. Every single other conquered land had their marble architecture. Nope not swampy England. They also slapped a wall up and declared it the edge of the world because they were fucking done with dealing with the English land and people.

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