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british fail
>Sikkhim is Buddhist
So why did the Hindus take it over again in the 1970s?
There was a fraudulent referendum where Indians crossed the borders and posed as natives to vote in favour of annexation
The eternal poo strikes again.
Most of Sikkim was and is inhabited by Nepalis, and Sikkim was a British and subsequent Indian protectorate following independence. Sikkim's diplomatic and military affairs were already being managed by India before the referendum.

The referendum in question was about abolishing the monarchy, and doubled as a referendum on joining India because the anti-monarchists had been pushing to join the Indian Union well before independence from Britain. It was India who actually encouraged Sikkim to be a separate state following independence, and the Sikkim Prime Minister who asked India to intervene because the monarch was widely unpopular.
Fraudulent graph comparing places that still remain desolate to this day like the Amazon to one of the cradles of civilization. Spanish "conquest" everywhere but in Mesoamerica and the Inca empire was in reality no different from Canada or Australia. Even the Aztecs and Incas are incomparable as the Indians had guns, cannons, and horses, meanwhile Iberians got their asses wrecked any time they went up against oriental powers
This. ~500 years of spanix domination couldn't even eradicate islam in the phillippines lol
>Most of Sikkim was and is inhabited by Nepalis
Is Nepal an Indian state?

>It was India who actually encouraged Sikkim to be a separate state following independence

>the anti-monarchists had been pushing to join the Indian Union well before independence from Britain
Was there an "Indian Union" before independence?

Anyway, the referendum was definitely a farce, no country votes its own end, certainly not with 97% in favour
Portugal defeated China multiple times. Besides you're bragging about one country getting defeated by a country 100x larger on their own sea nonetheless.
Look Duarte Pacheco you'll see that Iberians had no trouble getting rid of jeets
Never conquered them, couldn't even conquer North Africa.
North Africa was under the protection of the Ottomans who were the second biggest empire after Spain
And Portugal had like 1 million inhabitants then what would they have done with all the mandmass in India
You're seriously retarded, dishonest and resentful. A sad being
>Is Nepal an Indian state?

Jawarharl Nehru considered Sikkim along with Bhutan to be Himalayan states, not Indian, and so argued they had to work out their future separately. While Sikkim refused to join India at the time, they inherited the status of protectorate from Britain anyway.

>Was there an "Indian Union" before independence?

No, but everyone recognised there clearly was going to be one and were prepping to either join or break away, hence why the Sikkim State Congress formed almost immediately after Indian independence.

>Anyway, the referendum was definitely a farce, no country votes its own end, certainly not with 97% in favour

The only people backing the monarchy and independence at that point were the hardcore clerics and feudal landlords. The more modernising and secular Bhutias and Lepchas joined up with the SSC because they recognised life under India was better than under an increasingly incompetent and anachronistic monarchy.

There certainly was corruption in the referendum, but the desire to join the Union was overwhelming. Kazi Lhendup Dorjee, the PM who got India in and organised the referendum to begin with, was a blue blooded Sikkimise, not a Nepali.
>OP, in his gayness thinks the British wanted to convert Poojabis to Christianity
They tried. Missionaries came with Britain to try and convert the natives to Christ.

They ran into the problem that a culture that had suffered several centuries of subjugation under Islam and had refused to convert weren't going to give up their gods to a faith softer than Islam and less intellectual than the traditions of Hinduism.

Christianity unironically helped revive and reform Hinduism and Sikhism as things like the Singh Sabha and the Ramakrishna Mission came about as efforts to counter Christianity and preserve the native Indian faiths.
>no saar we couldn't be doing the needful saar the ottomans on the other side of the medbvll sea were just too powerful saaaaaaaar
Nafriberian cope as usual
>Jawarharl Nehru considered Sikkim along with Bhutan to be Himalayan states, not Indian
What is the difference and why would he want less territory? Is Bhutan South Asian or East Asian? Did he want Burma to stay part of India?
>British fail
British Raj was a brahmin entity run by brahmins
>the mutted up continent had way more converts
wow no way
>What is the difference and why would he want less territory?
Not that anon, but a 'Himalayan state' in that context is a Sino-Tibetan state with Indian influence but not necessarily Indian. In a geopolitical context, it's a buffer zone between China, which Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, and Tibet all were, along with a handful of other states throughout the centuries.
>Is Bhutan South Asian or East Asian?
Bhutan's ethnic demographic is predominantly Ngalop, a Sino-Tibetan people speaking the Sino-Tibetan Dzongkha language; and Sharchops (Easterners), who're actually the largest single group in Bhutan, and are generally a mix of Sino-Tibetan and Indo-Aryan peoples, and speak a Sino-Tibetan language, Tsangla. These two groups make up ~65%. Of the remaining population, about a fifth are referred to as Lhotshampas, which is just the local name for Nepalese in the area.
>Did he want Burma to stay part of India?
Myanmar/Burma was separated from British India in '37, and Indians were fine with this. Myanmar wasn't Indo-Aryan, and lacked a notable Hindu population that weren't recent migrants. Nehru didn't wish to include Myanmar within India since they weren't Indian. There's ongoing myths stating he actually gifted the Coco Islands and the Kabaw Valley to Myanmar, but these were both transferred by the British before he was even a known figure, in 1882, and 1834 respectively.
What >>16885156 said

In regards to revanchist ambitions, India is largely focused on Kashmir. Tibet, if India ever pushed for it and could make it happen, would be an independent buffer state.

There has been some considerations of reuniting with Pakistan and Bangladesh, but most Indians regard it as a pipe dream. There's no real interest in taking the surrounding countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar because it would be too much of a headache
It’s not the Bongs fault the Pindoos are too attached to Hinduism to convert
You even had Brits like MacAullife and Gardner going native and joining Indian faiths like Sikhism.

By the time Britain enters into Asia, Spain and Portugal were the only ones zealous enough to go full inquisition.

The rest of Europe either couldn't care less, or ended up being enamoured with Indian religion and philosophy, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche over in Germany being exhibit A.
Forgot to mention as well, interestingly enough, the Rohingya in Myanmar requested Pakistan annex the northern portion of Rakhine State, but Jinnah stated he wouldn't interfere with Myanmar's borders. Pakistan would warn Myanmar about their treatment of Muslims, and initially supported the local mujahideen. The region would even request Myanmar transfer it to Pakistan but was refused, and so began the insurgency.
>managed to keep their native religion despite being conquered by muslims and christians multiple times
how the fuck did they do it
Sheer stubbornness, a natural indifference to the conditions of reality and a deep, intricate philosophical history that trounces most Islamic and Christian apologetics.

The indifference to reality part is important though. The Indian perspective that reality is Maya meant that a religion couldn't be proved true or false in the field of temporal reality. Whereas Christianity and Islam were able to gain converts by the prestige achieved from their real world success, Hindus looked upon even their own conquerors indifferently, shrugged, and prayed to their gods anyway.
All the blue parts of south america are EPIC and huwhite
They’re like Half black half Indian aren’t they?
I like that Bhutan just expelled most of it's Nepalese without recourse or quarter.
No one cares about Nepal. And the annexation of Sikkim was still on everyone's mind, so India could hardly get involved without coming off like the Chinese in regards to Tibet
>a natural indifference to the conditions of reality

Literally me

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