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Would he be considered great today or literally Hitler?
>Literally pulverized entire cities like Persepolis
>As in Tyre, he killed all military aged men and sold men and women into slavery
>Insane narcissist that named every city after himself. Makes Trump look humble
>Literal homo who couldn't found his own dynasty unlike Genghis etc. Empire left to a bunch of old generals fighting each other
They would have screamed racist for how he solved the Gordian knot and created an empire.
Hitler would be considered "great" if he was victorious.
What he did was normal back then. Same way Hitler would be considered great today if he had done his stuff a thousand years ago
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looks effeminate here.
Yes. Alexander is history’s megalomaniac par excellence. He would have destroyed the entire world just to be remembered for it.
Well different norms. The majority of leaders from history would be frowned up to do.
>Respected female rulers
>Promoted foreigners to high rank if they were capable
>Adopted foreign customs
He would get some good boy points though.
Greatness is not necessarily synonymous with goodness.

Alexander is seen as a great man because he achieved mighty deeds, not because he was a paragon of moral virtue.
This. “Great” just means powerful
The criterion has only increased. So you must at least have two NP
you know we have a depiction of Alexander he ordered himself and he looks like a North Euro jock, right?
This is not a north euro jock wth
>Would he be considered great today or literally Hitler?
Why? Did he do anything to oppose Jewish power?
Greatness has nothing to do with the moral quality of an individuals character according to 21st century libtards.
He had 2 sons, 3 wives and 1 concubine anon. His son Alexander IV was born in 323 BC and lived until 309 BC, when he and his mother were murdered by Cassander. His other son, Heracles, was murdered by Polyperchon in 311 BC. Alexander was a bit, not homo.
Was bisexual
But that's only a 20th century media meme, there is actually no contemporary documentary evidence to support this, just like there is no contemporary evidence to support Hannibal being a Bantu
AI art is getting beautiful!
honestly I would have done the same.

anyway, people don't really criticize the brutal war in the eastern front or the war casualties, the atomic bombs... shit like that.
people abhor hitler and the nazis for killing six million random people. half that died in leningrad, millions died in stalingrad. had the nazis besieged moscow they would've had another holocaust in number just there. people don't talk about 20-30 million total non holocaust eastern front deaths, axis and soviet.
people talk about six million jews but not about the other six million prisoners who were killed because of political dogma. the jewish lobby certainly played a large role in keeping that beacon, but the nazis themselves built it when they made the Jew a part of their dogma. they were exterminated, not executed in a sense. not enemies of any state as actual obstacles, from our point of view, but as ideological unaesthetic annoyances. they didn't even build a skull pyramid. they did it in secret, they wanted to cover it up. there was no symbol. these people just vanished. that made it beyond the political. this was a metaphysical killing and even a ritual sacrifice of sorts, there was a religious aspect to it in the attitude the nazis pursued it with. the death of the jew for the rise of the aryan civilization. such a thing is abhorrent to the modern man of naturalism and materialism, to the atheistic marxist even more so. it is beyond reason, that is why people are so caught up with it.
the moment you look at it from an anthropological and philosophical point of view, when you make it a deed of man and men, when you embrace ritual and metaphysics as modi of reason... then you see how it did make sense and that it was just another killing. but modern man wishes to hear nothing of the historical progress, of ritual and metaphysics, of differing epistemics.
He killed his friend too. Depending on who you believe also ruthlessly murdered the Branchidae. Sacked the Persian cultural capital after they surrendered their own. Set the Xerxes temple on fire.
But of course he was Great. As is Hitler.
And by his friend I mean the one he killed in a drunken rage. Cleitus.
bisexuality isn't real. gender theory isn't real. lgbt sexual orientation is not real.

people want to have sex. any hole will do. people love people. society, culture, history and simple biology and family condition us to be just what they call heterosexual because it makes the most sense and is truly natural. people can still sway from this for lust.
when you develop a fetish because of reinforcement and or trauma you may become what we call gay. everything else is just a different coat of paint. simple as. it's the straying from standard mode of intimacy you know and are yourself pushed towards by your biology.
and with gay people being accepted into the societal fold, transsexuality had be next. it's dialectics. that such a thing is at all possible proves the cultural relativity from which our notions of intimacy and partnership arise, yet this doesn't have to mean anything goes and families are hence bereft of value or that children are not born from the union of man and woman. that would be a very simple idea of value and the attitude of someone who arguably doesn't know what a family is.

you can think anything, that alone doesn't make you an omnipotent creator, however, it actually shows the limits within which your psyche plays and within which you deem yourself actor and acting.
you were born with a cock or a slit. you can't change that, to oversimplify the matter. that was the first germ that gave rise to you, only if you extinguish history and truly draw your fetishistic condition into the pathological can you erase your past, creating another worse trauma that robs you of any reason to exist beyond the immediacy of your current wellbeing, hence why those "folks" kill themselves at such great numbers.
>Alexander threw an apple at Cleitus' head and called for a dagger or spear, but the party near the two men removed the dagger, restrained Alexander, and hustled Cleitus out of the room. The Hypaspists had conveniently left the vicinity of Alexander. Alexander then called for his trumpeter to summon the army; the alarm was not sounded.
>Nevertheless, Cleitus managed to return to the room to utter more grievances against Alexander.
He was a homosexual. Alexander knew this and to kill him they invented the story of the feast as not to shame his family.
He looks manly and noble
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Interestingly enough, we have no evidence Alexander engaged in homosexual activities, unlike his father Phillip II, and even have him rebuffing eunuchs until his soldiers begged he at least kiss them.
We've got mocking comments about him and Hephaestion possibly being lovers, with some relying on them honouring Achilles and Patroclus (with even this relationship not being necessarily homosexual but rather changing through centuries, and at times being portrayed as such through the extension of pedarasty, even though neither is clearly older in the Iliad).
On the other hand, as >>16884811 said, we have multiple records of Alexander's relations with women, along with legends like Alexander and the Amazon queen Thalestris not leaving their bedroom for thirteen days.
There's a tendency to view most close same-sex friendships through a homoerotic lens, more so in today's world, and especially when the controversy can sell something.
There are two angles of attack in the war to divorce whites from their roots, one is to make their past unappealing like by saying Greeks were all gay. The other is to say that southern Europeans were never white and Rob them of their heritage in that way if they can't be manipulated to forsake it voluntary.

The whole thing is perversely diabolical once you see it and in so seeing perceive the purpose of it.
I couldn't agree more.
South Europeans had little to do with North Europeans. It's just a fact. No, they aren't your ancestors, and no, they weren't related to you.

Those are just facts. You're a larper if you think Alexander was a North European. And let's be serious here, the people from modern Middle East are certainly more likely descendants of ancient Greeks than let's say Scandinavians.
>Nevertheless, Cleitus managed to return to the room to utter more grievances against Alexander.
He really should have just backed off instead of coming back for more. The Achilles LARP is too powerful
>South Europeans had little to do with North Europeans


>Etruscan comes from the Alps
>Latin is a Celtic spin off
>Greeks came from northern Europe and claimed so themselves
>the people from modern Middle East are certainly more likely descendants of ancient Greeks than let's say Scandinavians.

Yes, the Greeks settled there. They mixed with the locals. They never settled in North Europe, North Europeans lack this ancestry.

Everything you said is wrong.
>most of the Etruscan samples from Bologna carry a local genetic profile
Yes, around 80 samples.
>significant fraction
Yes, around 10, most of them cluster with the French.
>They mixed with the locals
They migrate in multiple waves. They were the locals, then more came from the north and met with the previous bunch, and so on.

>They never settled in North Europe

Well that's just not true. There were still Greek relatives in the north, see pic related
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>Everything you said is wrong.
Undeniably and irrevocably correct. Latin is a Celtic language. Etruscan arms, tools, and language have equivalents in the Alps and Austria. The Greeks did in fact say they came from northern Europe.

>Yes, around 80 samples.
Local to when? Think this through: if they were local in 200 BC compared to 500 BC that doesn't matter because the migration occurs around the Bronze Age Collapse, a little more before and a little more after.

Your Babylonian fever dream is really bizarre though. You sound like a mental patient.
are you gay
Hey now, this isn't grinder. You can take that out of here.
>The Greeks did in fact say they came from northern Europe.

>Local to when?
Maybe you should actually read the study you posted? The samples are from this exact study.

It's from Palaeogenetic analyses on human ancient remains. The Etruscans from Felsina and surroundings: genomic evidence from the Po Valley during the Etruscan period.

>Palaeogenomic evidence from over 50 ancient human remains coming from necropolyses associated to the Etruscan city of Felsina (present-day Bologna) and dated between the 8th and 6th century BCE (Hallstatt phase), allows to define for the first time the genetic profile of the Etruscan community of the Po Valley area.
All over. They must have represented an early breakoff from IE because they diverge from Avestan and ancient Greek is nearly as old.

>Maybe you should actually read the study you posted? The samples are from this exact study.

...Did you not read? It reinforces the material evidence. FFS, with your claim combined with the text I showed you it demonstrates exactly what I said about northern wave migrations. You may be too stupid for this conversation.

FFS, you just posted proof of pre-BAC and BAC migration.
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There are three North European samples in all of the Iron Age Italic/Etruscan studies. More than 100 is West European-like (Iron Age Italy cluster). Around 12 clusters with the French. 7 or so have North African admixture. That's basically it for Etruscans.

The study referenced here has a PCA with almost all published Iron Age Italian samples. There's another one with 4 additional samples, including a Swedish-like foreign female (the third North European sample I mentioned).
I don't even get your point. Fact is, the majority of Etruscans (90%+) cluster with Mediterraneans. And this goes back to early Iron Age.

Again, what's even your point? If you claim that Etruscans or Italics looked like North Europeans then you're wrong and have no evidence of this.
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Meh, ancient Greeks cluster closer with modern Europeans, but unlike the Romans who are as close to North Italians as the English are from Germans, they aren't too related to any modern population.
>I don't even get your point
Yeah. I gathered. Let's go over it again.

>Etruscans (90%+) cluster with Mediterraneans. And this goes back to early Iron Age.

Right. Because the BAC was caused by northerners pulsing across lands, reclaiming what they had already set out to conquer before. In some areas they already had touched upon, other areas they had not. In Greece for example they called it a return, as if they had previously conquered the areas the Dorians settled before. In other areas, like Ionian and Aelian, they represent older waves that came before the return but after initial conquest. When you see these ancient Etruscans and say they look like other Etruscans, but both ancient and very ancient have material and genetic evidence of ties with northern Europe, you are establishing that Italy was northern European for longer than anyone thought.
You mean bronze age collapse? Because Etruscan samples don't look much different from Bronze Age ones.
>genetic evidence of ties with northern Europe
They really don't. They have mostly Beaker Y-DNA. Beaker migrated there around 2300 BC. Bronze Age samples from Italy already have this Y-DNA and look like Etruscans.

>Italy was North European
When exactly? I don't think there's any period where Italian samples cluster with North Europeans.

At this point you just post some fantasy scenario for which you have zero evidence of.
>Because Etruscan samples don't look much different from Bronze Age ones
Exactly right.

>Beaker migrated there around 2300 BC. Bronze Age samples from Italy already have this Y-DNA and look like Etruscans

Okay. Beakers were Celtic. Keep going.

>When exactly? I don't think there's any period where Italian samples cluster with North Europeans.

There were two waves of Arab migrations before the modern. The second occurred when the Muzzies started ransacking Italy and Spain in the medieval ages. The first occurred when the Romans mass imported slaves from the middle east because they were cheap and servile.
More fantasies. I'm talking about Bronze Age. Here, for you:

Distance to: Italy_PianSultano_BA.SG
0.02349330 French_Bigorre
0.02483633 Spanish_La_Rioja
0.02624107 Basque_Soule
0.02730065 Spanish_Burgos
0.02798061 Basque_Navarre_Center

Distance to: Italy_North_BellBeaker_3
0.03262472 Spanish_Barcelones
0.03427911 Spanish_Pais_Vasco
0.03518715 Spanish_Aragon
0.03539265 Spanish_Terres_de_l'Ebre
0.03545892 Spanish_Navarra

Distance to: Italy_North_BellBeaker_2
0.04527821 Sardinian
0.10486405 French_Corsica
0.10988105 Basque_Soule
0.11137690 Spanish_La_Rioja
0.11215615 Spanish_Menorca

Distance to: Italy_North_BellBeaker_1
0.04018314 French_Corsica
0.05253740 Italian_Lombardy
0.05262310 Italian_Bergamo
0.05351451 Italian_Tuscany
0.05408998 Italian_Umbria

Distance to: Italy_Broion_BA.SG
0.03572581 Spanish_Castello
0.03624045 Spanish_La_Rioja
0.03650401 Spanish_Baleares
0.03805841 French_Corsica
0.03842409 Spanish_Murcia

Where are those North Europeans? Samples from 2300-1200 BC. Is this after this first Arab migration?
Iron Age samples are here:
Broion EBA is the same, MBA and LBA samples are from Sicily and Sardinia, so I didn't post them. They look the same anyway.
Hitler was also Great by any measure.
>meme reconstruction
>shot from meme movie
>late byzantine mosaic with incorrect bearded alexander

>no his lifetime depiction from his father tomb

The absolute level of dishonesty. Kys.
>late byzantine mosaic
its a late roman era jewish mosaic
This doesn't look like the study I showed you. What happened? Unless you're trying to prove Celts were reigning supreme.

whoops lol Guess you'll have to ignore Plutarch and Claudius

Also, your pic is unattributed. It's Macedonian, but clearly a white European. Are you still trying to convince me that's secretly a Babylonian and Europeans were semitic but didn't know it? Because it's actually the other way around...
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Says nothing about Alexander eye or hair color (because he looked like other macedonians).
Coping nordoids love written sources because they can be interpreted in different ways, unlike art. Actually xanthos also meant brown, so he doesn't contradict anything.
So what? Plenty of roman emperors commissioned statues of themselves portrayed as hercules, like commodus, hadrian or marcus aurelius. If you sincerely believe that a statue is the objective, realistic portrayal of a person, you're genuinely retarded and you shluld go back making pol threads about norman rockwell paintings.
>Says nothing about Alexander eye or hair color (because he looked like other macedonians).

It's literally quoted in the pic you stupid baboon. You can look up the pdf yourself. I quote enough shit for your sorry ass.

>Actually xanthos also meant brown

It actually means yellow. It's used to describe yellow objects especially.
>sunwashed med statues are nordic

lmaoing at your life
The speech which I am about to deliver will not be for the purpose of checking your start homeward, for, so far as I am concerned, you may depart wherever you wish.
But for the purpose of making you understand when you take yourselves off, what kind of men you have been to us who have conferred such benefits upon you. In the first place, as is reasonable, I shall begin my speech from my father Philip. For he found you vagabonds and destitute of means, most of you clad in hides, feeding a few sheep up the mountain sides, for the protection of which you had to fight with small success against Illyrians, Triballians, and the border Thracians.

Instead of the hides he gave you cloaks to wear, and from the mountains he led you down into the plains, and made you capable of fighting the neighboring barbarians, so that you were no longer compelled to preserve yourselves by trusting rather to the inaccessible strongholds than to your own valor. He made you colonists of cities, which he adorned with useful laws and customs; and from being slaves and subjects, he made you rulers over those very barbarians by whom you yourselves, as well as your property, were previously liable to be carried off or ravaged.

He also added the greater part of Thrace to Macedonia, and by seizing the most conveniently situated places on the sea-coast, he spread abundance over the land from commerce, and made the working of the mines a secure employment. He made you rulers over the Thessalians, of whom you had formerly been in mortal fear; and by humbling the nation of the Phocians, he rendered the avenue into Greece broad and easy for you, instead of being narrow and difficult.
The Athenians and Thebans, who were always lying in wait to attack Macedonia, he humbled to such a degree, I also then rendering him my personal aid in the campaign, that instead of paying tribute to the former and being vassals to the latter, those states in their turn procure security to themselves by our assistance. He penetrated into the Peloponnese, and after regulating its affairs, was publicly declared commander-in-chief of all the rest of Greece in the expedition against the Persian, adding this glory not more to himself than to the commonwealth of the Macedonians.

These were the advantages which accrued to you from my father Philip; great indeed if looked at by themselves, but small if compared with those you have obtained from me. For though I inherited from my father only a few gold and silver goblets, and there were not even sixty talents in the treasury, and though I found myself charged with a debt of 500 talents owing by Philip, and I was obliged myself to borrow 800 talents in addition to these, I started from the country which could not decently support you, and forthwith laid open to you the passage of the Hellespont, though at that time the Persians held the sovereignty of the sea.

Having overpowered the satraps of Darius with my cavalry, I added to your empire the whole of Ionia, the whole of Aeolis, both Phrygias and Lydia, and I took Miletus by siege. All the other places I gained by voluntary surrender, and I granted you the privilege of appropriating the wealth found in them. The riches of Egypt and Cyrene, which I acquired without fighting a battle, have come to you. Coele-Syria, Palestine, and Mesopotamia are your property. Babylon, Bactra, and Susa are yours.
The wealth of the Lydians, the treasures of the Persians, and the riches of the Indians are yours; and so is the External Sea. You are viceroys, you are generals, you are captains. What then have I reserved to myself after all these labors, except this purple robe and this diadem? I have appropriated nothing myself, nor can any one point out my treasures, except these possessions of yours or the things which I am guarding on your behalf. Individually, however, I have no motive to guard them, since I feed on the same fare as you do, and I take only the same amount of sleep.

Nay, I do not think that my fare is as good as that of those among you who live luxuriously; and I know that I often sit up at night to watch for you, that you may be able to sleep.

But some one may say, that while you endured toil and fatigue, I have acquired these things as your leader without myself sharing the toil and fatigue. But who is there of you who knows that he has endured greater toil for me than I have for him? Come now, whoever of you has wounds, let him strip and show them, and I will show mine in turn; for there is no part of my body, in front at any rate, remaining free from wounds; nor is there any kind of weapon used either for close combat or for hurling at the enemy, the traces of which I do not bear on my person.

For I have been wounded with the sword in close fight, I have been shot with arrows, and I have been struck with missiles projected from engines of war; and though oftentimes I have been hit with stones and bolts of wood for the sake of your lives, your glory, and your wealth, I am still leading you as conquerors over all the land and sea, all rivers, mountains, and plains. I have celebrated your weddings with my own, and the children of many of you will be akin to my children.
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another alexander thread successfully derailed
Moreover I have liquidated of all those who had incurred them, without inquiring too closely for what purpose they were contracted, though you received such high pay, and carry off so much booty whenever there is booty to be got after a siege. Most of you have golden crowns, the eternal memorials of your valor and of the honor you receive from me. Whoever has been killed has met with a glorious end and has been honored with a splendid burial.

Brazen statues of most of the slain have been erected at home, and their parents are held in honor) being released from all public service and from taxation. But no one of you has ever been killed in flight under my leadership. And now I was intending to send back those of you who are unfit for service, objects of envy to those at home; but since you all wish to depart, depart all of you!

Go back and report at home that your king Alexander, the conqueror of the Persians, Medes, Bactrians, and Sacians; the man who has subjugated the Uxians, Arachotians, and Drangians; who has also acquired the rule of the Parthians, Chorasmians, and Hyrcanians, as far as the Caspian Sea; who has marched over the Caucasus, through the Caspian Gates; who has crossed the rivers Oxus and Tanais, and the Indus besides, which has never been crossed by any one else except Dionysus; who has also crossed the Hydaspes, Acesines, and Hydraotes, and who would have crossed the Hyphasis, if you had not shrunk back with alarm; who has penetrated into the Great Sea by both the mouths of the Indus; who has marched through the desert of Gadrosia, where no one ever before marched with an army; who on his route acquired possession of Carmania and the land of the Oritians, in addition to his other conquests, his fleet having in the meantime already sailed round the coast of the sea which extends from India to Persia - report that when you returned to Susa you deserted him and went away, handing him over to the protection of conquered foreigners.
Huge distances, not the same race.
Perhaps this report of yours will be both glorious to you in the eyes of men and devout I ween in the eyes of the gods. Depart!
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>This doesn't look like the study I showed you
You're either insane or retarded. The study you posted is about Iron Age Etruscans. Here's a PCA from this study.
>dated between the 8th and 6th century BCE (Hallstatt phase)

You started rambling something about Italy being Nordic for a long time, so I posted available averages for bronze age samples from different studies.
>Here's a PCA from this study.
>>dated between the 8th and 6th century BCE (Hallstatt phase)

That literally shows northern and southern Europeans grouping together. Are you retarded?
Are you? It shows 2 North European outliers and a giant blob of pink circles, grey diamonds and red squares (Etruscan samples) clustering with Spanish or South of them.
Like I said, you have twelve guys clustering with the French. Two with Scandinavians and more than 100 with West Mediterraneans - Spanish/North Italians.
>You're either insane or retarded
why not both?
>This person does not fill my cuckoldry checklist like I do therefore hecking invalid
The two outliers are outside of Europe. The cluster is between the north and south of Europe, mainly southern Europe. This is proving that southern Europeans are close to northern Europeans, like the paper states, and exactly as we would expect.
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late to the party pajeet
balkanchads already claimed him
Whenever someone says shit "that southern Europeans were never white is an attack from non Europeans" you can safely bet they are a northern we wuzzer
Yes, we would expect Europeans to have continuity with Europeans.

No, there's no evidence that southern Europeans were secretly Babylonian the entire time.
>>Literal homo
No he wasn't
>Europeans in modern context projected anachronistically in the past
>But Anatolians and Greeks are totally different
What are you actually trying to say here? You hit the part where sarcasm becomes vacuous.
Europeans of the south amd Europeans of the north were two distinct groups (geographically, genetically and culturally) and Greeks were always an eastern shifted people.
>source: My hairy asshole
Riveting! Perhaps you might do us the honor of not being a schizo next time.

>ffs he really thinks Greeks are secretly Babylonians kek
No one (sane) said anything about Babylonians just like no one sane said anything about Frisians and Nords. Quit projecting and take your meds.
>And let's be serious here, the people from modern Middle East are certainly more likely descendants of ancient Greeks than let's say Scandinavians.

This was literally the stance brought up by retarded schizos with delusions of whiteness.
you are seriously demented aren't you. pitiful creature
He is literally correct. Did you miss Alexander's empire going east instead of North?
No Plutarch says only about skin.
>It actually means yellow. It's used to describe yellow objects especially.
Yellow referring to objects, brown referring to hair.
There is similar thing in irish
>The colour buí refers to the colour yellow most of the time, unless you’re referring to animal fur or hair. In this case, it means ‘tan’.
>However, we use the term ‘fionn’ in Irish to describe a person with blonde or fair hair.
In fact, one of the most famous Irish heroes, known as Fionn mac cuamhail or something like that was known for, you guessed it, being blond among other things.
lmao what kind of cope is this? You look at a deranged remark about Greeks secretly being semites or something and you just spaz out and accuse the normies of being the weird ones. It's like an obvious projection

That spread Greeks to the east, not Semites to the west. What pulled Semites to the west was Roman slavery. That all seems so obvious it really did not need to be corrected.
>Yellow referring to objects, brown referring to hair.
Yellow referring to both actually.

>Irish is Greek now

Uh, no?
Anon, are you genuinely retarded? How are you disagreeing with me?
>Alex and the gang go east
>They spread some greek genes
>There are literally partially greek, greek speaking enclaves in Syria right now
No, ancient Greeks weren't Nordic kangz
There is word for actually blond hair (khrusokomas) and for light blond (polios). Meanwhile there is no greek word for brown and light brown hair other than xanthos.
There was also στάχυ (derived from the word for wheat) though this might be an anachronism
Never seen this word referring to hair color.
thats in use only in modern greek.
Greeks spreading their genes in the east is not middle easterners giving birth to Greece, which was already claimed twice in this thread. You are clinically insane.

>No, ancient Greeks weren't Nordic kangz
Greeks preceded Germanics.
In any case, polios (also used to describe Apollo iirc) and the other one which is a literal "golden - haired" suffice.
>In any case, polios (also used to describe Apollo iirc)
it was never the case. polios meant the very white hair of old people. the only time it didnt, was when it was used to describe the hair colour of celtic children in contrast to their parents' that they described as xanthos.
What are your sources for this?
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No, Apollo was khrusokomas.
Polios referring to Gaul children.
>The words πολιóς and ξανθóς, which we’ll leave untranslated for now, both denote a specific colour of hair; in this passage Diodorus (or more precisely, probably, his source whom he is copying, but in the current context that is neither here nor there) is discussing the common phenomenon among peoples of northern Europe whereby young children’s hair is light, but often turns darker as they age. (My own children, for example, all had blond hair initially; that of the two elder is now definitely brown.) Please note that Diodorus calls the darker colour ξανθóς and the lighter colour πολιóς. Now ξανθóς, as the passage from Aristophanes shows, means “brown”; and Diodorus is self-evidently using πολιóς to mean “blond”. The problem is that πολιóς actually means “grey” — in all other instances this word refers to the colour of old people’s hair (LSJ, s.v.). Diodorus simply did not have a word which meant “blond” in his vocabulary. He could describe the parents’ darker hair with the word ξανθóς, “brown”, but the best he could do for the lighter colour, i.e. blond hair, was “grey”
We know that most adult Gauls had brown hair.
Ok, did Diodorus mostly talk about Gauls or did he talk about other people too, in this context?
All greek and roman words that were used for hair.

kuanos = bluish-black, darkest possible hair. E.g. hair of Hades, Poseidon, Dionysus (in homeric hymn), Nike, Hektor, also eyebrows of Zeus and Hera and beard of Odysseus. Malalas uses this word to describe Hadrian hair.

melanos = black to dark brown aka fairy black. E.g. Sappho hair. Galen uses melanos to describe Egyptian, Indian and Arab hair color, but uses "melanos metrios" (fairy black) to describe mediterranean hair. Roman equivalent is nigris, e.g. Ovid, Leda, Messalina hair.

purrhos = red, or more likely reddish tinge. Galen uses this word to describe hair of Thracians, Illyrians, Scythians and Germans. They didn't have mostly actual red hair. Roman equivalent is rufus/rutilus, e.g. Suetonius tells that Nero ancestors were nigro haired but later became rutilum haired, Tacitus says German tribes had rutilae hair.

xanthos = brown to light brown/dark blond, some dictionaries include auburn. Common hair color among mythological heroes and female characters, e.g. Achilles, Orestes, Odysseus, Menelaus, Helen, Ariadne, Athena, Demeter, Hera, also Alexander hair. It's definitely not lightest possible hair color, since Diodorus says that Gaul children are polios haired, but when they grow up they become xanthos haired. According to genetic studies, most Gauls had brown and light brown hair. Roman equivalent is flavus, e.g. Berenice II, Augustus, Nero, Lucius Verus hair. The latter was said to sprinkle gold-dust on his flaventium hair to make it blonder and brighter.

polios and leukos = grey, but also referred to platinum blond. E.g. Gaulish children, some Scythians. Roman equivalent is canus/canitique.

khrusee = golden blond. E.g. Apollo, Artemis and Dionysus (in Hesiod Theogony) hair. Plutarch says Sulla had khrusopon hair that "gave him a singular appearance". Roman equivalent is aureus or flavus also means proper blond, not sure.

Other color words never refer to hair
i dont recall athena and hera being described as xanthes. perhaps confuse it with εύκομος also alexander is refered as xanthos by a single roman author centuries after he died.
This usually meant blue
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Bacchylides says Hera was xanthos and Pindar says Arhena was xanthos.
Do you think Hector had blue hair and Zeus had blue eyebrows? The words kuanos and xanthos do not need to be taken literally.
>Do you think Hector had blue hair and Zeus had blue eyebrows

Yes. Here's a Minoan with blue hair. They used die and/or divinity. Get rekt kid.
Kek bait.
are you joking or just retarded? thats a buzz cut. his unshaved hair is black.

Nope not baiting the proof is in the pudding

He dyes his hair blue. The Gods probably have blue hair anyways
There are many others where she has black hair, Greeks mostly didn't care about poetic epithets of gods.
Yes Hector and Hadrian had blue hair too.
That fresco was made after antiquity.
I believe in the 500s?
Why does it bother everyone so much he probably was blonde and light colored eyes??
>That fresco was made after antiquity.
It is a mosaic discovered in Pompeii and it is believed to have been based on a much older Greek painting from the lifetime of Alexander
That's mosaic from 120 BC, earlier than even Plutarch lived, and based on 4th century BC painting
He has brown eyes in every image and sarcophagus. No one ever said he had blue eyes.
He has chinky eyes because he is Turkish.
pompeii painters
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typical nord niggers eyes.
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Interesting. I was mistaken though this is fairly later.
Recent Pompeii excavations also show people with pale skin and blonde hair I. Their banquet hall.
I believe referencing the Trojan war.
What's up with very online chuds constantly calling the legacy of great men into question lately? American presidents is one thing but... Alexander the Great?
Sylvester chin
The only thing he did was end the Great persian empire
>Would he be considered great today or literally Hitler?
Jews loved Alexander. They wouldn't have had a problem with him.
Alexander is glory and heroism personified. The opposite of the jew.
It's mostly petty nationalism by peoples he conquered, or misguided Romaboos.
Alexander was good for Iranshahr ultimately. It led to the richness of Greco-Buddhism in Central Asia for example.

Heraclius was very bad though, literally one of the worst terrorists in history. There is also circumstantial evidence he was working with the Arabs/Rashidun.
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>Did somebody say Pompeii??
They should, it was his successor Ptolemy that invented judaism.

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